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Story of secret diplomacy that ended Russia-Turkey jet crisis
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Story of secret diplomacy that ended Russia-Turkey jet crisis
Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan departs for Russia on Aug. 9 to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg in his first trip abroad since the failed coup attempt of July 15.

It will also be Erdoğan’s first visit to Russia after the crisis that began with the downing of a Russian Su-24 jet by Turkish F-16s after they violated the border with Syria on Nov. 24, 2015; two Russian air force pilots died as a result of the incident.

The crisis in the political sphere had implications in the economic arena as well as Turkey’s tourism industry suffered a major blow that came in addition to suicide bomb attacks by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). Turkish food exports to Russia also dipped.
Turkish security operations against ISIL and the PKK were also blocked by the Russian presence there. And big Turkish companies that were involved in the tourism, construction and retail business in Russia started to experience serious difficulties. But the crisis was ultimately ended, opening the way for normalization, which enabled the Aug.9 visit following a statement from the Kremlin on June 27.

Putin called Erdoğan out of solidarity before all NATO member countries’ heads following the July 15 coup attempt. And Erdoğan thanked the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev – who was the first president to show solidarity after the coup attempt – for his support in solving the crisis with Russia during a press conference on Aug. 5 in Ankara.

Not many reporters paid much attention to the remark, which held the key to the untold story of the secret diplomacy that ended the crisis.

According to İbrahim Kalın, the spokesman for Erdoğan, businessman “Cavit Çağlar played a very important role” in solving the crisis, as well as “Nursultan Nazarbayev, who showed great friendship to Turkey” and “the patriotic initiative taken by Gen. Hulusi Akar, the Chief of General Staff” despite the area being out of his responsibility. Kalın did not deny the story but gave no further details. Çağlar told the Hürriyet Daily News on the phone that he had “nothing to say in addition to Mr. Kalın, who represents the state” and that he “could not give any details.”

According to high-ranking diplomatic and security sources who asked not to be named, the secret diplomacy ending the Turkish-Russian crisis unfolded as follows:

Late April, Akar told Erdoğan that there might be a channel that could be used to solve the crisis. He told Erdoğan that Cavit Çağlar, a textile investor, had business in the Russian Federal Republic of Dagestan. Çağlar used to be in politics in the 1990s, serving as a minister of state in Süleyman Demirel’s cabinets and knew the Dagestani president, Ramazan Abdulatipov, well from those times. Abdulatipov had access to Putin through his chief adviser, Yuri Ushakov. When Çağlar was a minister, Akar was the chief of the cabinet for the then-chief of General Staff, and they had known each other well since then. Çağlar had been beneficial to the state as a minister and then as a businessman before, Akar told Erdoğan. He was the channel between Ankara and Heydar Aliyev of Azerbaijan in Nakhchevan and in Baku in the mid-1990s and it was he who gave his private jet to the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) team to fly to Kenya in 1999 to arrest PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan in a joint operation with the CIA. Akar told Erdoğan in a meeting where Kalın was present that Çağlar had financial problems in 2000s and faced court for that but was reliable in state operations. After meeting with Çağlar and Akar in Istanbul on April 30, Erdoğan gave the green light for the operation.

Appointed by Erdoğan as the contact person for Turkey in relations with Ushakov for Russia, Kalın started to pen the draft of the letter from Erdoğan to Putin. Through Çağlar and Abdulatipov, shuttle diplomacy started between Ankara and Moscow, where the content and form of the letter was edited by the two parties a number of times during May and early June.

On June 22, Kazakhstan Ambassador to Ankara Zhanseit Tuimebayev called up Kalın with an “urgent” note. Nazarbayev had met with Putin in St. Petersburg and said that if Erdoğan was ready to send the letter, Putin was ready to accept it. Erdoğan wanted the normalization but not was ready to send a letter with the words “apology” and “compensation” in it. Would he apologize for defending the borders of the country?

On June 23, again before an iftar dinner, Tuimebayev called Kalın again with an “urgent” note. Nazarbayev had landed in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, for the Shanghai Cooperation Summit and would meet with Putin the next morning before the end of the summit by 1 p.m. If the letter could get there by then, even with slight editing, that might help end
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
Kisah rahsia diplomasi yang berakhir Russia-Turki jet krisisMurat YetkinHantar ke teman»SahamKisah rahsia diplomasi yang berakhir Russia-Turki jet krisisPresiden Turki diadakan AKP berlepas untuk Russia pada 9 Ogos untuk bertemu dengan Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin di St. Petersburg dalam perjalanan pertamanya di luar negara sejak usaha rampasan kuasa gagal 15 Julai. Ia juga akan menjadi AKP di lawatan pertama ke Amerika Syarikat selepas krisis yang bermula dengan pemberian jet Su-24 Rusia oleh F-16s Turki selepas mereka melanggar sempadan dengan Syria pada 24 Nov. 2015; dua juruterbang tentera udara Rusia meninggal dunia akibat insiden tersebut.Krisis dalam bidang politik mempunyai implikasi dalam arena ekonomi serta industri pelancongan Turki mengalami pukulan utama yang datang sebagai tambahan kepada serangan bom bunuh diri yang dihukum bersalah parti pekerja Kurdistan (PKK) dan Negeri Islam Iraq dan Levant (ISIL). Makanan Turki eksport ke Rusia juga menurun. Operasi Keselamatan Turki terhadap ISIL dan PKK juga disekat oleh kehadiran Russia tiada. Dan Syarikat-syarikat Turki besar yang terlibat dalam perniagaan pelancongan, pembinaan dan peruncitan di Rusia mula mengalami masalah yang serius. Tetapi krisis akhirnya ditamatkan, membuka jalan kepada penormalan, yang membolehkan Lawatan Aug.9 berikutan kenyataan Kremlin pada 27 Jun.Putin dipanggil AKP daripada perpaduan sebelum kepala semua NATO ahli negara berikutan cubaan rampasan kuasa 15 Julai. Dan AKP mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Presiden Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev – yang merupakan Presiden pertama untuk menunjukkan perpaduan selepas cubaan rampasan kuasa – untuk sokongan beliau dalam menyelesaikan krisis dengan Russia pada sidang akhbar pada 5 Ogos di Ankara. Tidak ramai pemberita dibayar banyak menumpukan perhatian kepada berkata, yang memegang kunci kepada cerita terperi diplomasi rahsia yang berakhir krisis.Menurut İbrahim Kalın, jurucakap untuk AKP usahawan "Cavit Çağlar memainkan peranan yang amat penting" dalam menyelesaikan krisis ini, serta "Nursultan Nazarbayev, yang menunjukkan persahabatan besar ke Turki" dan "inisiatif patriotik diambil oleh Jeneral Hulusi Akar, Ketua staf am" walaupun di kawasan yang sedang keluar dari tanggungjawab beliau. Kalın tidak menolak cerita tetapi memberi butiran lanjut. Çağlar kepada Hürriyet Daily News pada telefon bahawa dia mempunyai "tidak dikatakan sebagai tambahan kepada Encik Kalın, yang mewakili keadaan" dan bahawa dia "tidak dapat memberi apa-apa maklumat."Menurut tinggi Diplomatik dan Keselamatan sumber yang enggan dinamakan, diplomasi rahsia yang berakhir krisis Turki-Rusia mula terserlah seperti berikut:Lewat April, Akar memberitahu AKP bahawa mungkin terdapat saluran yang boleh digunakan untuk menyelesaikan krisis itu. Beliau memberitahu AKP itu Cavit Çağlar, seorang pelabur tekstil, mempunyai perniagaan di Republik Persekutuan Rusia Dagestan. Çağlar digunakan untuk berpolitik pada 1990-an, berkhidmat sebagai Menteri dalam negeri dalam Kabinet Süleyman Demirel dan tahu Presiden, Ramazan Abdulatipov, Dagestani yang baik daripada pembelaan. Abdulatipov mempunyai akses kepada Putin melalui Penasihat Ketua, Yuri Ushakov. Apabila Çağlar seorang Menteri, Akar adalah Ketua Jemaah Menteri untuk kemudian-Ketua staf am, dan mereka telah diketahui setiap Perigi lain sejak itu. Çağlar telah memberi manfaat kepada keadaan sebagai seorang Menteri dan kemudiannya sebagai seorang usahawan sebelum ini, Akar memberitahu AKP. Beliau adalah Selat antara Ankara dan Heydar Aliyev di Nakhchevan dan di Baku Azerbaijan pada pertengahan-1990-an dan Dialah yang memberikan jet peribadi beliau kepada pasukan organisasi perisikan Kebangsaan (MİT) untuk terbang ke Kenya pada tahun 1999 untuk menangkap pemimpin PKK Abdullah Öcalan dalam operasi bersama dengan CIA. Akar yang memberitahu AKP dalam mesyuarat di mana Kalın telah menunjukkan bahawa Çağlar mempunyai masalah kewangan pada 2000-an dan menghadapi Mahkamah bagi tersebut tetapi boleh dipercayai dalam keadaan operasi. Selepas bertemu dengan Çağlar dan Akar di Istanbul pada April 30, AKP telah memberi lampu hijau untuk operasi.Appointed by Erdoğan as the contact person for Turkey in relations with Ushakov for Russia, Kalın started to pen the draft of the letter from Erdoğan to Putin. Through Çağlar and Abdulatipov, shuttle diplomacy started between Ankara and Moscow, where the content and form of the letter was edited by the two parties a number of times during May and early June. On June 22, Kazakhstan Ambassador to Ankara Zhanseit Tuimebayev called up Kalın with an “urgent” note. Nazarbayev had met with Putin in St. Petersburg and said that if Erdoğan was ready to send the letter, Putin was ready to accept it. Erdoğan wanted the normalization but not was ready to send a letter with the words “apology” and “compensation” in it. Would he apologize for defending the borders of the country?On June 23, again before an iftar dinner, Tuimebayev called Kalın again with an “urgent” note. Nazarbayev had landed in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, for the Shanghai Cooperation Summit and would meet with Putin the next morning before the end of the summit by 1 p.m. If the letter could get there by then, even with slight editing, that might help end
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