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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1288: Be greedy! Almost in the instance of Lu Hou incarnation ominous beast, Meng Hao felt in this Mountains and Seas Plane, that angry will, even more clear, perhaps the bystander is unable to feel is so intense, will think is the illusion, is only by this will disturbance, had the meaning of loathing to this alien race.The desire that but Meng Hao here, can actually the clear feeling, in this anger reveal extinguishes kills the thought of this alien race, at the same time, he can also feel, on the body of this alien race, seems to be a wisp of fluctuation, dark ... In 33 days with starry sky connect.„Mountains and Seas Plane will.” Meng Hao looked that to alien race who roaring to approach, the strength of Cultivation this beast erupts at this moment, already was not weak in the five sources of that young lad.„Seizes the shed, does not seize the shed ... This is some powerhouse beyond 33 days, the body of projection arrives, seized to abandon Lu Hou, reason that and can such quick successful, was because has resided temporarily was very long.” Meng Hao two eyes dodges, the body one step goes out fiercely forward, with the mortal body, hit with this alien race unexpectedly directly in one.Of bang, two people separate fast, the Meng Hao body withdraws, the corners of the mouth overflow blood, the alien race same withdraws, the blowout of blood are more, even the chest is completely hollow, flows off the purple blood, sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell."Tubuh fana sangat kuat, tapi ini hanya 33 ruang ras alien benar tubuh bagian kekuatan... Akan datang, lokomotif yang saat ini dalam 33 hari, kontrol ini ras alien, mengaburkan individu." meng Hao berkedip dua mata, tangan kanan mengangkat antara gelombang tangan, segera esensi ilahi api tiba-tiba meletus, tiba-tiba mencakup bahwa ras alien.Ini ras alien mengaum, tiba-tiba di bawah suara gemuruh, Semua sekitar disajikan log, log ini adalah ukiran mistik rune. Setelah muncul, sama memiliki kekuatan sumber untuk meletus, langsung menjulang Meng Hao esensi api ilahi.Meng Hao melihat termenung, melambaikan tangan untuk berfoya-foya ilahi api, sosok tangan gelombang. Segera tiba puncak gunung yang gemuruh, batu tubuh, hukumnya teknik menampilkan tanpa henti, 11 jatuh pada ras alien ini, Hakim-hakim yang mengambil keuntungan dari ini, berlawanan pihak tubuh serta budidaya rinci.Deru ras alien ini mengerikan. Di bawah ini banyak kekuatan magis, dua mata dodges tiba-tiba, Lift tangan kanan, menuju tempat yang Meng Hao adalah, memisahkan spasial menggenggam jahat. Di bawah ini grasps, Meng Hao perasaan terdalam bereaksi, lenyap instan, hampir dalam contoh yang ia menghilang, kepada semua di sekitar bang, bahwa nihility langit berbintang runtuh langsung, thunderbolt gemuruh.Tidak selesai, setelah Meng Hao bentuk tempat yang jauh tidak pernah mengungkapkan. Di mata ras alien ini maksud pembunuh mengisi udara, tiba-tiba wajah ke atas ke bawah, mengangkat kedua tangan. Adalah sujud diri ke arah langit.At this moment, all around starry sky reacted, extremely obvious is not the aura of this world, wide scope arrives, this aura has formed huge Phantom in the starry sky, that is one ... If lizard giant creature!Has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) fully. The imposing manner is dreadful, after appearing. Meng Hao even felt Mountains and Seas Plane Killing Intent, in this moment intense eruption. May actually not know, is actually suppressed why, has not released, when has not caused such as the past alien race presented mountain and sea changes.„true body, ghost!” This alien race whooshes, the whole body scale disrupts completely, the blood sprays, these blood all lift off, directly soar this Phantom to go, suddenly, the condensation on the right eye of this astonishing lizard Phantom, has caused the right eye of this lizard, flickers Scarlet-red, as if had nimble and resourceful.This right eye sweeps, fierce looks to Meng Hao, is only a vision of eye, made Meng Hao feel the intense pressure immediately, his facial color change, was staring at that huge Phantom.„Paragon ... Should not be nine sources, may at least also be seven sources.” The Meng Hao mind shakes, at this moment, a life and death crisis, making his two eyes dodge, the right hand lifts void grasps, immediately the mountain and sea strength invisible comes, was raised by him directly, prevents before the body.Instant, red glow, erupts from the eye of this lizard, having one to destroy all terrors, directly soared Meng Hao to come, to appear in his front instantaneously, with the strength of mountain and sea Meng Hao raised, invisible collision.
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