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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Masih berbaring di tengah-tengah rumput, Linley diadakan napas saat ia melihat. "Gundukan itu harus memiliki setidaknya lima puluh atau enam puluh Blueheart rumput." Linley paksa dipadatkan pada sukacita liar ia merasa. Tapi satu hal yang paling Linley adalah...Bebe tampaknya merasa bahwa tidak cukup, dan terus menarik keluar lebih banyak dan lebih Blueheart rumput."Bebe akan mampu membawa atas bahwa gundukan besar dengan cakar kecil mereka dua nya?" Linley tumbuh bingung. Ia segera mengulurkan tangan kepada Bebe mental. "Bebe, itu sudah cukup. Kembali ke sini."Bebe mengangkat kepalanya dan melirik Linley, dan kemudian berkerut hidungnya kecil yang lucu. "Tidak terburu-buru. Ada lebih banyak untuk pergi."Tepat pada saat ini, Velocidragon yang minum air sungai terdekat hanya begitu kebetulan melihat ke arah ini. Pandangan yang turun Bebe, itu jelas melihat dia, dan ia bangkit dari air, mendengus keluar segumpal asap seperti itu tetap dengan tatapan dingin es yang terpaku pada Shadowmouse kecil."Tidak baik." Linley di jantung segera diperketat.Jika Bebe mulai pertempuran habis-habisan dengan Velocidragon, mungkin bahkan lebih ajaib binatang mungkin tertarik di sini. Oleh itu, keadaan akan menjadi lebih buruk.Bebe juga memperhatikan Velocidragon. Setelah melihat Bebe tampaknya menjadi ketakutan, dan segera bersembunyi dekat rumput Blueheart, 'gemetar'."Growl..." Velocidragon mengeluarkan puas mengaum, dan kemudian segera meletakkan kembali lagi dan terus minum air dari sungai."Apa bodoh benjolan besar. Hal ini sangat mudah untuk orang bodoh itu." Bebe delightedly berbicara kepada Linley mental.Saat ini, Linley tidak tahu apakah untuk tertawa atau menangis. Ia tidak mengharapkan sedikit Bebe ' pura-pura kelemahan '. Linley sangat baik tahu bahwa setengah tahun yang lalu, Bebe mampu memaksa Velocidragon untuk melarikan diri. Setelah satu tahun dan setengah pertumbuhan, Bebe sekarang harus lebih kuat.Bebe pasti punya tidak takut Velocidragon.Tapi Bebe juga sangat cerdas. Dia tahu bahwa jika ia disebabkan terlalu banyak keributan, Linley akan mudah terkena.Manusia!Binatang-binatang magis yang sangat antagonis terhadap manusia.Di mata Velocidragon itu, Bebe adalah tidak lebih dari binatang magis yang sangat kecil dan lemah. Melihat bagaimana ketakutan Bebe adalah, tentu saja itu tidak akan repot-repot untuk membunuh Bebe. Setelah semua, Velocidragon tahu bahwa antara Shadowmice, hanya tikus tingkat terendah memiliki bulu hitam.Tetapi Velocidragon tidak tahu bahwa salah satu 'sekutunya' telah telah dianiaya cukup parah oleh Bebe kecil."Tangguh." Linley memberikan Bebe jempol besar atas.Bebe tertawa delightedly. "Tentu saja. Aku, Bebe, adalah Shadowmouse yang sangat cerdas." Mengambil melihat tumpukan besar Blueheart rumput di dekatnya, Bebe tiba-tiba memperluas ukuran tubuhnya secara dramatis, dari dua puluh sentimeter untuk hampir setengah meter.Sekarang bahwa ukuran tubuhnya telah meningkat, Bebe adalah dapat dengan mudah menggunakan cakar besar dua untuk tekan tumpukan yang Blueheart rumput dadanya. Kemudian, dengan flex kakinya...Whoosh!Bebe suddenly landed in the grass, directly next to Linley.“Boss. All in all, there’s 160 clumps of Blueheart Grass here. Having me, Bebe, take action was the perfect, flawless plan.” Bebe arrogantly puffed out his little chest.Linley lovingly rubbed Bebe’s little head, and then put all of the Blueheart Grass in his backpack.“Let’s keep going. I’m growing more and more curious about this valley.” Linley’s eyes shone as he looked east. “For this valley to have so many magical beasts, and also to have such a thick density of elemental essence….mmm, I feel like the elemental density here is even higher than when we first came down. The elemental essence density here is about ten times higher than in the outside world.”Linley had a feeling…Whatever strange factor was causing the elemental essence in this valley to be so much higher than normal, must have came from the eastern side of the valley.Linley continued heading east, moving his way through the dense grass. With the assistance of the supportive wind-style spell Supersonic, Linley was able to move at a very fast speed. A seventh-level magus using the Supersonic spell was capable of allowing someone to move three times faster than normal!Three times Linley’s normal speed as a warrior of the fourth rank.“Whoosh. Whoosh!”Linley quickly scurried from one hiding spot to another, dodging one magical beast after the other. Fortunately, aside from that part which had an abundance of pegasi, the rest of the valley was filled with abundant grass, tall enough to totally hide Linley within it.“From the point where I entered the gorge until now, I’ve perhaps gone east almost a hundred kilometers.”Linley was very astonished.The entire Mountain Range of Magical Beasts was around a thousand kilometers or so wide, so for a valley to be over a hundred kilometers long was very astonishing. Based on distance, Linley should have begun to draw very near to the core regions of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts.“Hey, Boss. There’s very few magical beasts here.” Perched on Linley’s shoulders, Bebe was constantly scanning in all directions as well.Linley nodded.In an area around them with the radius of several kilometers, only two magical beasts could be seen. It was very strange for the density of magical beasts to be so low here. The two magical beasts present were both gigantic Velocidragons. Most importantly…these two Velocidragons were both resting on the ground, apparently asleep.“Just two Velocidragons, and sleeping besides.” Linley laughed in a self-mocking way. “This section will probably be the easiest section to traverse ever since I got in here. But I must say ,these two Velocidragons are rather different compared to your average Velocidragon.Linley noticed that these Velocidragon’s bodies were even larger than that of most Velocidragons. Because they were lying down, it was hard to be certain, but these two Velocidragons, even while lying down, were almost as tall as most Velocidragons were while standing up. In addition, their body length was double that of an ordinary Velocidragon.While lying down on the ground, those two large Velocidragons looked very much like two small mountains.In order to be extra cautious, Linley went so far as to carefully pass the two large Velocidragons via a patch of grass that was over twenty meters away from them. But Linley didn’t notice that when he passed through the grass, making a soft ‘swishing’ sound, the ears of the two Velocidragons twitched, even though their eyes remained close and they didn’t move.When traveling through the grass, of course there would be some noise.But Linley didn’t pay too much heed to that, because as Linley saw it, even the wind blowing through the grass would cause some swishing sounds. It would only just be a bit quieter than the sound of a person traveling through the grass, was all. Linley had crept through the grass for so long now without any trouble.“Swish!”A sudden blur sliced through the air and directly smashed towards Linley. Linley, even while boosted by the Supersonic technique, was only able to just barely stop in time.“Whack!”A long, dragon tail, as fast and flexible as an iron whip, heavily struck the ground right in front of Linley, perhaps just half a meter in front of him. The earth itself split apart from that blow, as a meter-wide crevice appeared in the ground. Linley hurriedly exerted force with his legs and began to run.“I’ve been discovered.” Linley’s heart shuddered.“Growl!” “Growl….”Two roars in succession. The two Velocidragons that had been sleeping suddenly both rose to stand up. Both of them were four stories tall, and their body length alone was around forty meters, with their tails making up another forty meters in length. Their size was absolutely astonishing.“They are so huge! These must be elites amongst the Velocidragon race. Most likely magical beasts of the eighth rank.” Linley’s heart trembled.These were the first magical beasts of the eighth rank which Linley had met here in the valley. As a magus of the seventh rank now, Linley had confidence to tussle with even magical beasts of the seventh rank. But upon encountering a magical beast of the eighth rank, he didn’t even dare to entertain the thought of fighting, because at the higher ranks, the differences in power for each rank grew even more pronounced.Just from the value of magicite cores, one could tell.A magicite core of the sixth rank. 1000 gold coins.But a magicite core of the seventh rank could be worth up to 50,000 gold coins! The gap between the sixth and the seventh ranks was thus easily imagined.
A magicite core of the eighth rank? The price could reach up to 500,000 gold coins!
As for a magicite core of the ninth rank? The value was an astonishing 5,000,000 gold coins!
“These were just the general estimates based upon the books in the libraries. In reality, the magicite cores of some particularly large and powerful magical beasts are extremely rare, and thus even more valuable. Often, you won’t even be able to find them on the market.”
A magical beast of the eighth rank was far more powerful than a magical beast of the seventh rank.
“Growl.” “Growl!”
The two Velocidragon’s of the eighth rank exchanged glances. A look of amusement actually appeared in their eyes, and then they turned, charging at Linley at high speed.
The intelligence of a magical beast of the eighth rank was definitely no less than that of any human being.
“Whoosh!” At maximum speed, Linley began to frantically run eastwards while immediately beginning to chant the words to the wind-style Soaring Technique spell. But since it was a magical spell of the seventh rank, the incantation was quite complex as well, and had to take quite a bit of time to perform.
At this point in time, Bebe didn’t dare to try and show off either.
He could defeat a Velocidragon of the se
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