Magic LoreRaphtalia: “Fortunately, the ship did not sink, cast us adri terjemahan - Magic LoreRaphtalia: “Fortunately, the ship did not sink, cast us adri Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Magic LoreRaphtalia: “Fortunately,

Magic Lore

Raphtalia: “Fortunately, the ship did not sink, cast us adrift, and force us to start living on an uninhabited island.”

Naofumi: “Don’t joke about those things.”

Raphtalia: “It wasn’t a joke.”

Naofumi: “Anyway, let’s get to the hotel early today. We can’t start the member change if we don’t know the schedule right?”

That reminds me, the queen told me to go and greet the one in charge of this island.

Although this is a remote region, he should have quite a lot of authority since a lot of people visit.

Mysterious Person: “I welcome the four holy heroes and their companions.”

A suspicious fellow who is holding a flag like a tour guide approaches us, while we wait for the other heroes to recover before departing.

He is wearing a Melromarc military uniform, and he looks to be a little past middle age……That flag does not suit him.

Hapenburg: “I am Count Hapenbug, and I have been entrusted with this Cal Mira Archipelago.”

Naofumi: “I-I see……”

The only hero who is completely fine is me, so I have to respond.

Hapenburg: “I look forward to our subsequent acquaintanceship.”

Naofumi: “Ah……Best regards.”

Every hero greets Count Hapenburg and the guide employees following him.

Hapenburg: “Now then Hero-samas, I will tell you all about Cal Mira Archipelago, starting from the beginning.”


He really was a tour guide. This is troublesome and annoying.

Naofumi: “We did not come here particularly for sightseeing……”

I would rather not go on a sightseeing tour and learn the island traditions, while there are delicious experience points to be earned.

Hapenburg: “Now now, since ancient times, the four holy heroes have trained here–”

While the count explains, we are guided past a market.

There were some strange objects.

Is that a penguin, rabbit, squirrel, and a dog with a santa hat? There is a totem pole made of four animals on top of one another and decorated.

The penguin has a fishing rod, the rabbit is using a hoe, the squirrel has a saw, and the dog is equipped with rope.

What the hell is that?

Hapenburg: “Oh? Hero of the Shield-sama has a good eye. Those are the pioneers who developed this island, Pengy, Bunny, Squirrley, and Doggy.”

All Japanese-like. No, it’s probably due to the legendary weapon’s translations.

Hapenburg: “By the way, the Four Holy Hero-samas were the ones who named them.”

For the Four Holy Heroes' naming sense to be-

Ah, the count is still talking.

Hapenburg: “The Hero-samas befriended these demons, and gave them names similar to the animals in their world.”

Their naming sense is terrible anyway.

Couldn’t they have changed a little more?

Naofumi: “Then, are they somewhere on this island?”

Hapenburg: “No, when pioneering was completed, they left to look for new land. Afterwards, they were never seen again.”

……In short, they went extinct.

Also, their existence is doubtful. Not to mention, demons pioneering……

Firo: “Ehh…… they look delicious.”

Firo says while drooling.

……If I think carefully, this demon gets supreme joy just by pulling a carriage.

It is quite mysterious.

Something besides the totem pole catches my eye.

Naofumi: “What’s that?”

Hapenburg: “It seems to be an inscription left by the Four Holy Heroes.”

Naofumi: “Interesting.”

I approach it slowly.

The possibility of the Four Holy Heroes being Japanese is high.

Even if it’s not Japanese, there might be some significant information from somewhere else on Earth.

If it’s not written in Japanese, what is it?


Motoyasu: “Oi! This isn’t Japanese. It’s a fake!”

The other heroes approached the inscription and verify that it cannot be read.

Hapenburg: “That is strange……There is a tradition that this was prepared for when new heroes would appear……”

Motoyasu: “……Are you joking? This is a magical letter from this world.”

Magical letter…… This is rather troublesome. Besides me, the other fellows didn’t learn any letters.

What can I say……The letters change according to the person. Such is the existence of magical letters.

For example, If I try to read Raphtalia’s magic book on illusions, I won’t be able to decipher it.

They just become funny words when I translate it.

However, Raphtalia can decipher it and chant the magic.

Though there is a common language for magic letters, it is still impractical, and unless you have an aptitude for it, you cannot use it.

Motoyasu: “Can you read it?”

Naofumi: “All of you relied on the crystal ball that trash gave, while I didn’t receive any. I had to learn to read.”

Motoyasu: “So what does it say?”

Naofumi: “Let's see……”

I read and try to decipher the inscription.

It is written in unexpectedly simple words.

”The Hero of the Shield……commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a legend. Enhance everything!”

“Tzuvait ・Aura……”

I can use it on someone else. Let’s see…..Shall I test it on Firo?

After waving my hand at Firo, she is coated in a film of transparent magic.

Firo: “Wa! Somehow Firo is full of power!”

Firo bounces around.

Even in her human form she jumps very high.

The status screen says that all stats have increased.

Itsuki’s companion: “Aura……Used by the legendary hero. It is an origin magic that raises all abilities.”

So mutters one of Itsuki’s companions in a quiet voice.

There is such a legend?

Itsuki: “Awesome! We’ll learn it too!”

They start trying to read the magic I deciphered together like it’s a game.


Itsuki: “Huh……I can’t read it.”

Naofumi: “That reminds me, you guys don’t know the magic language.”

These guys are frustrated, since they learnt magic from the crystal ball easily.

Itsuki: “Naofumi-san.”

Itsuki turns to me and calls my name.

Naofumi: “What?”

Itsuki: “When did you get magic language comprehension on your shield?”

Naofumi: “I learnt it myself! Don’t depend on your weapon for everything!”

Itsuki: “So stingy!”

Motoyasu: “That’s right! Tell us!”

Seriously, these guys……

It’s like they have a problem understanding what I say.

The efforts you put in yourself will show in the power of your weapon.

Naofumi: “I was able to learn aura magic, but that does not necessarily mean you are able to as well.”

Itsuki: “If you say so. If that’s the case then there should be better magic for us.”

He looks offended.

The reason is probably from thinking he is beneath me, even though I told him the truth. He was barely able to do anything against the pope.

He also already lost to me once.

Naofumi: “So where are we going next?”

Hapenburg: “Moving along, there are various inns located at Cal Mira Archipelago and the transportation–“

I will sum up the count’s long story.

Since Cal Mira Island is active now, the demons are starting to increase.

Due to the increase in demons, the situation is troubling, so heroes and adventurers are called to subjugate them.

While we take advantage of the situation to raise our levels.

That’s why he would be grateful if we could go get rid of demons as quick as possible.

It is unnecessary for us to yield for any adventurers, but it would still be better to avoid any possible confrontations.

……Just like manners in a net game.

There is always a small boat ferrying passengers across islands.

Worst case scenario, I should be able to cross it by swimming.

The hotel prepared by the queen was of the highest class.

It is better than all the hotels I’ve lived in before…… It could even equal the top-class ones in my world.

……Was this originally a castle or something?

Anyway, it was gorgeous and the atmosphere was nice. The walls are made of marble and shining.

There is a stone statue in the middle that acts as a fountain from my world.

Did I come to Hawaii?

There was a luxurious carpet to walk on as we were guided to our rooms.

The hotel also took responsibility for the luggage and Firo’s carriage.

Shadow: “Here is the schedule explaining the upcoming events degojaru.”

The shadow that had a familiar speaking pattern was disguised as Melty.

Naofumi: “Melty?”

Firo: “Master~, That’s not Melty?”

Shadow: “That’s right degojaru.”

Naofumi: “You……”

That’s a confusing disguise. I seriously thought for a second that Melty came.

I can’t even retort at how she was able to change her height.

Shadow: “Right degojaru. I was appointed to exclusively help the Hero of the Shield-dono degojaru.”

Naofumi: “I know disguising yourself is your specialty……But why Melty?”

Shadow: “So that Hero of the Shield-dono will feel at ease degojaru.”

Naofumi: “This makes me feel sick instead, so stop it.”

Shadow: “Understood degojaru.”

The shadow takes of her Melty disguise and returns to her ninja garb.

It is disgusting seeing an acquaintance’s face getting peeled off.

Naofumi: “Speaking of which……What’s with the way you talk?”

Shadow: “Gojaru?”

Naofumi: “Yeah, that.”

Shadow: “Just a habit degojaru. I can stop if necessary degojaruyo."

That reminds me of when I had a bounty, and that villager in disguise helped me. I didn’t notice at all that time.

Shadow: “This is the result of princess Melty enjoying the way I speak, so I was made her exclusive bodyguard degojaruga.”

Naofumi: “Ah, well it certainly makes you easier to distinguish from the other shadows.”

Shadow: “……You should not believe you can identify an individual shadow degojaruyo.”

What? That is a very suspicious comment. It’s like that shadow at the time was a completely different person.

Well, if I think about it, then it would be a problem if a shadow could be identified.

Naofumi: “So you are a different shadow from that one?”

Shadow: “You are mistaken degojaru.”

Naofumi: “……”

Pain in the ass-!

Shadow: “I am just warning you not to identify me with just my speaking habits degojaru.”

Naofumi: “Whateve
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sihir LoreRaphtalia: "Untungnya, kapal itu tidak tenggelam, mengusir kami terombang-ambing, dan memaksa kita untuk mulai hidup di sebuah pulau tak berpenghuni.Naofumi: "tidak bercanda tentang hal-hal."Raphtalia: "itu bukan lelucon."Naofumi: "Anyway, mari kita mendapatkan ke hotel dini hari ini. Kita tidak bisa mulai perubahan anggota jika kita tidak tahu jadwal benar?"Itu mengingatkan saya, Ratu mengatakan kepada saya untuk pergi dan menyapa yang bertanggungjawab ke atas pulau ini.Meskipun ini adalah wilayah terpencil, ia harus memiliki cukup banyak otoritas karena banyak orang mengunjungi.Orang misterius: "Saya menyambut empat pahlawan Kudus dan teman-teman mereka."Fellow mencurigakan yang memegang tanda seperti pemandu wisata pendekatan kita, sementara kita menunggu untuk pahlawan lainnya untuk sembuh sebelum berangkat.Dia mengenakan seragam militer Melromarc, dan dia tampak sedikit usia tengah masa lalu...Bendera ini tidak sesuai dengan dirinya.Hapenburg: "saya Count Hapenbug, dan saya telah dipercayakan dengan ini Cal Mira Archipelago."Naofumi: "saya-saya melihat..."Pahlawan hanya yang benar-benar baik-baik saja ini saya, jadi saya harus menjawab.Hapenburg: "Saya berharap untuk perkenalan berikutnya kami."Naofumi: "Ah...Best regards."Setiap pahlawan menyambut Pangeran Hapenburg dan karyawan panduan nya berikut.Hapenburg: "sekarang maka pahlawan-samas, saya akan memberitahu Anda semua tentang Cal Archipelago Mira, mulai dari awal."Eh...Dia benar-benar adalah pemandu wisata. Ini merepotkan dan menjengkelkan.Naofumi: "kami tidak datang di sini terutama untuk berwisata..."Saya suka tidak akan pergi berwisata dan mempelajari tradisi pulau, sementara ada poin pengalaman lezat untuk diperoleh.Hapenburg: "sekarang sekarang, sejak zaman kuno, empat pahlawan Kudus telah dilatih di sini –"Sementara menjelaskan menghitung, kita dipandu melewati pasar.Ada beberapa objek yang aneh.Apakah itu seekor penguin, kelinci, tupai, dan anjing dengan topi santa? Ada tiang totem terbuat dari empat binatang di atas satu sama lain dan dihiasi.Penguin telah fishing rod, kelinci menggunakan cangkul, tupai telah gergaji, dan anjing dilengkapi dengan tali.Apa sih Apakah itu?Hapenburg: "Oh? Wira perisai-sama memiliki mata yang baik. Mereka adalah pionir yang mengembangkan pulau ini, Pengy, kelinci, Squirrley, dan Doggy."Semua seperti Jepang. Tidak, hal ini mungkin karena terjemahan senjata legendaris.Hapenburg: "By the way, Suci empat pahlawan-samas yang orang-orang yang bernama mereka."Untuk empat Kudus Heroes' penamaan rasa untuk menjadi-Ah, menghitung masih berbicara.Hapenburg: "pahlawan-samas berteman dengan setan-setan ini, dan memberi mereka nama-nama yang mirip dengan binatang di dunia mereka.Rasa penamaan mengerikan tetap.Tidak bisa mereka telah berubah sedikit lebih?Naofumi: "maka, apakah mereka di suatu tempat di pulau ini?"Hapenburg: "tidak, ketika perintis selesai, mereka meninggalkan untuk mencari Tanah baru. Setelah itu, mereka tidak pernah terlihat lagi."……Singkatnya, mereka pergi punah.Juga, keberadaan mereka meragukan. Belum lagi, setan-setan yang merintis...Firo: "Ehh... mereka terlihat lezat."Firo mengatakan sementara meneteskan air liur.……Jika saya berpikir dengan hati-hati, setan ini mendapat kegembiraan tertinggi hanya dengan menarik sebuah kereta.Hal ini cukup misterius.Sesuatu selain tiang totem menangkap mata.Naofumi: "Apa Apakah itu?"Hapenburg: "tampaknya menjadi sebuah prasasti yang ditinggalkan oleh empat pahlawan Kudus."Naofumi: "menarik."Saya mendekati perlahan-lahan.Kemungkinan empat pahlawan Suci yang menjadi Jepang tinggi.Bahkan jika tidak Jepang, mungkin ada beberapa informasi yang signifikan dari tempat lain di bumi.Jika itu tidak ditulis dalam bahasa Jepang, apa itu?Apa...Motoyasu: "Oi! Ini bukan Jepang. Ini adalah palsu!"Para pahlawan mendekati prasasti dan memverifikasi bahwa itu tidak akan dibaca.Hapenburg: "itu aneh...Ada sebuah tradisi yang ini dipersiapkan untuk ketika pahlawan baru akan muncul..."Motoyasu: "...Anda bercanda? Ini adalah surat magis dari dunia ini."Surat magis... Ini agak merepotkan. Selain diriku, rekan-rekan lainnya tidak belajar huruf-huruf.Apa yang bisa saya katakan...Huruf berubah sesuai orang. Begitulah adanya surat-surat yang ajaib.Sebagai contoh, jika saya mencoba untuk membaca Raphtalia's buku sihir pada ilusi, saya tidak dapat memahaminya.Mereka hanya menjadi kata-kata yang lucu ketika aku menerjemahkannya.Namun, Raphtalia dapat memahaminya dan melantunkan keajaiban.Meskipun ada bahasa yang umum untuk surat-surat yang ajaib, hal ini masih tidak praktis, dan kecuali Anda memiliki bakat untuk itu, Anda tidak dapat menggunakannya.Motoyasu: "dapat membacanya?"Naofumi: "Anda bergantung pada bola kristal yang memberi sampah, sementara saya tidak menerima apapun. Saya harus belajar membaca."Motoyasu: "Jadi apa yang dikatakannya?"Naofumi: "Mari kita lihat..."Saya membaca dan mencoba untuk menguraikan prasasti.Tertulis dalam tiba-tiba sederhana kata-kata."Pahlawan perisai... perintah asal-usul kekuasaan. Saya telah membaca dan diuraikan legenda. Meningkatkan semuanya!""Tzuvait ・Aura..."Saya dapat menggunakannya pada orang lain. Mari kita lihat...Saya akan mengujinya di Firo?Setelah melambaikan tangan saya di Firo, ia dilapisi dalam film transparan sihir.Firo: "Wa! Entah bagaimana Firo penuh dengan kekuatan! "Firo memantul di sekitar.Bahkan dalam bentuk manusia nya dia melompat sangat tinggi.Status layar mengatakan bahwa semua Statistik telah meningkat.Itsuki's pendamping: "Aura...Digunakan oleh pahlawan legendaris. Ini adalah sihir asal yang menimbulkan semua kemampuan."Jadi mutters salah satu sahabat Itsuki di dalam suara yang tenang.Ada sebuah legenda?Itsuki: "Awesome! Kita akan mempelajari itu terlalu!"Mereka mulai mencoba membaca sihir yang saya diuraikan bersama-sama seperti itu adalah permainan.Namun.Itsuki: "ya...Saya tidak bisa membaca."Naofumi: "yang mengingatkan saya, kalian tidak tahu bahasa ajaib."Orang-orang ini frustrasi, karena mereka belajar sihir dari bola kristal dengan mudah.Itsuki: "Naofumi-san.Itsuki berubah saya dan memanggil namaku.Naofumi: "apa?"Itsuki: "ketika Anda mendapatkan pemahaman bahasa sihir di perisai Anda?"Naofumi: "Aku belajar itu sendiri! Jangan tergantung pada senjata Anda untuk semuanya!"Itsuki: "Jadi pelit!"Motoyasu: "That's right! Beritahu kami!"Serius, orang-orang ini...Hal ini seperti mereka memiliki masalah memahami apa yang saya katakan.Upaya Anda masukkan ke dalam diri Anda akan menunjukkan kekuatan senjata Anda.Naofumi: "saya mampu untuk belajar sihir aura, tetapi itu tidak berarti kita mampu juga."Itsuki: "Jika Anda mengatakan begitu. Jika itu terjadi maka harus ada lebih ajaib bagi kita."Dia tampak tersinggung.Alasannya adalah mungkin dari berpikir dia adalah di bawah saya, meskipun saya mengatakan kepadanya kebenaran. Dia adalah hampir tidak mampu melakukan apa-apa terhadap Paus.Ia juga telah kehilangan saya sekali.Naofumi: "jadi mana kita pergi berikutnya?"Hapenburg: "bergerak bersama, ada berbagai penginapan yang terletak di Cal Mira Nusantara dan transportasi"Saya akan menyimpulkan cerita panjang count.Sejak Cal Mira pulau aktif sekarang, Iblis mulai meningkat.Karena peningkatan setan, dalam situasi mengganggu, jadi pahlawan dan petualang dipanggil untuk menyerapnya.Sementara kita mengambil keuntungan dari situasi untuk menaikkan tingkat kami.Yang adalah mengapa ia akan berterima kasih jika kita bisa menyingkirkan setan secepat mungkin.Tidak perlu bagi kita untuk menghasilkan untuk petualang apapun, tetapi masih akan lebih baik untuk menghindari konfrontasi apapun mungkin.……Seperti sopan santun dalam permainan bersih.Selalu ada sebuah perahu kecil yang mengangkut penumpang melintasi Kepulauan.Skenario kasus terburuk, aku harus bisa menyeberanginya dengan berenang.Hotel disiapkan oleh Ratu adalah kelas tertinggi.Hal ini lebih baik dari semua hotel saya telah tinggal di sebelum... Itu bahkan bisa sama kelas atas orang-orang di dunia saya.……Apakah ini awalnya benteng atau sesuatu?Lagi pula, itu adalah cantik dan suasana yang menyenangkan. Dinding terbuat dari marmer dan bersinar.Ada sebuah patung batu di tengah-tengah yang bertindak sebagai air mancur dari dunia.Apakah saya datang ke Hawaii?Ada karpet mewah untuk berjalan di atas seperti yang kita dibimbing untuk kamar kami.Hotel ini juga mengambil tanggung jawab untuk bagasi dan Firo di kereta.Shadow: "Inilah jadwal menjelaskan degojaru acara mendatang."Bayangan itu pola berbicara akrab menyamar sebagai Melty.Naofumi: "Melty?"Firo: "Master ~, itu tidak Melty?"Shadow: "itu adalah tepat degojaru."Naofumi: "Anda..."Itulah menyamar membingungkan. Saya serius berpikir untuk kedua yang datang Melty.Aku bahkan tidak bisa cekatan di bagaimana dia mampu mengubah ketinggian.Shadow: "tepat degojaru. Saya diangkat secara eksklusif membantu pahlawan degojaru Shield Gimi."Naofumi: "Aku tahu menyamarkan diri sendiri adalah spesialisasi Anda...Tapi mengapa Melty?"Shadow: "Jadi bahwa pahlawan perisai Gimi akan merasa degojaru mudah."Naofumi: "ini membuat saya merasa sakit sebaliknya, jadi berhenti itu."Shadow: "Understood degojaru."Bayangan mengambil menyamar nya Melty dan kembali ke pakaian ninja nya.Hal ini menjijikkan melihat wajah seorang kenalan yang mendapatkan mengelupas.Naofumi: "berbicara dari yang...Apa itu dengan cara Anda berbicara?"Shadow: "Gojaru?"Naofumi: "Ya, itu."Shadow: "Just degojaru kebiasaan. Aku bisa berhenti jika perlu degojaruyo. "Itu mengingatkan saya tentang ketika aku punya karunia, dan bahwa villager menyamar membantu saya. Saya tidak melihat sama sekali waktu itu.Shadow: "ini adalah hasil dari putri Melty menikmati cara saya berbicara, jadi saya telah membuat nya eksklusif pengawal degojaruga."Naofumi: "Ah, baik itu pasti membuat Anda lebih mudah untuk membedakan dari bayang-bayang lain."Shadow: "...Anda harus tidak percaya Anda dapat mengidentifikasi individu bayangan degojaruyo."Apa? Itu adalah komentar yang sangat mencurigakan. Hal ini seperti bayangan pada waktu adalah orang yang benar-benar berbeda.Nah, jika aku berpikir tentang hal itu, maka akan masalah jika bayangan dapat diidentifikasi.Naofumi: "Jadi engkau adalah bayangan berbeda dari yang satu?"Shadow: "Anda adalah keliru degojaru."Naofumi: "..."Rasa sakit di pantat-!Shadow: "aku 'm hanya peringatan Anda untuk tidak mengidentifikasikan saya dengan hanya degojaru kebiasaan saya berbicara."Naofumi: "Whateve
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Magic Lore

Raphtalia: “Fortunately, the ship did not sink, cast us adrift, and force us to start living on an uninhabited island.”

Naofumi: “Don’t joke about those things.”

Raphtalia: “It wasn’t a joke.”

Naofumi: “Anyway, let’s get to the hotel early today. We can’t start the member change if we don’t know the schedule right?”

That reminds me, the queen told me to go and greet the one in charge of this island.

Although this is a remote region, he should have quite a lot of authority since a lot of people visit.

Mysterious Person: “I welcome the four holy heroes and their companions.”

A suspicious fellow who is holding a flag like a tour guide approaches us, while we wait for the other heroes to recover before departing.

He is wearing a Melromarc military uniform, and he looks to be a little past middle age……That flag does not suit him.

Hapenburg: “I am Count Hapenbug, and I have been entrusted with this Cal Mira Archipelago.”

Naofumi: “I-I see……”

The only hero who is completely fine is me, so I have to respond.

Hapenburg: “I look forward to our subsequent acquaintanceship.”

Naofumi: “Ah……Best regards.”

Every hero greets Count Hapenburg and the guide employees following him.

Hapenburg: “Now then Hero-samas, I will tell you all about Cal Mira Archipelago, starting from the beginning.”


He really was a tour guide. This is troublesome and annoying.

Naofumi: “We did not come here particularly for sightseeing……”

I would rather not go on a sightseeing tour and learn the island traditions, while there are delicious experience points to be earned.

Hapenburg: “Now now, since ancient times, the four holy heroes have trained here–”

While the count explains, we are guided past a market.

There were some strange objects.

Is that a penguin, rabbit, squirrel, and a dog with a santa hat? There is a totem pole made of four animals on top of one another and decorated.

The penguin has a fishing rod, the rabbit is using a hoe, the squirrel has a saw, and the dog is equipped with rope.

What the hell is that?

Hapenburg: “Oh? Hero of the Shield-sama has a good eye. Those are the pioneers who developed this island, Pengy, Bunny, Squirrley, and Doggy.”

All Japanese-like. No, it’s probably due to the legendary weapon’s translations.

Hapenburg: “By the way, the Four Holy Hero-samas were the ones who named them.”

For the Four Holy Heroes' naming sense to be-

Ah, the count is still talking.

Hapenburg: “The Hero-samas befriended these demons, and gave them names similar to the animals in their world.”

Their naming sense is terrible anyway.

Couldn’t they have changed a little more?

Naofumi: “Then, are they somewhere on this island?”

Hapenburg: “No, when pioneering was completed, they left to look for new land. Afterwards, they were never seen again.”

……In short, they went extinct.

Also, their existence is doubtful. Not to mention, demons pioneering……

Firo: “Ehh…… they look delicious.”

Firo says while drooling.

……If I think carefully, this demon gets supreme joy just by pulling a carriage.

It is quite mysterious.

Something besides the totem pole catches my eye.

Naofumi: “What’s that?”

Hapenburg: “It seems to be an inscription left by the Four Holy Heroes.”

Naofumi: “Interesting.”

I approach it slowly.

The possibility of the Four Holy Heroes being Japanese is high.

Even if it’s not Japanese, there might be some significant information from somewhere else on Earth.

If it’s not written in Japanese, what is it?


Motoyasu: “Oi! This isn’t Japanese. It’s a fake!”

The other heroes approached the inscription and verify that it cannot be read.

Hapenburg: “That is strange……There is a tradition that this was prepared for when new heroes would appear……”

Motoyasu: “……Are you joking? This is a magical letter from this world.”

Magical letter…… This is rather troublesome. Besides me, the other fellows didn’t learn any letters.

What can I say……The letters change according to the person. Such is the existence of magical letters.

For example, If I try to read Raphtalia’s magic book on illusions, I won’t be able to decipher it.

They just become funny words when I translate it.

However, Raphtalia can decipher it and chant the magic.

Though there is a common language for magic letters, it is still impractical, and unless you have an aptitude for it, you cannot use it.

Motoyasu: “Can you read it?”

Naofumi: “All of you relied on the crystal ball that trash gave, while I didn’t receive any. I had to learn to read.”

Motoyasu: “So what does it say?”

Naofumi: “Let's see……”

I read and try to decipher the inscription.

It is written in unexpectedly simple words.

”The Hero of the Shield……commands the origin of power. I have read and deciphered a legend. Enhance everything!”

“Tzuvait ・Aura……”

I can use it on someone else. Let’s see…..Shall I test it on Firo?

After waving my hand at Firo, she is coated in a film of transparent magic.

Firo: “Wa! Somehow Firo is full of power!”

Firo bounces around.

Even in her human form she jumps very high.

The status screen says that all stats have increased.

Itsuki’s companion: “Aura……Used by the legendary hero. It is an origin magic that raises all abilities.”

So mutters one of Itsuki’s companions in a quiet voice.

There is such a legend?

Itsuki: “Awesome! We’ll learn it too!”

They start trying to read the magic I deciphered together like it’s a game.


Itsuki: “Huh……I can’t read it.”

Naofumi: “That reminds me, you guys don’t know the magic language.”

These guys are frustrated, since they learnt magic from the crystal ball easily.

Itsuki: “Naofumi-san.”

Itsuki turns to me and calls my name.

Naofumi: “What?”

Itsuki: “When did you get magic language comprehension on your shield?”

Naofumi: “I learnt it myself! Don’t depend on your weapon for everything!”

Itsuki: “So stingy!”

Motoyasu: “That’s right! Tell us!”

Seriously, these guys……

It’s like they have a problem understanding what I say.

The efforts you put in yourself will show in the power of your weapon.

Naofumi: “I was able to learn aura magic, but that does not necessarily mean you are able to as well.”

Itsuki: “If you say so. If that’s the case then there should be better magic for us.”

He looks offended.

The reason is probably from thinking he is beneath me, even though I told him the truth. He was barely able to do anything against the pope.

He also already lost to me once.

Naofumi: “So where are we going next?”

Hapenburg: “Moving along, there are various inns located at Cal Mira Archipelago and the transportation–“

I will sum up the count’s long story.

Since Cal Mira Island is active now, the demons are starting to increase.

Due to the increase in demons, the situation is troubling, so heroes and adventurers are called to subjugate them.

While we take advantage of the situation to raise our levels.

That’s why he would be grateful if we could go get rid of demons as quick as possible.

It is unnecessary for us to yield for any adventurers, but it would still be better to avoid any possible confrontations.

……Just like manners in a net game.

There is always a small boat ferrying passengers across islands.

Worst case scenario, I should be able to cross it by swimming.

The hotel prepared by the queen was of the highest class.

It is better than all the hotels I’ve lived in before…… It could even equal the top-class ones in my world.

……Was this originally a castle or something?

Anyway, it was gorgeous and the atmosphere was nice. The walls are made of marble and shining.

There is a stone statue in the middle that acts as a fountain from my world.

Did I come to Hawaii?

There was a luxurious carpet to walk on as we were guided to our rooms.

The hotel also took responsibility for the luggage and Firo’s carriage.

Shadow: “Here is the schedule explaining the upcoming events degojaru.”

The shadow that had a familiar speaking pattern was disguised as Melty.

Naofumi: “Melty?”

Firo: “Master~, That’s not Melty?”

Shadow: “That’s right degojaru.”

Naofumi: “You……”

That’s a confusing disguise. I seriously thought for a second that Melty came.

I can’t even retort at how she was able to change her height.

Shadow: “Right degojaru. I was appointed to exclusively help the Hero of the Shield-dono degojaru.”

Naofumi: “I know disguising yourself is your specialty……But why Melty?”

Shadow: “So that Hero of the Shield-dono will feel at ease degojaru.”

Naofumi: “This makes me feel sick instead, so stop it.”

Shadow: “Understood degojaru.”

The shadow takes of her Melty disguise and returns to her ninja garb.

It is disgusting seeing an acquaintance’s face getting peeled off.

Naofumi: “Speaking of which……What’s with the way you talk?”

Shadow: “Gojaru?”

Naofumi: “Yeah, that.”

Shadow: “Just a habit degojaru. I can stop if necessary degojaruyo."

That reminds me of when I had a bounty, and that villager in disguise helped me. I didn’t notice at all that time.

Shadow: “This is the result of princess Melty enjoying the way I speak, so I was made her exclusive bodyguard degojaruga.”

Naofumi: “Ah, well it certainly makes you easier to distinguish from the other shadows.”

Shadow: “……You should not believe you can identify an individual shadow degojaruyo.”

What? That is a very suspicious comment. It’s like that shadow at the time was a completely different person.

Well, if I think about it, then it would be a problem if a shadow could be identified.

Naofumi: “So you are a different shadow from that one?”

Shadow: “You are mistaken degojaru.”

Naofumi: “……”

Pain in the ass-!

Shadow: “I am just warning you not to identify me with just my speaking habits degojaru.”

Naofumi: “Whateve
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