I wants to re­turn to fly, while asked in team chan­nel: „Leans shal­l terjemahan - I wants to re­turn to fly, while asked in team chan­nel: „Leans shal­l Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I wants to re­turn to fly, while as

I wants to re­turn to fly, while asked in team chan­nel: „Leans shal­lowly, iron skull city and trend of Ze deep pool city how?”
Yue Qing Qian replied: „One hour ago news, the sky rose and brown pupil were killed to re­turn to the city, now at the forum was sum­mon­ing that the player gath­ers, the prepa­ra­tion ex­pe­dites once more, but comes to the Tian Ling Em­pire jour­ney to be very re­mote, the play­ers in iron skull city take about 10 hours, the play­ers in Ze deep pool city take about 15 hours, we have Cooldown!”
„Is very good!”
I smile: „That while these 10 hours, de­stroys com­pletely these dif­fer­ent demon armies, then wields the armed forces to ex­pe­dite, at­tacks the ham­mer­ing skull city!”
Fang Geque said: „Ram­bles you to at­tack the ham­mer­ing skull city?”
I nod say­ing: „Iron skull city is west the den of bound­ary treaty of al­liance, the west­ern bound­ary treaty of al­liance is our num­ber one enemy, after we repel the dif­fer­ent demon army, the side song you are re­spon­si­ble for de­fend­ing im­pe­r­ial, I am re­spon­si­ble for ex­pe­dit­ing, what kind of?”
Fang Geque is the per­son who very stands aloof from the world, the per­son who the pur­sue mo­nop­o­lizes is I, but he pur­sues is the player tac­tic, op­er­a­tion of limit, there­fore con­sents to say joy­fully: „Good, such di­vi­sion of labor is also good.”
Re­gard­ing Fang Geque de­fends the im­pe­r­ial abil­ity, I trust, the war of pre­vi­ous Tian Ling Em­pire has un­der­stood . More­over, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled de­fense abil­ity is also out­stand­ing, can keep to help Fang Geque him with Prague, player who at least Ye to come, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han and oth­ers were good at at­tack­ing, I must take away com­pletely the ex­pe­di­tion, the vic­tory or de­feat fight in this round coun­try.
How­ever, must first con­sider how to kill be­hind these fe­ro­cious king level BOSS.
„Wan Er.” I sum­moned one, said: „Sev­eral BOSS came, every large or small five-star, four star BOSS also dozens, the mat­ter I must ask.”
„Um, what, asked?”
„Ac­cord­ing to me, the king level BOSS in­tel­li­gence quo­tient spe­cially is high, knew per­fectly well will not beat soon in the killed sit­u­a­tion will es­cape, what tool our play­ers will have to belay them, mak­ing them have no place to go?”
„Hunts for Long­wang.” Lin Wan Er shows a faint smile, said: „Sky rose has used, this built the blue­print I to spend the 10 W dol­lar to buy from the iron skull city, pre­vi­ous time has made the ar­ti­san build one batch in every book city, on the pre­sent Tian Ling Em­pire Be­icheng wall at least 50 hunt for Long­wang, which dif­fer­ent demon king needs to ar­rest, you said that I or­dered.”
„OK!” I said with a smile joy­fully: „Wan Er is re­ally a good wife!”
The Q Sword sound egg hurts very much: „This is the pub­lic team group, for­bids show love”
The Dong Cheng month throws smiles: „Was jeal­ous!”
„I do not have!” Q Sword ar­gued: „Per­son who my I had lik­ing is not such that you imag­ine.”
The rare Chi­nese war zone most per­fect man will re­veal such awk­ward side un­ex­pect­edly, the Dong Cheng month then asked: „You said that the per­son who you like who is?”
„Did not tell you!”
The leaf come Ha Ha said with a smile: „Heard that Q Sword was pur­su­ing a star re­cently, it is es­ti­mated that has gone well, is a star! Prob­a­bly is calls Liu Shenme that”
Q Sword was red in the face: „Leaf fatty you do not speak ir­re­spon­si­bly”
„Ha, wanted on the en­ter­tain­ment ver­sion head­line, your shy egg!”
Q Sword does not speak, it is es­ti­mated that has also tac­itly ap­proved, had the skill re­ally
In an in­stant Tian Ling Em­pire out­side at pre­sent, the city also many play­ers was en­ter­ing a city, but, I have spent 5000 RMB to issue an an­nounce­ment of Chi­nese area with­out enough time im­me­di­ately
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment( player Xiao Yao Zi Zai front­line pro­pa­ganda): Every­body in do not enter the north gate that north Tian Ling E
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I wants to re­turn to fly, while asked in team chan­nel: „Leans shal­lowly, iron skull city and trend of Ze deep pool city how?”Yue Qing Qian replied: „One hour ago news, the sky rose and brown pupil were killed to re­turn to the city, now at the forum was sum­mon­ing that the player gath­ers, the prepa­ra­tion ex­pe­dites once more, but comes to the Tian Ling Em­pire jour­ney to be very re­mote, the play­ers in iron skull city take about 10 hours, the play­ers in Ze deep pool city take about 15 hours, we have Cooldown!”„Is very good!”I smile: „That while these 10 hours, de­stroys com­pletely these dif­fer­ent demon armies, then wields the armed forces to ex­pe­dite, at­tacks the ham­mer­ing skull city!”„?”Fang Geque said: „Ram­bles you to at­tack the ham­mer­ing skull city?”„Um.”I nod say­ing: „Iron skull city is west the den of bound­ary treaty of al­liance, the west­ern bound­ary treaty of al­liance is our num­ber one enemy, after we repel the dif­fer­ent demon army, the side song you are re­spon­si­ble for de­fend­ing im­pe­r­ial, I am re­spon­si­ble for ex­pe­dit­ing, what kind of?”Fang Geque is the per­son who very stands aloof from the world, the per­son who the pur­sue mo­nop­o­lizes is I, but he pur­sues is the player tac­tic, op­er­a­tion of limit, there­fore con­sents to say joy­fully: „Good, such di­vi­sion of labor is also good.”Re­gard­ing Fang Geque de­fends the im­pe­r­ial abil­ity, I trust, the war of pre­vi­ous Tian Ling Em­pire has un­der­stood . More­over, the Yanzhao un­par­al­leled de­fense abil­ity is also out­stand­ing, can keep to help Fang Geque him with Prague, player who at least Ye to come, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han and oth­ers were good at at­tack­ing, I must take away com­pletely the ex­pe­di­tion, the vic­tory or de­feat fight in this round coun­try.
How­ever, must first con­sider how to kill be­hind these fe­ro­cious king level BOSS.
„Wan Er.” I sum­moned one, said: „Sev­eral BOSS came, every large or small five-star, four star BOSS also dozens, the mat­ter I must ask.”
„Um, what, asked?”
„Ac­cord­ing to me, the king level BOSS in­tel­li­gence quo­tient spe­cially is high, knew per­fectly well will not beat soon in the killed sit­u­a­tion will es­cape, what tool our play­ers will have to belay them, mak­ing them have no place to go?”
„Hunts for Long­wang.” Lin Wan Er shows a faint smile, said: „Sky rose has used, this built the blue­print I to spend the 10 W dol­lar to buy from the iron skull city, pre­vi­ous time has made the ar­ti­san build one batch in every book city, on the pre­sent Tian Ling Em­pire Be­icheng wall at least 50 hunt for Long­wang, which dif­fer­ent demon king needs to ar­rest, you said that I or­dered.”
„OK!” I said with a smile joy­fully: „Wan Er is re­ally a good wife!”
The Q Sword sound egg hurts very much: „This is the pub­lic team group, for­bids show love”
The Dong Cheng month throws smiles: „Was jeal­ous!”
„I do not have!” Q Sword ar­gued: „Per­son who my I had lik­ing is not such that you imag­ine.”
The rare Chi­nese war zone most per­fect man will re­veal such awk­ward side un­ex­pect­edly, the Dong Cheng month then asked: „You said that the per­son who you like who is?”
„Did not tell you!”
The leaf come Ha Ha said with a smile: „Heard that Q Sword was pur­su­ing a star re­cently, it is es­ti­mated that has gone well, is a star! Prob­a­bly is calls Liu Shenme that”
Q Sword was red in the face: „Leaf fatty you do not speak ir­re­spon­si­bly”
„Ha, wanted on the en­ter­tain­ment ver­sion head­line, your shy egg!”
Q Sword does not speak, it is es­ti­mated that has also tac­itly ap­proved, had the skill re­ally
In an in­stant Tian Ling Em­pire out­side at pre­sent, the city also many play­ers was en­ter­ing a city, but, I have spent 5000 RMB to issue an an­nounce­ment of Chi­nese area with­out enough time im­me­di­ately
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment( player Xiao Yao Zi Zai front­line pro­pa­ganda): Every­body in do not enter the north gate that north Tian Ling E
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya ingin kembali terbang, sementara bertanya dalam saluran tim: "bersandar dangkal, kota besi tengkorak dan tren Ze dalam kota pool bagaimana?"
Yue Qing Qian menjawab: "Satu jam yang lalu berita, langit bangkit dan murid coklat tewas ke kembali ke kota, sekarang di forum itu memanggil bahwa pemain mengumpulkan, persiapan mempercepat sekali lagi, tapi datang untuk perjalanan Tian Ling Empire menjadi sangat jauh, para pemain di besi kota tengkorak memakan waktu sekitar 10 jam, para pemain di Ze ! dalam kota pool memakan waktu sekitar 15 jam, kami memiliki Cooldown "
" Apakah sangat baik! "
aku tersenyum:" Itu sementara ini 10 jam, menghancurkan sepenuhnya ini tentara setan yang berbeda, maka wields angkatan bersenjata untuk mempercepat, menyerang kota palu tengkorak! "
"? "
Fang Geque mengatakan:" Rambles Anda untuk menyerang kota palu tengkorak? "
" Um ".
aku mengangguk mengatakan:" kota Iron tengkorak adalah barat den perjanjian batas aliansi, perjanjian batas barat aliansi adalah nomor kami satu musuh, setelah kami mengusir tentara setan yang berbeda, lagu sisi Anda bertanggung jawab untuk membela kekaisaran, saya bertanggung jawab untuk mempercepat, apa? "
Fang Geque adalah orang yang sangat berdiri menyendiri dari dunia, orang yang mengejar memonopoli adalah saya, tapi ia mengejar adalah taktik pemain, pengoperasian batas, karena itu setuju untuk mengatakan gembira: "baik, pembagian seperti tenaga kerja juga baik."
Mengenai Fang Geque membela kemampuan kekaisaran, saya percaya, perang Tian sebelumnya Ling Empire telah dipahami. Selain itu, Yanzhao tak tertandingi kemampuan pertahanan ini juga luar biasa, bisa menjaga untuk membantu Fang Geque dia dengan Praha, pemain yang setidaknya Ye datang, Q Sword, Jian Feng Han dan lain-lain yang baik di menyerang, saya harus mengambil sepenuhnya ekspedisi, . kemenangan atau kekalahan melawan di negara babak ini
Namun, terlebih dahulu harus mempertimbangkan bagaimana untuk membunuh balik tingkat raja BOSS ganas.
"Wan Er." saya dipanggil satu, mengatakan: "Beberapa BOSS datang, setiap besar atau kecil-bintang lima, empat bintang BOSS juga puluhan, soal aku harus bertanya. "
" Um, apa, tanya? "
" Menurut saya, BOSS intelijen tingkat raja quotient khusus yaitu tinggi, tahu benar akan tidak mengalahkan segera dalam situasi tewas akan melarikan diri, apa yang ? tool pemain kami harus belay mereka, membuat mereka tidak punya tempat untuk pergi "
". Hunts untuk Longwang "Lin Wan Er menunjukkan senyum samar, mengatakan:" Sky mawar telah digunakan, ini dibangun cetak biru saya menghabiskan 10 W dollar untuk membeli dari besi kota tengkorak, waktu sebelumnya telah membuat tukang membangun satu batch di setiap kota buku, pada saat Tian Ling Empire Beicheng dinding setidaknya 50 perburuan Longwang, yang raja setan yang berbeda perlu untuk menangkap, Anda mengatakan bahwa saya . memerintahkan "
"! OK "kataku sambil tersenyum gembira:" Wan Er adalah benar-benar istri yang baik! "
The Q Pedang suara telur sakit sangat banyak:" ini adalah kelompok tim umum, melarang acara cinta "
The Dong Cheng bulan melempar tersenyum: "! Apakah cemburu"
! "aku tidak memiliki" Q Pedang berpendapat: "orang yang saya telah menyukai tidak seperti yang Anda bayangkan".
The zona perang Cina langka orang yang paling sempurna akan mengungkapkan sisi canggung seperti tiba-tiba, Dong Cheng bulan lalu bertanya: "Anda mengatakan bahwa orang yang Anda suka siapa?"
"tidak memberitahu Anda"!
daun datang mengatakan Ha Ha sambil tersenyum: "Mendengar bahwa Q Sword mengejar bintang baru-baru ini, diperkirakan bahwa telah berjalan dengan baik, adalah bintang! Mungkin ini panggilan Liu Shenme bahwa "
Q Pedang merah di wajah:" Daun lemak Anda tidak berbicara bertanggung jawab "
" Ha, ingin pada judul versi hiburan, telur malu Anda! "
Q Pedang tidak berbicara, diperkirakan yang memiliki juga secara diam-diam menyetujui, memiliki keterampilan benar-benar
dalam sekejap Tian Ling Empire luar saat ini, kota ini juga banyak pemain memasuki kota, tapi, saya telah menghabiskan 5000 RMB untuk mengeluarkan pengumuman dari wilayah Cina tanpa cukup waktu segera
sistem pengumuman (pemain Xiao Yao Zi Zai garis depan propaganda): Semua orang di tidak memasuki gerbang utara yang utara Tian Ling E
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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