Social effectiveness training (SET) A multifacetedtreatment program de terjemahan - Social effectiveness training (SET) A multifacetedtreatment program de Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Social effectiveness training (SET)

Social effectiveness training (SET) A multifaceted
treatment program designed to reduce
social anxiety, improve interpersonal skills, and
increase the range of enjoyable social activities.
Social learning approach A perspective holding
that behavior is best understood by taking
into consideration the social conditions under
which learning occurs; developed primarily by
Albert Bandura.
Social skills training This training involves
a broad category that deals with an individual’s
ability to interact effectively with others in various
social situations. A treatment package used
to teach clients skills that include modeling, behavior
rehearsal, and reinforcement.
Systematic desensitization A procedure based
on the principles of classical conditioning in
which the client is taught to relax while imagining
a graded series of progressively anxietyarousing
situations. Eventually, the client reaches
a point at which the anxiety-producing stimulus
no longer brings about the anxious response
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Social effectiveness training (SET) A multifacetedtreatment program designed to reducesocial anxiety, improve interpersonal skills, andincrease the range of enjoyable social activities.Social learning approach A perspective holdingthat behavior is best understood by takinginto consideration the social conditions underwhich learning occurs; developed primarily byAlbert Bandura.Social skills training This training involvesa broad category that deals with an individual’sability to interact effectively with others in varioussocial situations. A treatment package usedto teach clients skills that include modeling, behaviorrehearsal, and reinforcement.Systematic desensitization A procedure basedon the principles of classical conditioning inwhich the client is taught to relax while imagininga graded series of progressively anxietyarousingsituations. Eventually, the client reachesa point at which the anxiety-producing stimulusno longer brings about the anxious response
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