Economic Impact of FTAs The surge in U.S. interest in FTAs and in the  terjemahan - Economic Impact of FTAs The surge in U.S. interest in FTAs and in the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Economic Impact of FTAs The surge i

Economic Impact of FTAs
The surge in U.S. interest in FTAs and in the formation of FTAs worldwide raises the question of
their impact on the countries included in an FTA and on the rest of the world. It is an issue that
economists have long studied and debated. Interest in the issue has peaked at various times in the
post-World War II period. The first time was the formation of the European Common Market.
Interest has peaked again with the current trends in FTAs. The debate has relied largely on theory
since empirical data are scarce save for the experience of the European Union. The debate has
also divided economists between those who strongly oppose FTAs as an economically inefficient
mechanism and those who support them as a means to build freer trade.
Economists usually base their analysis of the impact of FTAs on the concepts of trade creation
and trade diversion. These concepts were first developed by economist Jacob Viner in 1950.10
Viner focused his work on the economic effects of customs unions, but his conclusions have been
largely applied to FTAs and other preferential trade arrangements. His analysis was also confined
to static (one-time) effects of these arrangements.
Trade creation occurs when a member of an FTA replaces domestic production of a good with
imports of the good from another member of the FTA, because the formation of the FTA has
made it cheaper to import rather than produce domestically. The creation of the trade is said to
improve economic welfare within the group because resources are being shifted to more efficient
uses. Trade diversion occurs when a member of an FTA switches its import of a good from an
efficient nonmember to a less efficient member because the removal of tariffs within the group
and the continuation of tariffs on imports from nonmembers make it cheaper to do so. Trade
diversion is said to reduce economic welfare because resources are being diverted from an
efficient producer to a less efficient producer.
In most cases, it appears that FTAs lead to both trade diversion and trade creation with the net
effects determined by the structure of the FTA. Therefore, even if two or more countries are
moving toward freer trade among themselves in an FTA, the FTA could make those countries and
the world as a whole worse off if the FTA diverts more trade than it creates, according to
economic theory.11 (See box below for illustrative examples of trade diversion and trade creation.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Economic Impact of FTAs The surge in U.S. interest in FTAs and in the formation of FTAs worldwide raises the question of their impact on the countries included in an FTA and on the rest of the world. It is an issue that economists have long studied and debated. Interest in the issue has peaked at various times in the post-World War II period. The first time was the formation of the European Common Market. Interest has peaked again with the current trends in FTAs. The debate has relied largely on theory since empirical data are scarce save for the experience of the European Union. The debate has also divided economists between those who strongly oppose FTAs as an economically inefficient mechanism and those who support them as a means to build freer trade. Economists usually base their analysis of the impact of FTAs on the concepts of trade creationand trade diversion. These concepts were first developed by economist Jacob Viner in 1950.10Viner focused his work on the economic effects of customs unions, but his conclusions have been largely applied to FTAs and other preferential trade arrangements. His analysis was also confined to static (one-time) effects of these arrangements. Trade creation occurs when a member of an FTA replaces domestic production of a good with imports of the good from another member of the FTA, because the formation of the FTA has made it cheaper to import rather than produce domestically. The creation of the trade is said to improve economic welfare within the group because resources are being shifted to more efficient uses. Trade diversion occurs when a member of an FTA switches its import of a good from an efficient nonmember to a less efficient member because the removal of tariffs within the group and the continuation of tariffs on imports from nonmembers make it cheaper to do so. Trade diversion is said to reduce economic welfare because resources are being diverted from an efficient producer to a less efficient producer. In most cases, it appears that FTAs lead to both trade diversion and trade creation with the net effects determined by the structure of the FTA. Therefore, even if two or more countries are moving toward freer trade among themselves in an FTA, the FTA could make those countries and the world as a whole worse off if the FTA diverts more trade than it creates, according to economic theory.11 (See box below for illustrative examples of trade diversion and trade creation.)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dampak ekonomi dari FTA
Lonjakan bunga AS dalam FTA dan dalam pembentukan FTA seluruh dunia menimbulkan pertanyaan
dampaknya terhadap negara-negara yang termasuk dalam FTA dan di seluruh dunia. Ini adalah masalah yang
ekonom telah lama mempelajari dan diperdebatkan. Tujuan dalam isu telah mencapai puncaknya di berbagai kali dalam
periode pasca-Perang Dunia II. Pertama kali adalah pembentukan Common Market. Eropa
Bunga telah memuncak lagi dengan tren saat ini dalam FTA. Perdebatan telah menggantungkan pada teori
karena data empiris yang langka Hemat untuk pengalaman Uni Eropa. Perdebatan telah
juga dibagi ekonom antara mereka yang sangat menentang FTA sebagai tidak efisien secara ekonomi
mekanisme dan mereka yang mendukung mereka sebagai sarana untuk membangun perdagangan bebas.
Ekonom biasanya mendasarkan analisis mereka dari dampak FTA pada konsep penciptaan perdagangan
dan pengalihan perdagangan. Konsep-konsep ini pertama kali dikembangkan oleh ekonom Jacob Viner di 1.950,10
Viner fokus karyanya pada dampak ekonomi dari serikat pabean, tetapi kesimpulannya telah
sebagian besar diterapkan untuk FTA dan pengaturan perdagangan preferensial lainnya. Analisisnya juga terbatas
untuk statis (satu kali) efek dari pengaturan ini.
Penciptaan Trade terjadi ketika anggota dari sebuah FTA menggantikan produksi dalam negeri baik dengan
impor baik dari anggota lain dari FTA, karena pembentukan FTA telah
membuatnya lebih murah untuk mengimpor daripada memproduksi di dalam negeri. Penciptaan perdagangan dikatakan
meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dalam kelompok karena sumber daya sedang bergeser ke lebih efisien
penggunaan. Perdagangan pengalihan terjadi ketika anggota dari sebuah FTA beralih impor dari baik dari
bukan anggota yang efisien untuk anggota kurang efisien karena penghapusan tarif dalam kelompok
dan kelanjutan dari tarif impor dari nonanggota membuatnya lebih murah untuk melakukannya. Perdagangan
pengalihan dikatakan untuk mengurangi kesejahteraan ekonomi karena sumber daya yang dialihkan dari
produser yang efisien untuk produsen kurang efisien.
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, tampak bahwa FTA menyebabkan kedua pengalihan perdagangan dan penciptaan perdagangan dengan net
efek ditentukan oleh struktur FTA . Oleh karena itu, bahkan jika dua atau lebih negara yang
bergerak menuju pasar bebas di antara mereka sendiri dalam FTA, FTA bisa membuat negara-negara dan
dunia secara keseluruhan lebih buruk jika FTA mengalihkan perdagangan lebih dari itu menciptakan, menurut
theory.11 ekonomi ( Lihat kotak di bawah ini untuk contoh ilustrasi dari pengalihan perdagangan dan penciptaan perdagangan.)
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