#1220: Coming face to face with an adversary formidable victory! Black terjemahan - #1220: Coming face to face with an adversary formidable victory! Black Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1220: Coming face to face with an

#1220: Coming face to face with an adversary formidable victory!

Black soul Patriarch stature Cheng Xuewu, by own essence and blood, releases many years, his practicing builds up the soul, these souls are limitless, the comprehensive eruption, changed to a giant mask in this starry sky loudly, this mask completely comprised of the soul, the dense and numerous souls, as if mutually are wriggling, was screaming that as if wishes one could to swallow all, to melt own pain.
This moment these souls spread silent roar, this roar living cannot hear, that was the sound from death, in the proliferation forms the boundless ripple!
This ripple disperses unceasingly, making the starry sky as if the ripples of water surface, one is linking, in these, the rule shivers, the principle compels to draw back, the Mountains and Seas Plane will, as if also in this moment, left this surrounding area world.
Faint, unexpectedly around this, presented Phantom of hell, presented the river of underground spring, presented reincarnation, presented the shades of innumerable evil spirit.
More astonishing, after this form, all around reappears impressively ... World big grave!
These graves are illusory, as if the place soul are too therefore many, was affected, thus arrives, became that giant face the thing of contrast!
All these, serve as contrast that soul surface all ... Strange and intrepid, the aura of that terrifying, making Meng Hao two eyes contract fiercely.
This, is three source Dao Lord, shakes the heavens that erupts moves the strength of place, Meng Hao after arriving at Blacksoul Sect, life and death crisis throughout, but at this moment, was actually intense to peak.
This crisis was telling Meng Hao all, this war, this struck ... He may die!
„Crisis is mutual ...” In the Meng Hao eye dodges. Reveals very ruthless, he always to oneself ruthless, is similarly ruthless to the bystander. This war , he if there is meaning of least bit flinching, must die without doubt!
Does not flinch, fights, one such as ... Comes face to face with an adversary, formidable victory!
Meng Hao item, did not hesitate again. In the hand Battle Weapon condenses the strength of whole body peak, changes to the starry sky a radiance. Cuts loudly!
But that soul surface, in this silent whooshing, with Meng Hao that peak cutting of Battle Weapon, suddenly has bumped into one equally instant!
The sound of thundering. In this moment, changed to the wild bang dreadfully, all around bang, spreads over 100,000, 1 million, in great distance ...
This time, no longer was less than half Deity Alliance feels here fluctuation, but was the Deity Alliance nearly 50% regions, in this flash. By affect!
Even if spiritual sense that these condensation come, suddenly, directly was twisted by this storm. Immediately crushes!
All around dust, all shivers, instant becomes the flying ash, vanishes does not see, because of two people of showdowns, the strength that has is too big. The starry sky shivers, was torn. Causes giant black hole, sudden appears between Meng Hao and black soul Patriarch!
World-wide reacted, the starry sky thunders!
That side black soul Patriarch, the innumerable souls in sad and shrill, were cancelled forcefully, but the other souls, do not give a thought to the life and death as before, brings to fire into Meng Hao crazily.
Along with moving, the Meng Hao body shivers fiercely, his behind cloak first has been separated from the body, when changed to the mastiff dog, the mastiff dog blood blowout, Meng Hao that life and death crisis, stronger one time.
His innermost feelings as if sound, unceasingly is making him avoid, making him run away immediately, cannot insist again, otherwise must die!
But Meng Hao actually clenches teeth, sound that disregards innermost feelings, as before resistance.
Meng Hao understands that this war, cannot draw back, can only fight, who insists finally, who danced in the edge of that death, who won!
Thunders, the black soul Patriarch soul surface, among soul, unceasingly is also collapsing, the collapse of each soul, lets the black soul Patriarch consciousness severe pain, but he is the same was insisting, his innermost feelings holds to read, making him probably strike to kill Meng Hao!
„Dies to me!!” In the soul surface, spreads innumerable souls to condense in together sound.
Meng Hao the meat jelly changed to the armor, spreads the great sound, unexpectedly by being separated forcefully, was changed to silk threads, when Meng Hao behind condenses, the meat jelly look dispirited.
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Bahasa Indonesia
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1220: Coming face to face with an adversary formidable victory! Black soul Patriarch stature Cheng Xuewu, by own essence and blood, releases many years, his practicing builds up the soul, these souls are limitless, the comprehensive eruption, changed to a giant mask in this starry sky loudly, this mask completely comprised of the soul, the dense and numerous souls, as if mutually are wriggling, was screaming that as if wishes one could to swallow all, to melt own pain.This moment these souls spread silent roar, this roar living cannot hear, that was the sound from death, in the proliferation forms the boundless ripple!This ripple disperses unceasingly, making the starry sky as if the ripples of water surface, one is linking, in these, the rule shivers, the principle compels to draw back, the Mountains and Seas Plane will, as if also in this moment, left this surrounding area world.Faint, unexpectedly around this, presented Phantom of hell, presented the river of underground spring, presented reincarnation, presented the shades of innumerable evil spirit.More astonishing, after this form, all around reappears impressively ... World big grave!These graves are illusory, as if the place soul are too therefore many, was affected, thus arrives, became that giant face the thing of contrast!All these, serve as contrast that soul surface all ... Strange and intrepid, the aura of that terrifying, making Meng Hao two eyes contract fiercely.This, is three source Dao Lord, shakes the heavens that erupts moves the strength of place, Meng Hao after arriving at Blacksoul Sect, life and death crisis throughout, but at this moment, was actually intense to peak.This crisis was telling Meng Hao all, this war, this struck ... He may die!„Crisis is mutual ...” In the Meng Hao eye dodges. Reveals very ruthless, he always to oneself ruthless, is similarly ruthless to the bystander. This war , he if there is meaning of least bit flinching, must die without doubt!Does not flinch, fights, one such as ... Comes face to face with an adversary, formidable victory!Meng Hao item, did not hesitate again. In the hand Battle Weapon condenses the strength of whole body peak, changes to the starry sky a radiance. Cuts loudly!But that soul surface, in this silent whooshing, with Meng Hao that peak cutting of Battle Weapon, suddenly has bumped into one equally instant!The sound of thundering. In this moment, changed to the wild bang dreadfully, all around bang, spreads over 100,000, 1 million, in great distance ...This time, no longer was less than half Deity Alliance feels here fluctuation, but was the Deity Alliance nearly 50% regions, in this flash. By affect!Even if spiritual sense that these condensation come, suddenly, directly was twisted by this storm. Immediately crushes!All around dust, all shivers, instant becomes the flying ash, vanishes does not see, because of two people of showdowns, the strength that has is too big. The starry sky shivers, was torn. Causes giant black hole, sudden appears between Meng Hao and black soul Patriarch!World-wide reacted, the starry sky thunders!That side black soul Patriarch, the innumerable souls in sad and shrill, were cancelled forcefully, but the other souls, do not give a thought to the life and death as before, brings to fire into Meng Hao crazily.Along with moving, the Meng Hao body shivers fiercely, his behind cloak first has been separated from the body, when changed to the mastiff dog, the mastiff dog blood blowout, Meng Hao that life and death crisis, stronger one time.His innermost feelings as if sound, unceasingly is making him avoid, making him run away immediately, cannot insist again, otherwise must die!But Meng Hao actually clenches teeth, sound that disregards innermost feelings, as before resistance.Meng Hao understands that this war, cannot draw back, can only fight, who insists finally, who danced in the edge of that death, who won!Thunders, the black soul Patriarch soul surface, among soul, unceasingly is also collapsing, the collapse of each soul, lets the black soul Patriarch consciousness severe pain, but he is the same was insisting, his innermost feelings holds to read, making him probably strike to kill Meng Hao!„Dies to me!!” In the soul surface, spreads innumerable souls to condense in together sound.Rumbling!Meng Hao the meat jelly changed to the armor, spreads the great sound, unexpectedly by being separated forcefully, was changed to silk threads, when Meng Hao behind condenses, the meat jelly look dispirited.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1220: Datang tatap muka dengan kemenangan tangguh musuh

Hitam jiwa Patriarch bertubuh Cheng Xuewu, esensinya sendiri dan darah, melepaskan bertahun-tahun, berlatih nya membangun jiwa, jiwa-jiwa ini tidak terbatas, letusan yang komprehensif, berubah menjadi raksasa topeng di langit berbintang ini keras, masker ini benar-benar terdiri dari jiwa, jiwa-jiwa yang padat dan banyak, seakan saling yang menggeliat, berteriak bahwa seolah-olah keinginan satu bisa untuk menelan semua, mencair sakit sendiri.
saat ini jiwa-jiwa ini menyebar diam gemuruh, raungan hidup ini tidak dapat mendengar, bahwa adalah suara dari kematian, dalam proliferasi membentuk riak tak terbatas!
riak ini menyebar tanpa henti, membuat langit berbintang seolah-olah riak dari permukaan air, salah satu yang terhubung, di ini, menggigil aturan , prinsip memaksa untuk menarik kembali, Gunung dan Laut Pesawat akan, seolah-olah juga pada saat ini, meninggalkan ini daerah sekitarnya dunia.
Faint, tiba-tiba sekitar ini, disajikan phantom of neraka, disajikan sungai dari mata air bawah tanah, disajikan reinkarnasi, disajikan nuansa roh jahat tak terhitung banyaknya.
Lebih mencengangkan, setelah formulir ini, seluruh muncul kembali mengesankan ... Dunia makam besar!
kuburan ini adalah ilusi, seolah-olah tempat jiwa terlalu karena itu banyak, dipengaruhi, sehingga tiba, menjadi wajah raksasa hal kontras!
semua ini, berfungsi sebagai kontras yang permukaan jiwa semua ... Aneh dan pemberani, aura menakutkan itu, membuat Meng Hao dua mata kontrak sengit.
ini adalah tiga sumber Dao Tuhan, getar langit yang meletus bergerak kekuatan tempat, Meng Hao setelah tiba di Blacksoul Sect, hidup dan mati krisis di seluruh, tetapi pada saat ini, benar-benar intens ke puncak.
krisis ini menceritakan Meng Hao semua, perang ini, ini melanda ... Dia bisa mati!
"Krisis adalah saling ..." dalam Meng Hao dodges mata. Mengungkapkan sangat kejam, ia selalu diri kejam, juga sama kejam untuk penonton itu. Perang ini, dia jika ada arti sedikit mengernyit sedikit, harus mati tanpa diragukan lagi!
Tidak gentar, perkelahian, satu seperti ... Datang tatap muka dengan musuh, kemenangan tangguh!
Meng Hao item, tidak ragu-ragu lagi. Di tangan Pertempuran Senjata mengembun kekuatan seluruh puncak tubuh, perubahan pada langit berbintang pancaran a. Pemotongan keras!
Tapi itu permukaan jiwa, di mendesing diam ini, dengan Meng Hao yang puncak pemotongan Pertempuran Senjata, tiba-tiba telah menabrak satu sama instan!
Suara gemuruh. Pada saat ini, berubah menjadi bang liar amat sangat, seluruh Bang, menyebar lebih dari 100.000, 1 juta, di jarak yang sangat jauh ...
Kali ini, tidak lagi kurang dari setengah Dewa Alliance terasa di sini fluktuasi, tapi Dewa Alliance hampir 50 daerah%, dalam sekejap ini. Dengan mempengaruhi!
Bahkan jika rasa spiritual yang kondensasi ini datang, tiba-tiba, langsung dipilin oleh badai ini. Segera meremukkan!
Seluruh debu, semua menggigil, instan menjadi abu terbang, lenyap tidak melihat, karena dua orang dari showdowns, kekuatan yang memiliki terlalu besar. Menggigil langit berbintang, robek. Penyebab lubang hitam raksasa, yang tiba-tiba muncul antara Meng Hao dan jiwa hitam Patriark!
World-wide bereaksi, guruh langit berbintang!
Itu sisi hitam jiwa Patriarch, jiwa-jiwa yang tak terhitung banyaknya di sedih dan melengking, dibatalkan secara paksa, tetapi jiwa lainnya, tidak memberikan pemikiran untuk hidup dan mati seperti sebelumnya, membawa api ke dalam Meng Hao ayun.
Seiring dengan bergerak, Meng Hao tubuh menggigil keras, di belakang jubah pertama telah dipisahkan dari tubuh, ketika berubah menjadi anjing mastiff, mastiff yang anjing ledakan darah, Meng Hao yang hidup dan mati krisis, kuat satu waktu.
perasaan terdalam Nya seakan suara, tak henti-hentinya membuat dia menghindari, membuatnya lari segera, tidak bisa memaksa lagi, jika harus mati!
Tapi Meng Hao sebenarnya mengepalkan gigi, suara yang mengabaikan perasaan terdalam, seperti sebelumnya resistance.
Meng Hao memahami bahwa perang ini, tidak dapat menarik kembali, hanya bisa melawan, yang menegaskan akhirnya, yang menari di tepi kematian itu, yang menang!
Thunders, jiwa hitam permukaan Patriarch jiwa, antara jiwa, tak henti-hentinya juga runtuh, runtuhnya setiap jiwa, memungkinkan jiwa hitam kesadaran Patriarch sakit parah, tapi ia sama bersikeras, perasaan terdalam nya memegang untuk membaca, membuat dia mungkin menyerang untuk membunuh Meng Hao!
"Dies ke saya !! "di permukaan jiwa, menyebar jiwa yang tak terhitung banyaknya berkondensasi suara bersama-sama.
Meng Hao daging jelly berubah menjadi baju besi, menyebar suara yang besar, tiba-tiba oleh dipisahkan paksa, diubah menjadi benang sutra, ketika Meng Hao belakang mengembun, jeli daging terlihat putus asa.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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