ello DearI hope you are protected by the Almighty God. because no one  terjemahan - ello DearI hope you are protected by the Almighty God. because no one  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ello DearI hope you are protected b

ello Dear

I hope you are protected by the Almighty God. because no one can make you happy and healthy as the joy you have in your heart that comes from God,

I try not to let anything in life stop me from wearing a smiling face no matter how hard or bad it seems, in which there must be a reason for me to smile.Well I really appreciate your openness to me by telling me more about your life,

which shows your willingness to be closer to me and my life and I am ready to open my heart to you to come as long as you are willing also because I have a great desire for you when I see your photos

I've turned to look for the pair, as this is the 6th year since I lost my wife and I thought I could be able to live the rest of my life in love even after his death,

but as the days passed, I understand the need for me to have another woman to share my love with, well I am very new to the search but I have yet to meet someone who really meet my expectations.

I'm not looking for adventure or game, on the contrary, I hope to find that special lady and a simple woman who understands the value of unity and love in the family for my future, and someone with whom I can make my family who always wanted and spend the rest of life with

Therefore, I really hope to be proof that you meet here will become a reality and we can have our dreams fulfilled through this media..I a Swiss born but ..

I grew up in England my family and I lived there for many years before we go back to Switzerland and began working as a banker at the Swiss bank and have my master's degree at the Advanced icon Masters / MSc Birmingham University in the UK.

As regards to my family, I was the only parent my children and I only have one sister, just the two of us together with just my son and my sister who took care of my children now living in Geneva,

both my parents had died. My wife died of cancer in 2008, which I hardly believe that I would never make my eyes on him again, his departure was a surprise for me and that made me heartbroken because she was a wonderful woman and I love her so many ..

My hours are flexible and I prefer to do things at the right time, I worked for 10 years, with Swiss Bank and now I am a financial manager who made my job very sensitive and it gives me more time to travel around the appointment and am currently in the UK as the External Auditor,

Judging from the look of you who want to see your face and you seem to be responsible and easy to understand, however "I believe that you are meeting through this medium would be to the benefit of our future life, I would be happy if this relationship can be mutually or if you already have family, we can be good friends as you wish

we can give love and companionship and a good opportunity and what God has in mind for meeting.I we believe in God; I feel that the family is the most important support in life; I know there is true love; I really appreciate a woman who is honest and I trust you. I hate conflict.

I want to know if you are interested in starting a new life with me and create a new family together there in Indonesia or you just want to be a good friend to me.

I'll wait for your answer
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ello DearI hope you are protected by the Almighty God. because no one can make you happy and healthy as the joy you have in your heart that comes from God,I try not to let anything in life stop me from wearing a smiling face no matter how hard or bad it seems, in which there must be a reason for me to smile.Well I really appreciate your openness to me by telling me more about your life,which shows your willingness to be closer to me and my life and I am ready to open my heart to you to come as long as you are willing also because I have a great desire for you when I see your photosI've turned to look for the pair, as this is the 6th year since I lost my wife and I thought I could be able to live the rest of my life in love even after his death,but as the days passed, I understand the need for me to have another woman to share my love with, well I am very new to the search but I have yet to meet someone who really meet my expectations.I'm not looking for adventure or game, on the contrary, I hope to find that special lady and a simple woman who understands the value of unity and love in the family for my future, and someone with whom I can make my family who always wanted and spend the rest of life withTherefore, I really hope to be proof that you meet here will become a reality and we can have our dreams fulfilled through this media..I a Swiss born but ..I grew up in England my family and I lived there for many years before we go back to Switzerland and began working as a banker at the Swiss bank and have my master's degree at the Advanced icon Masters / MSc Birmingham University in the UK.As regards to my family, I was the only parent my children and I only have one sister, just the two of us together with just my son and my sister who took care of my children now living in Geneva,both my parents had died. My wife died of cancer in 2008, which I hardly believe that I would never make my eyes on him again, his departure was a surprise for me and that made me heartbroken because she was a wonderful woman and I love her so many ..My hours are flexible and I prefer to do things at the right time, I worked for 10 years, with Swiss Bank and now I am a financial manager who made my job very sensitive and it gives me more time to travel around the appointment and am currently in the UK as the External Auditor,Judging from the look of you who want to see your face and you seem to be responsible and easy to understand, however "I believe that you are meeting through this medium would be to the benefit of our future life, I would be happy if this relationship can be mutually or if you already have family, we can be good friends as you wishwe can give love and companionship and a good opportunity and what God has in mind for meeting.I we believe in God; I feel that the family is the most important support in life; I know there is true love; I really appreciate a woman who is honest and I trust you. I hate conflict.
I want to know if you are interested in starting a new life with me and create a new family together there in Indonesia or you just want to be a good friend to me.

I'll wait for your answer
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ello terhormat Saya harap Anda dilindungi oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. karena tidak ada yang bisa membuat Anda bahagia dan sehat sebagai sukacita yang ada dalam hati Anda yang datang dari Allah, saya mencoba untuk tidak membiarkan apa pun dalam hidup menghentikan saya dari memakai wajah tersenyum tidak peduli seberapa keras atau buruk tampaknya, di mana harus ada menjadi alasan bagi saya untuk smile.Well Saya sangat menghargai keterbukaan Anda kepada saya dengan menceritakan tentang kehidupan Anda, yang menunjukkan kesediaan Anda untuk menjadi lebih dekat dengan saya dan hidup saya dan saya siap untuk membuka hati saya untuk Anda untuk datang selama Anda bersedia juga karena saya memiliki keinginan yang besar untuk Anda ketika saya melihat foto Anda Aku sudah berubah untuk mencari pasangan, karena ini adalah tahun ke-6 sejak saya kehilangan istri saya dan saya pikir saya bisa dapat hidup sisanya hidupku cinta bahkan setelah kematiannya, tetapi sebagai hari berlalu, saya mengerti kebutuhan bagi saya untuk memiliki wanita lain untuk berbagi kasih saya dengan, baik Saya sangat baru untuk pencarian tapi saya belum pernah bertemu seseorang yang benar-benar memenuhi harapan saya. Saya tidak mencari petualangan atau permainan, sebaliknya, saya berharap untuk menemukan bahwa wanita istimewa dan seorang wanita sederhana yang mengerti nilai persatuan dan cinta dalam keluarga untuk masa depan saya, dan seseorang dengan siapa saya bisa membuat keluarga saya yang selalu ingin dan menghabiskan sisa hidup dengan Oleh karena itu, saya benar-benar berharap untuk bukti bahwa Anda bertemu di sini akan menjadi kenyataan dan kita dapat memiliki impian kita dipenuhi melalui ini media..I Swiss lahir tapi .. saya dibesarkan di Inggris dan keluarga saya tinggal di sana selama bertahun-tahun sebelum kita kembali ke Swiss dan mulai bekerja sebagai bankir di bank Swiss dan memiliki gelar master saya di Advanced icon Masters / MSc Birmingham University di Inggris. Sebagai salam untuk keluarga saya , saya adalah satu-satunya orang tua anak-anak saya dan saya hanya memiliki satu saudara perempuan, hanya kami berdua bersama-sama dengan anak saya dan adik saya yang merawat anak-anak saya sekarang tinggal di Jenewa, kedua orang tua saya sudah meninggal. Istri saya meninggal karena kanker pada tahun 2008, yang saya hampir tidak percaya bahwa saya tidak akan pernah membuat mata saya pada dia lagi, kepergiannya adalah kejutan bagi saya dan yang membuat saya patah hati karena dia adalah seorang wanita yang indah dan saya mencintainya begitu banyak .. saya jam fleksibel dan saya lebih memilih untuk melakukan hal-hal pada waktu yang tepat, saya bekerja selama 10 tahun, dengan Swiss Bank dan sekarang saya seorang manajer keuangan yang membuat pekerjaan saya sangat sensitif dan itu memberi saya lebih banyak waktu untuk perjalanan sekitar janji dan saya saat ini di Inggris sebagai Auditor Eksternal, Dilihat dari tampilan Anda yang ingin melihat wajah Anda dan Anda tampaknya bertanggung jawab dan mudah dimengerti, namun "Saya percaya bahwa Anda memenuhi melalui media ini akan menjadi untuk kepentingan masa depan kita hidup, saya akan senang jika hubungan ini bisa saling atau jika Anda sudah memiliki keluarga, kita bisa menjadi teman baik seperti yang Anda inginkan kita bisa memberikan cinta dan persahabatan dan kesempatan yang baik dan apa yang Allah dalam pikiran untuk meeting.I kita percaya Tuhan, saya merasa bahwa keluarga merupakan dukungan yang paling penting dalam hidup; Aku tahu ada cinta sejati; Saya sangat menghargai seorang wanita yang jujur ​​dan saya percaya Anda. Aku benci konflik. Saya ingin tahu apakah Anda tertarik untuk memulai hidup baru dengan saya dan membuat keluarga baru bersama-sama ada di Indonesia atau Anda hanya ingin menjadi teman yang baik bagi saya. Saya akan menunggu jawaban Anda

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