Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
110101:25:16,319 --> 01:25:19,049Anythlng happens to me,cllmb out of weapon range...110201:25:19,255 --> 01:25:20,347...and play that tape.110301:25:20,723 --> 01:25:22,418It may be the only thingto save your ass.110401:25:22,625 --> 01:25:24,320Nothing's going to happen to you.110501:25:24,494 --> 01:25:25,756Llsten to me.110601:25:25,962 --> 01:25:28,123When the MIGs get In range,spllt from me...110701:25:28,331 --> 01:25:29,992... and proceedto the next target.110801:25:30,199 --> 01:25:32,690One wlll follow youand one wlll follow me.110901:25:32,902 --> 01:25:35,928I'll head toward the Medlterranean.Don't let them get the drop on you.111001:25:36,239 --> 01:25:39,470I want to stay with you.How can you handle them?111101:25:39,676 --> 01:25:41,234Don't you worry about me.111201:25:41,444 --> 01:25:43,639Just do what I told you.And concentrate.111301:25:43,846 --> 01:25:45,211Your dad Is dependlng on you.111401:25:45,481 --> 01:25:47,949Spllt off from me now!111501:26:17,880 --> 01:26:19,643All right, you bastard!111601:26:49,545 --> 01:26:52,742Give me your position. I waxeda bandit and I'm coming to you.111701:26:53,015 --> 01:26:54,243I told you, damn it!111801:26:54,517 --> 01:26:57,008Put In that tape,and don't worry about me.111901:27:06,896 --> 01:27:07,726Damn it!112001:27:08,731 --> 01:27:10,926Just hold togetherfor two more seconds.112101:27:46,569 --> 01:27:47,627Mayday.112201:27:47,804 --> 01:27:49,101Mayday.112301:27:49,505 --> 01:27:51,370Chappy, where are you?112401:27:51,574 --> 01:27:54,099Put in that tape. That's an order.Nothing you can do about me.112501:27:54,343 --> 01:27:56,402I want to help you.Where are you?112601:27:56,612 --> 01:27:58,273Cllmb hlgh, llke I told you!112701:28:02,919 --> 01:28:04,284I aln't golng to make lt.112801:28:17,867 --> 01:28:21,394A bunch of thlngs must've gone wrongIf you're llstenlng to thls.112901:28:21,938 --> 01:28:25,601Whatever happened, I knowyou must be real scared.113001:28:25,842 --> 01:28:28,140I wouldn't blame you If youwanted to head for home.113101:28:28,344 --> 01:28:31,677Maybe If I was you, I'd make a runfor Helllcon Alr Base In Greece.113201:28:33,683 --> 01:28:35,446Rlght now,you're probably fllled...113301:28:35,651 --> 01:28:38,176... wlth all the doubtsIn the world.113401:28:38,554 --> 01:28:40,647But I'll tell you somethlng.113501:28:41,257 --> 01:28:44,920God doesn't glve peoplethlngs He doesn't want them to use.113601:28:45,528 --> 01:28:48,395And he gave you the touch.113701:28:49,599 --> 01:28:51,829It's a power you haveInslde of you.113801:28:52,034 --> 01:28:54,559Down there where youkeep your guts, boy.113901:28:54,770 --> 01:28:56,863It's all you needto blast your way In...114001:28:57,073 --> 01:28:59,507... and get backwhat they took from you.114101:28:59,709 --> 01:29:02,269Your dad's slttlng therewaltlng for a mlracle.114201:29:02,478 --> 01:29:04,070If you fly your heart out...114301:29:04,280 --> 01:29:06,475... you can glve hlm one.It's up to you.114401:29:06,916 --> 01:29:09,612Don't put on thls tapeIf you're turnlng back.114501:29:18,160 --> 01:29:20,287Good.You declded, dldn't you?114601:29:20,496 --> 01:29:22,794All rlght.Flrst thlng you got to do...114701:29:22,999 --> 01:29:26,162... Is convlnce yourselfthat nothlng can stop you.114801:29:26,369 --> 01:29:28,360You got to bellevethat plane you're In...114901:29:28,571 --> 01:29:29,970... Is llke a sult of armor.115001:29:30,172 --> 01:29:33,630Llke an Iron eaglethat nothlng can penetrate.
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