Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
• the insured transferred incidents of ownershipover the policy within three years of the insured’sdeath;66 or• the insured transferred incidents of ownership inthe policy, other than for full and adequate consideration,and retained a lifetime right to beneficialenjoyment, a reversionary interest, or a rightto alter, amend, revoke or terminate the policy.67Further, the decedent’s gross estate will also includethe value of a life insurance policy on the life ofsomeone other than the decedent if he or she ownedthe policy on the date of death.68NRNCsSection 2105 specifically provides that ‘‘the amountreceivable as insurance on the life of a non-residentnot a citizen of the United States shall not be deemedproperty within the United States.’’ Therefore, thedeath benefits payable with respect to the life of anNRNC decedent are not subject to U.S. estate tax, regardlessof whether: (1) the decedent held incidents ofownership over the insurance policy; (2) the deathbenefits are payable to the NRNC’s estate; or (3) thebeneficiary is located inside or outside of the UnitedStates.This rule is specific to insurance on the life of theNRNC, however. If the NRNC decedent owned insurancethat is situated in the United States on the life ofanother individual, then the value of that policy willbe includible in the NRNC’s gross estate for U.S. estatetax purposes.69 Insurance on the life of someoneother than the decedent is situated in the United Statesif the insurer issuing the policy is a domestic (ratherthan a foreign) insurer.70U.S. Estate Tax Treatment of AnnuitiesU.S. Citizens and RNCsUnder §2039, with respect to U.S. citizens andRNCs, it is clear that the value of an annuity or otherpayment made under an annuity contract (the ‘‘annuitypayment’’) is included in a decedent’s gross estateif: (1) the annuity payment is receivable by the beneficiarybecause the beneficiary survived the decedent;and (2) the annuity payment was payable to thedecedent, or the decedent possessed the right to receivethe annuity payment (alone or in conjunctionwith others) for life, for a period not ascertainablewithout reference to his or her death, or for a periodthat did not in fact end before his or her death.71 Theamount includible in the gross estate is limited to apart of the annuity payment proportionate to theamount of the purchase price contributed by the decedent.72
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