Observe the following pictures carefully! Then, rearrange the instruct terjemahan - Observe the following pictures carefully! Then, rearrange the instruct Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Observe the following pictures care

Observe the following pictures carefully! Then, rearrange the instruction based on the pictures
. Let's make your own aquarium ecosystem
You will need:
-garvel. -water plants. -a bucket.
-a net. -water animals. -an aquarium tank
-a jug full of pond water

1 then, spread the gravels over base of the tank
2 now, add a jug full of pond water
3 first of all, put the gravel in a net and pour a jug full of water on it
4 next, add some water plants from an aquarium center
5 finall, add a few water animals you have collected from local ponds
6 after than, fill in the tank about half way and pour the water gently from. A jug
7 there is your own aquarium ecosystem
8 place the tank in bright light, but not in direct sunlight

Study the following Text! Read carefully and make it to be a good paragraph of procedure, add your own words and conjubctions!

You need:
- a small electric motor -a placstic propeller
- a battery. - a large metal paper clip
-2 small blocks of wood. - 2 metal drawing pin
- 3 wires. - glue
-a thick block of wood. - sticky tape

1 glue the thick block of wood to the small blocks
2 glue the motor to the thick block, push the propeller on the spindle of the motor
3 connect two wires the motor, make a paper clip switch with the other small block of wood
4 connect one wire from the motor to the battery and the other to the switch, connect the battery and switch to start a fan, turn the paper clip so it touches the darwing pin
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Observe the following pictures carefully! Then, rearrange the instruction based on the pictures . Let's make your own aquarium ecosystemYou will need:-garvel. -water plants. -a bucket. -a net. -water animals. -an aquarium tank -a jug full of pond waterSteps:1 then, spread the gravels over base of the tank2 now, add a jug full of pond water3 first of all, put the gravel in a net and pour a jug full of water on it4 next, add some water plants from an aquarium center5 finall, add a few water animals you have collected from local ponds6 after than, fill in the tank about half way and pour the water gently from. A jug7 there is your own aquarium ecosystem8 place the tank in bright light, but not in direct sunlightStudy the following Text! Read carefully and make it to be a good paragraph of procedure, add your own words and conjubctions!You need:- a small electric motor -a placstic propeller- a battery. - a large metal paper clip-2 small blocks of wood. - 2 metal drawing pin- 3 wires. - glue-a thick block of wood. - sticky tape1 glue the thick block of wood to the small blocks2 glue the motor to the thick block, push the propeller on the spindle of the motor3 connect two wires the motor, make a paper clip switch with the other small block of wood4 connect one wire from the motor to the battery and the other to the switch, connect the battery and switch to start a fan, turn the paper clip so it touches the darwing pin4
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Observe the following pictures carefully! Then, Rearrange the instruction based on the pictures
. Let's Make your own aquarium ecosystem
You will need:
-garvel. -water plants. -a bucket.
-a net. -water animals. -an aquarium tank
-a jug full of pond water

1 then, spread the gravels over the base of the tank
2 to the top, add a jug full of pond water
3 first of all, put the gravel in a net and pour a jug full of water on it
four next, add some water plants from an aquarium center
5 finall, add a few animals you have collected water from local ponds
6 after than, fill in the tank about half way and pour the water Gently from. A jug
7 there is your own aquarium ecosystem
8 place the tank in bright light, but not in direct sunlight

Study the following Text! Read carefully and make it to be a good paragraph of procedure, add your own words and conjubctions!

You need:
- a small electric motors placstic -a propeller
- a battery. - A large metal paper clip
-2 small blocks of wood. - 2 metal drawing pin
- 3 wires. - Glue
-a thick block of wood. - Sticky tape

1 glue the thick block of wood to the small blocks
2 glue the motors to the thick block, push the propeller on the spindle of the motors
3 connect two wires the bike, make a paper clip switch with the other small block of wood
4 connect one wire from the motor to the battery and the other to the switch, connect the battery and a switch to start a fan, turn the paper clip so it touches the darwing pin
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