IntroductionGenetic variants can affect qualitative and quantitative a terjemahan - IntroductionGenetic variants can affect qualitative and quantitative a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

IntroductionGenetic variants can af

Genetic variants can affect qualitative and quantitative aspects at all levels of gene expression, including gene transcription, splicing, transcript stability, rate of translation, protein function and degradation, thereby contributing to intersubject variability and heritable metabolic, pharmacogenetic and other phenotypes. Many variants, in particular, common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), affect gene expression in a quantitative manner, and the combination of larger sets of low-impact variants is believed to explain non-Mendelian types of inheritance, including complex quantitative traits such as body size. (1-3) Typical pharmacological phenotypes, such as drug response and toxicity, are highly likely to depend on multiple genes. In contrast to monogenically inherited pharmacogenetic polymorphisms, most of which have been discovered by following up on unusual clinical drug response phenotypes, (4) the basis for more complex phenotypes remained largely unknown. (5,6)
A relatively new approach to identify unknown functional genetic variants that modulate gene expression, also termed 'genetical genomics,' is the mapping of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) using genome-wide association (GWA) methods in cohorts of unrelated individuals. (2,7) In this strategy, individual transcript levels are determined in a selected tissue or cell type using microarrays. In genomic DNA of the same individuals, in the order of [10.sup.5] to [10.sup.6] SNPs are genotyped in parallel. By considering each individual gene transcript as a quantitative trait, association analysis identifies SNPs that are significantly associated with expression. (8,9) Thus, the eQTL strategy differs from the typical GWA studies, as the majority of the > 1000 published GWA studies typically focused on a single or only a few complex phenotypes. (10)
So far, only a limited number of genome-wide eQTL studies have been performed on various human tissues. (11-19) In most cases, easily accessible peripheral tissues such as human HapMap lymphoblastoid cell lines, lymphocytes or monocytes were investigated. For example, in one of the earliest studies, Morley et al. (20) distinguished cis- and transeffects, depending on the relative location of trait gene and SNP gene to each other. Several later studies found that trans-eQTLs were more difficult to reproduce. (12-15) Only few studies have appeared on internal tissues, including the brain, (21) adipose (18) and liver. (16) The latter study investigated a cohort of 427 human liver samples (in this paper referred to as the 'Seattle study') and found a multitude of new eQTLs. Furthermore, they showed that the eQTL approach together with network analyses can drive the identification of new susceptibility gene loci for complex disease traits such as type 1 diabetes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
varian genetik dapat mempengaruhi aspek kualitatif dan kuantitatif di semua tingkat ekspresi gen, termasuk transkripsi gen, penyambungan, stabilitas transkrip, tarif terjemahan, fungsi protein dan degradasi, sehingga memberikan sumbangan variabilitas intersubject dan diwariskan metabolik, pharmacogenetic dan fenotipe lainnya. Banyak varian, khususnya, Umum polimorfisme nukleotida tunggal (SNP), mempengaruhi ekspresi gen secara kuantitatif, dan kombinasi dari set yang lebih besar dampak rendah varian diyakini menjelaskan bebas-Mendel jenis warisan, termasuk sifat-sifat kuantitatif yang kompleks seperti ukuran tubuh. Fenotipe farmakologis khas (1-3), seperti obat respon dan toksisitas, kemungkinannya sangat bergantung pada beberapa gen. Berbeda dengan monogenically warisan pharmacogenetic polimorfisme, paling yang telah ditemukan oleh menindaklanjuti biasa klinis obat respon fenotipe, (4) dasar untuk lebih kompleks fenotipe tetap sebagian besar tidak diketahui. (5,6)
pendekatan yang relatif baru untuk mengidentifikasi tidak diketahui varian genetik fungsional yang memodulasi ekspresi gen, juga disebut ' genetical genomics,' adalah pemetaan ekspresi lokus sifat kuantitatif (eQTLs) yang menggunakan seluruh genom Asosiasi (GWA) metode dalam kohort individu-individu yang tidak terkait. (2,7) dalam strategi ini, tingkat individu transkrip ditentukan dalam jaringan atau sel jenis menggunakan mikroarray. Dalam DNA genom individu-individu yang sama, agar [10.sup.5] [10.sup.6] SNP genotyped secara paralel. Dengan mempertimbangkan setiap individu gen transkrip sebagai sifat kuantitatif, analisis Asosiasi mengidentifikasi SNP yang secara signifikan terkait dengan ekspresi. Dengan demikian (8,9), strategi eQTL berbeda dari studi GWA khas, seperti mayoritas mengatakan 1000 menerbitkan studi GWA biasanya berfokus pada satu atau hanya beberapa fenotipe kompleks. (10)
sejauh ini, hanya sejumlah terbatas genom-lebar eQTL penelitian telah dilakukan pada berbagai jaringan manusia. (11-19) dalam kebanyakan kasus, Jaringan tepi mudah diakses seperti jalur sel lymphoblastoid HapMap manusia, limfosit, atau monosit diselidiki. Misalnya, di salah satu awal studi, Morley et al. (20) dibedakan cis - dan transeffects, tergantung pada lokasi relatif sifat gen dan SNP gen satu sama lain. Beberapa penelitian kemudian menemukan bahwa trans-eQTLs lebih sulit untuk mereproduksi. (12-15) hanya beberapa penelitian telah muncul pada jaringan internal, termasuk otak, adiposa (21) (18) dan hati. (16) studi kedua menyelidiki sebuah kohort 427 contoh hati manusia (dalam karya ini disebut sebagai 'Seattle studi') dan menemukan banyak eQTLs baru. Selain itu, mereka menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan eQTL bersama-sama dengan analisis jaringan dapat berkendara identifikasi lokus gen kerentanan baru untuk Ciri-ciri penyakit kompleks seperti diabetes tipe 1.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Genetic variants can affect qualitative and quantitative aspects at all levels of gene expression, including gene transcription, splicing, transcript stability, rate of translation, protein function and degradation, thereby contributing to intersubject variability and heritable metabolic, pharmacogenetic and other phenotypes. Many variants, in particular, common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), affect gene expression in a quantitative manner, and the combination of larger sets of low-impact variants is believed to explain non-Mendelian types of inheritance, including complex quantitative traits such as body size. (1-3) Typical pharmacological phenotypes, such as drug response and toxicity, are highly likely to depend on multiple genes. In contrast to monogenically inherited pharmacogenetic polymorphisms, most of which have been discovered by following up on unusual clinical drug response phenotypes, (4) the basis for more complex phenotypes remained largely unknown. (5,6)
A relatively new approach to identify unknown functional genetic variants that modulate gene expression, also termed 'genetical genomics,' is the mapping of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) using genome-wide association (GWA) methods in cohorts of unrelated individuals. (2,7) In this strategy, individual transcript levels are determined in a selected tissue or cell type using microarrays. In genomic DNA of the same individuals, in the order of [10.sup.5] to [10.sup.6] SNPs are genotyped in parallel. By considering each individual gene transcript as a quantitative trait, association analysis identifies SNPs that are significantly associated with expression. (8,9) Thus, the eQTL strategy differs from the typical GWA studies, as the majority of the > 1000 published GWA studies typically focused on a single or only a few complex phenotypes. (10)
So far, only a limited number of genome-wide eQTL studies have been performed on various human tissues. (11-19) In most cases, easily accessible peripheral tissues such as human HapMap lymphoblastoid cell lines, lymphocytes or monocytes were investigated. For example, in one of the earliest studies, Morley et al. (20) distinguished cis- and transeffects, depending on the relative location of trait gene and SNP gene to each other. Several later studies found that trans-eQTLs were more difficult to reproduce. (12-15) Only few studies have appeared on internal tissues, including the brain, (21) adipose (18) and liver. (16) The latter study investigated a cohort of 427 human liver samples (in this paper referred to as the 'Seattle study') and found a multitude of new eQTLs. Furthermore, they showed that the eQTL approach together with network analyses can drive the identification of new susceptibility gene loci for complex disease traits such as type 1 diabetes.
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