Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
HAMPIR tiga minggu telah berlalu.Tiga minggu telah diisi dengan tawa, cinta dan petualangan tanpa akhir.Sejak hari itu di rumah sakit ketika Lailah telah membaca kepadaku tentang keinginan untuk tetap jari kakinya di laut, aku tahu yang membuat setiap mimpi dan keinginan pada bahwa suatu hari nanti daftar miliknya menjadi kenyataan menjadi misi hidup saya.Memberinya begitu banyak di luar itu hanya icing pada kue.Kami telah menghabiskan dua tahun terakhir kehidupan kita perlahan-lahan berdetak di daftar itu — dari duduk di tempat parkir sebagai saya telah mencoba untuk mengajarinya untuk berkendara sepanjang jalan ke mengambil hayride dan ukiran labu. Saya tidak ingin dia untuk melewatkan hidup lagi.Tapi sekarang, dalam beberapa minggu yang berharga, mana kehidupan telah berhenti dan tidak ada yang lain penting tapi dua dari kita, dan cincin-cincin baru pada jari-jari kita, aku ingin ia tahu betapa luar biasa dan besar dunia ini adalah.Kami sudah mulai di Islandia, pendakian gunung, menjelajahi gua-gua es, dan ya, bahkan berenang di Blue Lagoon. Kami telah menghabiskan lima hari magis di Arktik sebelum berkemas dan terbang Selatan untuk sesuatu yang sedikit lebih hangat.Itu kemudian ketika saya telah diperkenalkan ke kepulauan Seychelles terpencil.Ketika kita mendarat dan saya telah mengatakan kepadanya mana kita berada, dia melihat saya, quirked alis, dan berkata, "Mana?"Saya telah tertawa, mencintai bahwa saya akhirnya telah bingung padanya.As her eyes had settled on the heavenly tropical views, she’d suddenly not cared where we were, and she’d just fallen in love. Located in the Indian Ocean, the Seychelles were known for their nearly flawless, untouched beauty. It was exactly the type of place I’d envisioned for our second stop.We’d spent seven days under the warm heat, lounging on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and enjoying the never-ending views from our private pool. We’d even had our own version of Christmas right there in the middle of nowhere, exchanging gifts, after we’d decorated a tiny palm tree and danced naked to holiday music in our cabana.It was a hard place to leave. But I believed sheer curiosity had played its part in getting her on the plane that day as we’d said our farewells, and soon, we had been flying to our last destination—Santorini, Greece.Steeped in history, this hillside city looked like something out of a storybook. Thick white houses made from clay dotted the landscape so perfectly that it was as if someone had come along and painted them there. Every building, it seemed, had sweeping views of the sea, and I just couldn’t get enough.Kneeling against the stucco railing of our balcony, I continued to stare out, watching the sun slowly set beneath the water’s edge. I didn’t know how long I’d been there, admiring the distant islands and lingering clouds. Every tourist website and travel book had boasted about the beautiful Santorini summers. With clear skies and beautiful beaches, it was a vacationer’s paradise, but during the winter, things cooled down, and so did the weather.To me, the idea of having a little slice of Greece nearly to ourselves sounded like perfection.And so far, it had been.“Watching the water again?” she said, seconds before her head gently rested against my shoulder.“I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I think this is my favorite place,” I admitted as the pink sky turned purple.“You’ve said that about all three,” she replied.I felt her cheek tighten into a smile.“Really?”“Yep. Every time I’ve found you like this, staring out at the waves, you tell me how much you love the view and how it couldn’t get better than this.”“Maybe I’m just really good at planning vacations.” I smirked.“I think the water calms you. Is it any wonder you planned an entire honeymoon that revolved around it?”I opened my mouth but stopped. Turning, I saw her smiling smugly.“See?”“Actually,” I retorted, “I did do that on purpose but for a completely different reason.”“Oh, and what’s that?” she asked, playfully lifting her chin, as she wrapped her small arms around my waist.“Because I wanted to see you put your toes in the water, again and again, in as many places as possible.”Her eyes went wide. A look of pure adoration swept across her face as she breathed me in.With a purposeful tug, she pulled me toward the bedroom, and I willingly followed.“I thought you wanted to take a walk,” I reminded her.“No.”Her body swayed with a sure rhythm to her steps.“Find a place to eat?” I added.“Uh-uh,” she replied.Her eyes turned back to mine as we entered the dark room, now filled with nothing but the last lingering rays of daytime.“You sure?” I asked softly with absolutely no intention of going anywhere.Stepping in close enough, I could feel her soft breath against my neck, and I let her presence engulf me.“Yes.”Her lips touched the bare skin of my collarbone as she slowly unbuttoned my shirt, exposing new bits and pieces of me to devour.I watched her for hours, days, it seemed as she took her time worshiping every inch, kissing and licking a heated path along my flesh that filled me with desire until I was nearly drowning in it.She’d stripped me bare, in every sense of the word, and now, I planned on returning the favor.She was wearing a simple sweater and leggings, and I easily undressed her, taking my time with each piece of fabric like I was seeing her for the first time.Each time felt just like that first time—exhilarating, new, wondrous.My heart still fluttered and faltered at the mere sight of her naked skin. My chest would constrict whenever I felt our bodies join, and a lump in my throat, heavy with emotions, would form as she called my name over and over, knowing I’d be the only man to ever hear her cries of passion.Arching her back, I gently lowered her to the bed—kissing her shoulders, stomach, and hips—as I ventured down her lean long body. She squirmed in anticipation, aware the instant my mouth hovered around her upper thighs what my intention was.“Please,” she begged, her voice breathy and low.“Take control,” I urged, loving how fierce she’d been on our wedding night.“With words?” she asked, sounding a little doubtful.Bedroom talk always made Lailah a bit squeamish.“Words work. Hell, you could direct my damn head if you want. It’s your rodeo. I just want to see the powerful woman I married. But after this, I’m taking control again,” I warned with a cocky grin.Her indecisiveness turned more and more decisive as the idea developed in her mind. Finally, her expression grew determined as her eyes narrowed in on me like I was her prey for the evening. Her tongue darted out, sweeping across her lips, and sure enough, my cock responded, hardening in length, as I watched.My palms twitched, and my mouth ached to do something, anything, as I waited for her instructions. I needed to touch her. Every second was agony until her hand finally reached out, grasping my hair to guide me forward.Knowing the idea of giving instructions probably made her nervous and uncomfortable, I decided to go easy on her. Plus, the idea of holding out any longer was out of the question.
With both hands wrapped around her thighs, I spread her wider as she pulled me closer. With her body opened like a fucking Christmas present, I didn’t hold back, knowing exactly how she liked it.
Her cries tore through the silence of the bedroom, spurring my frantic motions further. As her moans grew deeper, my tongue moved faster, harder, sucking and lapping her sweet taste, until she was nearly writhing off the bed. She detonated beneath me, coming apart in pieces, while I felt each quake and tremor of her orgasm against my mouth.
Raw need consumed me as I dragged out each endless spasm to its fatal end, extending her pleasure for as long as possible. I wanted to take her, staking my claim and consuming her, but my need to protect her always outweighed everything else. Rising from the bed, I reached for the nightstand but felt her hand steady me.
“Just one night, please.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I stared down at her in the growing moonlight.
“Let me just feel you, feel us, for one night.”
My head shook back and forth, giving my answer, before the word even left my lips. “No, Lailah. I can’t.” I hated denying her anything.
She sat up as she folded her arms across her chest.
Reaching down, I clasped her chin in my palm, tilting her head upward. “I love you, more than anything in this world, Lailah, and as you can see, I would give you anything to make you happy . . . but not this. Please don’t ask this of me.”
Her eyes rounded as understanding replaced doubt, and finally, she nodded.
Reaching toward the drawer, I pulled out a condom and tore off the wrapper without breaking eye contact. “Let me keep you safe.”
Pushing her back on the bed, I knew, no matter what, I’d always keep her safe no matter what life threw at us.
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