POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE MANUALPositive Youth DevelopmentRe terjemahan - POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE MANUALPositive Youth DevelopmentRe Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Positive Youth Development
Resource Manual
Positive Youth Development Resource Manual
Jutta Dotterweich
Cornell University
Family Life Development Center – Beebe Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone 607/255-4108 • Fax 607/255-8565
Table of Contents
What is Positive Youth Development?
1.1. Positive Youth Development: What do young people need to thrive?
1.2 Positive Youth Development: Origins and Principles
Positive Youth Outcomes
2.1 Adolescent Development
2.2 Adolescence – Positive Outcomes
2.3 Positive Youth outcomes
2.4 Buildings on Strengths
2.5 A Typical Day – 24 Hours in the Life of a 9th Grader
Youth Involvement
3.1 Meaningful roles for young people
3.2 Youth Involvement: A Challenging Notion!
3.3 Benefits of Youth Involvement
3.4 Organizational Roadblocks to Youth Involvement
3.5 Recruiting, Preparing and Retaining Young People
3.6 Preparing Adults for Youth Involvement
3.7 Youth Adult Partnerships
Youth Development in Care Settings
3.1 Struggles and Strengths
3.2 Fostering Resilience
3.3 Resiliency Strategies
Effective Youth Development Programming
5.1 Best Practice Strategies in Youth Development Programming
5.2 Feeling Safe – Creating Safe Environments
5.3 Checking Stereotypes and Cultural Assumptions
5.4 Intentional and Engaging Youth Activities
5.5 Engaging Young People Effectively
5.6 Experiential Education and Service Learning
5.7 Engaging Older and Marginalized Young People
5.8 Integrating Youth Development into Organizational Practice
Community Involvement and Collaboration
6.1 It Takes a Community…
6.2 Knowing Your Community
6.3 Asset Based Community Building
6.4 Involving Businesses
6.5 Understanding Collaboration
Websites and References
Energizers and Team Building Activities (pending)
History and Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to provide user-friendly resources and tools to community members and professionals who want to promote positive youth development in their communities. The materials can be used to educate community groups and service providers about positive youth development with the ultimate goal of facilitating organizational and community change. The manual includes training activities, handouts, brief power point presentations and references to other resources.
The impetus to develop this manual came out of lessons learned from ACT for Youth, a statewide initiative, funded by the NYS Department of Health, to promote positive youth development through community partnerships (for more information see www.actforyouth.net). Many practitioners have learned about positive youth development through attending trainings, reading publications and accessing the ever growing number of youth development resources on the web. Increasing knowledge of youth development is a critical, first step. But in order to educate and engage other local groups and organizations, they need concrete educational strategies and materials - materials that take the somewhat abstract and general concepts of positive youth development and put them into user-friendly and practical interventions and ideas. This is precisely what this manual attempts to do. The content of the manual is based on five years of working closely with diverse community partnerships and the ongoing review of research and training resources in the youth development field.
The manual is divided into 6 sections each of which has a theme and includes several activities with instructions, overheads (slides), handouts and facilitation tips. Additionally, there is a section for resources and references and an addendum of energizers. All overheads are attached as power point slides. Any slide can be converted to an overhead if desired. Additional resources are listed with direct web links.
How to use the manual
You can choose and combine activities according to your audiences and educational goals. This is not a standard curriculum that mandates certain sequence of activities. The manual is viewed as a resource kit intentionally created to be flexible and adjustable depending on your goals and interests. The recommendations given are meant as suggestions based on actual training experiences.
We have tried not to duplicate existing training materials, and have listed other available resources (via reference or web link).
Future plans
A compendium of positive youth development readings is under development. Using the benefits of web technology, annual updates with new activities, references and handouts are planned.
What is Positive Youth Development? 1
1.1 What Do Young People Need to Thrive?
Objective: Participants will learn the core concepts of positive youth development
Material: Newsprint, markers, prepared poster
Slides: From Traditional Youth Services to Positive Youth Development;
Community Groups and Organizations
Handouts: 1.1.A What is Positive Youth Development?
1.1.B From Traditional Youth Services to Positive Youth Development
1.1 C Community Groups and Organizations
Time: 50 minutes
Audience: General
Lesson Plan
I would like to introduce you to a new way of thinking about young people and what we as adults in our community can do to help young people succeed. Some of you might have heard the term positive youth development or community youth development before.
When you think about young people, adolescents, or teenagers, what comes to mind? What headlines pop into your head?
Invite participants to share some of the concerns they are thinking about. Remind them of the headlines they commonly see.
Most of time we are inundated with negative news, events and statistics. We worry about young people, their behaviors and pathways. On the other hand we have expectations, hopes and goals for young people. We want to see them succeed, to become successful productive adults. How do you define success? What characteristics, skills, attributes would you like to see?
Brainstorm briefly positive outcomes. Highlight that there is usually agreement about the desired outcomes.
The question is how to we get to those desired outcomes despite the challenges and risks young people face. One thing we as adults sometimes forget is that we faced challenges, risks, difficult 5
situations as adolescents as well. They probably looked a little different, maybe, but they were challenges nonetheless.
Step 1 > Small group activity (20 min)
Form small groups (people at one table, or 5-7 people)
Let’s take a few minutes to think back when you were a teenager, 13 - 17 years old. What did your life look? What influences shaped your life then? Or, think about some of the challenges you faced. What helped you through a difficult time? Share a personal experience.
Think about it for a minute, then share your experiences with folks in your group.
Process. Ask volunteers to share, write comments on newsprint. Highlight supports - adult role models or relationships, participation/competence, safe places.
Step 2 > Brief lecturette and discussion (25 min)
What do young people need to thrive? Research reinforces our personal experiences. Research in child and adolescent development has told us what young people need to thrive, to become healthy productive adults.
Safety and Basic Needs
What do young people need to thrive?
Talking Points:
Bottom line – Young people need their needs met (shelter, food, etc) and feel safe before they can grow and learn. Youth in survival mode do not thrive.
Preparedness – Young people need to develop competencies and skills to ready themselves for work and adult life. Competencies range from academic, social, emotional to vocational, cultural.
Connectedness – Young people need to belong, to be connected to family and community to thrive. A growing body of brain research indicates that we are hardwired to connect. It is a core requisite to learn, develop and interact with the world.
Engagement – Young people need opportunities to engage in meaningful activities, have a voice, take responsibility for their actions, and actively participate in civic discourse.
This sets the agenda for positive youth development. This reflects a major shift in thinking. Instead of asking what we can do to prevent and fix behavior problems, we are asking what opportunities, learning experiences, supports do we need to give young people so that they feel connected, prepared and engaged.
Slide and Handout 1.1.B – From Traditional Youth Services to Positive Youth Development
Talking Points:
This presents a real shift in thinking of how we provide services for young people.
Instead of concentration on problems and problem prevention, we move to nurturing positive outcomes; we focus on what young people need to thrive.
From reacting to problems and needs, we become pro-active.
We move from targeting young people – either high risk or gifted – to planning and creating opportunities for all young people.
Instead of looking at young people as recipient of services and programs, we look at young people as resources, as partners who can make valuable contributions in planning and implementing activities.
This also means we are moving from programs to a more community wide net of learning opportunities, interactions and activities. This can mean enhancing and expanding existing programs as well as creating intergenerational activities outside of traditional youth programming.
Ultimately, this means that youth development is not just a task of professionals but all community members.
This does not mean that prevention programs and efforts should be abolished. A positive youth development approach means to look at the bigger picture; it looks to strengthen existing services and programs and to expand opportunities and supports a community offers to young people so
that they all can develop to their ful
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
PEMUDA POSITIF PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUALPemuda positif pengembanganSumber daya ManualBERTINDAK UNTUK PEMUDA UPSTATE CENTER OF EXCELLENCEPemuda positif pengembangan sumber daya ManualJutta DotterweichUniversitas CornellPusat Pengembangan kehidupan keluarga – Beebe HallIthaca, NY 14853Telepon 607/255-4108 • Faks 607/255-8565Daftar isiPendahuluanBAGIAN 1Apa yang dimaksud dengan perkembangan positif pemuda?1.1. positif pemuda pengembangan: Apa Apakah orang-orang muda harus berkembang?1.2 pemuda positif pengembangan: Asal-usul dan prinsip-prinsipBAGIAN 2Pemuda positif hasil2.1 pengembangan remaja2.2 remaja – hasil positif2.3 hasil pemuda positif2.4 bangunan kekuatan2.5 hari-hari biasa – 24 jam dalam kehidupan anak kelas 9BAGIAN 3Keterlibatan pemuda3.1 bermakna peran bagi kaum muda3.2 youth keterlibatan: Menantang gagasan!3.3 manfaat pemuda keterlibatan3.4 organisasi penghalang keterlibatan pemuda3.5 merekrut, mempersiapkan dan mempertahankan orang-orang muda3.6 mempersiapkan orang dewasa untuk pemuda keterlibatan3.7 pemuda dewasa kemitraanBAGIAN 4Pengembangan kaum muda dalam pengaturan perawatan3.1 perjuangan dan kekuatan3.2 membina ketahanan3.3 ketahanan strategiBAGIAN 5Efektif pemuda pengembangan program5.1 praktek terbaik strategi pemuda pengembangan program5.2 perasaan aman-menciptakan lingkungan yang aman5.3 memeriksa stereotip dan asumsi budaya5.4 kegiatan pemuda disengaja dan menarik5.5 terlibat orang muda secara efektif5.6 experiential pendidikan dan pembelajaran Jasa5.7 melibatkan orang-orang muda yang lebih tua dan terpinggirkan5.8 mengintegrasikan pengembangan kaum muda dalam praktek organisasiBAGIAN 6Keterlibatan masyarakat dan kerjasama6.1 dibutuhkan masyarakat...6.2 tahu komunitas Anda6.3 aset berbasis masyarakat gedung6.4 melibatkan bisnis6.5 pemahaman kolaborasiBAGIAN 7Sumber dayaWebsite dan referensiManualTAMBAHANEnergizers dan kegiatan Team Building (tertunda)PendahuluanSejarah dan tujuanManual ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan sumber daya yang user-friendly dan alat untuk anggota masyarakat dan profesional yang ingin mempromosikan pembangunan pemuda positif dalam komunitas mereka. Bahan-bahan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendidik penyedia layanan mengenai perkembangan positif pemuda dengan tujuan untuk memfasilitasi organisasi dan kelompok masyarakat dan masyarakat berubah. Manual mencakup kegiatan pelatihan, handout, presentasi singkat power point dan referensi ke sumber daya lain.Dorongan untuk mengembangkan manual ini keluar dari pelajaran dari undang-undang untuk pemuda, sebuah inisiatif negara bagian, didanai oleh Departemen NYS Kesehatan, untuk mempromosikan pembangunan pemuda positif melalui kemitraan masyarakat (untuk informasi lebih lihat www.actforyouth.net). Banyak praktisi telah Pelajari tentang pemuda positif pengembangan melalui menghadiri pelatihan, membaca publikasi dan mengakses pernah meningkatnya jumlah pemuda pengembangan sumber daya di web. Meningkatkan pengetahuan pembangunan pemuda adalah kritis, langkah pertama. Tetapi untuk mendidik dan melibatkan kelompok-kelompok lokal dan organisasi lain, mereka perlu strategi pendidikan beton dan bahan - bahan yang mengambil konsep-konsep yang agak abstrak dan umum perkembangan positif pemuda dan menempatkan mereka ke dalam intervensi user-friendly dan praktis dan ide-ide. Inilah apa yang manual ini berusaha untuk melakukan. Isi dari buku pedoman ini didasarkan pada lima tahun bekerja sama dengan kemitraan komunitas yang beragam dan berkelanjutan review penelitian dan pelatihan sumber daya dalam bidang pembangunan pemuda.StrukturManual terbagi menjadi 6 bagian yang masing-masing memiliki tema dan mencakup beberapa kegiatan dengan petunjuk, overhead (slide), handout dan fasilitasi tips. Selain itu, ada bagian untuk sumber daya dan referensi dan sebuah tambahan energizers. Semua overhead melekat sebagai slide power point. Slide apapun dapat dikonversi ke overhead jika diinginkan. Sumber daya tambahan tercantum dengan link web langsung.Bagaimana menggunakan manualAnda dapat memilih dan menggabungkan kegiatan pemirsa dan tujuan pendidikan. Ini bukanlah kurikulum standar yang urutan kegiatan tertentu. Manual dipandang sebagai sebuah kit sumber daya yang sengaja dibuat untuk menjadi fleksibel dan dapat disesuaikan tergantung pada tujuan dan minat Anda. Rekomendasi yang diberikan dimaksudkan sebagai saran berdasarkan pengalaman sebenarnya pelatihan.Kami telah mencoba untuk tidak duplikat yang ada materi pelatihan, dan telah terdaftar lain sumber daya yang tersedia (melalui link referensi atau web).Rencana masa depanKompendium pemuda positif pengembangan pembacaan adalah dalam pengembangan. Menggunakan manfaat dari teknologi web, pembaruan tahunan dengan kegiatan baru, referensi dan handout yang direncanakan.Apa yang dimaksud dengan perkembangan positif pemuda? 11.1 Apakah orang-orang muda harus berkembang?Tujuan: Peserta akan belajar konsep inti pembangunan pemuda positifBahan: Kertas koran, spidol, disiapkan posterSlide: Dari layanan tradisional pemuda untuk pembangunan pemuda positif;Kelompok masyarakat dan organisasiHandout: 1.1.A apa adalah perkembangan positif pemuda?1.1.B dari layanan tradisional pemuda pemuda positif pengembangan1.1 C kelompok masyarakat dan organisasiWaktu: 50 menitPenonton: UmumRencana pelajaranSaya ingin memperkenalkan Anda ke cara baru untuk berpikir tentang orang-orang muda dan apa yang bisa kita sebagai orang dewasa dalam masyarakat kita lakukan untuk membantu orang-orang muda yang berhasil. Beberapa dari Anda mungkin telah mendengar istilah pemuda positif pengembangan atau pengembangan komunitas pemuda sebelum.Ketika Anda berpikir tentang orang-orang muda, remaja atau remaja, apa yang datang ke pikiran? Judul apa muncul di kepala Anda?Mengundang peserta untuk berbagi beberapa kekhawatiran mereka berpikir tentang. Mengingatkan mereka tentang berita yang sering mereka lihat.Sebagian besar waktu kita sedang dibanjiri dengan berita negatif, acara dan statistik. Kami khawatir tentang orang-orang muda, perilaku dan jalur. Di sisi lain kami memiliki tujuan, harapan dan harapan untuk orang-orang muda. Kami ingin melihat mereka berhasil, menjadi orang dewasa produktif yang sukses. Bagaimana Anda mendefinisikan keberhasilan? Apa karakteristik, keterampilan, atribut Anda ingin lihat?Brainstorming hasil sebentar positif. Menyoroti bahwa biasanya ada kesepakatan tentang hasil yang diinginkan.Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana untuk kita mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan meskipun tantangan dan risiko wajah orang-orang muda. Satu hal yang kita sebagai orang dewasa kadang-kadang lupa adalah bahwa kita menghadapi tantangan, risiko, sulit 5situasi sebagai remaja juga. Mereka mungkin tampak sedikit berbeda, mungkin, tapi mereka tantangan tetap.Langkah 1 > kegiatan kelompok kecil (20menit)Membentuk kelompok kecil (orang-orang di satu meja, atau 5-7 orang)Mari kita ambil beberapa menit untuk berpikir kembali ketika Anda seorang remaja, 13-17 tahun. Apa Apakah hidup Anda terlihat? Apa yang mempengaruhi berbentuk hidup Anda kemudian? Atau, berpikir tentang beberapa tantangan yang Anda hadapi. Apa yang membantu Anda melalui masa sulit? Berbagi pengalaman pribadi.Berpikir tentang hal ini selama satu menit, kemudian berbagi pengalaman dengan orang-orang dalam grup Anda.Proses. Tanyakan relawan untuk berbagi, menulis komentar pada kertas. Sorot mendukung - dewasa model peran atau hubungan, partisipasi kompetensi, tempat-tempat yang aman.Langkah 2 > singkat lecturette dan diskusi (25 menit)Apa yang perlu orang-orang muda untuk berkembang? Penelitian memperkuat pengalaman pribadi kita. Penelitian dalam anak dan remaja pengembangan telah mengatakan kepada kami apa kebutuhan orang-orang muda untuk berkembang, menjadi dewasa sehat produktif.PosterKeterlibatanKeterhubunganKesiapsiagaanKeselamatan dan kebutuhan dasarApa yang perlu orang-orang muda untuk berkembang?Berbicara poin:Bottom line-muda orang-orang perlu kebutuhan mereka bertemu (tempat penampungan, makanan, dll) dan merasa aman sebelum mereka dapat tumbuh dan belajar. Pemuda dalam mode bertahan hidup tidak berkembang.Kesiapan – orang-orang muda perlu mengembangkan kompetensi dan keahlian untuk siap diri untuk kehidupan kerja dan dewasa. Kompetensi berkisar dari akademik, sosial, emosional untuk kejuruan, budaya.Keterhubungan – orang-orang muda membutuhkan milik, untuk terhubung dengan keluarga dan masyarakat untuk berkembang. Tubuh tumbuh otak penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kita adalah tertanam untuk terhubung. Ini adalah syarat utama untuk belajar, mengembangkan dan berinteraksi dengan dunia.6Keterlibatan – orang-orang muda perlu kesempatan untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan yang berarti, memiliki suara, bertanggung jawab atas tindakan mereka, dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam wacana sipil.Ini menetapkan agenda pembangunan pemuda positif. Hal ini mencerminkan pergeseran besar dalam berpikir. Alih-alih meminta apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mencegah dan memperbaiki masalah perilaku, kami meminta apa kesempatan, pengalaman belajar, mendukung kita perlu memberi orang muda sehingga mereka merasa terhubung, disiapkan dan terlibat.Slide dan Handout 1.1.B-dari layanan tradisional pemuda pemuda positif pengembanganBerbicara poin:Ini menyajikan pergeseran nyata dalam memikirkan bagaimana kami menyediakan layanan bagi kaum muda.Daripada konsentrasi pada masalah dan masalah pencegahan, kami bergerak untuk memelihara hasil positif; Kami fokus pada apa yang orang-orang muda perlu berkembang.Dari bereaksi terhadap masalah dan kebutuhan, kita menjadi pro-aktif.Kami bergerak dari penargetan orang-orang muda – entah resiko tinggi atau berbakat-perencanaan dan menciptakan peluang untuk semua orang muda.Alih-alih melihat orang-orang muda sebagai penerima layanan dan program, kita melihat orang-orang muda sebagai sumber daya, sebagai mitra yang dapat membuat kontribusi yang berharga dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan.Ini juga berarti kita bergerak dari program untuk masyarakat yang lebih luas bersih belajar kesempatan, interaksi dan kegiatan. Ini dapat berarti meningkatkan dan memperluas program yang ada serta menciptakan antargenerasi kegiatan di luar tradisional pemuda pemrograman.Pada akhirnya, ini berarti bahwa pembangunan pemuda bukanlah sekedar tugas profesional tetapi semua anggota masyarakat.Ini tidak berarti bahwa program pencegahan dan upaya harus dihapuskan. Pendekatan pembangunan pemuda positif berarti untuk melihat gambar yang lebih besar; kelihatannya untuk memperkuat program dan layanan-layanan existing dan memperluas kesempatan dan mendukung komunitas menawarkan muda orang begitu7bahwa mereka semua dapat mengembangkan untuk mereka ful
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Positive Youth Development
Resource Manual
Positive Youth Development Resource Manual
Jutta Dotterweich
Cornell University
Family Life Development Center – Beebe Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone 607/255-4108 • Fax 607/255-8565
Table of Contents
What is Positive Youth Development?
1.1. Positive Youth Development: What do young people need to thrive?
1.2 Positive Youth Development: Origins and Principles
Positive Youth Outcomes
2.1 Adolescent Development
2.2 Adolescence – Positive Outcomes
2.3 Positive Youth outcomes
2.4 Buildings on Strengths
2.5 A Typical Day – 24 Hours in the Life of a 9th Grader
Youth Involvement
3.1 Meaningful roles for young people
3.2 Youth Involvement: A Challenging Notion!
3.3 Benefits of Youth Involvement
3.4 Organizational Roadblocks to Youth Involvement
3.5 Recruiting, Preparing and Retaining Young People
3.6 Preparing Adults for Youth Involvement
3.7 Youth Adult Partnerships
Youth Development in Care Settings
3.1 Struggles and Strengths
3.2 Fostering Resilience
3.3 Resiliency Strategies
Effective Youth Development Programming
5.1 Best Practice Strategies in Youth Development Programming
5.2 Feeling Safe – Creating Safe Environments
5.3 Checking Stereotypes and Cultural Assumptions
5.4 Intentional and Engaging Youth Activities
5.5 Engaging Young People Effectively
5.6 Experiential Education and Service Learning
5.7 Engaging Older and Marginalized Young People
5.8 Integrating Youth Development into Organizational Practice
Community Involvement and Collaboration
6.1 It Takes a Community…
6.2 Knowing Your Community
6.3 Asset Based Community Building
6.4 Involving Businesses
6.5 Understanding Collaboration
Websites and References
Energizers and Team Building Activities (pending)
History and Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to provide user-friendly resources and tools to community members and professionals who want to promote positive youth development in their communities. The materials can be used to educate community groups and service providers about positive youth development with the ultimate goal of facilitating organizational and community change. The manual includes training activities, handouts, brief power point presentations and references to other resources.
The impetus to develop this manual came out of lessons learned from ACT for Youth, a statewide initiative, funded by the NYS Department of Health, to promote positive youth development through community partnerships (for more information see www.actforyouth.net). Many practitioners have learned about positive youth development through attending trainings, reading publications and accessing the ever growing number of youth development resources on the web. Increasing knowledge of youth development is a critical, first step. But in order to educate and engage other local groups and organizations, they need concrete educational strategies and materials - materials that take the somewhat abstract and general concepts of positive youth development and put them into user-friendly and practical interventions and ideas. This is precisely what this manual attempts to do. The content of the manual is based on five years of working closely with diverse community partnerships and the ongoing review of research and training resources in the youth development field.
The manual is divided into 6 sections each of which has a theme and includes several activities with instructions, overheads (slides), handouts and facilitation tips. Additionally, there is a section for resources and references and an addendum of energizers. All overheads are attached as power point slides. Any slide can be converted to an overhead if desired. Additional resources are listed with direct web links.
How to use the manual
You can choose and combine activities according to your audiences and educational goals. This is not a standard curriculum that mandates certain sequence of activities. The manual is viewed as a resource kit intentionally created to be flexible and adjustable depending on your goals and interests. The recommendations given are meant as suggestions based on actual training experiences.
We have tried not to duplicate existing training materials, and have listed other available resources (via reference or web link).
Future plans
A compendium of positive youth development readings is under development. Using the benefits of web technology, annual updates with new activities, references and handouts are planned.
What is Positive Youth Development? 1
1.1 What Do Young People Need to Thrive?
Objective: Participants will learn the core concepts of positive youth development
Material: Newsprint, markers, prepared poster
Slides: From Traditional Youth Services to Positive Youth Development;
Community Groups and Organizations
Handouts: 1.1.A What is Positive Youth Development?
1.1.B From Traditional Youth Services to Positive Youth Development
1.1 C Community Groups and Organizations
Time: 50 minutes
Audience: General
Lesson Plan
I would like to introduce you to a new way of thinking about young people and what we as adults in our community can do to help young people succeed. Some of you might have heard the term positive youth development or community youth development before.
When you think about young people, adolescents, or teenagers, what comes to mind? What headlines pop into your head?
Invite participants to share some of the concerns they are thinking about. Remind them of the headlines they commonly see.
Most of time we are inundated with negative news, events and statistics. We worry about young people, their behaviors and pathways. On the other hand we have expectations, hopes and goals for young people. We want to see them succeed, to become successful productive adults. How do you define success? What characteristics, skills, attributes would you like to see?
Brainstorm briefly positive outcomes. Highlight that there is usually agreement about the desired outcomes.
The question is how to we get to those desired outcomes despite the challenges and risks young people face. One thing we as adults sometimes forget is that we faced challenges, risks, difficult 5
situations as adolescents as well. They probably looked a little different, maybe, but they were challenges nonetheless.
Step 1 > Small group activity (20 min)
Form small groups (people at one table, or 5-7 people)
Let’s take a few minutes to think back when you were a teenager, 13 - 17 years old. What did your life look? What influences shaped your life then? Or, think about some of the challenges you faced. What helped you through a difficult time? Share a personal experience.
Think about it for a minute, then share your experiences with folks in your group.
Process. Ask volunteers to share, write comments on newsprint. Highlight supports - adult role models or relationships, participation/competence, safe places.
Step 2 > Brief lecturette and discussion (25 min)
What do young people need to thrive? Research reinforces our personal experiences. Research in child and adolescent development has told us what young people need to thrive, to become healthy productive adults.
Safety and Basic Needs
What do young people need to thrive?
Talking Points:
Bottom line – Young people need their needs met (shelter, food, etc) and feel safe before they can grow and learn. Youth in survival mode do not thrive.
Preparedness – Young people need to develop competencies and skills to ready themselves for work and adult life. Competencies range from academic, social, emotional to vocational, cultural.
Connectedness – Young people need to belong, to be connected to family and community to thrive. A growing body of brain research indicates that we are hardwired to connect. It is a core requisite to learn, develop and interact with the world.
Engagement – Young people need opportunities to engage in meaningful activities, have a voice, take responsibility for their actions, and actively participate in civic discourse.
This sets the agenda for positive youth development. This reflects a major shift in thinking. Instead of asking what we can do to prevent and fix behavior problems, we are asking what opportunities, learning experiences, supports do we need to give young people so that they feel connected, prepared and engaged.
Slide and Handout 1.1.B – From Traditional Youth Services to Positive Youth Development
Talking Points:
This presents a real shift in thinking of how we provide services for young people.
Instead of concentration on problems and problem prevention, we move to nurturing positive outcomes; we focus on what young people need to thrive.
From reacting to problems and needs, we become pro-active.
We move from targeting young people – either high risk or gifted – to planning and creating opportunities for all young people.
Instead of looking at young people as recipient of services and programs, we look at young people as resources, as partners who can make valuable contributions in planning and implementing activities.
This also means we are moving from programs to a more community wide net of learning opportunities, interactions and activities. This can mean enhancing and expanding existing programs as well as creating intergenerational activities outside of traditional youth programming.
Ultimately, this means that youth development is not just a task of professionals but all community members.
This does not mean that prevention programs and efforts should be abolished. A positive youth development approach means to look at the bigger picture; it looks to strengthen existing services and programs and to expand opportunities and supports a community offers to young people so
that they all can develop to their ful
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