Subjek: meth resipi lagiDaripada: "Kontac" Tarikh: 1999/01/14Kumpulan Berita: alt.drugs.hardDaripada: (David Copeland)Subjek: methamphetamine sythesisTarikh: Sabtu, 27 Dis 1997 00:00:00 GMTID mesej: < di >MIME-Version: 1.0Balas: dcopela@pacifier.comOrganisasi: Pacifier Internet Server (360) 693-0325Kumpulan Berita: alt.drugs.chemistry--okay; Semua anda orang-orang yang mahu untuk systhesis meth mudah - mereka tidak wujud! Anda perlu tahu beberapa kimia. Belajar beberapa (ia mengambil masa beberapa disiplin Ya) atau tidak mengulanginya untuk gagal. Jadi, sekali lagi, maklumat ini dipaparkan untuk tujuan maklumat sahaja. Saya bersetuju tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sesiapa sahaja yang benar-benar menggunakan ini. Jika anda berbuat demikian anda akan tertakluk kepada undang-undang Persekutuan dan Negeri dan akan dikenakan denda dan/atau pemenjaraan. Jika anda cukup bodoh untuk benar-benar mengeluarkan meth anda mungkin akan pergi ke penjara. Ini adalah tahun 90an. Jadi untuk membuat meth dari l - atau pseudo alkaloid efedrina-menggunakan tempat 1000 gramlk ephedrine, 250gms fosforus merah, dan 1000ml hydriotic asid dalam flask bawah pusingan yang sesuai. Patut flask dengan ubatan yang condenser dan refluks campuran bagi 48hrs pada 120 darjah C. menambah sebanyak 10% penyelesaian natrium Hidroksida hingga Ph ialah 14. Anda perlu mendapatkan minyak lapisan dan lapisan air. Lapisan minyak di corong separatory yang berasingan dan meletakkannya flask dengan jilid 3 air. Pelantar flask untuk penyulingan dan distill minyak air campuran sehingga minyak itu kebanyakannya hilang (kecuali untuk sangat berwarna globs minyak.) Dalam reciever flask harus ada dua lapisan, untuk lapisan atas minyak dan satu lapisan air yang lebih rendah. Lapisan minyak yang berasingan dan mencampurkannya dengan asid hidroklorik pada kepekatan 10% sehingga Ph 7.6. evaporate dengan air dan ia akan menghablur menjadi methamphetamine hcl. -------------------------------------------------------Perkhidmatan Data atas talian pacifier pengguna Dialup SLIP/PPPUntuk mendaftar: (360) 693-0325 atau telnet, (Loonus)Subjek: CLIC Laman web Methamphetamine sintesisTarikh: Sabtu, 01 Nov 1997 00:00:00 GMTID mesej: < di >X-Admin: news@aol.comOrganisasi: AOL Berita: alt.drugs.chemistry"Kami telah diperhatikan bahawa campuran yang mengandungi fosforus merah, iodin danmana-mana pekat HCl atau asid asetik glacial menukar diet untuk methamphetamine; Walau bagaimanapun, Bilakah fosforus adalah ditinggalkan, methamphetamineadalah tidak terbentuk. Alkaloid adalah memberi reaksi dengan merah fosforus dan iodin dalamrefluxing air, mengubah nisbah merah fosforus dan iodin; bila redfosforus dan iodin melebihi ephedrine dalam nisbah molar 1:3.8:7.2 methamphetamine (alkaloid: red fosforus: iodin) telah ditubuhkan danalkaloid dimakan dalam 8 jam."Sesiapa mempunyai apa-apa pemikiran, pengalaman dengan yang tipikal E-Mata Ganjaran-HA bila dibiasanya Pisahkan langkah mencipta asid hydriotic ditinggalkan dan dalam tiga bahan kimia hanya akan memberi reaksi dalam refluxing air. Ia seolah-olah seperti apa yangadalah sedang diterangkan (bersama-sama dengan asid penggantian). oo 0' ' 'Daripada: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)Subjek: Microscale Meth sintesis menggunakan bahan-bahan di kedai runcitTarikh: Rab, 28 Jan 1998 00:00:00 GMTID mesej: < di 6am5tp$ >X-001: Main semula mungkin atau tidak mungkin meluluskan kandungan ini postingX-002: Laporan penyalahgunaan Perkhidmatan ini secara automatik untuk X-URL: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 03:42:03 CETOrganisasi: Memainkan semula syarikat-syarikat bersekutu, L.L.P.Kumpulan Berita: alt.drugs.chemistryBahan-bahan:1. 30ml botol rasa iodin yang mengandungi iodin 2%, sodium iodide 2.4%,alkohol 47%, berehat H202. 5 Sinustop herba Decongestant tablet mengandungi 60mg crystalineSdn HCl setiap bercampur dengan beberapa ingrediants herba. Atau 300mgalkaloid yang diperolehi melalui beberapa kaedah lain.3. 5 jalan nyala.4. botol longkang bersih containg conc. H2SO4 5. botol putih suling cuka6. Red devil Lye mengandungi natrium Hidroksida 7. semburan boleh brek yang mengandungi pembersih 1,1,1 trichloroethylene atau 1,1,1trichloroethane---Prosedur:A. Purifying Sdn:1. ambil kapsul decongestant 5, mengosongkan kandungannya menjadi kecilcorongdengan penapis kopi. Tuangkan 50ml air sejuk melalui penapis, danmengumpulcecair dalam sebuah balang kecil. 2. Tambah dengan 1/4 sudu teh lye cecair yang dikumpulkan.Andahendaklah dengan serta-merta bau bau alkaloid. 3. letakkan paduan dipenyelesaiandi negara lain yang kecil balang, dan tambah 50ml brek pembersih, kemudian tutup tudung danshake vigorously. Let stand so that the layers seperate. 4. Using a turkeybaster, suck up the bottom brake cleaner layer out of the jar and put itintoasmall bowl. 5. Add 50ml of vinegar and heat the resultant mixure over lowheatin a frying pan with 1/2 inch of water. Thus a water bath. Do not use a gasstove, since the brake cleaner vapors will produce toxic phosgene if thereiscontact with a flame. Instead use a hot plate or electric stove at low heatonly. 6. Heat the bowl in the water bath until no more liquid is left. Atthebottom will be a solid layer of a pseudoephedrine acetate. B. Preparing the red phosphorus:1. Scrape the red phosphorus off of the caps of the 5 flares and store forlater use. You should get about 0.1g per flare. C. Preparing the iodine/HI solution:1. Pour the entire bottle of the iodine tincture into a small ceramic bowl.Heat on the above type water bath until no more alcohol is left. Let cool,putin a small polyethylene jar, and add 0.1ml of the H2SO4 drain cleaner.Thatsabout 1/4inch of liquid in the end of an eye dropper. This converts thesodiumiodide to HI. You now have a solution of iodine and HI. 2. Add the redphosphorus, and heat bottle in a water bath until the purple iodine colorgoesaway.D. The reaction:1. Add the pseudoephedrine acetate to the solution of HI/I and phosphorus,andheat on a water bath for 24 hours.E: Extraction:1. Cool the reaction solution and add 1/2tsp of lye. Take the solution andperform steps A3-A6. 2. You will end up with methamphetamine acetate thatyoucan scrape from the bowl.Congradulations! You have circumvented all of law enforcement and havegreatlycontributed to the end of the "drug war". (or contributed to the outlaw ofallflares, iodine tincture, vignegar, drain cleaners, and auto store chemicalsandcoffee filters as will happen in the next year) Best regards, Cousin SingeFrom: (Sean Casey)Subject: Re: Testing for bunkDate: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 00:00:00 GMTMessage-ID: <44hgdc$>references: <43aqhu$><43ct9h$>organization: Rutgers Universitynewsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistryFAQ fodder...If methamphetamine looks waxy or oily, it is probably contaminatedwith the HI salt of meth, an oily by-product of the red-phosphorous/HIreduction of ephedrine--the most prevalent method of clandestinemanufacture.The HI salt is soluble in acetone, while the HCL salt is only veryslightly soluble. The HI salt could be washed out, basified, and thenprecipitated with HCl gas to give methamphetmine HCL.When completely dry, methamphetamine HCL is soluble in chloroform,while ephedrine HCL is not. This would provide a convenient method ofseparation.[Reference: Skinner, Harry F., "Methamphetamine Synthesis ViaHydriotic Acid/Red Phosphorous Reduction Of Ephedrine," ForensicScience International, Vol 48, 1990, pp. 123-134][Provided for academic interest. Do not attempt. Etc.]Sean-- ``Wind, waves, etc. are breakdowns in the face of the commitment togetting from here to there. But they are conditions for sailing -- notsomething to be gotten rid of, but something to be danced with.''From: josh Subject: Re: methamphetamine synthesisDate: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 00:00:00 GMTMessage-ID: <>References: <>To: guest@cyber-state.comContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-asciiOrganization: AT&T WorldNet ServicesMime-Version: 1.0Newsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistryX-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)Guest wrote:> > I'm posting this 'cause I'm sick and tired of people asking and no real> answers. I want some things in return. But heres the synh. This is> from Space Monkey the original biker cook!> > Get 22,000ml boiling flask with a condenser and mantle. Add 5 pounds of> l-ephedrine hydrochloride. Pour in one gallon of hydriodic acid. Add> 1000 grams of red phosphorus.> > Crank up the mantle and let it boil for 13 hours. Now think for a> minute: Take the output off the top of the condenser, put a check valve> in line with a long piece of tygon tubing and bubble the output of the> tube through a bucket of water outside where you are cooking. That way> there is no accumulation of hydrogen in the house to blow you to> he-double toothpicks.>
> Now that the 13 hours are up, turn off the mantle, but let the condenser
> run until the flask is cool enough to pick up.
> During this 13 hours of cooking, you have made a strong lye solution.
> Now fill a big carboy with spigot about a third of the way with clear
> ice from the liquor store (it is made with distilled water [duh]). Pour
> the lye solution over the ice.
> Now pour the contents of the boiling flask into the ice/lye filled
> carbouy and agitate.
> An oil layer will seperate on top. This is methamphetamine free-base.
> Discard the water layer, save the oil
> Put the oil in beaker so you know how much you have.
> Now add equal parts of VERY hot water and oil in a seperatory funnel and
> shake for a couple of minutes.
> Put the sep funnel in a ring stand and let it sit for about 10 minutes
> till the crap falls out of the oil into the water. Discard the water.
> Keep doing this until the oil clean.
> Now start
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