tax IDs, and setting up unemployment and workers’compensation insuranc terjemahan - tax IDs, and setting up unemployment and workers’compensation insuranc Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

tax IDs, and setting up unemploymen

tax IDs, and setting up unemployment and workers’
compensation insurance. In Japan, however, a typical
entrepreneur spends more than $3,500 and 31 days to
follow 11 different procedures.
A surprising number of Americans take advantage
of their freedom to start a business. There are, in fact,
about 27.5 million businesses in this country. Only
just 18,469 of these employ more than 500 workers—
enough to be considered large.
Interest in owning or starting a small business has never
been greater than it is today. During the last decade, the number
of small businesses in the United States has increased 49
percent. For the last few years, new-business formation in the
United States has broken successive records, except during the
2001–2002 and 2008 recessions. Recently, nearly 552,600 new
businesses were incorporated. Furthermore, part-time entrepreneurs
have increased fivefold in recent years; they now account
for one-third of all small businesses.4
According to a recent study, 69 percent of new businesses
survive at least two years, about 50 percent survive at least five
years, and 31 percent survive at least ten years.5 The primary
reason for these failures is mismanagement resulting from a
lack of business know-how. The makeup of the small-business
sector thus is constantly changing. Despite the high failure
rate, many small businesses succeed modestly. Some, like Apple Computer, Inc., are
extremely successful—to the point where they can no longer be considered small.
Taken together, small businesses are also responsible for providing a high percentage
of the jobs in the United States. According to some estimates, the figure is well over
50 percent.
Industries That Attract Small Businesses
Some industries, such as auto manufacturing, require huge investments in machinery
and equipment. Businesses in such industries are big from the day they are started—if
an entrepreneur or group of entrepreneurs can gather the capital required to start one.
By contrast, a number of other industries require only a low initial investment and
some special skills or knowledge. It is these industries that tend to attract new businesses.
Growing industries, such as outpatient-care facilities, are attractive because of
their profit potential. However, knowledgeable entrepreneurs choose areas with which
they are familiar, and these are most often the more established industries.
Small enterprise spans the gamut from corner newspaper vending to the development
of optical fibers. The owners of small businesses sell gasoline, flowers, and coffee
to go. They publish magazines, haul freight, teach languages, and program computers.
They make wines, movies, and high-fashion clothes. They build new homes and
restore old ones. They fix appliances, recycle metals, and sell used cars. They drive
cabs and fly planes. They make us well when we are ill, and they sell us the products
of corporate giants. In fact, 74 percent of real estate, rental, and leasing industries;
61 percent of the businesses in the leisure and hospitality services; and 86 percent of
the construction industries are dominated by small businesses. The various kinds of
businesses generally fall into three broad categories of industry: distribution, service,
and production.
Distribution Industries This category includes retailing, wholesaling, transportation,
and communications—industries concerned with the movement of goods from
producers to consumers. Distribution industries account for approximately 33 percent
of all small businesses. Of these, almost three-quarters are involved in retailing, that
is, the sale of goods directly to consumers. Clothing and jewelry stores, pet shops,

bookstores, and grocery stores, for example, are all retailing firms. Slightly less than
one-quarter of the small distribution firms are wholesalers. Wholesalers purchase products
in quantity from manufacturers and then resell them to retailers.
Service Industries This category accounts for more than 48 percent of all small
businesses. Of these, about three-quarters provide such nonfinancial services as medical
and dental care; watch, shoe, and TV repairs; haircutting and styling; restaurant
meals; and dry cleaning. About 8 percent of the small service firms offer financial services,
such as accounting, insurance, real estate, and investment counseling. An increasing
number of self-employed Americans are running service businesses from home.
Production Industries This last category includes the construction, mining, and
manufacturing industries. Only about 19 percent of all small businesses are in this
group, mainly because these industries require relatively large initial investments. Small
firms that do venture into production generally make parts and subassemblies for
larger manufacturing firms or supply special skills to larger construction firms.
The People in Small Businesses: The
The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in the United States. One study
revealed that the U.S. population is quite entrepreneurial when compared
with those of other countries. More than 70 percent of Americans would
prefer being an entrepreneur to working for someone else. This compares with
46 percent of adults in Western Europe and 58 percent of adults in Canada.
Another study on entrepreneurial activity for 2002 found that of 36 countries
studied, the United States was in the top third in entrepreneurial activity and
was the leader when compared with Japan, Canada, and Western Europe.6
Small businesses typically are managed by the people who started and own
them. Most of these people have held jobs with other firms and still could be
so employed if they wanted. Yet owners of small businesses would rather take
the risk of starting and operating their own firms, even if the money they make
is less than the salaries they otherwise might earn.
Researchers have suggested a variety of personal factors as reasons why
people go into business for themselves. These are discussed next.
Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial spirit is the desire to create a new business. For example, Nikki
Olyai always knew that she wanted to create and develop her own business.
Her father, a successful businessman in Iran, was her role model. She came
to the United States at the age of 17 and lived with a host family in Salem,
Oregon, attending high school there. Undergraduate and graduate degrees
in computer science led her to start Innovision Technologies while she held
two other jobs to keep the business going and took care of her four-year-old
son. Recently, Nikki Olyai’s business was honored by the Women’s Business
Enterprise National Council’s “Salute to Women’s Business Enterprises” as one
of 11 top successful firms. For three consecutive years, her firm was selected as
a “Future 50 of Greater Detroit Company.”
Other Personal Factors
Other personal factors in small-business success include
• independence;
• a desire to determine one’s own destiny;
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
tax IDs, and setting up unemployment and workers’compensation insurance. In Japan, however, a typicalentrepreneur spends more than $3,500 and 31 days tofollow 11 different procedures.A surprising number of Americans take advantageof their freedom to start a business. There are, in fact,about 27.5 million businesses in this country. Onlyjust 18,469 of these employ more than 500 workers—enough to be considered large.Interest in owning or starting a small business has neverbeen greater than it is today. During the last decade, the numberof small businesses in the United States has increased 49percent. For the last few years, new-business formation in theUnited States has broken successive records, except during the2001–2002 and 2008 recessions. Recently, nearly 552,600 newbusinesses were incorporated. Furthermore, part-time entrepreneurshave increased fivefold in recent years; they now accountfor one-third of all small businesses.4According to a recent study, 69 percent of new businessessurvive at least two years, about 50 percent survive at least fiveyears, and 31 percent survive at least ten years.5 The primaryreason for these failures is mismanagement resulting from alack of business know-how. The makeup of the small-businesssector thus is constantly changing. Despite the high failurerate, many small businesses succeed modestly. Some, like Apple Computer, Inc., areextremely successful—to the point where they can no longer be considered small.Taken together, small businesses are also responsible for providing a high percentageof the jobs in the United States. According to some estimates, the figure is well over50 percent.Industries That Attract Small BusinessesSome industries, such as auto manufacturing, require huge investments in machineryand equipment. Businesses in such industries are big from the day they are started—ifan entrepreneur or group of entrepreneurs can gather the capital required to start one.By contrast, a number of other industries require only a low initial investment andsome special skills or knowledge. It is these industries that tend to attract new businesses.Growing industries, such as outpatient-care facilities, are attractive because oftheir profit potential. However, knowledgeable entrepreneurs choose areas with whichthey are familiar, and these are most often the more established industries.Small enterprise spans the gamut from corner newspaper vending to the developmentof optical fibers. The owners of small businesses sell gasoline, flowers, and coffeeto go. They publish magazines, haul freight, teach languages, and program computers.They make wines, movies, and high-fashion clothes. They build new homes andrestore old ones. They fix appliances, recycle metals, and sell used cars. They drivecabs and fly planes. They make us well when we are ill, and they sell us the productsof corporate giants. In fact, 74 percent of real estate, rental, and leasing industries;61 percent of the businesses in the leisure and hospitality services; and 86 percent ofthe construction industries are dominated by small businesses. The various kinds ofbusinesses generally fall into three broad categories of industry: distribution, service,and production.Distribution Industries This category includes retailing, wholesaling, transportation,and communications—industries concerned with the movement of goods fromproducers to consumers. Distribution industries account for approximately 33 percentof all small businesses. Of these, almost three-quarters are involved in retailing, thatis, the sale of goods directly to consumers. Clothing and jewelry stores, pet shops,136bookstores, and grocery stores, for example, are all retailing firms. Slightly less thanone-quarter of the small distribution firms are wholesalers. Wholesalers purchase productsin quantity from manufacturers and then resell them to retailers.Service Industries This category accounts for more than 48 percent of all smallbusinesses. Of these, about three-quarters provide such nonfinancial services as medicaland dental care; watch, shoe, and TV repairs; haircutting and styling; restaurantmeals; and dry cleaning. About 8 percent of the small service firms offer financial services,such as accounting, insurance, real estate, and investment counseling. An increasingnumber of self-employed Americans are running service businesses from home.Production Industries This last category includes the construction, mining, andmanufacturing industries. Only about 19 percent of all small businesses are in thisgroup, mainly because these industries require relatively large initial investments. Smallfirms that do venture into production generally make parts and subassemblies forlarger manufacturing firms or supply special skills to larger construction firms.The People in Small Businesses: TheEntrepreneursThe entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in the United States. One studyrevealed that the U.S. population is quite entrepreneurial when comparedwith those of other countries. More than 70 percent of Americans wouldprefer being an entrepreneur to working for someone else. This compares with46 percent of adults in Western Europe and 58 percent of adults in Canada.Another study on entrepreneurial activity for 2002 found that of 36 countriesstudied, the United States was in the top third in entrepreneurial activity andwas the leader when compared with Japan, Canada, and Western Europe.6Small businesses typically are managed by the people who started and ownthem. Most of these people have held jobs with other firms and still could beso employed if they wanted. Yet owners of small businesses would rather takethe risk of starting and operating their own firms, even if the money they makeis less than the salaries they otherwise might earn.Researchers have suggested a variety of personal factors as reasons whypeople go into business for themselves. These are discussed next.Characteristics of EntrepreneursEntrepreneurial spirit is the desire to create a new business. For example, NikkiOlyai always knew that she wanted to create and develop her own business.Her father, a successful businessman in Iran, was her role model. She cameto the United States at the age of 17 and lived with a host family in Salem,Oregon, attending high school there. Undergraduate and graduate degreesin computer science led her to start Innovision Technologies while she heldtwo other jobs to keep the business going and took care of her four-year-oldson. Recently, Nikki Olyai’s business was honored by the Women’s BusinessEnterprise National Council’s “Salute to Women’s Business Enterprises” as oneof 11 top successful firms. For three consecutive years, her firm was selected asa “Future 50 of Greater Detroit Company.”Other Personal FactorsOther personal factors in small-business success include• independence;• a desire to determine one’s own destiny;137
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ID pajak, dan menyiapkan pengangguran dan pekerja
asuransi kompensasi. Di Jepang, namun, khas
pengusaha menghabiskan lebih dari $ 3.500 dan 31 hari untuk
mengikuti 11 prosedur yang berbeda.
Sejumlah mengejutkan orang Amerika mengambil keuntungan
dari kebebasan mereka untuk memulai usaha. Ada, pada kenyataannya,
sekitar 27,5 juta bisnis di negara ini. Hanya
saja 18.469 ini mempekerjakan lebih dari 500
pekerja-cukup untuk dipertimbangkan besar.
Minat memiliki atau memulai bisnis kecil tidak pernah
pernah lebih besar dari saat ini. Selama dekade terakhir, jumlah
usaha kecil di Amerika Serikat telah meningkat 49
persen. Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, formasi baru-bisnis di
Amerika Serikat telah memecahkan rekor berturut-turut, kecuali selama
2001-2002 dan 2008 resesi. Baru-baru ini, hampir 552.600 baru
bisnis dimasukkan. Selanjutnya, pengusaha paruh waktu
telah meningkat lima kali lipat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir; mereka sekarang account
untuk satu-sepertiga dari semua businesses.4 kecil
Menurut sebuah penelitian terbaru, 69 persen dari bisnis baru
bertahan setidaknya dua tahun, sekitar 50 persen bertahan hidup setidaknya lima
tahun, dan 31 persen bertahan setidaknya sepuluh years.5 The utama
alasan untuk kegagalan ini adalah kesalahan manajemen yang dihasilkan dari
kurangnya bisnis know-how. Makeup dari usaha kecil
sektor sehingga terus berubah. Meskipun kegagalan yang tinggi
tingkat, banyak usaha kecil sukses sederhana. Beberapa, seperti Apple Computer, Inc., yang
sangat sukses-ke titik di mana mereka tidak bisa lagi dianggap kecil.
Secara keseluruhan, usaha kecil juga bertanggung jawab untuk menyediakan persentase yang tinggi
dari pekerjaan di Amerika Serikat. Menurut beberapa perkiraan, angka tersebut lebih
dari 50 persen.
Industries Itu Menarik Bisnis Kecil
Beberapa industri, seperti manufaktur mobil, membutuhkan investasi besar dalam mesin
dan peralatan. Bisnis dalam industri seperti besar dari hari mereka mulai-jika
pengusaha atau kelompok pengusaha dapat mengumpulkan modal yang diperlukan untuk memulai satu.
Sebaliknya, sejumlah industri lainnya hanya membutuhkan investasi awal yang rendah dan
beberapa keterampilan khusus atau pengetahuan. Ini adalah industri-industri ini yang cenderung menarik bisnis baru.
Tumbuh industri, seperti fasilitas perawatan rawat jalan, yang menarik karena
potensi keuntungan mereka. Namun, pengusaha berpengetahuan memilih daerah dengan yang
mereka kenal, dan ini paling sering adalah industri yang lebih mapan.
Usaha kecil mencakup keseluruhan dari koran sudut penjual untuk pengembangan
serat optik. Para pemilik usaha kecil menjual bensin, bunga, dan kopi
untuk pergi. Mereka menerbitkan majalah, barang haul, mengajar bahasa, dan program komputer.
Mereka membuat anggur, film, dan pakaian high-fashion. Mereka membangun rumah baru dan
mengembalikan yang lama. Mereka memperbaiki peralatan, mendaur ulang logam, dan menjual mobil bekas. Mereka mendorong
taksi dan menerbangkan pesawat. Mereka membuat kita baik ketika kita sakit, dan mereka menjual kami produk
dari perusahaan raksasa. Bahkan, 74 persen dari real estate, sewa, dan industri penyewaan;
61 persen dari bisnis di waktu luang dan perhotelan jasa; dan 86 persen dari
industri konstruksi didominasi oleh usaha kecil. Berbagai jenis
usaha umumnya jatuh ke dalam tiga kategori besar industri distribusi,
pelayanan,. Dan produksi
Industri Distribusi Kategori ini termasuk ritel, grosir, transportasi,
dan komunikasi-industri yang bersangkutan dengan pergerakan barang dari
produsen ke konsumen. Industri distribusi account untuk sekitar 33 persen
dari semua usaha kecil. Dari jumlah tersebut, hampir tiga perempat yang terlibat dalam ritel, yang
adalah, penjualan barang langsung kepada konsumen. Pakaian dan perhiasan toko, toko hewan peliharaan,
136 toko buku, dan toko, misalnya, semua perusahaan ritel. Sedikit kurang dari seperempat dari perusahaan distribusi kecil grosir. Grosir membeli produk dalam jumlah dari produsen dan kemudian menjual kembali mereka ke pengecer. Kategori ini Industri Jasa menyumbang lebih dari 48 persen dari semua kecil bisnis. Dari jumlah tersebut, sekitar tiga perempat menyediakan layanan seperti non finansial sebagai medis perawatan dan gigi; menonton, sepatu, dan TV perbaikan; potong rambut dan styling; restoran makanan; dan dry cleaning. Sekitar 8 persen dari perusahaan jasa kecil menawarkan layanan keuangan, seperti akuntansi, asuransi, real estate, dan konseling investasi. Peningkatan jumlah wiraswasta Amerika menjalankan bisnis layanan dari rumah. Produksi Industri Kategori terakhir ini meliputi konstruksi, pertambangan, dan industri manufaktur. Hanya sekitar 19 persen dari semua usaha kecil berada di ini kelompok, terutama karena industri ini membutuhkan investasi awal yang relatif besar. Kecil perusahaan yang menjelajah ke produksi umumnya membuat bagian dan subassemblies untuk perusahaan manufaktur yang lebih besar atau menyediakan keahlian khusus untuk perusahaan konstruksi besar. Rakyat di Usaha Kecil: The Pengusaha Semangat kewirausahaan masih hidup dan baik di Amerika Serikat. Satu studi menunjukkan bahwa penduduk AS cukup kewirausahaan bila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Lebih dari 70 persen orang Amerika akan lebih memilih menjadi seorang pengusaha untuk bekerja untuk orang lain. Ini membandingkan dengan 46 persen orang dewasa di Eropa Barat dan 58 persen orang dewasa di Kanada. Penelitian lain pada aktivitas kewirausahaan untuk tahun 2002 menemukan bahwa dari 36 negara yang diteliti, Amerika Serikat berada di ketiga atas aktivitas kewirausahaan dan adalah pemimpin bila dibandingkan dengan Jepang, Kanada, dan Barat Eropa.6 Kecil bisnis biasanya dikelola oleh orang-orang yang mulai dan memiliki mereka. Sebagian besar orang-orang ini telah mengadakan pekerjaan dengan perusahaan lain dan masih bisa jadi digunakan jika mereka ingin. Namun pemilik usaha kecil lebih suka mengambil risiko memulai dan menjalankan perusahaan mereka sendiri, bahkan jika uang yang mereka buat kurang dari gaji mereka dinyatakan mungkin mendapatkan. Para peneliti telah menyarankan berbagai faktor personal sebagai alasan mengapa orang masuk ke bisnis sendiri. Ini dibahas berikutnya. Karakteristik Pengusaha semangat Wirausaha adalah keinginan untuk menciptakan bisnis baru. Misalnya, Nikki Olyai selalu tahu bahwa dia ingin menciptakan dan mengembangkan bisnis sendiri. Ayahnya, seorang pengusaha sukses di Iran, adalah panutan nya. Dia datang ke Amerika Serikat pada usia 17 dan tinggal dengan keluarga angkat di Salem, Oregon, menghadiri sekolah tinggi di sana. Derajat sarjana dan pascasarjana dalam ilmu komputer membimbingnya untuk memulai Innovision Teknologi sementara ia memegang dua pekerjaan lain untuk menjaga bisnis berjalan dan merawatnya empat tahun anak. Baru-baru ini, bisnis Nikki Olyai yang dihormati oleh Bisnis Perempuan Usaha Nasional Dewan "Salute to Business Perempuan Usaha" sebagai salah satu dari 11 perusahaan yang sukses atas. Selama tiga tahun berturut-turut, perusahaannya terpilih sebagai suatu "Masa Depan 50 Greater Detroit Perusahaan." Faktor-faktor pribadi lainnya faktor pribadi lainnya dalam keberhasilan usaha kecil termasuk • kemerdekaan; • keinginan untuk menentukan seseorang nasib sendiri; 137

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