Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director  terjemahan - Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming

Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.
The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie’s hands.
So much for normal.
Quick & Dirty: This installment deepens characters we already love and ends their stories, making a great conclusion to a snarky and fun series.
Opening Sentence: Here’s the thing about dragons: I know absolutely nothing whatsoever about them.
Excerpt: Yes
The Review:
Endlessly takes place over Christmas break, with Lend home from his first semester at college. Guys, it’s so happy and adorable and then it comes crashing down. Cue evil laugh. There are some wonderfully awesome moments in this action-packed ending to the Paranormalcy Trilogy; it runs in pretty much the same vein as the first novel. It’s funny, but a lot more serious. We get a deeper view at the psychotic and complicated Reth, whose storyline is being wrapped up at the same time as Evie’s. The biggest problem with reviewing the final book in a series is that there’s very little I can say about the plot that won’t spoil, well, everything.
But I can tell you all about the characters. You probably read about how I wanted to punch Evie in the face during Supernaturally. Thankfully, she grew out of her idiocy—at least for the most part. Her wit and humor comes back in Endlessly where they had disappeared in the second book. We see her more confident, more take-charge. She’s back to her Buffy-persona.
Lend is still Lend. Unfortunately, still not in the novels as much as I would like and he sort of loses his charm because of it. What we do see of him is stubborn and very un-Lend given what he did in the last two books. He’s overshadowed by Evie’s suddenly more interesting ex, Reth. We get a lot of Reth in this book, and to me he’s the most complex and interesting character. A bit psychotic, a lot mysterious, and we finally see that he really does care for Evie. He’s seriously conflicted in this novel. The choices he makes made me love him as a hero—which is what he is, even if he’s not the love interest and a little bit suspicious.
I’m very impressed with the ending of this trilogy. It didn’t go the way I thought it would—and given that the rest of the trilogy was pretty predictable, that’s a huge improvement. Evie’s ending is much more open-ended than I expected, giving the readers a lot to imagine, and I loved that. The wit and writing are right on par with what I loved about Paranormalcy, but got lost in the sequel. White managed to raise the stakes for Endlessly higher than they’ve ever been, making it a fast paced and highly satisfying read in its own right. As the last hurrah of Evie and her friends, it’s much improved from Supernaturally and a good conclusion to their stories.
If you love YA paranormals, this is definitely a series you should pick up. If you have a reader who’s just breaking into the YA genre, White’s series is also perfect—snarky, fun, without swears or any potentially problematic behavior.
Notable Scene:
We stepped off the porch and a deliciously warm hand took my own. I glared up at Reth.
“You needed me?”
“How did you know?” I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Was he eavesdropping?
“You radiate need, my love. I can always feel it.”
I sighed. “Can you fix my boyfriend?”
His smile lit up the dark night. “You really ought to know better than to ask a faerie for a favor by now.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie’s hands.So much for normal.Quick & Dirty: This installment deepens characters we already love and ends their stories, making a great conclusion to a snarky and fun series.Opening Sentence: Here’s the thing about dragons: I know absolutely nothing whatsoever about them.Excerpt: YesThe Review:Endlessly takes place over Christmas break, with Lend home from his first semester at college. Guys, it’s so happy and adorable and then it comes crashing down. Cue evil laugh. There are some wonderfully awesome moments in this action-packed ending to the Paranormalcy Trilogy; it runs in pretty much the same vein as the first novel. It’s funny, but a lot more serious. We get a deeper view at the psychotic and complicated Reth, whose storyline is being wrapped up at the same time as Evie’s. The biggest problem with reviewing the final book in a series is that there’s very little I can say about the plot that won’t spoil, well, everything.But I can tell you all about the characters. You probably read about how I wanted to punch Evie in the face during Supernaturally. Thankfully, she grew out of her idiocy—at least for the most part. Her wit and humor comes back in Endlessly where they had disappeared in the second book. We see her more confident, more take-charge. She’s back to her Buffy-persona.Lend is still Lend. Unfortunately, still not in the novels as much as I would like and he sort of loses his charm because of it. What we do see of him is stubborn and very un-Lend given what he did in the last two books. He’s overshadowed by Evie’s suddenly more interesting ex, Reth. We get a lot of Reth in this book, and to me he’s the most complex and interesting character. A bit psychotic, a lot mysterious, and we finally see that he really does care for Evie. He’s seriously conflicted in this novel. The choices he makes made me love him as a hero—which is what he is, even if he’s not the love interest and a little bit suspicious.I’m very impressed with the ending of this trilogy. It didn’t go the way I thought it would—and given that the rest of the trilogy was pretty predictable, that’s a huge improvement. Evie’s ending is much more open-ended than I expected, giving the readers a lot to imagine, and I loved that. The wit and writing are right on par with what I loved about Paranormalcy, but got lost in the sequel. White managed to raise the stakes for Endlessly higher than they’ve ever been, making it a fast paced and highly satisfying read in its own right. As the last hurrah of Evie and her friends, it’s much improved from Supernaturally and a good conclusion to their stories.If you love YA paranormals, this is definitely a series you should pick up. If you have a reader who’s just breaking into the YA genre, White’s series is also perfect—snarky, fun, without swears or any potentially problematic behavior.Notable Scene:We stepped off the porch and a deliciously warm hand took my own. I glared up at Reth.“You needed me?”“How did you know?” I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Was he eavesdropping?“You radiate need, my love. I can always feel it.”I sighed. “Can you fix my boyfriend?”His smile lit up the dark night. “You really ought to know better than to ask a faerie for a favor by now.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Masa lalu paranormal Evie terus datang kembali menghantuinya. Seorang direktur baru di Paranormal Containment Badan Internasional ingin menyeretnya kembali ke markas. The Dark Faerie Ratu menyiksa manusia dalam ranah beracun nya. Dan makhluk supranatural tetap bersikeras bahwa Evie adalah satu-satunya yang dapat menyelamatkan mereka dari misterius, nasib berbahaya.
Jam adalah berdetak di seluruh dunia paranormal. . Dan nasibnya merupakan tanggung jawab di tangan Evie
. Begitu banyak untuk normal
Cepat & Kotor: angsuran ini memperdalam karakter kita sudah mencintai dan berakhir cerita mereka, membuat kesimpulan besar untuk serangkaian snarky dan menyenangkan.
Kalimat Pembukaan: Berikut hal tentang naga: Aku tahu apa-apa sama sekali tentang mereka.
Kutipan: Ya
Tanpa henti berlangsung selama liburan Natal, dengan Lend pulang dari semester pertama di perguruan tinggi. Guys, itu sangat bahagia dan menggemaskan dan kemudian datang runtuh. Isyarat tertawa jahat. Ada beberapa momen indah mengagumkan dalam akhir tindakan-dikemas untuk Paranormalcy Trilogy; berjalan di hampir vena yang sama seperti novel pertama. Ini lucu, tapi banyak yang lebih serius. Kami mendapatkan tampilan yang lebih dalam pada psikotik dan rumit Reth, yang alur cerita yang sedang dibungkus pada saat yang sama sebagai Evie. Masalah terbesar dengan meninjau buku terakhir dalam seri adalah bahwa ada sangat sedikit yang bisa saya katakan tentang plot yang tidak akan merusak, baik, semuanya.
Tapi saya dapat memberitahu Anda semua tentang karakter. Anda mungkin membaca tentang bagaimana saya ingin meninju Evie di wajah selama supranatural. Untungnya, ia tumbuh keluar dari dirinya kebodohan-setidaknya untuk sebagian besar. Kecerdasan dan humor nya datang kembali Endlessly mana mereka menghilang di buku kedua. Kami melihat dia lebih percaya diri, lebih take-charge. Dia kembali padanya Buffy-persona.
Lend masih Lend. Sayangnya, masih belum dalam novel seperti aku ingin dan ia semacam kehilangan pesonanya karena itu. Apa yang kita lihat dari dia adalah keras kepala dan sangat un-Lend diberikan apa yang ia lakukan dalam dua buku terakhir. Dia dibayangi oleh mantan tiba-tiba lebih menarik Evie, Reth. Kami mendapatkan banyak Reth dalam buku ini, dan bagi saya dia adalah karakter yang paling kompleks dan menarik. Sedikit psikotik, banyak misterius, dan akhirnya kami melihat bahwa dia benar-benar peduli untuk Evie. Dia serius bertentangan dalam novel ini. Pilihan ia membuat membuat saya mencintainya sebagai pahlawan-yang adalah apa yang dia, bahkan jika dia bukan cinta bunga dan sedikit curiga.
Saya sangat terkesan dengan akhir dari trilogi ini. Itu tidak pergi seperti yang saya pikir akan-dan mengingat bahwa sisa dari trilogi cukup diprediksi, itu perbaikan besar. Akhir Evie jauh lebih terbuka dari yang saya harapkan, memberikan pembaca banyak membayangkan, dan aku menyukainya. Kecerdasan dan menulis benar setara dengan apa yang saya sukai tentang Paranormalcy, tapi tersesat di sekuel. Putih berhasil menaikkan taruhan Endlessly lebih tinggi daripada mereka yang pernah, sehingga membaca serba cepat dan sangat memuaskan dalam dirinya sendiri. Sebagai hore terakhir Evie dan teman-temannya, itu jauh lebih baik dari supranatural dan kesimpulan yang baik untuk cerita-cerita mereka.
Jika Anda menyukai YA paranormal, ini jelas merupakan suatu rangkaian Anda harus mengambil. Jika Anda memiliki pembaca yang baru saja membobol genre YA, seri White juga sempurna-snarky, menyenangkan, tanpa bersumpah atau perilaku yang berpotensi bermasalah.
Tema Terkemuka:
Kami turun dari teras dan tangan nikmat hangat mengambil saya sendiri. Aku melotot di Reth.
"Anda membutuhkan aku?"
"Bagaimana kau tahu?" Aku menyipitkan mata saya curiga. Apakah dia menguping?
"Anda memancarkan kebutuhan, cinta saya. Aku selalu bisa merasakannya. "
Aku mendesah. "Bisakah Anda memperbaiki pacar saya?"
Senyumnya menerangi malam yang gelap. "Anda benar-benar harus tahu lebih baik daripada untuk meminta peri untuk kebaikan dengan sekarang.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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