„Hand-writ­ten let­ter?”My burst­ing out laugh­ing, frowns to be silen terjemahan - „Hand-writ­ten let­ter?”My burst­ing out laugh­ing, frowns to be silen Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Hand-writ­ten let­ter?”My burst­in

„Hand-writ­ten let­ter?”
My burst­ing out laugh­ing, frowns to be silent, since has been robbed, that thinks that crosses not well, what mean­ing at this time came a hand-writ­ten let­ter is? More­over, this NPC gen­eral spoke frankly that makes me go out of town, this also thought highly of me, I was just a player, after all did not grasp the per­son of Tian Ling Em­pire real power.
The South Ko­rean deep pool is rais­ing the steel knife, said: „Gen­eral, do not be­lieve the slan­der­ous talk of this vil­lain, I thought that he wants de­ceives to go out of town then you and mar­shal a blade to kill, might as well let the ap­pear­ance that end will dis­guise as the gen­eral, ap­proached his later blade re­sult he?”
I in con­ster­na­tion: „This line?”
Lin Wan Er cov­ers the mouth to smile: „Han Yuan, you thought that your face is so black, can dis­guise as looks like your fam­ily to com­mand the Sir?”
South Ko­rean deep pool shame­less one red, said: „Young lady chat­ted, I am also only a propo­si­tion”
Xiao Li is rais­ing the long-bar­relled gun, said: „Han Yuan, do not de­lib­er­ately cre­ate trou­ble, the Great in their hands, we can­not act rashly, lets the Sir and mar­shal de­cides!”
I nod, Xiao Li man­ner is dis­crete, more­over Xiao Li has read the per­son of Shu Jing, knows that what is a loyal min­is­ter, to the right­eous­ness of some Great loyal fil­ial piety.
Not far away, truly duke walked, the left arm lost com­pletely, is wrap­ping the thick gauze, an­other is ac­tu­ally rais­ing a han­dle long sword, vis­its me say­ing: „Does Gen­eral Li, we go out of town a time?”
The shal­low for­est in the one side, point has elected in one group of Rong Di Jun sharp with us goes out of town, but Han Yuan, Xiao Li also lead over a hun­dred cav­al­ries of palace guard to go out of town with me to­gether, the city gate opened a slit, the peo­ple have gone out of town one after an­other, looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate NPC to come the human not to be but ac­tu­ally many, that gen­eral proudly rode on the warhorse.
„Fi­nally gave up to go out of town?”
Lean­ing gen­eral stub­born looks to me and truly, sneers say­ing: „Said that Tian Ling Em­pire each gen­er­a­tion pro­duces tal­ented peo­ple, it seems like it is mediocre, un­ex­pect­edly can lose in­clud­ing the sov­er­eigns, hey”
Some are truly im­pa­tient: „This gen­eral, please put out hand-writ­ten let­ter, does not need to ridicule us here, this war has not ended, the vic­tory and de­feat who was still did not have the con­clu­sion.”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Surat tulisan tangan?"Saya meledak tertawa, mengerutkan kening untuk diam, karena baru saja dirampok, yang berpikir bahwa salib tidak baik, apa makna saat ini datang surat tulisan tangan adalah? Selain itu, ini NPC umum berbicara terus terang yang membuat saya pergi ke luar kota, juga pemikiran ini sangat kepadaku, aku hanya seorang pemain, setelah semua tidak memahami orang Tian Ling Kekaisaran kekuasaan yang sesungguhnya.Dalam kolam Korea Selatan adalah meningkatkan pisau baja, berkata: "umum, tidak percaya pembicaraan fitnah penjahat ini, saya berpikir bahwa ia mau menyesatkan untuk pergi ke luar kota maka Anda dan Marsekal pisau untuk membunuh, mungkin sebagai baik membiarkan penampilan yang mengakhiri akan menyamar sebagai Jenderal, mendekati nya pisau kemudian menyebabkan dia?"Dalam dari kekhawatiran: "Baris ini?"Lin Wan Er mencakup mulut tersenyum: "Han Yuan, Anda berpikir bahwa wajah Anda jadi hitam, bisa menyamar sebagai terlihat seperti keluarga Anda untuk perintah Sir?"Korea Selatan dalam kolam shameless satu merah, berkata: "wanita muda bercakap-cakap, saya juga hanya proposisi"Xiao Li adalah meningkatkan senapan berlaras panjang, mengatakan: "Han Yuan, tidak sengaja menciptakan masalah, yang besar di tangan mereka, kami tidak dapat bertindak terburu-buru, memungkinkan Sir dan Marsekal memutuskan!"Aku mengangguk, Xiao Li cara diskrit, apalagi Xiao Li telah membaca orang Shu Jing, tahu bahwa apa adalah seorang Menteri yang setia, kepada kebenaran setia Bakti beberapa besar.Not far away, truly duke walked, the left arm lost com­pletely, is wrap­ping the thick gauze, an­other is ac­tu­ally rais­ing a han­dle long sword, vis­its me say­ing: „Does Gen­eral Li, we go out of town a time?”„Good!”The shal­low for­est in the one side, point has elected in one group of Rong Di Jun sharp with us goes out of town, but Han Yuan, Xiao Li also lead over a hun­dred cav­al­ries of palace guard to go out of town with me to­gether, the city gate opened a slit, the peo­ple have gone out of town one after an­other, looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate NPC to come the human not to be but ac­tu­ally many, that gen­eral proudly rode on the warhorse.„Fi­nally gave up to go out of town?”Lean­ing gen­eral stub­born looks to me and truly, sneers say­ing: „Said that Tian Ling Em­pire each gen­er­a­tion pro­duces tal­ented peo­ple, it seems like it is mediocre, un­ex­pect­edly can lose in­clud­ing the sov­er­eigns, hey”Some are truly im­pa­tient: „This gen­eral, please put out hand-writ­ten let­ter, does not need to ridicule us here, this war has not ended, the vic­tory and de­feat who was still did not have the con­clu­sion.”„Snort!”
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