I nod: „Tang Qi con­trols one's feel­ings the pow­er­house, has de­fen terjemahan - I nod: „Tang Qi con­trols one's feel­ings the pow­er­house, has de­fen Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I nod: „Tang Qi con­trols one's fee

I nod: „Tang Qi con­trols one's feel­ings the pow­er­house, has de­fended in you and side Dong Cheng, for them through­out is the eye-sores, per­haps be­sides me, Tang Qi was their pri­or­ity tar­get.”
Song Han in by­path: „Does free elder brother that type breed to think of the human is very re­ally strong?”
I said leisurely: „Um, even if the most well-trained spe­cial troop, com­pletely is not their matches, breeds to in­stall DNA of per­son to have the vari­a­tion, the strength speed is not the av­er­age per­son can com­pare fa­vor­ably with, but you do not need to be wor­ried that Wang Zecheng is im­pos­si­ble to begin to you, he will only move the per­son who these block the way.”
Xue Rou mut­tered: „Is the Boss block­ing the per­son of their road?”
I smile: „Yes, my pre­vi­ous time leads the spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cer to go to Buesst Cor­po­ra­tion, al­most gave to copy Wang Ze hon­est that son fam­ily prop­erty, how he pos­si­bly did not hate me”
Xue Rou purses the lips, said: „Or the Boss do not do spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cer we not to think that you have the mat­ter.”
I close the eye, said: „Some mat­ters must some peo­ple do, said again that we had the broth­ers dead in this crowd of scoundrel hands, I must take re­venge, stamps out the source of trou­ble to cal­cu­late them!”
The Dong Cheng month vis­its me, starts to speak but hes­i­tates.
At noon went through being out of hos­pi­tal for­mal­i­ties, the nurse had not agreed that but af­ter­ward ** a few words have to agree. At noon has rubbed in the inn near hos­pi­tal, does not have the nat­ural jus­tice is treated by my this ca­su­alty, is good is being the [Zhan Long] peo­ple who eats meal to­gether, will there­fore not think that loves dearly.
In the af­ter­noon, gazes after every­body to go back, I also re­turned to the dwelling with Wan Er and Dong Cheng.
Is sa­ti­ated with food and wine, gets on­line the man­age­ment!
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, im­me­di­ately re­pairs equip­ment, af­ter­ward trans­mits Ba Huang City, non-stop flies cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den!
Cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den as be­fore every­where fly­ing snow, when I fall on the city in the snowy area, not far away Seurre grasps the long bow to turn around, said: „Knows that you will come, Frost said her in ob­ser­va­tion post su­pe­rior you.”
„Um, thanks!”
I jump to fly, di­rectly soars ob­ser­va­tion post to go , the Frost broth­er­less how­ever is iso­lated in the wind and snow, the frail stature makes the human can­not help but give birth to sev­eral points of pity in the snow cur­tain, was this looks like the frail beau­ti­ful fe­male has de­fended cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den by strength of the, when fac­ing the devil of demon god rank did not have the half minute to draw back timidly.
„Do you come?” She vis­its me with a smile.
„Um, the re­venge of dark blue bil­lows, cold un­cul­ti­vated land is Dragon’s den all right?”
„All right, our weapon grain and fod­der is suf­fi­cient, these triv­ial spirit um­brella in­sects and Zhu Shen the skele­ton may un­able to break Dragon’s den.”
„That is good.”
Al­though said like this, but I no­ticed that the dense and nu­mer­ous ar­ti­sans brave the heavy snow to re­pair the Dragon’s den edge, there pre­sents gulfs, ob­vi­ously is the mas­ter­piece of spirit flow­ered in­sect, even if cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den is un­able the at­tack of com­plete im­mu­nity sui­cide ex­plo­sion in­sect!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I nod: „Tang Qi con­trols one's feel­ings the pow­er­house, has de­fended in you and side Dong Cheng, for them through­out is the eye-sores, per­haps be­sides me, Tang Qi was their pri­or­ity tar­get.”Song Han in by­path: „Does free elder brother that type breed to think of the human is very re­ally strong?”I said leisurely: „Um, even if the most well-trained spe­cial troop, com­pletely is not their matches, breeds to in­stall DNA of per­son to have the vari­a­tion, the strength speed is not the av­er­age per­son can com­pare fa­vor­ably with, but you do not need to be wor­ried that Wang Zecheng is im­pos­si­ble to begin to you, he will only move the per­son who these block the way.”Xue Rou mut­tered: „Is the Boss block­ing the per­son of their road?”I smile: „Yes, my pre­vi­ous time leads the spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cer to go to Buesst Cor­po­ra­tion, al­most gave to copy Wang Ze hon­est that son fam­ily prop­erty, how he pos­si­bly did not hate me”Xue Rou purses the lips, said: „Or the Boss do not do spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cer we not to think that you have the mat­ter.”I close the eye, said: „Some mat­ters must some peo­ple do, said again that we had the broth­ers dead in this crowd of scoundrel hands, I must take re­venge, stamps out the source of trou­ble to cal­cu­late them!”The Dong Cheng month vis­its me, starts to speak but hes­i­tates.At noon went through being out of hos­pi­tal for­mal­i­ties, the nurse had not agreed that but af­ter­ward ** a few words have to agree. At noon has rubbed in the inn near hos­pi­tal, does not have the nat­ural jus­tice is treated by my this ca­su­alty, is good is being the [Zhan Long] peo­ple who eats meal to­gether, will there­fore not think that loves dearly.
In the af­ter­noon, gazes after every­body to go back, I also re­turned to the dwelling with Wan Er and Dong Cheng.
Is sa­ti­ated with food and wine, gets on­line the man­age­ment!
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, im­me­di­ately re­pairs equip­ment, af­ter­ward trans­mits Ba Huang City, non-stop flies cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den!
Cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den as be­fore every­where fly­ing snow, when I fall on the city in the snowy area, not far away Seurre grasps the long bow to turn around, said: „Knows that you will come, Frost said her in ob­ser­va­tion post su­pe­rior you.”
„Um, thanks!”
I jump to fly, di­rectly soars ob­ser­va­tion post to go , the Frost broth­er­less how­ever is iso­lated in the wind and snow, the frail stature makes the human can­not help but give birth to sev­eral points of pity in the snow cur­tain, was this looks like the frail beau­ti­ful fe­male has de­fended cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den by strength of the, when fac­ing the devil of demon god rank did not have the half minute to draw back timidly.
„Do you come?” She vis­its me with a smile.
„Um, the re­venge of dark blue bil­lows, cold un­cul­ti­vated land is Dragon’s den all right?”
„All right, our weapon grain and fod­der is suf­fi­cient, these triv­ial spirit um­brella in­sects and Zhu Shen the skele­ton may un­able to break Dragon’s den.”
„That is good.”
Al­though said like this, but I no­ticed that the dense and nu­mer­ous ar­ti­sans brave the heavy snow to re­pair the Dragon’s den edge, there pre­sents gulfs, ob­vi­ously is the mas­ter­piece of spirit flow­ered in­sect, even if cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den is un­able the at­tack of com­plete im­mu­nity sui­cide ex­plo­sion in­sect!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya mengangguk: "Tang Qi mengendalikan perasaan seseorang pusat kekuatan, telah dipertahankan dalam Anda dan sisi Dong Cheng, untuk mereka sepanjang adalah mata-luka, mungkin selain saya, Tang Qi adalah target prioritas mereka."
Lagu Han di jalan simpangan: "Apakah gratis kakak jenis berkembang biak untuk berpikir manusia sangat benar-benar kuat "?
saya berkata santai:" Um, bahkan jika pasukan khusus yang paling terlatih, benar-benar tidak pertandingan mereka, keturunan untuk menginstal DNA dari orang untuk memiliki variasi, kecepatan kekuatan tidak rata-rata orang dapat menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan, tetapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir bahwa Wang Zecheng mungkin untuk mulai Anda, ia hanya akan memindahkan orang yang ini memblokir jalan ".
Xue Rou bergumam:" Apakah Bos menghalangi orang dari jalan mereka "?
aku tersenyum:" Ya, waktu saya sebelumnya memimpin polisi khusus untuk pergi ke Buesst Corporation, hampir memberi menyalin Wang Ze jujur ​​bahwa properti anak keluarga, bagaimana mungkin ia tidak membenci saya "
Xue Rou dompet bibir, mengatakan: ". Atau Boss tidak melakukan petugas polisi khusus kita tidak berpikir bahwa Anda memiliki masalah"
aku menutup mata, mengatakan: "beberapa hal beberapa orang harus melakukan, mengatakan lagi bahwa kami memiliki saudara mati dalam kerumunan ini tangan bajingan, aku harus membalas dendam, perangko tahu sumber kesulitan untuk menghitung mereka! "
Dong Cheng bulan mengunjungi saya, mulai berbicara, tetapi ragu-ragu.
pada tengah hari pergi melalui berada di luar formalitas rumah sakit, perawat tidak setuju itu, tapi sesudahnya ** beberapa kata harus setuju. Pada tengah hari telah digosok di penginapan dekat rumah sakit, tidak memiliki keadilan alami diperlakukan oleh korban ini saya, baik yang menjadi [Zhan Panjang] orang-orang yang makan makanan bersama-sama, karena itu tidak akan berpikir bahwa mencintai mahal.
Pada sore hari, tatapan setelah semua orang untuk kembali, saya juga kembali ke rumah dengan Wan Er dan Dong Cheng.
Apakah kenyang dengan makanan dan anggur, mendapat secara online manajemen!
Muncul di Tian Ling Empire, segera perbaikan peralatan, sesudahnya mengirimkan Ba Huang ! kota, non-stop lalat dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den
tanah yang tidak digarap dingin den Naga sebagai sebelum salju di mana-mana terbang, ketika saya jatuh pada kota di daerah bersalju, tidak jauh Seurre menggenggam busur panjang untuk berbalik, mengatakan: "Tahu bahwa Anda akan datang, Frost mengatakan dia di pos pengamatan superior Anda. "
" Um, terima kasih! "
aku melompat terbang, langsung melonjak pos pengamatan untuk pergi, yang brotherless Frost namun terisolasi di angin dan salju, perawakannya ringkih membuat manusia tidak bisa tidak melahirkan beberapa poin kasihan pada tirai salju, itu ini tampak seperti ringkih perempuan cantik membela dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den oleh kekuatan, ketika menghadapi iblis setan dewa peringkat tidak memiliki setengah menit untuk menarik kembali malu-malu.
"Apakah Anda datang?" Dia mengunjungi saya dengan senyum.
"Um, balas dendam dari pemecah biru tua, tanah yang tidak digarap dingin den Dragon oke?"
"Baiklah, biji-bijian senjata kami dan pakan ternak yang cukup, ini sepele serangga semangat payung dan Zhu Shen kerangka mungkin dapat memecahkan den Dragon. "
" itu bagus. "
Meskipun kata seperti ini, tapi saya melihat bahwa pengrajin padat dan banyak yang berani salju berat untuk memperbaiki tepi den Naga, ada menyajikan teluk, jelas adalah karya dari semangat berbunga serangga, bahkan jika den tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon tidak dapat serangan dari kekebalan penuh ledakan bunuh diri serangga!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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