The new look as presented in this chapter opens the field and makes it  terjemahan - The new look as presented in this chapter opens the field and makes it  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The new look as presented in this c

The new look as presented in this chapter opens the field and makes it interesting for more branches within psychology and beyond. The variability in children ’ s intuitive physics observed in every domain discussed here, ranging from time and speed over force and buoyancy to temperature and color intensity, is now seen as an inherent characteristic of developing knowledge and not as extraneous noise that should be eliminated by choosing the right methods. Currently, two diverging theoretical perspectives try to capture the variability of children ’ s concepts and the frequently observed knowledge dissociations. Contextualist theories adhere to the view that much of our knowledge is in fact tied to the specific context in which it was acquired. These theories picture na ï ve physical knowledge as a more or less fragmentary collection of myriads of unintegrated pieces of knowledge (e.g., diSessa, 1993 ; diSessa, Gillespie, & Esterly, 2004 ; Hunt & Minstrell, 1994 ; Minstrell & Stimpson, 1996 ). On the other hand, children ’ s developing knowledge structures are proposed to be equivalent to scientific concepts. In this view, children ’ s na ï ve beliefs are described as coherent and theory like. Further, it is assumed that the coexistence of potentially contradictory or empirically unfounded beliefs eventually culminates in a conceptual change analogous to the revolution in scientifi c thought (Carey, 1999; Carey & Smith, 1995; Gopnik & Wellman, 1994 ). A challenge for future research will be to narrow down the scope of contextuality and to identify the conditions that facilitate the revision of erroneous beliefs. As Sophian (2006) puts it: “ To accept contradictory beliefs would jeopardize cognitive development itself . . . as children would have no way of evaluating existing beliefs in the light of new experiences ” (Sophian, 2006 , p. 1556). At any rate, to better approximate children ’ s na ï ve beliefs must be a major concern of scientifi c education: if intuitive beliefs are best described as erroneous theories or misconceptions they should be entirely replaced by formal physics. On the other hand, formal education could offer a coherent frame to integrate the productive elements of children ’ s intuitive physics.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The new look as presented in this chapter opens the field and makes it interesting for more branches within psychology and beyond. The variability in children ’ s intuitive physics observed in every domain discussed here, ranging from time and speed over force and buoyancy to temperature and color intensity, is now seen as an inherent characteristic of developing knowledge and not as extraneous noise that should be eliminated by choosing the right methods. Currently, two diverging theoretical perspectives try to capture the variability of children ’ s concepts and the frequently observed knowledge dissociations. Contextualist theories adhere to the view that much of our knowledge is in fact tied to the specific context in which it was acquired. These theories picture na ï ve physical knowledge as a more or less fragmentary collection of myriads of unintegrated pieces of knowledge (e.g., diSessa, 1993 ; diSessa, Gillespie, & Esterly, 2004 ; Hunt & Minstrell, 1994 ; Minstrell & Stimpson, 1996 ). On the other hand, children ’ s developing knowledge structures are proposed to be equivalent to scientific concepts. In this view, children ’ s na ï ve beliefs are described as coherent and theory like. Further, it is assumed that the coexistence of potentially contradictory or empirically unfounded beliefs eventually culminates in a conceptual change analogous to the revolution in scientifi c thought (Carey, 1999; Carey & Smith, 1995; Gopnik & Wellman, 1994 ). A challenge for future research will be to narrow down the scope of contextuality and to identify the conditions that facilitate the revision of erroneous beliefs. As Sophian (2006) puts it: “ To accept contradictory beliefs would jeopardize cognitive development itself . . . as children would have no way of evaluating existing beliefs in the light of new experiences ” (Sophian, 2006 , p. 1556). At any rate, to better approximate children ’ s na ï ve beliefs must be a major concern of scientifi c education: if intuitive beliefs are best described as erroneous theories or misconceptions they should be entirely replaced by formal physics. On the other hand, formal education could offer a coherent frame to integrate the productive elements of children ’ s intuitive physics.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tampilan baru yang disajikan dalam bab ini membuka lapangan dan membuatnya menarik untuk cabang lainnya yang berjarak psikologi dan seterusnya. Variabilitas dalam fisika intuitif anak-anak diamati dalam setiap domain dibahas di sini, mulai dari waktu dan kecepatan di atas kekuatan dan daya apung untuk suhu dan intensitas warna, kini dipandang sebagai karakteristik yang melekat mengembangkan pengetahuan dan kebisingan tidak asing yang harus dihilangkan oleh memilih metode yang tepat. Saat ini, dua divergen perspektif teoritis mencoba untuk menangkap variabilitas konsep anak-anak dan dissociations pengetahuan sering diamati. Teori kontekstualis mematuhi pandangan bahwa banyak pengetahuan kita sebenarnya terkait dengan spesifik konteks fi k yang diakuisisi. Teori-teori ini gambar na i ve pengetahuan fisik sebagai koleksi kurang lebih fragmentaris berjuta potongan tidak terintegrasi pengetahuan (misalnya, diSessa, 1993; diSessa, Gillespie, & Esterly, 2004; Berburu & Minstrell, 1994; Minstrell & Stimpson, 1996) . Di sisi lain, anak-anak struktur pengetahuan berkembang diusulkan menjadi setara dengan ilmiah konsep fi c. Dalam pandangan ini, anak-anak na i ve keyakinan digambarkan sebagai koheren dan teori seperti. Selanjutnya, diasumsikan bahwa koeksistensi keyakinan berpotensi bertentangan atau empiris berdasar pada akhirnya memuncak dalam perubahan konseptual analog dengan revolusi di ilmiah pikiran (Carey, 1999; Carey & Smith, 1995; Gopnik & Wellman, 1994). Tantangan untuk penelitian masa depan akan mempersempit ruang lingkup kontekstualitas dan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi yang memfasilitasi revisi keyakinan yang salah. Sebagai Sophian (2006) dikatakan: "Untuk menerima keyakinan bertentangan akan membahayakan perkembangan kognitif itu sendiri. . . sebagai anak-anak akan memiliki cara untuk mengevaluasi keyakinan yang ada dalam terang pengalaman baru "(Sophian, 2006, hal. 1556). Bagaimanapun, anak-anak yang lebih baik perkiraan 's na i ve keyakinan harus menjadi perhatian utama ilmiah pendidikan fi c: jika keyakinan intuitif yang digambarkan sebagai teori yang salah atau kesalahpahaman mereka harus seluruhnya diganti dengan fisika formal. Di sisi lain, pendidikan formal bisa menawarkan kerangka yang koheren untuk mengintegrasikan unsur-unsur produktif fisika intuitif anak-anak.
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