Open it up!

Open it up!" Jalal told his lady-lo

Open it up!" Jalal told his lady-love, him being eager to see her reaction. Jodha, meanwhile, couldn't take her eyes of the good-looking package. It was wrapped so tastefully, a lot of love had been put into it. A ribbon had been tied across it, and she didn't have the heart to ruin the packaging. "Chalo, open have many more gifts waiting!" "What! More gifts!" she rued thrillingly. "Yes, I would really like to see you open it..." "But...but am I supposed to take this home? Ma and Papa will surely see and ask questions..." "Oh Jo...kuch nahi hoga...I am excited to see your reaction!" "Umm...okay...if you insist..." she mused, as her hands slowly moved to touch the cellophane wrapping. Slowly untying the ribbon, her fingers pulled apart the paper to reveal a host of items. The expression on her face at that point was priceless; her eyes were gleaming. She picked up the photo frame on the top. It was the picture of the couple taken in the restaurant in Miami; the evening before Jodha had confessed to him. She couldn't stop smiling; it had great sentimental value for her. Putting the frame aside she pulled out the next item, a designer perfume. "It smells of jasmine...something that I would love to have on you..." he spoke with a hint of naughtiness in his sparkling eyes. "Oh, Jalal...J'adore is something I wanted to buy for so long! I remember one of my friend's using it at Richlife...loved it since then!"

She pulled out more of the goodies, which ranged from an expensive make-up kit, a designer clutch, jewellery, a saree apart from a variety of exquisite bath and body products. The girl was thrilled; a wide smile had descended on her face and that's exactly what her guy wanted. But the smile didn't persist as worry began taking over. The change in her expressions didn't go unnoticed, and he didn't waste time in asking the cause.

Jalal - What happened, Jo? Is something the matter?

Jodha - Jalal, I really really loved all the gifts...but how am I supposed to take all this home? Ma and Papa will...

Jalal - You can tell them that you received it from the company as a bonus cum birthday does that sound?

Jodha - But no one in the company has received something so elaborate...

Jalal - Offo! Just say that the board of directors gave it...or it came as a combined package from all your clients...

Jodha (giggling) - And photo ke liye? How about it landed from the stars...

Jalal (smirking) - Say it was a gift from me...a frame is so innocent na...anyway, you didn't take out one last thing from that...

She bent over to cast another glance into the basket and found nothing. A puzzled look appeared on her face, as she looked up at him.

Jodha - Jalal, it is empty...are you sure?

Jalal - I myself supervised the packing...just pull the cover at the'll find it...

The girl did as told, and pulled out a pink-paper package. It was just loose, so she began pulling the flaps apart, not anticipating what was inside. She successfully unwrapped it and was shocked. Her eyes widened and her cheeks were a flush of red.

Jodha (blushing) - Jalal! What is this!

Jalal (naughtily) - Yes, it is from Victoria Secret's limited edition...and I bought it especially for my Hottie...

Jodha (blushing even harder) - But isn't this too lacy for regular wear...I mean I haven't worn such a style ever...

Jalal - Who says its for regular wear...its only for me to see...when I strip every single garment from you...

Jodha - Oh Jalal...its very pretty...

She looked at the lingerie once again; the bra was backless with only lace and net on the cups and the same for the panties. There was also a panty hose and a slip included within the set, and all the items were a beautiful shade of pink. She blushed once again, and began packing it in the paper.

Jodha - Okay, I need to hide this at the bottom...Ma will die if she sees...

Jalal - Haan please do...or else, why will the Board of Directors gift you lingerie...

He was chuckling, while she frantically put the package beneath the paper bottom and heaved a sigh of relief.

Jodha - Jalal...don't giggle...its too racy...and the cups will barely cover my bosom entirely...

Jalal (winking) - That's what it is meant reveal that is not meant to be shown...and it would be so thrilling (looking at her chest) - to see them bare...and completely nude...

Jodha (covering herself) - Stop doing that...I am feeling shy...but...when should I wear it?

Her guy cast a naughty glance, and leaned towards her ear to whisper something.

Jalal (whispering) - about the next time when we have a room all to ourselves for a long time...You can wear it then...or maybe...

Jodha (blushing) - let me pack up everything...I don't want to leave anything here!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Open it up!" Jalal told his lady-love, him being eager to see her reaction. Jodha, meanwhile, couldn't take her eyes of the good-looking package. It was wrapped so tastefully, a lot of love had been put into it. A ribbon had been tied across it, and she didn't have the heart to ruin the packaging. "Chalo, open have many more gifts waiting!" "What! More gifts!" she rued thrillingly. "Yes, I would really like to see you open it..." "But...but am I supposed to take this home? Ma and Papa will surely see and ask questions..." "Oh Jo...kuch nahi hoga...I am excited to see your reaction!" "Umm...okay...if you insist..." she mused, as her hands slowly moved to touch the cellophane wrapping. Slowly untying the ribbon, her fingers pulled apart the paper to reveal a host of items. The expression on her face at that point was priceless; her eyes were gleaming. She picked up the photo frame on the top. It was the picture of the couple taken in the restaurant in Miami; the evening before Jodha had confessed to him. She couldn't stop smiling; it had great sentimental value for her. Putting the frame aside she pulled out the next item, a designer perfume. "It smells of jasmine...something that I would love to have on you..." he spoke with a hint of naughtiness in his sparkling eyes. "Oh, Jalal...J'adore is something I wanted to buy for so long! I remember one of my friend's using it at Richlife...loved it since then!"She pulled out more of the goodies, which ranged from an expensive make-up kit, a designer clutch, jewellery, a saree apart from a variety of exquisite bath and body products. The girl was thrilled; a wide smile had descended on her face and that's exactly what her guy wanted. But the smile didn't persist as worry began taking over. The change in her expressions didn't go unnoticed, and he didn't waste time in asking the cause.Jalal - What happened, Jo? Is something the matter?Jodha - Jalal, I really really loved all the gifts...but how am I supposed to take all this home? Ma and Papa will...Jalal - You can tell them that you received it from the company as a bonus cum birthday does that sound?Jodha - But no one in the company has received something so elaborate...Jalal - Offo! Just say that the board of directors gave it...or it came as a combined package from all your clients...Jodha (giggling) - And photo ke liye? How about it landed from the stars...Jalal (smirking) - Say it was a gift from me...a frame is so innocent na...anyway, you didn't take out one last thing from that...She bent over to cast another glance into the basket and found nothing. A puzzled look appeared on her face, as she looked up at him.Jodha - Jalal, it is empty...are you sure?Jalal - I myself supervised the packing...just pull the cover at the'll find it...The girl did as told, and pulled out a pink-paper package. It was just loose, so she began pulling the flaps apart, not anticipating what was inside. She successfully unwrapped it and was shocked. Her eyes widened and her cheeks were a flush of red.Jodha (blushing) - Jalal! What is this! (naughtily) - Yes, it is from Victoria Secret's limited edition...and I bought it especially for my Hottie...Jodha (blushing even harder) - But isn't this too lacy for regular wear...I mean I haven't worn such a style ever...Jalal - Who says its for regular wear...its only for me to see...when I strip every single garment from you...Jodha - Oh Jalal...its very pretty...She looked at the lingerie once again; the bra was backless with only lace and net on the cups and the same for the panties. There was also a panty hose and a slip included within the set, and all the items were a beautiful shade of pink. She blushed once again, and began packing it in the paper.Jodha - Okay, I need to hide this at the bottom...Ma will die if she sees...Jalal - Haan please do...or else, why will the Board of Directors gift you lingerie...He was chuckling, while she frantically put the package beneath the paper bottom and heaved a sigh of relief.Jodha - Jalal...don't giggle...its too racy...and the cups will barely cover my bosom entirely...Jalal (winking) - That's what it is meant reveal that is not meant to be shown...and it would be so thrilling (looking at her chest) - to see them bare...and completely nude...Jodha (covering herself) - Stop doing that...I am feeling shy...but...when should I wear it?Her guy cast a naughty glance, and leaned towards her ear to whisper something.Jalal (whispering) - about the next time when we have a room all to ourselves for a long time...You can wear it then...or maybe...Jodha (blushing) - let me pack up everything...I don't want to leave anything here!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Membukanya! "Jalal mengatakan nya wanita-cinta, dia menjadi bersemangat untuk melihat reaksinya. Jodha, sementara itu, tidak bisa mengambil matanya dari tampan paket. Itu dibungkus sehingga selera, banyak cinta telah dimasukkan ke dalamnya. Sebuah pita telah diikat di atasnya, dan dia tidak tega merusak kemasan. "Chalo, buka ... Anda memiliki lebih banyak hadiah menunggu!" "Apa! Hadiah lebih! "Dia menyesali thrillingly." Ya, Sayang ... jadi saya benar-benar ingin melihat Anda membukanya ... "" Tapi ... tapi Jalal ... bagaimana aku bisa membawa pulang ini? Ma dan Papa pasti akan melihat dan bertanya ... "" Oh Jo ... kuch nahi Hoga ... Saya bersemangat untuk melihat reaksi Anda! "" Umm ... oke ... jika Anda bersikeras ... " . renungnya, sebagai tangannya perlahan-lahan bergerak untuk menyentuh pembungkus plastik Perlahan melepas pita, jari-jarinya ditarik terpisah kertas untuk mengungkapkan sejumlah item Ekspresi wajahnya pada saat itu sangat berharga;.. matanya berkilat Dia mengambil . up bingkai foto di atas itu gambar dari pasangan yang diambil di restoran di Miami, malam sebelum Jodha telah mengaku padanya Dia tidak bisa berhenti tersenyum;. itu nilai sentimental yang besar untuknya Puting frame samping. dia menarik keluar item berikutnya, parfum desainer. "Baunya melati ... sesuatu yang saya akan senang untuk memiliki pada Anda ..." ia berbicara dengan sedikit kenakalan di mata berbinar-nya. "Oh, Jalal .. .J'adore adalah sesuatu yang saya ingin membeli begitu lama! Saya ingat salah satu teman saya menggunakannya di Richlife ... menyukainya sejak saat itu! "Dia menarik keluar lebih dari barang, yang berkisar dari make-up kit mahal, kopling desainer, perhiasan, saree terlepas dari berbagai . indah mandi dan tubuh produk Gadis itu senang; senyum lebar telah turun di wajahnya dan itulah apa yang orang ingin dia Tapi senyum tidak bertahan sebagai khawatir mulai mengambil alih Perubahan ekspresi nya tidak luput dari perhatian.. , dan ia tidak membuang waktu dalam meminta penyebabnya. Jalal -? Apa yang terjadi, Jo Apakah sesuatu hal? Jodha - Jalal, saya benar-benar benar-benar mencintai semua hadiah ... tapi bagaimana aku bisa mengambil semua rumah ini? ma dan Papa akan ... Jalal - Anda dapat memberitahu mereka bahwa Anda menerimanya dari perusahaan sebagai hadiah ulang tahun bonus cum ... bagaimana suara? Jodha - tak seorang pun di perusahaan Tapi telah menerima sesuatu yang begitu rumit ... Jalal - Offo Hanya mengatakan bahwa dewan direksi memberikannya ... atau itu datang sebagai paket gabungan dari semua klien Anda ... Jodha (cekikikan) - Dan foto ke liye? Bagaimana tentang hal itu mendarat dari bintang-bintang ... Jalal (menyeringai) - Katakan itu adalah hadiah dari saya ... bingkai begitu polos na ... anyway, Anda tidak mengambil satu hal dari yang ... Dia membungkuk untuk melemparkan pandangan lain ke dalam keranjang dan menemukan apa-apa. Pandangan bingung muncul di wajahnya, saat ia menatapnya. Jodha - Jalal, itu kosong ... apakah Anda yakin? Jalal - Saya sendiri diawasi kemasan ... hanya menarik penutup di bagian bawah ... Anda akan merasa ... Gadis melakukan seperti yang diceritakan, dan mengeluarkan paket merah muda-kertas. Itu hanya longgar, jadi dia mulai menarik flaps terpisah, tidak mengantisipasi apa yang ada di dalam. Dia berhasil membukanya dan terkejut. Matanya melebar dan pipinya yang flush merah. Jodha (memerah) - Jalal! Apa ini! Y ... Anda ... Jalal (nakal) - Ya, itu adalah dari Victoria Secret edisi terbatas ... dan saya membelinya terutama untuk Hottie saya ... Jodha (memerah lebih keras) - Tapi tidak terlalu berenda ini untuk memakai biasa ... Maksudku, aku belum dipakai gaya seperti yang pernah ... Jalal - Siapa bilang untuk memakai biasa ... yang hanya bagi saya untuk melihat ... ketika saya melucuti pakaian setiap satu dari Anda .. . Jodha - Oh Jalal ... yang sangat cantik ... Dia melihat lingerie sekali lagi; bra itu backless dengan hanya renda dan bersih pada cangkir dan sama untuk celana. Ada juga stoking dan slip termasuk dalam set, dan semua item yang warna indah merah muda. Dia tersipu lagi, dan mulai packing di koran. Jodha - Oke, saya harus menyembunyikan ini di bagian bawah ... Ma akan mati jika dia melihat ... Jalal - Haan silakan lakukan ... atau yang lain, mengapa akan Dewan Direksi hadiah Anda lingerie ... Dia tertawa kecil, sementara ia panik menaruh paket di bawah bagian bawah kertas dan menghela napas lega. Jodha - Jalal ... tidak tertawa ... terlalu bersemangat ... dan cangkir hampir akan menutupi dada saya sepenuhnya ... Jalal (mengedip) - Itulah apa yang dimaksudkan untuk ... untuk mengungkapkan bahwa tidak dimaksudkan untuk ditampilkan ... dan itu akan menjadi begitu mendebarkan (melihat dadanya) - untuk melihat mereka telanjang ... dan benar-benar telanjang ... Jodha (menutupi dirinya) - Berhenti melakukan itu ... saya merasa malu ... tapi ... ketika saya harus memakainya? cowok nya melirik nakal, dan bersandar ke telinganya membisikkan sesuatu. Jalal (berbisik) - Umm ... bagaimana dengan waktu berikutnya ketika kita memiliki ruang untuk diri kita sendiri untuk waktu yang lama ... Anda bisa memakainya kemudian ... atau mungkin .. . Jodha (memerah) - O..okay ... sekarang biarkan aku berkemas semuanya ... Saya tidak ingin meninggalkan apa pun di sini!

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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