Constance returns home to Wragby, but thinks to herself that

Constance returns home to Wragby, b

Constance returns home to Wragby, but thinks to herself that "home" is a word that has lost meaning for her, as are "love" and "happiness" (64). They are words that have been cancelled for her entire generation, she thinks. The only word that has meaning is money, which one needs to keep mechanically going. She feels that she doesn't even really want money, and that it is some sort of mysterious nothingness. She thinks of how Clifford wants to be thought of as "really good" but she thinks that this desire for a good reputation is nonsense. She feels as if the mechanism of consciousness itself is going wrong. She herself decides she wants nothing from now on. She is repulsed by the idea of all men she knows - she cannot think about having a child with any of them.

However an idea comes to her. She thinks that she will find a real man. She has an idea he will have to be a foreigner.

Constance begins to go for walks every day, alone in the woods. She likes the inwardness and the silence of the woods, and their vital presence. She comes upon the gamekeeper's house one day, and she knocks on his door. When no one answers, she goes around the cottage, where she sees the gamekeeper naked to the hips. Constance backs away -- she feels shocked. She has seen him as a "perfect, white solitary nudity of a creature that lives alone, and inwardly alone" (66). She ridicules herself though for thinking that a man washing himself is some sort of revelation. She then sits down in confusion.

She returns to the house, and she knocks on the cottage door again. He invites her in and she delivers a message from Clifford. She then lingers in his house, asking him whether he lives alone, to which he responds that he does. Later Constance mentions to Clifford that Mellors, the gamekeeper, is a curious person. Clifford responds that Mellors has spent some time in India, but that he has had to fall back into his lower class position being in England. Constance wants Clifford to admit there's something special about Mellors, but he does not. Constance feels like the men of her generation are scared of life.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Constance kembali rumah bagi Wragby, tapi berpikir untuk dirinya sendiri bahwa "rumah" adalah sebuah kata yang telah kehilangan makna baginya, seperti "cinta" dan "kebahagiaan" (64). Mereka adalah kata-kata yang telah dibatalkan untuk nya seluruh generasi, dia berpikir. Satu-satunya kata yang memiliki arti adalah uang, mana yang perlu untuk menjaga mekanis akan. Dia merasa bahwa dia tidak benar-benar ingin uang, dan bahwa itu adalah semacam ketiadaan misterius. Dia berpikir tentang bagaimana Clifford ingin dianggap sebagai "benar-benar baik" tetapi dia berpikir bahwa keinginan untuk reputasi yang baik adalah omong kosong. Dia merasa seolah-olah mekanisme kesadaran itu sendiri yang salah. Dia sendiri memutuskan dia ingin tidak ada sekarang. Dia adalah jijik oleh gagasan untuk semua orang, dia tahu - dia tidak berpikir tentang memiliki anak dengan salah satu dari mereka.Namun ide datang kepadanya. Dia berpikir bahwa dia akan menemukan pria sejati. Dia memiliki sebuah ide yang ia akan harus orang asing.Constance mulai pergi untuk berjalan setiap hari, sendirian di hutan. Dia suka inwardness dan keheningan hutan, dan kehadiran mereka penting. Dia datang kepada anggota rumah satu hari, dan dia mengetuk pintu. Ketika tidak ada yang menjawab, dia pergi Cottage, dimana ia melihat anggota telanjang untuk pinggul. Constance punggung kaki--dia merasa terkejut. Dia pernah melihatnya sebagai "sempurna, putih soliter ketelanjangan makhluk yang hidup sendirian, dan dalam hati sendirian" (66). Dia menertawakan diri meskipun untuk berpikir bahwa seorang pria yang mencuci sendiri adalah semacam Wahyu. Dia kemudian duduk dalam kebingungan.She returns to the house, and she knocks on the cottage door again. He invites her in and she delivers a message from Clifford. She then lingers in his house, asking him whether he lives alone, to which he responds that he does. Later Constance mentions to Clifford that Mellors, the gamekeeper, is a curious person. Clifford responds that Mellors has spent some time in India, but that he has had to fall back into his lower class position being in England. Constance wants Clifford to admit there's something special about Mellors, but he does not. Constance feels like the men of her generation are scared of life.
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