Taking a deep breath, Xiao Che walked forward. Without his concealment terjemahan - Taking a deep breath, Xiao Che walked forward. Without his concealment Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Che walk

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Che walked forward. Without his concealment, his advance naturally created the sound of footsteps. The sound of his footsteps aroused the attention of Xiao Lie in the Reflection Gorge who automatically looked outside in alert. The moment his gaze met with Xiao Che, he suddenly became startled and involuntarily cried out: “Che’er!!”


A young girl startled voice also rang out, followed by flurry of rapid footsteps. The silhouette of Xiao Lingxi soon appeared beside Xiao Che; her complexion was slightly haggard and her hair was somewhat messy. After seeing Xiao Che, she covered her lips with her fingers and stood there in place. A split second later, huge amounts of teardrops began to well up in her eyes…

“Little Che!” As she shouted, she ferociously dashed forward and threw herself at Xiao Che’s chest. She used both her arms to tightly embrace him and cried out loudly. She was under the impression that since she was about to be imprisoned for fifteen years, and that since Xiao Che had been expelled from Xiao Clan, she would never again see him until at least fifteen years. She didn’t expect him to suddenly appear before her eyes, as if he was just an illusion.

Xiao Lie walked over and across his entire face was an emotionally stirred up expression: “Che’er…. How …. How are you here? Did the Xiao Clan allow you to return?”

Xiao Che shook his head and patted Xiao Lingxi on the back: “I secretly snuck back…. But rest assured grandfather, something major has happened in Xiao Clan so everyone had all been called to return. No one will discover me.”

“…..” Xiao Lie nodded. He didn’t even bother to ask what was happening to Xiao Clan. He had entrely given up on the Xiao Clan, so even if the Xiao Clan was being wiped out, there wouldn’t be a major change in his expression.

There were many caves in Reflection Gorge that were either deep or shallow. The decoration inside was extremely simple, and only a few cold stone tables could be seen with just a glance. Xiao Lingxi’s cry went into a state of chaos, Xiao Che didn’t stop her from continuous cry. He wanted her to release all her grievances, fears, anxiousness, and hesitation to her heart’s content; otherwise she may possibly fall into depression since she had stayed in here for quite a long time… After all, she was still only a small fifteen year old girl.

When Xiao Lingxi finally stopped, she had wept so hard that she was almost on the verge of fainting.

Xiao Che sat facing Xiao Lie in front of the stone table. Next to him, Xiao Lingxi’s hands both held tightly and clung onto his arms as her small head leaned against his shoulder. She didn’t care that Xiao Lie was also next to them and wasn’t willing to loosen her grip, as if afraid that he would yet again disappear from her world.

“After you’ve been imprisoned in here, did they do anything to you guys?” Xiao Che anxiously asked.

Xiao Lie shook his head and comfortably laughed: “Be at ease. The Frozen Cloud Asgard’s Chu fairy hinted that she would protect us to the Xiao Sect before she had departed. With the backing of this powerful force, how could they dare to injure me or Xi’er? After the Xiao Sect members leave, they would even more not dare to; after all, I do have the reputation of being Floating Cloud City’s number one expert here, heh heh.”

“That’s good.” Xiao Che nodded, as his heart felt a bit more grateful to Xia Qingyue’s master.

Xia Qingyue is a good wife; to the very end, she did not tear up the marriage certificate.” Xiao Lie said with a somewhat melancholy expression.

“……” Xiao Che silently nodded his head.

A period of sudden silence descended upon the three. After going through the calamities that had came today, their fate had undoubtedly turned upside down. Although they had a thousand words to say in their hearts, they didn’t exactly know where to start….

“Grandfather, I want to know….”

“You want to ask who your biological parents were, right?” Xiao Lie said as he immediately continued the sentence with a tranquil expression on his face.

“En,” Xiao Che nodded as his eyes solidly concentrated at Xiao Lie: “ I believe I wasn’t randomly picked up without good cause…. Grandfather, you do know something, right?”

Xiao Lingxi also raised her eyes as she stared in astonishment at Xiao Lie.

Xiao Lie silently watched Xiao Che for a long time until he lightly sighed, and slowly closed his eyes.

“I had originally thought that this secret would stay in my heart for an entire lifetime, and that a second person would never know of it…. Now that Xiao Clan cannot tolerate you, and that you have already grown up, knowing this could be considered a good thing; finding one’s original roots, is also the role of the offspring.”

“Your biological father; his surname is Yun….”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Taking a deep breath, Xiao Che walked forward. Without his concealment, his advance naturally created the sound of footsteps. The sound of his footsteps aroused the attention of Xiao Lie in the Reflection Gorge who automatically looked outside in alert. The moment his gaze met with Xiao Che, he suddenly became startled and involuntarily cried out: “Che’er!!”“Ah!”A young girl startled voice also rang out, followed by flurry of rapid footsteps. The silhouette of Xiao Lingxi soon appeared beside Xiao Che; her complexion was slightly haggard and her hair was somewhat messy. After seeing Xiao Che, she covered her lips with her fingers and stood there in place. A split second later, huge amounts of teardrops began to well up in her eyes…“Little Che!” As she shouted, she ferociously dashed forward and threw herself at Xiao Che’s chest. She used both her arms to tightly embrace him and cried out loudly. She was under the impression that since she was about to be imprisoned for fifteen years, and that since Xiao Che had been expelled from Xiao Clan, she would never again see him until at least fifteen years. She didn’t expect him to suddenly appear before her eyes, as if he was just an illusion.Xiao Lie walked over and across his entire face was an emotionally stirred up expression: “Che’er…. How …. How are you here? Did the Xiao Clan allow you to return?”Xiao Che shook his head and patted Xiao Lingxi on the back: “I secretly snuck back…. But rest assured grandfather, something major has happened in Xiao Clan so everyone had all been called to return. No one will discover me.”“…..” Xiao Lie nodded. He didn’t even bother to ask what was happening to Xiao Clan. He had entrely given up on the Xiao Clan, so even if the Xiao Clan was being wiped out, there wouldn’t be a major change in his expression.There were many caves in Reflection Gorge that were either deep or shallow. The decoration inside was extremely simple, and only a few cold stone tables could be seen with just a glance. Xiao Lingxi’s cry went into a state of chaos, Xiao Che didn’t stop her from continuous cry. He wanted her to release all her grievances, fears, anxiousness, and hesitation to her heart’s content; otherwise she may possibly fall into depression since she had stayed in here for quite a long time… After all, she was still only a small fifteen year old girl.When Xiao Lingxi finally stopped, she had wept so hard that she was almost on the verge of fainting.Xiao Che sat facing Xiao Lie in front of the stone table. Next to him, Xiao Lingxi’s hands both held tightly and clung onto his arms as her small head leaned against his shoulder. She didn’t care that Xiao Lie was also next to them and wasn’t willing to loosen her grip, as if afraid that he would yet again disappear from her world.“After you’ve been imprisoned in here, did they do anything to you guys?” Xiao Che anxiously asked.Xiao Lie shook his head and comfortably laughed: “Be at ease. The Frozen Cloud Asgard’s Chu fairy hinted that she would protect us to the Xiao Sect before she had departed. With the backing of this powerful force, how could they dare to injure me or Xi’er? After the Xiao Sect members leave, they would even more not dare to; after all, I do have the reputation of being Floating Cloud City’s number one expert here, heh heh.”“That’s good.” Xiao Che nodded, as his heart felt a bit more grateful to Xia Qingyue’s master.Xia Qingyue is a good wife; to the very end, she did not tear up the marriage certificate.” Xiao Lie said with a somewhat melancholy expression.“……” Xiao Che silently nodded his head.A period of sudden silence descended upon the three. After going through the calamities that had came today, their fate had undoubtedly turned upside down. Although they had a thousand words to say in their hearts, they didn’t exactly know where to start….“Grandfather, I want to know….”“You want to ask who your biological parents were, right?” Xiao Lie said as he immediately continued the sentence with a tranquil expression on his face.“En,” Xiao Che nodded as his eyes solidly concentrated at Xiao Lie: “ I believe I wasn’t randomly picked up without good cause…. Grandfather, you do know something, right?”Xiao Lingxi also raised her eyes as she stared in astonishment at Xiao Lie.Xiao Lie silently watched Xiao Che for a long time until he lightly sighed, and slowly closed his eyes.“I had originally thought that this secret would stay in my heart for an entire lifetime, and that a second person would never know of it…. Now that Xiao Clan cannot tolerate you, and that you have already grown up, knowing this could be considered a good thing; finding one’s original roots, is also the role of the offspring.”“Your biological father; his surname is Yun….”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mengambil napas dalam-dalam, Xiao Che berjalan ke depan. Tanpa penyembunyian nya, muka secara alami menciptakan suara langkah kaki. Suara langkah kakinya membangkitkan perhatian Xiao Lie dalam Refleksi Gorge yang secara otomatis tampak luar di peringatan. Saat tatapannya bertemu dengan Xiao Che, ia tiba-tiba menjadi kaget dan tanpa sadar berteriak: "Che'er !!" "Ah"! A muda kaget suara gadis juga terdengar, diikuti oleh kesibukan jejak cepat. Siluet Xiao Lingxi segera muncul di samping Xiao Che; kulitnya sedikit kuyu dan rambutnya agak berantakan. Setelah melihat Xiao Che, ia menutupi bibirnya dengan jari-jarinya dan berdiri di sana di tempat. Sepersekian detik kemudian, sejumlah besar air mata mulai menggenang di matanya ... "Sedikit Che!" Sambil berteriak, dia galak berlari ke depan dan melemparkan dirinya di dada Xiao Che. Dia menggunakan kedua tangannya untuk memeluknya erat dan menangis meraung-raung. Dia berada di bawah kesan bahwa karena ia hendak dipenjara selama lima belas tahun, dan bahwa sejak Xiao Che telah diusir dari Xiao Clan, dia tidak akan pernah lagi melihat dia sampai setidaknya lima belas tahun. Dia tidak mengharapkan dia untuk tiba-tiba muncul di depan matanya, seolah-olah ia hanya ilusi. Xiao Lie berjalan dan di seluruh wajahnya adalah ekspresi emosional mengaduk: "Che'er .... Bagaimana …. Bagaimana kau di sini? ? Melakukan Xiao Clan memungkinkan Anda untuk kembali "Xiao Che menggeleng dan menepuk Xiao Lingxi di belakang:" Saya diam-diam menyelinap kembali .... Tapi beristirahat kakek terjamin, sesuatu yang besar telah terjadi di Xiao Clan sehingga semua orang semua telah dipanggil untuk kembali. Tidak ada yang akan menemukan saya. "" ... .. "Xiao Lie mengangguk. Dia bahkan tidak repot-repot untuk bertanya apa yang terjadi pada Xiao Clan. Dia telah entrely menyerah pada Xiao Clan, bahkan jika Xiao Clan sedang disapu bersih, tidak akan ada perubahan besar dalam ekspresinya. Ada banyak gua-gua di Refleksi Gorge yang baik dalam atau dangkal. Dekorasi di dalam sangat sederhana, dan hanya beberapa meja batu yang dingin bisa dilihat hanya dengan sekilas. Teriakan Xiao Lingxi ini masuk ke keadaan kacau, xiao Che tidak menghentikan dia dari menangis terus menerus. Dia ingin dia melepaskan semua nya keluhan, ketakutan, kecemasan, dan ragu-ragu untuk isi hatinya; kalau tidak dia mungkin dapat jatuh ke dalam depresi karena dia telah tinggal di sini untuk waktu yang cukup lama ... Setelah semua, dia masih hanya seorang gadis kecil berusia lima belas tahun. Ketika Xiao Lingxi akhirnya berhenti, dia menangis begitu keras bahwa ia hampir di ambang pingsan. Xiao Che duduk menghadap Xiao Lie di depan meja batu. Di sampingnya, tangan Xiao Lingxi ini baik diadakan rapat dan menempel ke tangan sebagai kepala kecilnya bersandar di bahunya. Dia tidak peduli bahwa Xiao Lie juga di sebelah mereka dan tidak bersedia untuk melonggarkan cengkeramannya, seakan takut bahwa ia belum akan lagi menghilang dari dunianya. "Setelah Anda telah dipenjarakan di sini, apakah mereka melakukan apa-apa ? untuk kalian "Xiao Che cemas bertanya. Xiao Lie menggeleng dan nyaman tertawa:" Jadilah tenang. The Frozen Cloud Asgard ini Chu peri mengisyaratkan bahwa dia akan melindungi kita dengan Xiao Sekte sebelum ia berangkat. Dengan dukungan dari kekuatan yang kuat ini, bagaimana mereka bisa berani melukai saya atau Xi'er? Setelah anggota Xiao Sekte pergi, mereka akan lebih tidak berani; setelah semua, saya memiliki reputasi sebagai Mengambang nomor satu pakar Cloud City di sini, heh heh. "" Itu bagus. "Xiao Che mengangguk, sebagai hatinya merasa sedikit lebih bersyukur untuk menguasai Xia Qingyue ini. Xia Qingyue adalah istri yang baik ; sampai akhir, dia tidak merobek-robek surat nikah. "Xiao Lie mengatakan dengan ekspresi yang agak melankolis." ...... "Xiao Che diam-diam mengangguk kepalanya. Sebuah periode diam tiba-tiba turun ke atas tiga. Setelah melalui musibah yang telah datang hari ini, nasib mereka telah pasti terbalik. Meskipun mereka memiliki ribuan kata untuk mengatakan di dalam hati mereka, mereka tidak benar-benar tahu di mana untuk memulai .... "Kakek, saya ingin tahu ...." "Kau ingin bertanya siapa orang tua biologis Anda berada, kan?" Kata Xiao Lie . karena ia segera melanjutkan kalimat dengan ekspresi tenang di wajahnya "En," Xiao Che mengangguk sebagai mata kokoh terkonsentrasi di Xiao Lie: "Saya percaya saya tidak secara acak tanpa tujuan baik .... Kakek, Anda tahu sesuatu, kan? "Xiao Lingxi juga mengangkat matanya saat ia menatap heran pada Xiao Lie. Xiao Lie diam-diam menyaksikan Xiao Che untuk waktu yang lama sampai ia ringan mendesah, dan perlahan-lahan menutup matanya." Saya awalnya berpikir bahwa rahasia ini akan tinggal di hati saya untuk seumur hidup, dan bahwa orang kedua tidak akan pernah tahu itu .... Sekarang bahwa Xiao Clan tidak bisa mentolerir Anda, dan bahwa Anda telah dewasa, mengetahui hal ini dapat dianggap sebagai hal yang baik; menemukan akar asli seseorang, juga peran keturunannya "." ayah biologis Anda; nama keluarga adalah Yun .... "

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