100 human form ray bodies, from all directions, tread to be spatial an terjemahan - 100 human form ray bodies, from all directions, tread to be spatial an Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

100 human form ray bodies, from all

100 human form ray bodies, from all directions, tread to be spatial and vertical.
Not only the strength promoted Ninth Rank Martial Lord, and they no longer were also unarmed, but was taking ray long spear respectively.
That ray long spear is not common long spear, is containing the greatly strengthened strength, this makes the strengths of these human form ray bodies increase.
„Swish Swish Swish Swish” finally, these 100 person's shadows moved, but they blind attack, unexpectedly has not actually arranged one to attack to kill formation, encircles to kill to Chu Feng.
These human form ray bodies were really stronger and stronger, and not only repaired for on, in the thought was also strengthening, was similar to the pure slaughtering machine, had the uncommon wisdom gradually.
„Does not know why not the senior, this under this cloth, the younger generation initially arrived here, decides with you do not have the enmity without the injustice, do you why feel embarrassed the younger generation with this?”
Was seeing with own eyes the human form ray body attacks once again, Chu Feng realized that this will be endless, therefore he not blind counter-attack, but is the personal appearance dodges, flexible incomparable avoided encirclements of 100 human form ray bodies to kill.
Not only but, Chu Feng waits and sees the four directions not half person's shadow, even if he shouts loud, is basic nobody responds, some are only that sends out Li Hou, attacks the human form ray body that kills to come to Chu Feng.
„Good, since you want to play, I accompany you to play, I must have a look but actually, your this formation can evolve to any degree!” Sees nobody to respond, Chu Feng also loses one's temper.
Own strength, oneself most understood that do not look at Chu Feng is only cultivation of Eight Rank Martial Lord is, but in Martial Lord Realm can contend with him almost very few, even First Rank Martial King Chu Feng does not pay attention.
Therefore, no matter these human form ray bodies have used any method, their strengths strong, but in front of Chu Feng, collapses at the first blow actually, Chu Feng cuts to kill them, simply with killing one flock of ants is equally simple.
However Chu Feng already lost one's temper at this moment, therefore he does not have the choice to strike the simple way of system enemy, but plunders in the human form ray body that into that besieges to come, uses the hands and feet as the sharp knife blade, these human form ray bodies, dismemberment one after another.
Has saying that the Chu Feng method is very cruel, even some endless humanity, these ray bodies luckily are not the true life bodies, otherwise wants the blood froth to fly at this moment surely horizontally, the stump residual limb, the scene exceptionally will be all over the sky terrorist.
But in this moment Chu Feng heart has anger, was surrounded with no reason at all then, he cannot endure, but also was attacked with no reason at all, he cannot endure, if in some suitable methods, Chu Feng will not be hard to be discouraged in the heart the anger.
Although, Chu Feng cuts to kill one by one, but the trivial 100 human form ray bodies, are only the suddenly times, then all wrote off by Chu Feng, did not remain, died a cleanness.
„Come, making me have a look, you have any method.” After cuts 100 human form ray bodies kills, Chu Feng feels carefree dripping, but when the fervor overflows, is face upwards the long and loud cry to bellow one, since has shown mood at this moment, can be said as is blocking his person demonstration to that.
Sure enough, such as Chu Feng expects to be the same, after that hundred human form ray bodies were cut kills, in strength arrogant condenses, but this greatly strengthened strength, actually condensed one to have the nose also to have the ray form of outline finally perforated, Martial King.
At this moment, the Chu Feng front presented a human form ray body of Martial King level, although is only First Rank Martial King, but actually indeed is position Martial King without doubt.
„Yo, actually was really then interesting.” Looks at the Martial King level ray body of that distant place, in the Chu Feng eye is reappears the joyful vision.
Freely, Chu Feng including Martial King of Jiang Qisha that talent rank, cuts to kill, but that is takes advantage of others' strength after all and cultivation is, he cultivation by himself is, true facing the Martial King level match, this is the first time.
Martial King Realm, is entirely different from Martial Lord Realm, even if the Chu Feng strength is outstanding, but looks that of distant place said the Martial King ray body, felt the little pressure.
Right, is in Martial Lord Realm Chu Feng, copes with First Rank Martial King, is unable to achieve the absolute crush, cannot look like cuts to kill Martial Lord Realm Cultivator to be so simple, but similarly, Chu Feng also has the absolute assurance, can exceed the opposite party.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
100 human form ray bodies, from all directions, tread to be spatial and vertical.Not only the strength promoted Ninth Rank Martial Lord, and they no longer were also unarmed, but was taking ray long spear respectively.That ray long spear is not common long spear, is containing the greatly strengthened strength, this makes the strengths of these human form ray bodies increase.„Swish Swish Swish Swish” finally, these 100 person's shadows moved, but they blind attack, unexpectedly has not actually arranged one to attack to kill formation, encircles to kill to Chu Feng.These human form ray bodies were really stronger and stronger, and not only repaired for on, in the thought was also strengthening, was similar to the pure slaughtering machine, had the uncommon wisdom gradually.„Does not know why not the senior, this under this cloth, the younger generation initially arrived here, decides with you do not have the enmity without the injustice, do you why feel embarrassed the younger generation with this?”Was seeing with own eyes the human form ray body attacks once again, Chu Feng realized that this will be endless, therefore he not blind counter-attack, but is the personal appearance dodges, flexible incomparable avoided encirclements of 100 human form ray bodies to kill.Not only but, Chu Feng waits and sees the four directions not half person's shadow, even if he shouts loud, is basic nobody responds, some are only that sends out Li Hou, attacks the human form ray body that kills to come to Chu Feng.„Good, since you want to play, I accompany you to play, I must have a look but actually, your this formation can evolve to any degree!” Sees nobody to respond, Chu Feng also loses one's temper.Own strength, oneself most understood that do not look at Chu Feng is only cultivation of Eight Rank Martial Lord is, but in Martial Lord Realm can contend with him almost very few, even First Rank Martial King Chu Feng does not pay attention.Therefore, no matter these human form ray bodies have used any method, their strengths strong, but in front of Chu Feng, collapses at the first blow actually, Chu Feng cuts to kill them, simply with killing one flock of ants is equally simple.However Chu Feng already lost one's temper at this moment, therefore he does not have the choice to strike the simple way of system enemy, but plunders in the human form ray body that into that besieges to come, uses the hands and feet as the sharp knife blade, these human form ray bodies, dismemberment one after another.Has saying that the Chu Feng method is very cruel, even some endless humanity, these ray bodies luckily are not the true life bodies, otherwise wants the blood froth to fly at this moment surely horizontally, the stump residual limb, the scene exceptionally will be all over the sky terrorist.But in this moment Chu Feng heart has anger, was surrounded with no reason at all then, he cannot endure, but also was attacked with no reason at all, he cannot endure, if in some suitable methods, Chu Feng will not be hard to be discouraged in the heart the anger.Although, Chu Feng cuts to kill one by one, but the trivial 100 human form ray bodies, are only the suddenly times, then all wrote off by Chu Feng, did not remain, died a cleanness.„Come, making me have a look, you have any method.” After cuts 100 human form ray bodies kills, Chu Feng feels carefree dripping, but when the fervor overflows, is face upwards the long and loud cry to bellow one, since has shown mood at this moment, can be said as is blocking his person demonstration to that.„Buzz”Sure enough, such as Chu Feng expects to be the same, after that hundred human form ray bodies were cut kills, in strength arrogant condenses, but this greatly strengthened strength, actually condensed one to have the nose also to have the ray form of outline finally perforated, Martial King.At this moment, the Chu Feng front presented a human form ray body of Martial King level, although is only First Rank Martial King, but actually indeed is position Martial King without doubt.„Yo, actually was really then interesting.” Looks at the Martial King level ray body of that distant place, in the Chu Feng eye is reappears the joyful vision.Freely, Chu Feng including Martial King of Jiang Qisha that talent rank, cuts to kill, but that is takes advantage of others' strength after all and cultivation is, he cultivation by himself is, true facing the Martial King level match, this is the first time.Martial King Realm, is entirely different from Martial Lord Realm, even if the Chu Feng strength is outstanding, but looks that of distant place said the Martial King ray body, felt the little pressure.Right, is in Martial Lord Realm Chu Feng, copes with First Rank Martial King, is unable to achieve the absolute crush, cannot look like cuts to kill Martial Lord Realm Cultivator to be so simple, but similarly, Chu Feng also has the absolute assurance, can exceed the opposite party.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
100 mayat bentuk ray manusia, dari segala arah, tapak menjadi ruang dan vertikal.
Tidak hanya kekuatan dipromosikan Kesembilan Ranking Martial Tuhan, dan mereka tidak lagi juga tidak bersenjata, tetapi mengambil ray tombak panjang masing-masing.
Itu ray tombak panjang tidak umum tombak panjang, yang mengandung kekuatan sangat diperkuat, ini membuat kekuatan tubuh ray bentuk manusia ini meningkat.
"Swish Swish Swish Swish" akhirnya, bayangan 100 orang tersebut pindah, tapi mereka menyerang buta, tiba-tiba belum benar-benar diatur satu untuk menyerang ke membunuh formasi, mengelilingi membunuh untuk Chu Feng.
ini tubuh bentuk ray manusia yang benar-benar kuat dan lebih kuat, dan tidak hanya diperbaiki untuk di dalam pikiran juga memperkuat, mirip dengan mesin pemotongan murni, memiliki kebijaksanaan umum secara bertahap.
" tidak tahu mengapa tidak senior, ini di bawah kain ini, generasi muda awalnya tiba di sini, memutuskan dengan Anda tidak memiliki permusuhan tanpa ketidakadilan, apakah Anda mengapa merasa malu generasi muda dengan ini? "
Apakah melihat dengan mata sendiri bentuk manusia serangan ray tubuh sekali lagi, Chu Feng menyadari bahwa ini akan ada habisnya, karena itu ia tidak buta serangan balik, tetapi adalah dodges penampilan pribadi, fleksibel encirclements dihindari tertandingi dari 100 mayat bentuk ray manusia untuk membunuh.
tidak hanya tetapi, Chu Feng menunggu dan melihat bayangan empat arah tidak setengah seseorang, bahkan jika ia berteriak keras, adalah tidak ada dasar merespon, beberapa hanya yang mengirimkan Li Hou, menyerang bentuk ray tubuh manusia yang membunuh untuk datang ke Chu Feng.
"Baik, karena Anda ingin bermain, saya menemani Anda untuk bermain, saya harus melihat tetapi sebenarnya, formasi ini Anda dapat berkembang untuk tingkat apapun! "melihat tidak ada untuk merespon, Chu Feng juga kehilangan seseorang marah.
kekuatan sendiri, diri sendiri yang paling mengerti bahwa tidak melihat Chu Feng hanya budidaya Delapan Topik Martial Tuhan, tetapi dalam Tuhan Martial Realm dapat bersaing dengan dia hampir sangat sedikit, bahkan Peringkat Pertama Martial Raja Chu Feng tidak memperhatikan.
Oleh karena itu, tidak peduli badan-badan bentuk ray manusia telah digunakan metode apapun, kekuatan mereka yang kuat, tetapi di depan Chu Feng, runtuh pada pukulan pertama sebenarnya, Chu Feng memotong untuk membunuh mereka, hanya dengan membunuh satu kawanan semut sama sederhana.
namun Chu Feng sudah kehilangan kesabaran seseorang pada saat ini, Oleh karena itu ia tidak memiliki pilihan untuk menyerang cara sederhana musuh sistem, tetapi merampas dalam bentuk manusia ray tubuh yang menjadi yang mengepung datang, menggunakan tangan dan kaki sebagai pisau tajam, ini bentuk tubuh ray manusia, pemotongan satu demi satu.
Telah mengatakan bahwa metode Chu Feng sangat kejam, bahkan beberapa kemanusiaan tak berujung, tubuh ray ini untungnya tidak tubuh kehidupan sejati, jika tidak ingin buih darah untuk terbang pada saat ini pasti horizontal, tunggul sisa anggota badan, adegan sangat akan seluruh teroris langit.
tapi pada saat ini Chu Feng jantung memiliki kemarahan, dikelilingi dengan tidak ada alasan sama sekali saat itu, dia tidak bisa bertahan, tetapi juga diserang tanpa alasan sama sekali, dia tidak bisa bertahan, jika di beberapa cocok metode, Chu Feng tidak akan sulit untuk berkecil hati dalam hati kemarahan.
Meskipun, Chu Feng memotong untuk membunuh satu per satu, tapi sepele 100 mayat bentuk ray manusia, hanya tiba-tiba kali, maka semua menulis off oleh Chu Feng , tidak tetap, meninggal bersih a.
"Ayo, membuat saya melihat-lihat, Anda memiliki metode apapun." Setelah pemotongan 100 mayat bentuk ray manusia membunuh, Chu Feng terasa menetes tanpa beban, tapi ketika meluap semangat, adalah menghadap ke atas panjang dan seruan nyaring melenguh satu, karena telah menunjukkan suasana hati saat ini, bisa dikatakan seperti memblokir orang demonstrasi itu.
Benar saja, seperti Chu Feng mengharapkan untuk menjadi sama, setelah itu seratus tubuh ray bentuk manusia dipotong membunuh, kekuatan mengembun sombong, tapi kekuatan ini sangat diperkuat, sebenarnya kental yang memiliki hidung juga memiliki bentuk sinar garis akhirnya berlubang, Martial Raja.
pada saat ini, bagian depan Chu Feng disajikan bentuk manusia ray tubuh tingkat Martial Raja, meskipun hanya Peringkat Pertama Martial Raja, tapi sebenarnya memang posisi Martial Raja tanpa keraguan.
"Yo, sebenarnya benar-benar kemudian menarik." Tampak di Martial Raja ray tingkat tubuh bahwa tempat yang jauh, di Chu Feng mata muncul kembali visi menyenangkan.
Bebas, Chu Feng termasuk Martial King of Jiang Qisha bahwa bakat peringkat, pemotongan untuk membunuh, tapi itu mengambil keuntungan dari kekuatan lain 'setelah semua dan budidaya, ia budidaya sendiri adalah, benar menghadapi Martial tingkat pertandingan raja, ini adalah pertama kalinya.
Martial raja Realm, sama sekali berbeda dari Martial Tuhan Realm, bahkan jika kekuatan Chu Feng luar biasa, tapi tampak bahwa dari tempat yang jauh mengatakan Martial raja ray tubuh, merasakan sedikit tekanan.
Tepat , di Martial Tuhan Realm Chu Feng, berupaya dengan Peringkat Pertama Martial Raja, tidak dapat mencapai crush mutlak, tidak dapat terlihat seperti potongan untuk membunuh Martial Tuhan Realm pembudidaya menjadi begitu sederhana, namun sama, Chu Feng juga memiliki jaminan mutlak, bisa melebihi pihak lawan.
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