Yun Wait­ian and Yun Du­an­shui Bei Hu, threw, kneel­ing down under ma terjemahan - Yun Wait­ian and Yun Du­an­shui Bei Hu, threw, kneel­ing down under ma Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Yun Wait­ian and Yun Du­an­shui Bei

Yun Wait­ian and Yun Du­an­shui Bei Hu, threw, kneel­ing down under ma­li­ciously be­fore Cof­fin of Eter­nity, has shouted, is the tears ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally. Al­though, they can­not be­lieve that is not will­ing to be­lieve that but, re­gard­ing Yun Che, how they are trust ex­tremely he pos­si­bly to work as Lit­tle Demon Em­press, is work­ing as Twelve Clans, is in front of world per­son to be mys­te­ri­ous with one­self one's own grand­fa­ther's re­mains! More­over, per­haps the by­stander is un­able to rec­og­nize, but they ini­tially gave loy­alty to Yun Cang­hai the per­son of con­san­guin­ity, even if he body dies, even if changes be­yond all recog­ni­tion, but that type is un­able to ex­plain, is only the Yun Cang­hai sub­tle fa­mil­iar feel­ing, is ac­tu­ally real and clear ex­is­tence.
„Yun Cang­hai” the name, two Great Elder Bei Hu, mak­ing the heart of Yun Clan per­son com­pletely fierce shiv­ers, Yun Qing­hong long in­spi­ra­tion, lifts the hand to stop the clans­man who these mood out-of-con­trol want to rush, said: „That in­deed is fa­ther's re­mains, is Che Er brings to come back to have Great Elder and two el­ders from Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent him to pro­tect be­cause of the side is then good, do not pass again, in order to avoid alarmed his sleep­ing soundly.”
Yun Cang­hai words, solid in­com­pa­ra­ble has proven the sta­tus of that re­mains. The peo­ple of all Yun Fam­ily felt that in own chest cav­ity as if has any thing to blast out, Yun He, Yun Jiang and Yun Xi three big Grand Elder are the old tears cross­flow they have a dream has not thought that also had to see Yun Cang­hai that day again
„Is he re­ally Mon­ster King?” The Lit­tle Demon Em­press vi­sion is star­tled how­ever, sur­prised [say / way]. The per­son who this life, she re­spects truly has two, one, is her Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, an­other, is Yun Cang­hai. The time in a flash is hun­dred years, she no longer ex­pected that can also see Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther and younger brother's re­mains, does not dare to ex­pect that sim­i­larly can see Yun Cang­hai again, but at this mo­ment, the Yun Cang­hai re­mains like the mir­a­cle, such as the il­lu­sion re­turned to this Il­lu­sory Demon Realm gen­er­ally, ap­pears in her at pre­sent
sim­ply his ap­pear­ance, makes her soul shiver un­able to stop fiercely
Yun Che fa­cial color stiff [say / way]: „I am an un­par­don­ably wicked evil per­son, will not die the close re­mains to play the plans by me!!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yun Waitian dan Yun Duanshui Bei Hu, melemparkan, berlutut di bawah jahat sebelum peti mati of Eternity, telah berteriak, adalah air mata secara vertikal dan horizontal. Meskipun, mereka tidak percaya yang tidak bersedia untuk percaya itu tetapi, mengenai Yun Che bagaimana mereka yang percaya sangat dia mungkin bekerja sebagai sedikit setan Permaisuri, bekerja sebagai dua belas klan, adalah di depan dunia orang menjadi misterius dengan diri sendiri satu sendiri kakek tetap! Selain itu, mungkin pengamat tidak menyadari, tetapi mereka awalnya memberikan loyalitas kepada Yun Canghai orang dari kerabat, bahkan jika ia tubuh mati, bahkan jika perubahan luar semua pengakuan, tapi jenis yang mampu menjelaskan, adalah hanya Yun Canghai halus akrab perasaan, adalah keberadaan sebenarnya nyata dan jelas."Yun Canghai" nama, dua besar penatua Bei Hu, membuat jantung klan Yun orang benar-benar sengit menggigil, Yun Qinghong panjang inspirasi, Lift tangan untuk menghentikan clansman yang ini suasana hati out-of-control ingin terburu-buru, mengatakan: "yang memang tetap ayah, adalah Che Er membawa kembali untuk memiliki besar penatua dan tua-tua dua dari mendalam Sky benua nya untuk melindungi karena sisi kemudian baik tidak lulus lagi, untuk menghindari khawatir tidur nyenyak. "Yun Cang­hai words, solid in­com­pa­ra­ble has proven the sta­tus of that re­mains. The peo­ple of all Yun Fam­ily felt that in own chest cav­ity as if has any thing to blast out, Yun He, Yun Jiang and Yun Xi three big Grand Elder are the old tears cross­flow they have a dream has not thought that also had to see Yun Cang­hai that day again„Is he re­ally Mon­ster King?” The Lit­tle Demon Em­press vi­sion is star­tled how­ever, sur­prised [say / way]. The per­son who this life, she re­spects truly has two, one, is her Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, an­other, is Yun Cang­hai. The time in a flash is hun­dred years, she no longer ex­pected that can also see Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther and younger brother's re­mains, does not dare to ex­pect that sim­i­larly can see Yun Cang­hai again, but at this mo­ment, the Yun Cang­hai re­mains like the mir­a­cle, such as the il­lu­sion re­turned to this Il­lu­sory Demon Realm gen­er­ally, ap­pears in her at pre­sentsim­ply his ap­pear­ance, makes her soul shiver un­able to stop fiercelyYun Che fa­cial color stiff [say / way]: „I am an un­par­don­ably wicked evil per­son, will not die the close re­mains to play the plans by me!!”
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