I am as­ton­ished how­ever: „What did you say?”„Do not speak!”„”After  terjemahan - I am as­ton­ished how­ever: „What did you say?”„Do not speak!”„”After  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I am as­ton­ished how­ever: „What d

I am as­ton­ished how­ever: „What did you say?”
„Do not speak!”
After sev­eral min­utes, that pro­ces­sion of lanterns is sway­ing from side to side the fierce head, has a look at all around, blood red eye gath­ered, ob­serves for a long time, has turned fi­nally the body, launched the wings to fly to the dis­tant place.
Aodiliya then puts down the heart, said: „Hurry up, after the pro­ces­sion of lanterns sen­try post leaves, after five min­utes , the ice dragon can come the re­place, this is we crosses the op­por­tu­nity in wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory bound­ary only!”
I do not have again hes­i­tant any­thing, fol­lowed close on Aodiliya to over­run, looked at the map, I must go to the storm abyss also to in any case pass through the wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory, oth­er­wise must pass through the blood orig­i­nal, that was the dan­ger that I am not will­ing to take, but this wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory is not as if easy to cope, in any case every­where was the dan­ger, can only brace one­self.
Spun, speeds along to enter the deep place of wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory, soon, Aodiliya turned around sud­denly, ac­cord­ing to my shoul­der, said: „Lis­tened, this front was am­bush­ing a poi­so­nous dragon, was a flight is the wind dragon, preyed on here the wild an­i­mal of process spe­cially, or was hu­man­ity, but I do not know where it hid, must mas­sacre it to enter the wild Long Clan tem­ple, there­fore the boy, you pro­gressed do not turn head from here for­ward Ben Hang , should not be afraid!”
My whole body trem­bles: „Are you make me work as bait?”
„Yo, very in­tel­li­gent!”
„Do I have other choice?”
„Did you say?” She draws out be­hind long sword slowly, the cor­ners of the mouth pan- the happy ex­pres­sion of devil, NND, can­not stir up!
Has not said any­thing again, I raise the sword to progress to go, go through be­tween the jun­gle and crushed stone, the sad­dle horse speed was greatly af­fected, this is also the mat­ter that I am wor­ried about, runs, while care­fully is ob­serv­ing the sur­round­ing sit­u­a­tion, al­ways felt that has any thing to stare at it­self, if not Aodiliya, that was that poi­so­nous dragon!
Re­ally, is less than two min­utes, sud­denly in the dis­tant place jun­gle „whish” hun­dred birds fly, a green wind dragon dance is mov­ing the sharp claws flee­ing line top the jun­gle, sharp claws a piece by piece stump grasp­ing bro­ken, after mak­ing an ef­fort a step on held, opens the wings to glide has speed­ily been fir­ing into me, opened big mouth Li Hou, ben­e­fit­ted above the tooth to reap­pear the venom.
In above the warhorse, I opened the wall and frost Hua Bingjia mump­ing sud­denly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously re­turns to turn around, is being one time ties up the beastly lock to this Level 115 lev­els of Saint sun­light step BOSS drag­ons!
The Fei­long con­crete ground is too far, ties up the beastly lock un­able to reach, di­rectly on MISS!
The dou­ble sword raises, I force to trans­fer the wharf to over­run, NND, mak­ing me work as the bait? Does not have the gate, I have not planned to live going back in dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, no mat­ter the enemy is any­thing, makes war is the only choice!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I am as­ton­ished how­ever: „What did you say?”„Do not speak!”„”After sev­eral min­utes, that pro­ces­sion of lanterns is sway­ing from side to side the fierce head, has a look at all around, blood red eye gath­ered, ob­serves for a long time, has turned fi­nally the body, launched the wings to fly to the dis­tant place.Aodiliya then puts down the heart, said: „Hurry up, after the pro­ces­sion of lanterns sen­try post leaves, after five min­utes , the ice dragon can come the re­place, this is we crosses the op­por­tu­nity in wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory bound­ary only!”I do not have again hes­i­tant any­thing, fol­lowed close on Aodiliya to over­run, looked at the map, I must go to the storm abyss also to in any case pass through the wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory, oth­er­wise must pass through the blood orig­i­nal, that was the dan­ger that I am not will­ing to take, but this wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory is not as if easy to cope, in any case every­where was the dan­ger, can only brace one­self.Spun, speeds along to enter the deep place of wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory, soon, Aodiliya turned around sud­denly, ac­cord­ing to my shoul­der, said: „Lis­tened, this front was am­bush­ing a poi­so­nous dragon, was a flight is the wind dragon, preyed on here the wild an­i­mal of process spe­cially, or was hu­man­ity, but I do not know where it hid, must mas­sacre it to enter the wild Long Clan tem­ple, there­fore the boy, you pro­gressed do not turn head from here for­ward Ben Hang , should not be afraid!”My whole body trem­bles: „Are you make me work as bait?”„Yo, very in­tel­li­gent!”„Do I have other choice?”„Did you say?” She draws out be­hind long sword slowly, the cor­ners of the mouth pan- the happy ex­pres­sion of devil, NND, can­not stir up!Has not said any­thing again, I raise the sword to progress to go, go through be­tween the jun­gle and crushed stone, the sad­dle horse speed was greatly af­fected, this is also the mat­ter that I am wor­ried about, runs, while care­fully is ob­serv­ing the sur­round­ing sit­u­a­tion, al­ways felt that has any thing to stare at it­self, if not Aodiliya, that was that poi­so­nous dragon!Re­ally, is less than two min­utes, sud­denly in the dis­tant place jun­gle „whish” hun­dred birds fly, a green wind dragon dance is mov­ing the sharp claws flee­ing line top the jun­gle, sharp claws a piece by piece stump grasp­ing bro­ken, after mak­ing an ef­fort a step on held, opens the wings to glide has speed­ily been fir­ing into me, opened big mouth Li Hou, ben­e­fit­ted above the tooth to reap­pear the venom.„Came!”In above the warhorse, I opened the wall and frost Hua Bingjia mump­ing sud­denly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously re­turns to turn around, is being one time ties up the beastly lock to this Level 115 lev­els of Saint sun­light step BOSS drag­ons!„Bang!”„MISS!”The Fei­long con­crete ground is too far, ties up the beastly lock un­able to reach, di­rectly on MISS!The dou­ble sword raises, I force to trans­fer the wharf to over­run, NND, mak­ing me work as the bait? Does not have the gate, I have not planned to live going back in dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory, no mat­ter the enemy is any­thing, makes war is the only choice!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku heran namun: "? Apa yang kau katakan"
bicara" ""
Setelah beberapa menit, bahwa prosesi lentera bergoyang dari sisi ke sisi kepala sengit, memiliki lihat di sekitar, darah mata merah berkumpul, mengamati untuk waktu yang lama, telah berubah akhirnya tubuh, meluncurkan sayap untuk terbang ke tempat yang jauh.
Aodiliya kemudian meletakkan hati, mengatakan: "Cepatlah, setelah prosesi lentera Sentry daun pos, setelah lima menit, es naga bisa datang menggantikan, ini adalah kita melintasi kesempatan di naga liar batas wilayah marga hanya! "
saya tidak punya apa-apa lagi ragu-ragu, diikuti dekat pada Aodiliya untuk menaklukkan, melihat peta, saya harus pergi ke jurang badai juga untuk dalam hal apapun melewati wilayah klan naga liar, sebaliknya harus melewati asli darah, itu bahaya bahwa saya tidak bersedia untuk mengambil, tapi wilayah naga clan liar ini tidak seolah-olah mudah untuk mengatasi, dalam hal apapun di mana-mana . bahaya, hanya bisa menguatkan diri sendiri
Spun, kecepatan bersama untuk memasuki tempat dalam wilayah klan naga liar, segera, Aodiliya berbalik tiba-tiba, menurut bahu saya, berkata: "Dengarkan, depan ini menyergap naga beracun, adalah penerbangan adalah naga angin, memangsa sini hewan liar proses khusus, atau apakah manusia, tapi saya tidak tahu di mana itu bersembunyi, harus pembantaian itu untuk memasuki kuil panjang Clan liar, oleh karena itu anak, Anda berkembang tidak menoleh dari sini ke depan Ben Hang, tidak perlu takut "!
seluruh tubuhku gemetar:"? Apakah Anda membuat saya bekerja sebagai umpan "
"! Yo, sangat cerdas "
" Apakah saya punya pilihan lain "?
" Apakah kau katakan? "Dia menarik di belakang pedang panjang perlahan-lahan, sudut-sudut mulut Pan ekspresi bahagia setan, NND, tidak bisa membangkitkan!
Apakah tidak mengatakan apa-apa lagi, aku mengangkat pedang untuk kemajuan untuk pergi, pergi melalui antara hutan dan batu hancur, yang kecepatan kuda pelana sangat dipengaruhi, ini juga masalah yang saya khawatirkan, berjalan, sementara hati-hati mengamati situasi sekitar, selalu merasa bahwa memiliki sesuatu untuk menatap dirinya sendiri, jika tidak Aodiliya, itu yang beracun naga!
benar-benar , kurang dari dua menit, tiba-tiba di tempat hutan yang jauh "whish" ratus burung terbang, tarian naga angin hijau bergerak cakar yang tajam melarikan diri baris atas hutan, cakar tajam sepotong demi sepotong tunggul menggenggam rusak, setelah membuat upaya langkah di diadakan, membuka sayap untuk meluncur telah cepat telah menembak ke saya, membuka mulut besar Li Hou, diuntungkan atas gigi untuk muncul kembali racun.
di atas kuda perang, aku membuka dinding dan es Hua Bingjia mumping tiba-tiba, secara bersamaan kembali untuk berbalik, sedang satu kali hubungan up kunci jijik ke level ini 115 tingkat Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS naga!
The Feilong tanah beton terlalu jauh, mengikat kunci jijik tidak dapat mencapai, langsung di LEWATKAN!
pedang ganda menimbulkan, saya memaksa untuk mentransfer dermaga untuk diserbu, NND, membuat saya bekerja sebagai umpan? Tidak memiliki pintu gerbang, saya belum berencana untuk hidup kembali di wilayah setan yang berbeda, tidak peduli musuh sesuatu, membuat perang adalah satu-satunya pilihan!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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