After sev­eral min­utes, A4 goes slowly in the cam­pus track, had the  terjemahan - After sev­eral min­utes, A4 goes slowly in the cam­pus track, had the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After sev­eral min­utes, A4 goes sl

After sev­eral min­utes, A4 goes slowly in the cam­pus track, had the stu­dent to pass by un­ceas­ingly, pairs of lovers were en­vi­able.
Wipes the tea to em­brace the folder, said with a smile: „El­dest child, I some time ago had been look­ing at you and Q Sword fight has recorded, this time de­feats not un­de­served, was sim­i­lar to Drunken Spear said that the skill that Q Sword used came at the trun­ca­tion rip­ple, this was in three grand tac­tics classes is strongest, the skill that was also most dif­fi­cult to mas­ter, has not thought that Q Sword this war du­pli­cate class an­ces­tor di­vi­sional level pow­er­house is will­ing to lower the head to study the trun­ca­tion rip­ple un­ex­pect­edly.”
My foot stops the car­riage, said in con­ster­na­tion: „Wipes the tea, how you know that is the trun­ca­tion rip­ple?”
„Be­cause I have stud­ied!”
Wiped tea min red lip, said: „After the small mon­ster is miss­ing, no­body can grasp a sec­tion of rip­ple per­fectly, fights du­pli­cate class and liquor sword class run­ning amuck world, the Boss, you have a look at these”
Say­ing, wipes the tea to open folder, im­pres­sively is the con­fronta­tion of vil­lain image, step and pos­ture draw­ing very proper . More­over, when is I and Q Sword fights the de­tail de­scrip­tion, sees these, I was more as­ton­ished: „Wipes the tea, you”
Wipes the tea to say with a smile gen­tly: „I have also stud­ied trun­ca­tion rip­ple, small mon­ster be­fore­hand fight video record­ing has looked at many times, truly speak­ing, I no­ticed that after the Boss Q Sword de­feats, is been very un­happy, there­fore I searched many ma­te­ri­als a mo­ment ago, first, I must make the Boss know where one lose!”
I nod: „Um, you said!”
At this time, I deeply shocked, be­fore knows that wiped the tea is the first tac­ti­cal com­mand of our [Zhan Long], now looks like, wiped tea god to di­rect truly is not a lid, un­ex­pect­edly linked trun­ca­tion rip­ple ultra high-end the tac­ti­cal de­tail to un­der­stand clearly.
Is point­ing at the image on paper, wipes the tea to say on and on: „First, you leave cold ice fierce time, the cold ice fierce is the at­tack of long-bar­relled gun shape, there­fore Q Sword first uses the sword blade edge hit long-bar­relled gun shape the acme, de­cel­er­ates by this, then from the weak po­si­tion sec­ond in­tense hit, the Boss you have not noted ac­tu­ally, the Q Sword under foot move­ment is also proper, has achieved the long jab cold ice fierce op­ti­mum con­di­tion from the strength and angle, three slight op­er­a­tions, the vic­tory by strik­ing after the enemy has struck trun­ca­tion ar­ter­ies broke your cold ice to be fierce, later was the Xun tri­gram wind of your left hand town coun­try sword cuts, be­cause you at that time the town coun­try sword of left hand was ghost nian., There­fore Q Sword knows that in the strength can­not put to­gether you, is un­able to de­cel­er­ate and re­duced strength through the slightly ex­er­cise, the hit of he de­ci­sive de­pen­dence body dis­rupts the angle and ef­fort that on the town coun­try sword the Xun tri­gram wind cuts, then using elbow hit di­rectly the ori­gin arm of your strength, arm, once were hit, the gath­er­ing po­ten­tial that the Xun tri­gram wind cuts can also break at any time, does the Boss you know? Your fight video record­ing, you use the cold ice to be fierce, the video record­ing that the Xun tri­gram wind cuts, Q Sword at least has stud­ied 100, there­fore he can have your each at­tack cus­tom and de­tail.”
My sta­tic by the chair, rec­ol­lec­tion that time fight, awak­ened sud­denly, like wip­ing the tea said that the Q Sword trun­ca­tion rip­ple op­er­ated, its skill­ful dif­fi­culty by far above me!
Turns around to look to wip­ing the tea, I deeply in­spire, said: „Aims at the trun­ca­tion rip­ple?”
Wiped the tea to smile: „Trun­ca­tion rip­ple is tac­tic of vic­tory by strik­ing after the enemy has struck, is un­able to aim, only if you also use the trun­ca­t
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
After sev­eral min­utes, A4 goes slowly in the cam­pus track, had the stu­dent to pass by un­ceas­ingly, pairs of lovers were en­vi­able.Wipes the tea to em­brace the folder, said with a smile: „El­dest child, I some time ago had been look­ing at you and Q Sword fight has recorded, this time de­feats not un­de­served, was sim­i­lar to Drunken Spear said that the skill that Q Sword used came at the trun­ca­tion rip­ple, this was in three grand tac­tics classes is strongest, the skill that was also most dif­fi­cult to mas­ter, has not thought that Q Sword this war du­pli­cate class an­ces­tor di­vi­sional level pow­er­house is will­ing to lower the head to study the trun­ca­tion rip­ple un­ex­pect­edly.”My foot stops the car­riage, said in con­ster­na­tion: „Wipes the tea, how you know that is the trun­ca­tion rip­ple?”„Be­cause I have stud­ied!”Wiped tea min red lip, said: „After the small mon­ster is miss­ing, no­body can grasp a sec­tion of rip­ple per­fectly, fights du­pli­cate class and liquor sword class run­ning amuck world, the Boss, you have a look at these”Say­ing, wipes the tea to open folder, im­pres­sively is the con­fronta­tion of vil­lain image, step and pos­ture draw­ing very proper . More­over, when is I and Q Sword fights the de­tail de­scrip­tion, sees these, I was more as­ton­ished: „Wipes the tea, you”Wipes the tea to say with a smile gen­tly: „I have also stud­ied trun­ca­tion rip­ple, small mon­ster be­fore­hand fight video record­ing has looked at many times, truly speak­ing, I no­ticed that after the Boss Q Sword de­feats, is been very un­happy, there­fore I searched many ma­te­ri­als a mo­ment ago, first, I must make the Boss know where one lose!”I nod: „Um, you said!”At this time, I deeply shocked, be­fore knows that wiped the tea is the first tac­ti­cal com­mand of our [Zhan Long], now looks like, wiped tea god to di­rect truly is not a lid, un­ex­pect­edly linked trun­ca­tion rip­ple ultra high-end the tac­ti­cal de­tail to un­der­stand clearly.Is point­ing at the image on paper, wipes the tea to say on and on: „First, you leave cold ice fierce time, the cold ice fierce is the at­tack of long-bar­relled gun shape, there­fore Q Sword first uses the sword blade edge hit long-bar­relled gun shape the acme, de­cel­er­ates by this, then from the weak po­si­tion sec­ond in­tense hit, the Boss you have not noted ac­tu­ally, the Q Sword under foot move­ment is also proper, has achieved the long jab cold ice fierce op­ti­mum con­di­tion from the strength and angle, three slight op­er­a­tions, the vic­tory by strik­ing after the enemy has struck trun­ca­tion ar­ter­ies broke your cold ice to be fierce, later was the Xun tri­gram wind of your left hand town coun­try sword cuts, be­cause you at that time the town coun­try sword of left hand was ghost nian., There­fore Q Sword knows that in the strength can­not put to­gether you, is un­able to de­cel­er­ate and re­duced strength through the slightly ex­er­cise, the hit of he de­ci­sive de­pen­dence body dis­rupts the angle and ef­fort that on the town coun­try sword the Xun tri­gram wind cuts, then using elbow hit di­rectly the ori­gin arm of your strength, arm, once were hit, the gath­er­ing po­ten­tial that the Xun tri­gram wind cuts can also break at any time, does the Boss you know? Your fight video record­ing, you use the cold ice to be fierce, the video record­ing that the Xun tri­gram wind cuts, Q Sword at least has stud­ied 100, there­fore he can have your each at­tack cus­tom and de­tail.”My sta­tic by the chair, rec­ol­lec­tion that time fight, awak­ened sud­denly, like wip­ing the tea said that the Q Sword trun­ca­tion rip­ple op­er­ated, its skill­ful dif­fi­culty by far above me!
Turns around to look to wip­ing the tea, I deeply in­spire, said: „Aims at the trun­ca­tion rip­ple?”
Wiped the tea to smile: „Trun­ca­tion rip­ple is tac­tic of vic­tory by strik­ing after the enemy has struck, is un­able to aim, only if you also use the trun­ca­t
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah beberapa menit, A4 berjalan perlahan di jalur kampus, memiliki siswa untuk melewati tak henti-hentinya, pasangan kekasih yang patut ditiru.
Wipes teh untuk merangkul folder, berkata sambil tersenyum: "anak Sulung, saya beberapa waktu lalu telah melihat pada Anda dan melawan Q Pedang telah mencatat, saat ini mengalahkan tidak patut, mirip dengan Drunken Spear mengatakan bahwa keterampilan yang Q Sword digunakan datang pada riak pemotongan, ini adalah di tiga kelas besar taktik paling kuat, keterampilan yang juga paling . sulit untuk menguasai, tidak berpikir bahwa Q Sword perang duplikat kelas leluhur tingkat divisi pembangkit tenaga listrik ini bersedia untuk menurunkan kepala untuk mempelajari riak pemotongan tiba-tiba "
kaki saya berhenti kereta, mengatakan dalam ketakutan:" Wipes teh, bagaimana Anda tahu itu adalah riak pemotongan "?
" Karena saya telah mempelajari! "
Mengusap teh min bibir merah, mengatakan:" Setelah rakasa kecil yang hilang, tidak ada yang bisa memahami bagian dari riak sempurna, perkelahian duplikat kelas dan kelas pedang minuman keras menjalankan amuk dunia, Bos, Anda memiliki melihat ini "
Mengatakan, tisu teh untuk membuka folder, mengesankan adalah konfrontasi gambar penjahat, langkah dan postur menggambar sangat tepat. Selain itu, kapan aku dan Q Pedang perkelahian deskripsi detail, melihat ini, saya lebih terkejut: "Wipes teh, Anda"
Wipes teh untuk mengatakan dengan senyum lembut: "Saya juga telah mempelajari pemotongan riak, rakasa kecil terlebih dahulu melawan merekam video telah melihat banyak kali, benar-benar berbicara, saya melihat bahwa setelah Boss Q Pedang mengalahkan, adalah sangat bahagia, karena itu saya mencari banyak bahan saat yang lalu, pertama, saya harus membuat Boss tahu di mana salah satu kehilangan! "
aku mengangguk : "Um, kau bilang!"
pada saat ini, saya sangat terkejut, sebelum tahu bahwa menyeka teh adalah perintah taktis pertama kami [Zhan panjang], sekarang tampak seperti, mengusap dewa teh langsung benar-benar tidak tutup, tiba-tiba . dihubungkan pemotongan riak ultra high-end detail taktis untuk memahami dengan jelas
Apakah menunjuk gambar pada kertas, tisu teh untuk mengatakan dan terus: "Pertama, Anda meninggalkan waktu es dingin sengit, es sengit dingin adalah serangan panjang bentuk gun -barrelled, karena Q Sword pertama menggunakan tepi pisau pedang memukul laras panjang gun membentuk Acme itu, berkurang kecepatannya dengan ini, maka dari posisi yang lemah kedua intens hit, Boss Anda belum mencatat sebenarnya, Q pedang bawah gerakan kaki juga tepat, telah mencapai tusukan panjang es dingin sengit kondisi optimum dari kekuatan dan sudut, tiga operasi sedikit, kemenangan dengan memukul setelah musuh telah menyerang arteri pemotongan memecahkan es dingin Anda menjadi sengit, kemudian adalah trigram angin Xun dari tangan kiri luka pedang negara kota Anda, karena Anda pada waktu itu pedang negara kota tangan kiri adalah hantu nian., karena itu Q pedang tahu bahwa kekuatan tidak bisa disatukan Anda, tidak dapat mengurangi kecepatan dan kekuatan dikurangi melalui sedikit latihan, hit dari dia yang menentukan tubuh ketergantungan mengganggu sudut dan usaha yang pada pedang negara kota pemotongan trigram angin Xun, kemudian menggunakan siku memukul langsung lengan asal kekuatan Anda, lengan, sekali terkena, potensi pengumpulan bahwa trigram angin Xun pemotongan juga dapat mematahkan setiap saat, apakah Boss Anda tahu? Merekam video perjuangan Anda, Anda menggunakan es dingin menjadi sengit, video rekaman bahwa pemotongan trigram angin Xun, Q Pedang setidaknya telah mempelajari 100, karena itu ia dapat memiliki Anda setiap kustom serangan dan detail. "
Saya statis dengan kursi, ! ingatan saat itu pertarungan, terbangun tiba-tiba, seperti menyeka teh mengatakan bahwa Q Pedang pemotongan riak dioperasikan, kesulitan terampil yang jauh di atas saya
Ternyata sekitar untuk melihat ke menyeka teh, saya sangat menginspirasi, mengatakan: "Bertujuan riak pemotongan ? "
Mengusap teh tersenyum:" Pemotongan riak taktik kemenangan dengan memukul setelah musuh telah menyerang, tidak mampu untuk tujuan, hanya jika Anda juga menggunakan truncat yang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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