The Zuttiyeh specimen from Israel (unknown date, but between 500-200ka terjemahan - The Zuttiyeh specimen from Israel (unknown date, but between 500-200ka Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Zuttiyeh specimen from Israel (

The Zuttiyeh specimen from Israel (unknown date, but between 500-200ka) is extremely important, because it was found in a region of the world in which the earliest co-existence of modern humans and Neandertals is attested. As such, it may be part of a population that led to either (or both) of these species; the population divergence of the Homo sapiens and Homo neandertalensis lineages intersects the 500-200ka range of this specimen.

A recent paper in the Journal of Human Evolution studied Zuttiyeh using geometric morphometric techniques.

Zuttiyeh (Zt) was compared with a wide range of other specimens from various periods, ranging from Homo erectus to modern humans. The PCA analysis is shown on the left. It is clear that Zuttiyeh clusters with Neandertals in Eurasia (open triangles), as well as "transitional" Homo sapiens from Africa (open squares: Florisbad Fl, 290-230ka from South Africa, and Jebel Irhoud 1 I1, 160ka from Morocco).

On the left (filled triangles) are various specimens assigned to Homo heidelbergensis, the presumed common ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals. For more on this, see Chris Stringer's recent overview article. But, this is no simple ancestor species: rather, it encompasses skulls that are very old (Bodo Bd; Ethiopia ca. 600ka), and very young (Dali Dl; China ca. 200ka). Indeed, Zhoukoudian 12 (Zh12; >500ka China) classified as Homo erectus appears quite modern in comparison to many of the heidelbergensis skulls.

On the right (crosses) are the modern humans, including UP Europeans, as well as, intriguingly Liujiang (Ljg), a modern human from China that may be 119-139ka old according to the people who dated it, but at least 68ka old. If the latter date is accepted, this would be within the error bars of the major 70ka Event that may correspond to the earliest colonization of Eurasia. If the former, then Liujiang will join the Qafzeh 9 specimen as an extremely modern pre-100ka find from Asia.

The Mount Carmel specimens (Qafzeh 6 Q6 and Skhul 5 Sk5; Levant 135-100ka) appear intermediate between H. heidelbergensis/H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens but can usefully be called H. sapiens, since there are modern humans who appear as "left-shifted" as they are.

Intriguingly, Shanidar 5 (Sh5; ca. 50ka) a Neandertal appears to be much closer to H. sapiens than to his Neandertal brethren (including contemporaneous Sh1). This seems to be in line with a recent analysis of shoulder blades in which Shanidar 3 was included, as was a contemporaneous Vindija Neandertal (= the source of the Neandertal genome). It may well appear that late Neandertals were not diverging away from a modern humans, but rather changing from the ancestral heidelbergensis state in the same way that modern humans are.

A neglected possibility is that the late Neandertals, around the time of the apparent modern human Big Bang experienced gene flow from modern humans. This scenario was rejected in the original publication of the Neandertal genome on the basis of the idea that modern human admixture in Neandertals would have been modern non-African-like, because, presumably it was effected by a wave of Proto-Eurasians leaving Africa. But, if the Big Bang of human expansion occurred in Asia, perhaps in Arabia as it dried up post-70ka, as I have suggested, then modern human admixture could have affected late Neandertals.

The discriminant function analysis is also interesting:
The groups were defined a priori according to the population grouping shown in Table 1. Zuttiyeh as well as all transitional (Jebel Irhoud 1 and Florisbad), early (Skhul 5, Qafzeh 6 and Luijiang) and Upper Paleolithic H. sapiens were treated as individuals with unknown group affinities to be classified by posterior probabilities.
Florisbad appears to be quite distinct here, while Skhul5 and Qafzeh6 are clearly on their way to becoming modern; Zhoukoudian 101 joins this group (13-33ka), but is about 70-100 thousand years younger. Apparently the population of modern humans in Eurasia pre-100ka was widespread. Individuals of regular modern aspect appear post-70ka Event in both West and East Eurasia (Zh102 and Liujiang, assuming the latter is 68ka old). They probably appear in Africa as well probably in Africa as well.

Sadly, neither Hofmeyr, nor Omo I/II and Herto were included in this analysis. All of the above are often mentioned in connection to modern human origins. So is Kabwe (Broken Hill; Homo rhodesiensis) which is listed here as 700-400ka but may in fact be much younger. Jebel Irhoud 1 a "transitional" Homo sapiens from Morocco seems to have a long way to go to transition to a fully modern shape. Both Amud 1 (Am1; a big-brained late Neandertal from the Levant 50ka) and the aforementioned Shanidar 5 appear just as modern as Irhoud 1.

Can we make any sense of these various facts? I will list some observations:

Zuttiyeh appears linked to Neandertal and transitional H. sapiens. It is unclear where to place it, except to say that it is an archaic-looking human who is in the process of evolving in the same direction that both Neandertals and modern humans did.
There does not appear to be any good evidence in this data that H. heidelbergensis underwent a split that led to modern humans and Neandertals. On the contrary, often younger skulls appear more archaic than older ones, and skulls from the same period/region seem to occupy different positions in the archaic/modern range.
Modern humans appear distinctive, with their closest pre-100ka relatives being the Mt. Carmel hominins from the Levant (Skhul and Qafzeh), as well as, intriguingly, late Near Eastern Neandertals (Amud and Shanidar)

Even during the last 50ky, there seems to have been elevated diversity in modern humans. Zhoukoudian 101 from this study appears to be one example of unusual morphology for so late a specimen; recent discoveries from China and Sub-Saharan Africa point to the same phenomenon.

I continue to think that within the Homo heidelbergensis lineage there was progress towards more modern forms throughout the old world. But, this progress did not replace the older forms; nor did it materialize as obviously divergent lineages. The last few hundred thousand years appear very much like a serious of experiments that lead in some vague way to something akin to us. There probably was a long, drawn-out road to us.

In Africa, the Near East, and Asia, there was a co-existence of quite divergent forms; even Europe, long-considered the exclusive abode of Neandertals, there apparently lived humans that did not possess the derived Neandertal morphology.

The simple story of our origins is that our common ancestor H. heidelbergensis split into an African and Eurasian lineage that eventually evolved into H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis, and finally the former replaced the latter, with perhaps a little admixture along the way.

It would appear that aspects of modernity appeared throughout the Old World during the last few hundred thousand years. Perhaps (as the multi-regionalists would have it), this was facilitated by gene flow between distant human groups; alternatively, H. heidelbergensis already had the seeds of his future evolution, and similar solutions were found for similar selective pressures independently.

For the time being, we must probably accept the fact that a great variety of human groups of the last 500,000 years at least have contributed to modern mankind. Only isolated groups like Homo floresiensis who disappeared before having the chance to affect us may have escaped the honor of being our ancestors. But, it also seems that much of our ancestry does come from a unique population emerging som
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Spesimen Zuttiyeh dari Israel (tanggal tidak diketahui, tetapi antara 500-200ka) sangat penting, karena itu ditemukan di wilayah di dunia di mana awal keberadaan manusia moden dan Neandertals dibuktikan. Dengan demikian, mungkin bagian dari populasi yang mengarah ke baik (atau keduanya) dari spesies; perbedaan populasi Homo sapiens dan Homo neandertalensis keturunan bersimpangan kisaran 500-200ka spesimen ini.

Kertas baru dalam jurnal evolusi manusia belajar Zuttiyeh menggunakan teknik geometrik morphometric.

Zuttiyeh (Zt) dibandingkan dengan berbagai macam lainnya spesimen dari berbagai periode, mulai dari Homo erectus manusia modern. Analisis PCA ditunjukkan di sebelah kiri. Jelas bahwa Zuttiyeh cluster dengan Neandertals di Eurasia (terbuka segitiga), serta "transisi" Homo sapiens dari Afrika (membuka kotak: Florisbad Fl, 290-230ka dari Afrika Selatan, dan Jebel Irhoud 1 I1, 160ka dari Maroko).

di sebelah kiri (diisi segitiga) sejumlah spesimen ditugaskan untuk Homo heidelbergensis, diduga nenek moyang manusia moden dan Neandertals. Untuk lebih lanjut tentang ini, lihat artikel Ikhtisar Chris Stringer's. Tetapi, ini tidak sederhana leluhur spesies: sebaliknya, meliputi tengkorak yang sangat tua (Bodo Bd; Ethiopia ca. 600ka), dan sangat muda (Dali Dl; Cina ca. 200ka). Memang, Zhoukoudian 12 (Zh12; mengatakan Cina 500ka) diklasifikasikan sebagai Homo erectus muncul cukup modern dibandingkan dengan banyak tengkorak heidelbergensis.

di sebelah kanan (salib) adalah manusia modern, termasuk UP Eropa, serta, menariknya Liujiang (Ljg), seorang manusia moderen dari China yang mungkin 119-139ka lama menurut orang-orang yang tanggal itu, tapi setidaknya 68ka tua. Jika kedua tanggal diterima, ini akan menjadi dalam error Bar utama 70ka peristiwa yang mungkin sesuai dengan program kolonisasi awal Eurasia. Jika mantan, maka Liujiang akan bergabung spesimen Qafzeh 9 sebagai sangat modern pra-100ka menemukan dari Asia

The Mount Carmel spesimen (Qafzeh 6 Q6 dan Skhul 5 Sk5; Levant 135-100ka) muncul antara H. heidelbergensis H. neanderthalensis dan H. sapiens tetapi dapat berguna disebut H. sapiens, karena ada manusia modern yang muncul sebagai "kiri-bergeser" karena mereka adalah.

Menariknya, Shanidar 5 (Sh5; ca. 50ka) Neandertal tampaknya menjadi lebih dekat ke H. sapiens daripada untuk saudara-saudara Neandertal (termasuk sezaman Sh1). Hal ini tampaknya menjadi sesuai dengan sebuah analisa terbaru dari tulang belikat di mana Shanidar 3 adalah disertakan, sebagai adalah Vindija Neandertal sezaman (= sumber genom Neandertal). Mungkin juga muncul bahwa akhir Neandertals itu tidak berbeda dari manusia modern, tapi agak berubah dari leluhur heidelbergensis negara dengan cara yang sama bahwa manusia modern adalah.

diabaikan kemungkinan adalah bahwa Neandertals akhir, sekitar waktu manusia modern jelas ledakan dahsyat mengalami aliran gen dari manusia modern. Skenario ini ditolak dalam publikasi asli genom Neandertal berdasarkan gagasan bahwa pencampuran manusia modern di Neandertals akan menjadi modern bebas-Afrika-seperti, karena, mungkin ia dipengaruhi oleh gelombang Proto-kaum Indo meninggalkan Afrika. Tapi Jika Big Bang ekspansi manusia terjadi di Asia, mungkin di Saudi karena itu kering pos-70ka, seperti yang telah saya sarankan, maka pencampuran manusia modern dapat mempengaruhi akhir Neandertals.

diskriminan fungsi analisis ini juga menarik:
kelompok apriori didefinisi menurut kelompok penduduk yang ditunjukkan dalam tabel 1. Zuttiyeh sebagai juga segala transisi (Jebel Irhoud 1 dan Florisbad), awal (Skhul 5, Qafzeh 6 dan Luijiang) dan atas Paleolitik H. sapien diperlakukan sebagai individu dengan tidak diketahui kelompok afinitas harus diklasifikasikan oleh posterior probabilitas.
Florisbad tampaknya menjadi sangat berbeda di sini, sedangkan Skhul5 dan Qafzeh6 dengan jelas di jalan mereka untuk menjadi modern; Zhoukoudian 101 bergabung dengan kelompok ini (13-33ka), tetapi adalah sekitar 70-100 ribu tahun lebih muda. Rupanya populasi manusia modern di Eurasia pra-100ka adalah luas. Individu aspek modern yang biasa muncul posting-70ka acara di Barat dan Timur Eurasia (Zh102 dan Liujiang, dengan asumsi yang kedua adalah 68ka tua). Mereka mungkin muncul di Afrika serta mungkin di Afrika juga.

Sayangnya, Hofmeyr, maupun Omo I / II dan Herto dimasukkan dalam analisis ini. Semua di atas sering disebutkan dalam koneksi ke asal-usul manusia modern. Jadi adalah Kabwe (Broken Hill; Homo rhodesiensis) yang tercantum di sini sebagai 700-400ka tetapi Mei pada kenyataannya menjadi jauh lebih muda. Jebel Irhoud 1 "transisi" Homo sapiens dari Maroko tampaknya memiliki jalan panjang untuk pergi untuk transisi ke bentuk modern yang lengkap. 1 Amud (Am1; brained besar Neandertal akhir dari Levant 50ka) dan 5 Shanidar tersebut muncul hanya sebagai modern sebagai Irhoud 1.

kita bisa membuat rasa fakta-fakta ini berbagai? Saya akan daftar beberapa pengamatan:

Zuttiyeh muncul terkait dengan Neanderthal dan transisi H. sapien. Ini tidak jelas di mana ke tempat itu, kecuali untuk mengatakan bahwa itu adalah manusia tampak kuno yang sedang dalam proses berkembang dalam arah yang sama yang Neandertals dan manusia modern lakukan.
ada tampaknya tidak akan ada bukti baik dalam data ini bahwa H. heidelbergensis mengalami perpecahan yang menyebabkan manusia modern dan Neandertals. Sebaliknya, sering lebih muda tengkorak muncul lebih kuno daripada yang lebih tua, dan tengkorak dari periode/daerah sama tampaknya menempati posisi yang berbeda di berbagai kuno/modern.
manusia Modern muncul yang khas, dengan mereka kerabat terdekat pra-100ka yang menjadi hominins Gunung Karmel dari Levant (Skhul dan Qafzeh), juga sebagai, menariknya, akhir Timur dekat Neandertals (Amud dan Shanidar)

bahkan selama 50ky terakhir, tampaknya telah ditinggikan keragaman manusia modern. Zhoukoudian 101 dari studi ini tampaknya menjadi salah satu contoh morfologi yang tidak biasa untuk begitu terlambat spesimen; penemuan-penemuan terbaru dari Cina dan Afrika Sub-Sahara menunjukkan fenomena sama.

aku terus berpikir bahwa dalam silsilah heidelbergensis Homo ada kemajuan bentuk-bentuk yang lebih modern seluruh dunia lama. Tapi kemajuan ini Apakah tidak menggantikan bentuk remaja; atau apakah itu terwujud sebagai keturunan-keturunan yang jelas berbeda. Beberapa ratus tahun terakhir muncul sangat banyak seperti serius percobaan yang memimpin dalam beberapa cara yang samar-samar untuk sesuatu yang mirip dengan kita. Mungkin ada jalan panjang, berlarut-larut kita.

di Afrika, Timur dekat, dan Asia, ada keberadaan bentuk-bentuk cukup berbeda; bahkan Eropa, panjang-dianggap tempat tinggal eksklusif Neandertals, rupanya hiduplah manusia yang tidak memiliki turunan Neandertal morfologi.

cerita sederhana tentang asal-usul kami adalah bahwa nenek moyang kita H. heidelbergensis terpecah menjadi keturunan Afrika dan Eurasia yang akhirnya berkembang menjadi H. sapien dan H. neanderthalensis, dan akhirnya mantan diganti yang terakhir, dengan mungkin pencampuran kecil sepanjang jalan.

itu akan muncul bahwa aspek modernitas muncul di seluruh dunia lama selama beberapa ratus tahun terakhir. Mungkin (seperti multi-regionalists akan memilikinya), ini telah dibantu oleh aliran gen antara kelompok-kelompok manusia yang jauh; Selain itu, H. heidelbergensis sudah memiliki benih evolusi kepada masa depan, dan serupa solusi yang ditemukan untuk tekanan serupa selektif independen.

untuk saat ini, kita mungkin harus menerima kenyataan bahwa berbagai kelompok-kelompok manusia 500.000 tahun terakhir setidaknya telah menyumbang kepada manusia modern. Kelompok-kelompok seperti Homo floresiensis yang hilang sebelum memiliki kesempatan untuk mempengaruhi kita mungkin telah melarikan diri kehormatan menjadi nenek moyang kita hanya terisolasi. Tapi tampaknya juga bahwa banyak keturunan kami berasal dari populasi unik muncul som
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The Zuttiyeh specimen from Israel (unknown date, but between 500-200ka) is extremely important, because it was found in a region of the world in which the earliest co-existence of modern humans and Neandertals is attested. As such, it may be part of a population that led to either (or both) of these species; the population divergence of the Homo sapiens and Homo neandertalensis lineages intersects the 500-200ka range of this specimen.

A recent paper in the Journal of Human Evolution studied Zuttiyeh using geometric morphometric techniques.

Zuttiyeh (Zt) was compared with a wide range of other specimens from various periods, ranging from Homo erectus to modern humans. The PCA analysis is shown on the left. It is clear that Zuttiyeh clusters with Neandertals in Eurasia (open triangles), as well as "transitional" Homo sapiens from Africa (open squares: Florisbad Fl, 290-230ka from South Africa, and Jebel Irhoud 1 I1, 160ka from Morocco).

On the left (filled triangles) are various specimens assigned to Homo heidelbergensis, the presumed common ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals. For more on this, see Chris Stringer's recent overview article. But, this is no simple ancestor species: rather, it encompasses skulls that are very old (Bodo Bd; Ethiopia ca. 600ka), and very young (Dali Dl; China ca. 200ka). Indeed, Zhoukoudian 12 (Zh12; >500ka China) classified as Homo erectus appears quite modern in comparison to many of the heidelbergensis skulls.

On the right (crosses) are the modern humans, including UP Europeans, as well as, intriguingly Liujiang (Ljg), a modern human from China that may be 119-139ka old according to the people who dated it, but at least 68ka old. If the latter date is accepted, this would be within the error bars of the major 70ka Event that may correspond to the earliest colonization of Eurasia. If the former, then Liujiang will join the Qafzeh 9 specimen as an extremely modern pre-100ka find from Asia.

The Mount Carmel specimens (Qafzeh 6 Q6 and Skhul 5 Sk5; Levant 135-100ka) appear intermediate between H. heidelbergensis/H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens but can usefully be called H. sapiens, since there are modern humans who appear as "left-shifted" as they are.

Intriguingly, Shanidar 5 (Sh5; ca. 50ka) a Neandertal appears to be much closer to H. sapiens than to his Neandertal brethren (including contemporaneous Sh1). This seems to be in line with a recent analysis of shoulder blades in which Shanidar 3 was included, as was a contemporaneous Vindija Neandertal (= the source of the Neandertal genome). It may well appear that late Neandertals were not diverging away from a modern humans, but rather changing from the ancestral heidelbergensis state in the same way that modern humans are.

A neglected possibility is that the late Neandertals, around the time of the apparent modern human Big Bang experienced gene flow from modern humans. This scenario was rejected in the original publication of the Neandertal genome on the basis of the idea that modern human admixture in Neandertals would have been modern non-African-like, because, presumably it was effected by a wave of Proto-Eurasians leaving Africa. But, if the Big Bang of human expansion occurred in Asia, perhaps in Arabia as it dried up post-70ka, as I have suggested, then modern human admixture could have affected late Neandertals.

The discriminant function analysis is also interesting:
The groups were defined a priori according to the population grouping shown in Table 1. Zuttiyeh as well as all transitional (Jebel Irhoud 1 and Florisbad), early (Skhul 5, Qafzeh 6 and Luijiang) and Upper Paleolithic H. sapiens were treated as individuals with unknown group affinities to be classified by posterior probabilities.
Florisbad appears to be quite distinct here, while Skhul5 and Qafzeh6 are clearly on their way to becoming modern; Zhoukoudian 101 joins this group (13-33ka), but is about 70-100 thousand years younger. Apparently the population of modern humans in Eurasia pre-100ka was widespread. Individuals of regular modern aspect appear post-70ka Event in both West and East Eurasia (Zh102 and Liujiang, assuming the latter is 68ka old). They probably appear in Africa as well probably in Africa as well.

Sadly, neither Hofmeyr, nor Omo I/II and Herto were included in this analysis. All of the above are often mentioned in connection to modern human origins. So is Kabwe (Broken Hill; Homo rhodesiensis) which is listed here as 700-400ka but may in fact be much younger. Jebel Irhoud 1 a "transitional" Homo sapiens from Morocco seems to have a long way to go to transition to a fully modern shape. Both Amud 1 (Am1; a big-brained late Neandertal from the Levant 50ka) and the aforementioned Shanidar 5 appear just as modern as Irhoud 1.

Can we make any sense of these various facts? I will list some observations:

Zuttiyeh appears linked to Neandertal and transitional H. sapiens. It is unclear where to place it, except to say that it is an archaic-looking human who is in the process of evolving in the same direction that both Neandertals and modern humans did.
There does not appear to be any good evidence in this data that H. heidelbergensis underwent a split that led to modern humans and Neandertals. On the contrary, often younger skulls appear more archaic than older ones, and skulls from the same period/region seem to occupy different positions in the archaic/modern range.
Modern humans appear distinctive, with their closest pre-100ka relatives being the Mt. Carmel hominins from the Levant (Skhul and Qafzeh), as well as, intriguingly, late Near Eastern Neandertals (Amud and Shanidar)

Even during the last 50ky, there seems to have been elevated diversity in modern humans. Zhoukoudian 101 from this study appears to be one example of unusual morphology for so late a specimen; recent discoveries from China and Sub-Saharan Africa point to the same phenomenon.

I continue to think that within the Homo heidelbergensis lineage there was progress towards more modern forms throughout the old world. But, this progress did not replace the older forms; nor did it materialize as obviously divergent lineages. The last few hundred thousand years appear very much like a serious of experiments that lead in some vague way to something akin to us. There probably was a long, drawn-out road to us.

In Africa, the Near East, and Asia, there was a co-existence of quite divergent forms; even Europe, long-considered the exclusive abode of Neandertals, there apparently lived humans that did not possess the derived Neandertal morphology.

The simple story of our origins is that our common ancestor H. heidelbergensis split into an African and Eurasian lineage that eventually evolved into H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis, and finally the former replaced the latter, with perhaps a little admixture along the way.

It would appear that aspects of modernity appeared throughout the Old World during the last few hundred thousand years. Perhaps (as the multi-regionalists would have it), this was facilitated by gene flow between distant human groups; alternatively, H. heidelbergensis already had the seeds of his future evolution, and similar solutions were found for similar selective pressures independently.

For the time being, we must probably accept the fact that a great variety of human groups of the last 500,000 years at least have contributed to modern mankind. Only isolated groups like Homo floresiensis who disappeared before having the chance to affect us may have escaped the honor of being our ancestors. But, it also seems that much of our ancestry does come from a unique population emerging som
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