Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Meng Hao traces bag of holding, coughs, in his present bag of holding the immortal jade is numerous, that is he in the unexpected wealth that Ninth Sea God World and Monster Cultivator branch makes a bet to make, at this moment not consciousness has a filthy rich feeling, the vision has swept all around, takes a step to walk, after transferring, this rural fair he had about understood that besides some shops, this place auction room, at this moment is also auctioning the goods, does not have the person of fixed participation, momentarily passed by, may bid.But are more, is these respective setting up a stall, sells the goods to be all kinds, great variety.After the innermost feelings know how things stand, Meng Hao walks into a shop, in this shop cultivator has 35 people, some side people accompany, was introducing some magic weapons.Meng Hao just stepped into, immediately the young female goes forward, when to open mouth, the Meng Hao big sleeve flung, is studying in the memory the Steward Zhou past appearance, lifted the chin, light to open mouth.„Leads me to go to your here high-quality pavilions.”That young female looked at Meng Hao one, the innermost feelings actually disdained, such as Meng Hao this thinks that filthy rich person, she saw were many, may finally after seeing these treasures prices, the true purchase, very few.Tampak biasa, anggukan dipandu, telah tiba di sudut toko ini, setelah ketika menepuk dimulai, dinding toko ini di sini, tiba-tiba tidak segera jelas, jelas, di atas disajikan puluhan jenis senjata sihir penampilan yang berbeda."Ini, ini, bahwa hal ini, barang-barang tujuh ini..." Lonceng pada sosok Meng Hao dinding toko ini, telah disebut barang-barang lainnya."Visi baik sesama Dao ini, tujuh ini adalah senjata sihir barang bermutu tinggi, harga total kebutuhan sekitar 6 juta batu semangat, jika sesama Dao dengan jade pembayaran abadi, di sini dapat memberikan beberapa diskon..." Perempuan cahaya untuk membuka mulut, tenang, ketika terlihat Meng Hao, ia juga ingin tahu setelah partai yang berlawanan mendengar harga ini, Apakah juga memiliki keberanian untuk membeli barang-barang tujuh."Tujuh ini, aku tidak mau..." Meng Hao desirably mempertahankan ekspresi tenang, lambat untuk membuka mulut.Perasaan terdalam perempuan mencemooh, tampilan seperti sebelumnya tenang, ketika akan berbicara, suara Meng Hao terus menyebar."Lain, saya semua ingin." (Untuk dilanjutkan...
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