Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
e MethThe production of methamphetamine -- and the desire to consume it -- is seemingly unstoppable. When precursor chemicals are brought under tight control in one country, like the United States, production simply moves to another country, such as Mexico. When Mexican authorities clamp down, it moves farther south, or into Europe or Asia. Then, the finished product is shipped right back into the very countries that have waged such a battle to get it out.Most meth in the United States is made in large labs --"superlabs"-- in Mexico. There are many small meth labs in operation in the United States, but these mostly serve to feed the habits of the amateur cooks themselves.The production of methamphetamine has been made more difficult by federal regulations aimed at controlling the flow of precursor chemicals such as ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, as well as other necessary components. Through theft, subterfuge, forgeries, personal connections and sheer willpower, determined cooks are able to collect enough materials to make some home-grown meth.Yang ditentukan dan yang aman adalah dua hal yang berbeda--hampir 6 pon (2.7 kilogram) bahan-bahan beracun yang dihasilkan untuk setiap pon shabu dimasak [Sumber: Snell]. Fakta ini, bagaimanapun, tidak berhenti pecandu shabu kristal dari pembuatan bir ceroboh batch kecepatan fuming, busuk, beracun dalam lingkungan yang berventilasi buruk. Rumah-rumah yang digunakan sebagai meth Lab sering dihuni sesudahnya, dan kota-kota dan negara yang terlibat di meth lab patung sering tidak peduli dengan merebut properti, karena tidak ada yang waras mereka akan membelinya pada lelang, bahkan di diskon curam. Kecil meth Lab dapat ditemukan di rumah-rumah pinggiran kota, Kamar-kamar motel, mobil batang, perkemahan atau hutan. Outdoor operasi sering mengakibatkan kontaminasi air dan mati-off vegetasi terdekat.Skala besar labs sering terletak di dalam Lumbung ditinggalkan atau gudang yang ditetapkan secara khusus untuk tujuan pabrik-line produksi shabu-shabu. Meskipun superlabs hanya membuat 4 persen dari total labs, mereka menghasilkan sekitar 80 persen dari shabu-shabu yang angin jalan [Sumber: Suo].Seperti tujuan dapat dicapai dengan mengambil salah satu beberapa rute yang berbeda, sehingga juga dapat kristal metamfetamin diproduksi oleh sejumlah metode yang berbeda. Semua dari mereka, meskipun, melibatkan efedrin atau pseudoephedrine. Seluruh proses dapat melibatkan sebanyak 32 kimia yang berbeda [Sumber: Snell].Tanpa masuk ke sebuah resep yang tepat, kita akan melihat bagaimana skala besar operasi (yang lebih mungkin untuk menggunakan pendekatan metodis dan tepat untuk produksi mereka) membuat shabu kristal.If the ephedrine or pseudoephedrine isn't already in pure powder form, then it must be separated from the tablets of cold medicine that contain it. To do this, the cold medicine tablets are mixed with a solvent and the solution is then filtered and exposed to low temperatures to separate and remove the inert material of the tablet.The pure pseudoephedrine is then mixed with red phosphorus and hydriodic acid.The red phosphorus is then filtered out (and later reused), and the remaining acid is neutralized by adding a lye solution.A substance is added that will bind to the meth, and the liquid meth is then drained out.Hydrogen chloride gas is bubbled through the liquid meth, making it a crystalline hydrochloride salt.This is poured through a filter cloth, and the meth that is left on the filter is then dried.Once dry, the meth is "stepped on" (mixed down with inert filler in order to maximize profits), weighed and packaged for shipment or sale.This process generally takes about two days' time and can result in hundreds of thousands of methamphetamine doses.
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