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The Hope of the Senju Clan by Aragon Potter
Anime » Naruto Rated: M, English, Adventure & Humor, Naruto U., Words: 733k+, Favs: 5k+, Follows: 4k+, Published: Nov 9, 2009 Updated: Jul 30
4,836 Chapter 7 Chance Meeting
Naruto: The Hope of the Senju Clan

Chapter Seven: Chance Meeting.

This story was inspired by the Story Senju Naruto by Baal of Yarns



"Radio Talk/Demon Talk"

Disclaimer: I do not and will not ever own Naruto!

It had been two years after the event in Oni no Kuni and during that time Naruto had changed a good bit since then. After nearly being captured and killed by the Ame-nins, Tsunade had doubled Naruto's training regimen as well as his Medical studies.

She had also called in Jiraiya and informed him of the events that happened and asked him to create a tracking seal for Naruto and place it on him. Jiraiya did this by carving a tracking Seal onto a chain earring and putting it onto Naruto's right ear.

This way, if ever Naruto was in trouble or was missing, Tsunade or Jiraiya could easily track Naruto with it, since they would wear special rings with seals on them, which would allow them to track down Naruto wherever he went. The Seal also worked where if Naruto channelled his Chakra into the Chain earring, Jiraiya and Tsunade's rings would heat up and tell them that he was in trouble and needed help.

Tsunade also put her Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth) on Naruto's forehead and then taught him how to focus and store Chakra into it and then release it. So to use the Infūin: Kai (Yin Seal: Release), so that if he was ever seriously hurt he could use it to heal himself. Tsunade had done this since she would rather have Naruto shorten his life very slightly than lose it entirely.

Naruto had also become more dedicated to his training ever since his fight with the Ame-nins, where he had gotten a first-hand experience of how dangerous the life of a Shinobi was. He had also used his desire to protect his family and friends to focus more on becoming stronger. So that he could protect his friends and family better, since he knew that the day would come when they would be unable to help him and they would need him to protect them in turn.

During Naruto's training they focused a great deal on Naruto mastering his new super human strength and although he could use it much better than he used to. He still was not on the same level as his mother, but still could do a lot of damage to people and things. Naruto had also gotten better in using Medical Jutsu's as he was able to assist his mother in healing people with non-life threatening injuries or illness. He had even proven to be more skilled in certain areas than Tsunade, where he could use Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpels) in close combat in a fight.

During a training spar, Naruto showed that he was precise enough to be able to effectively cut several muscle tissues and tendons on her arms and legs and made it hard for her to move quickly enough or correctly.

Tsunade also trained Naruto in Genjutsu where he showed to be surprisingly skilled in it where, he was able to quickly grasp the concept of Genjutsu. For example when Naruto caught Jiraiya trying to peak into the women's hot-spring he put Jiraiya in a Genjutsu so that instead of seeing naked girls Jiraiya would see old naked ladies with loads of wrinkles on their body.

Jiraiya's screams of horror, could heard all around the town when it happened and caused him to have a cardiac arrest. While at the same time Naruto maniac laughing could also be heard, since over time Naruto had inherited several traits from Tsunade. The first was that he liked to gamble, but wasn't as addicted to it as Tsunade was and was very good at it. The second was that he had inherited Tsunade nasty short temper; although he could control it better than she could but when he lost it there would be a lot of collateral damage just like with his mother. The third trait was that he got a perverse pleasure of beating up and torturing perverts much to Jiraiya dismay. Who had been the object of most of Naruto attacks on perverts, which involved him pranking Jiraiya. At the same time Naruto had somehow also gained at taste for playing pranks on people and was very good at it.

Jiraiya had also trained him in Ninjutsu and taught him Earth Jutsu's like Doton: Retsudo Tenshō (Earth Style: Tearing Earth Turning Palm), Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu (Earth Clone Technique), Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique), Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole Technique) and Doton: Doroku Gaeshi (Earth Style: Earth Shore Return). While he also helped him learn Water Jutsu's like Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Violent Water Wave), Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique) and Suiton: Suishi no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Drowning Technique).

Also thanks to the Shodai Hokage's Necklace which Naruto now wore, his Mokuton skills improved where he could use Mokuton: Hirane (Wood Style: Impaling Roots) (1), as well as Mokuton: Mōkushōku (Wood Style: Wooden Tentacles). He even taught himself how to use Moku Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Style: Wooden Clone Technique) after he learned Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu, Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu, as well as Mokuton: Henge (Wood Style: Transformation).

Jiraiya also helped Naruto improve his Sealing skill where he could easily Seal objects and tools into scrolls, as well as use the Shikoku Fūin (Finger Engraving Seal) and a couple other Sealing Techniques.

Also after the events in Oni no Kuni, Naruto kept in close contact with Shion where they wrote to one another, but after a year Shion stopped writing back to him. When he mentioned it to his mother, she said that maybe Shion was busy in training to be the next Shrine maiden with her mother, since it took a lot of hard work and learning to be one and she was too busy to write right now.

Naruto accepted the answer since Shion had mention to him that her mother was training her to be a Shrine maiden and it was hard work to train to be one, but still he felt concerned as to why she did not reply once to him.

-A few Months Later in the Middle of a Forest in Mori no Kuni (Forest Country) –

Naruto was currently walking alone in the forest to train; both Tsunade and Shizune along with TonTon were in the local village treating a few people. He had told his mother that he was going to train in the forest for a short while by himself since he found that sometimes he needed train alone.

Tsunade had naturally been concerned when Naruto did this, but Naruto had promised that he would avoid any trouble and keep a low profile and keep from being notice by anyone. Also since he still wore his tracking earring, she would know if he was ever in trouble and be able to find him quickly.

Naruto wore a pair of Grey Shinobi Pants, Black Shirt with his Great Grandfathers necklace underneath it and a Pair of sandals and a Grey zip Jacket over his Black shirt.

As Naruto trained alone in the forest he made sure that there was no-body nearby by sending out Shadow Clones to keep an eye out for anyone that may be coming his way and see him training. Knowing how important that his identity was kept secret until the time was right for his heritage to be announced.

Naruto was training hard in Taijutsu, since he had realized that he needed a style of fighting that worked well for him, where he could use his speed and naturally agility along with his Super strength to their full extent. Although his mother was a skilled fighter in Taijutsu she had no real style, she mainly used her sheer power and strength to overwhelm her opponents. Naruto knew this would not work for him, since he was not his mother and overwhelming his enemies with brute strength and power would not work for him. He knew there would be enemies out there that could not be defeat with strength and power alone and so he decided to create his own Taijutsu style. Since he didn't really have a Taijutsu teacher to train him since neither his mother, Shizune or Jiraiya were Taijutsu experts in any real style that he could use.

For the past year Naruto was trying to create a fighting style that was agile, fast moving and hard hitting where he would use not only his fists and feet, but also his elbows and knees. He would use fast moving hits jabs and kicks to confuse his opponents and keep them off balance, and at the same time use his natural agility to dodge or avoid his opponent's attacks. He would also use variations of powerful knee strikes, elbow strikes, punches and kicks with his Super strength to break or crush different parts of his opponent's bones with a single hit.

Thanks to his medical training from Shizune, Naruto knew what parts of the body were sensitive to hits and what parts of the body could cause the most pain to a person. He even trained himself to use several different locks on people that would cause even more pain to them and keep hold of them.

Although Naruto had made good progress in developing and creating his new style of fighting he knew that he was still a long way away from fully developing it.

After a few hours Naruto had decided that he head back to his family temporary home and make some lunch.

As he travelled he soon felt two very powerful Chakra signatures and three minor ones coming not far from where he was. Judging by how strong they were, Naruto figured they were Shinobi since they were too high to be to ordinary people. Not recognizing them Naruto decided to go investigate them and see who they were.

After about ten minutes, Naruto finally came up to where he felt the Chakra signatures. The people he felt were camped in a small clearing with a fire pit in the middle and several sleeping bags around it. The five people he had sensed were in the clearing, four of them were kids who looked to be about his age, if not slightly older, three of the kids were g
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
FanFictionHanya dalamKomunitasForumVLebihHarapan klan Senju oleh Aragon Potter Anime» Naruto Rated: M, Inggris, Adventure & Humor, Naruto U., kata: 733 k +, favorit: 5 k +, berikut: 4 k +, diterbitkan: 9 November 2009 diperbaharui: Jul 304,836 Bab 7 kesempatan RapatNaruto: Harapan klan SenjuBab tujuh: Kesempatan pertemuan.Cerita ini terinspirasi oleh cerita Senju Naruto oleh Baal benang"Berpikir""Jutsu""Radio Talk Talk Iblis"Disclaimer: saya tidak dan tidak akan pernah sendiri Naruto!Sudah dua tahun setelah peristiwa itu di Oni no Kuni dan selama waktu itu Naruto telah berubah sedikit yang baik sejak saat itu. Setelah hampir ditangkap dan dibunuh oleh Ame-nins, Tsunade telah berlipat ganda Naruto rejimen pelatihan serta penelitian medis nya.Dia juga telah dipanggil Jiraiya dan memberitahunya tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dan memintanya untuk membuat segel pelacakan untuk Naruto dan meletakkannya pada dirinya. Jiraiya melakukan ini dengan ukiran pelacakan Seal ke anting-anting jaringan dan memasukkannya ke telinga kanan Naruto.Dengan cara ini, jika pernah Naruto dalam kesulitan atau hilang, Tsunade atau Jiraiya dapat dengan mudah melacak Naruto dengan itu, karena mereka akan memakai cincin khusus dengan meterai pada mereka, yang akan memungkinkan mereka untuk melacak Naruto mana pun ia pergi. Meterai juga bekerja dimana jika Naruto disalurkan Chakra ke dalam jaringan anting-anting, Jiraiya dan Tsunade's cincin akan memanas dan memberitahu mereka bahwa ia sedang dalam kesulitan dan membutuhkan bantuan.Tsunade juga menempatkan nya Sōzō Saisei (penciptaan kelahiran kembali di) pada dahi Naruto dan kemudian mengajarkan kepadanya bagaimana fokus dan menyimpan Chakra ke dalamnya dan kemudian melepaskan itu. Jadi untuk menggunakan Infūin: Kai (Yin Seal: rilis), sehingga jika dia pernah serius terluka ia bisa menggunakannya untuk menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri. Tsunade telah melakukan ini karena dia lebih suka memiliki Naruto mempersingkat hidupnya sangat sedikit daripada kehilangan sepenuhnya.Naruto telah juga menjadi lebih didedikasikan untuk pelatihan sejak berkelahi dengan Ame-nins, dimana ia telah mendapat pengalaman tangan pertama bagaimana berbahaya kehidupan berkelahi. Dia juga menggunakan keinginannya untuk melindungi keluarga dan teman-teman untuk lebih fokus pada menjadi lebih kuat. Sehingga ia bisa melindungi teman-teman dan keluarga yang lebih baik, karena ia tahu bahwa hari akan datang ketika mereka tidak akan mampu untuk membantu dia dan mereka akan membutuhkannya untuk melindungi mereka pada gilirannya.Selama pelatihan Naruto mereka fokus besar pada Naruto menguasai kekuatannya super manusia baru dan meskipun ia bisa menggunakannya jauh lebih baik daripada ia digunakan untuk. Dia masih tidak pada tingkat yang sama sebagai ibunya, tetapi masih bisa melakukan banyak kerusakan kepada orang-orang dan hal-hal. Naruto juga sudah lebih baik dalam menggunakan Jutsu medis karena ia dapat membantu ibunya dalam penyembuhan orang dengan non-hidup mengancam cedera atau penyakit. Ia bahkan telah membuktikan untuk menjadi lebih terampil dalam bidang tertentu daripada Tsunade, di mana ia dapat menggunakan Chakura tidak ada Mesu (Chakra Scalpels) dalam pertempuran jarak dekat di perkelahian.Selama pelatihan spar, Naruto menunjukkan bahwa ia cukup tepat untuk dapat secara efektif mengurangi beberapa jaringan otot dan tendon pada tangan dan kakinya dan membuat sulit baginya untuk bergerak cukup cepat atau tepat.Tsunade juga dilatih Naruto di mana ia menunjukkan untuk menjadi mengejutkan terampil di dalamnya, ia mampu dengan cepat memahami konsep Genjutsu Genjutsu. Misalnya Kapan Naruto tertangkap Jiraiya berusaha puncak ke perempuan sumber air panas dia meletakkan Jiraiya dalam Genjutsu sehingga alih-alih melihat gadis-gadis telanjang Jiraiya akan melihat telanjang wanita tua dengan banyak keriput pada tubuh mereka.Jiraiya's jeritan horor, bisa mendengar semua di sekitar kota ketika itu terjadi dan menyebabkan dia memiliki serangan jantung. Sementara pada saat yang sama Naruto maniak tertawa bisa juga terdengar, sejak dari waktu ke waktu Naruto telah mewarisi beberapa ciri-ciri dari Tsunade. Yang pertama adalah bahwa dia suka berjudi, tapi tidak seperti kecanduan seperti Tsunade dan sangat baik. Yang kedua adalah bahwa ia telah mewarisi Tsunade jahat pendek marah; Meskipun ia dapat mengendalikan itu lebih baik daripada dia bisa tapi ketika ia kehilangan itu akan ada banyak jaminan kerusakan seperti dengan ibunya. Ciri ketiga adalah bahwa ia mendapat kesenangan jahat memukuli dan menyiksa sesat banyak untuk Jiraiya cemas. Yang telah objek sebagian besar serangan Naruto penyimpang, yang melibatkan dia baca buku Jiraiya. Pada saat yang sama Naruto telah entah bagaimana juga memperoleh di rasa untuk bermain pranks pada orang-orang dan sangat baik.Jiraiya had also trained him in Ninjutsu and taught him Earth Jutsu's like Doton: Retsudo Tenshō (Earth Style: Tearing Earth Turning Palm), Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu (Earth Clone Technique), Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu (Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique), Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu (Earth Style: Hiding like a Mole Technique) and Doton: Doroku Gaeshi (Earth Style: Earth Shore Return). While he also helped him learn Water Jutsu's like Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Violent Water Wave), Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique) and Suiton: Suishi no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Drowning Technique).Also thanks to the Shodai Hokage's Necklace which Naruto now wore, his Mokuton skills improved where he could use Mokuton: Hirane (Wood Style: Impaling Roots) (1), as well as Mokuton: Mōkushōku (Wood Style: Wooden Tentacles). He even taught himself how to use Moku Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Style: Wooden Clone Technique) after he learned Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu, Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu, as well as Mokuton: Henge (Wood Style: Transformation).Jiraiya also helped Naruto improve his Sealing skill where he could easily Seal objects and tools into scrolls, as well as use the Shikoku Fūin (Finger Engraving Seal) and a couple other Sealing Techniques.Also after the events in Oni no Kuni, Naruto kept in close contact with Shion where they wrote to one another, but after a year Shion stopped writing back to him. When he mentioned it to his mother, she said that maybe Shion was busy in training to be the next Shrine maiden with her mother, since it took a lot of hard work and learning to be one and she was too busy to write right now.Naruto accepted the answer since Shion had mention to him that her mother was training her to be a Shrine maiden and it was hard work to train to be one, but still he felt concerned as to why she did not reply once to him.-A few Months Later in the Middle of a Forest in Mori no Kuni (Forest Country) –Naruto was currently walking alone in the forest to train; both Tsunade and Shizune along with TonTon were in the local village treating a few people. He had told his mother that he was going to train in the forest for a short while by himself since he found that sometimes he needed train alone.Tsunade had naturally been concerned when Naruto did this, but Naruto had promised that he would avoid any trouble and keep a low profile and keep from being notice by anyone. Also since he still wore his tracking earring, she would know if he was ever in trouble and be able to find him quickly.Naruto wore a pair of Grey Shinobi Pants, Black Shirt with his Great Grandfathers necklace underneath it and a Pair of sandals and a Grey zip Jacket over his Black shirt.As Naruto trained alone in the forest he made sure that there was no-body nearby by sending out Shadow Clones to keep an eye out for anyone that may be coming his way and see him training. Knowing how important that his identity was kept secret until the time was right for his heritage to be announced.Naruto was training hard in Taijutsu, since he had realized that he needed a style of fighting that worked well for him, where he could use his speed and naturally agility along with his Super strength to their full extent. Although his mother was a skilled fighter in Taijutsu she had no real style, she mainly used her sheer power and strength to overwhelm her opponents. Naruto knew this would not work for him, since he was not his mother and overwhelming his enemies with brute strength and power would not work for him. He knew there would be enemies out there that could not be defeat with strength and power alone and so he decided to create his own Taijutsu style. Since he didn't really have a Taijutsu teacher to train him since neither his mother, Shizune or Jiraiya were Taijutsu experts in any real style that he could use.For the past year Naruto was trying to create a fighting style that was agile, fast moving and hard hitting where he would use not only his fists and feet, but also his elbows and knees. He would use fast moving hits jabs and kicks to confuse his opponents and keep them off balance, and at the same time use his natural agility to dodge or avoid his opponent's attacks. He would also use variations of powerful knee strikes, elbow strikes, punches and kicks with his Super strength to break or crush different parts of his opponent's bones with a single hit.Thanks to his medical training from Shizune, Naruto knew what parts of the body were sensitive to hits and what parts of the body could cause the most pain to a person. He even trained himself to use several different locks on people that would cause even more pain to them and keep hold of them.Although Naruto had made good progress in developing and creating his new style of fighting he knew that he was still a long way away from fully developing it.After a few hours Naruto had decided that he head back to his family temporary home and make some lunch.As he travelled he soon felt two very powerful Chakra signatures and three minor ones coming not far from where he was. Judging by how strong they were, Naruto figured they were Shinobi since they were too high to be to ordinary people. Not recognizing them Naruto decided to go investigate them and see who they were.After about ten minutes, Naruto finally came up to where he felt the Chakra signatures. The people he felt were camped in a small clearing with a fire pit in the middle and several sleeping bags around it. The five people he had sensed were in the clearing, four of them were kids who looked to be about his age, if not slightly older, three of the kids were g
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