Writing is one of language skills that will be learnt by students in j terjemahan - Writing is one of language skills that will be learnt by students in j Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Writing is one of language skills t

Writing is one of language skills that will be learnt by students in junior high school, senior high school and university. However, learning writing in foreign language is not easy. The students will face a lot of problems dealing with vocabulary, and grammar or structure. Many English learners think of writing as the fact of picking up a pencil and forming letters either by printing or writing them in cursive they could think about the fact composing a piece of text. Writing is very important as part of man’s culture, and speech sounds. Because it can be used to maintain thoughts, ideas, and speech sounds. Someone can produce the sequences of speech sounds produced by original speaker.
Harmer (2001:31) states that “writing is a way to produce language and express idea, feeling, and opinion”. Writing is a process that what we write is often heavily effective by constraints of genres, than these elements have to presented in learning activities.
Writing as a form of problem solving in which the writer is faced with two main tasks: (a) generating ideas; and (b) composing these ideas into a written text that meets the needs of a reader and effeciently communicates the authors‟ message (Hamp, Lyons, Heasley, 2006:11)
New Collin’s International of English Language (1988:1365) Stated writing as: (1) a group of symbolism written or market of surface as a means of communication; (2) short for handwriting; (3) anything expressed in letter especially literary composition; (4) the work of the writer
From the theory above, it can be concluded the writing is a way to produce language that comes from our though. By using the writing we can share our idea, feeling or anything that exist in your mind. It is written on a paper or a computer screen. It is influenced both the personal attitudes and social experience.
2. The Natural of Writing
Writing is a part of human communication in society, in order to make a good communication among other. One of Grabe and Kaplan’s functions of short of writing constitutes that learning of writing is more likely to succeed in conditional in which students find themselve want to communicate real massage to real audience. More likely for this reason, in education institution especially in ESL/EFL, students are taught to write to improve their language skill in the learning process. According Nurhawani;(2006), that writing is discovery process. It involves discovering ideas, discovering how to organize, and what is to put for the reader. It addition, White (1987:1) defines writing as a discovery procces, it involves discovering ideas, discovering how to organize them, and discovering what is that we want to put down to our reader. While, Tarigan (1983:23) states that writing is a language skill that is used to communicate idea indirectly; it’s a productive and exerting skill.
Actually, writing is an activity of students where they can expand their thought, image, exploring the situation, get their own ability to share the information and interection with other people. When the students have a capability in coding to the events, their knowledge and imagination in form of text, it means that they are practicing a productive and an expressive skill.
As Horrowitsing Grabe and Kaplan (1998:425) state the writing process, the writer activity discovers and constructed meaning, interpreting, and reinterpreting information for the reader.
3. Students Writing Ability
According to Willis in Ela Martisa (2007:8) states that the students writing ability can be seen as an ability of student in order to produce word into paragraph. Basically, writing is an activity that could not be separated from the social lives because in order to build a smooth communication in societies live it’s not only thought speaking but also though kind of the text. As Mosery Tarigan (1982:27) says that writing is used to note, to record, to report and to influence in which that those purpose can only gained by the people who able to arrange their mind and express it well.
A good writing is expected clearly understandable according Suharmanto in Darman Iskandar (2006:8) states characteristic of good writing as: (1) it must be significant; (2) it must be clear; (3) it must be defined and well organized; (4) it must be unity and logical thinking; (5) it must be coherence.
In assessing the students writing ability, Jacob (1981:60) suggested that there two components to evaluate on students’ writing ability: context of writing and organizing of writing. The description of each component is show as follow:
a. Context of Writing
Context of writing refer to the student ability which cover knowledge, substance, thought development of thesis and relevant to assigned topic. Knowledge able means the students writing shoulds involves the understanding of the subject, using fact or other pertinent information, using recognition, of seveal expect of the subject and show the interrelationship those aspect. Substance means that students writing should discuss several main point, sufficient detail, and applies original to illustrate define, camera or contras factual information supporting the thesis. Through improving of the thesis means that the students writing should expand enough to convey a sense a complete use a specific method of improving such as comparison/contras. Illustration definition, example, description, fact or personal experience and awarensess of differents point of views. Relevan to assigned topic means that the students writing should states all information clearly patient to the topic and extraneous material.
b. Organization of Writing
Organization in writing, refer to the student’s ability in organization their ideas which cover fluent expression, ideas clearly states support well organize logical sequencing and cohensive. Fluency expression means that student’s composition should build idea one another, use introductory and concluded paragraph, use effectives transition elements, word, phrase or sentence which link and move ideas both within and between paragraph and ideas develop the subject adequately. Ideas clearly states/support means that the student’s writing should states clearly, controlling ideas or central focus of the paper and topic sentence in each paragraph support, limit and direct the thesis. Succulent means that the student’s writing should date all ideas directed concisely to the central focus of the paper. Well organized means that the students writing should indicate of overall relationship of ideas with in and between the paragraph clearly at the beginning, middle, and at the end of the paper.
Based on the fact above that English is not our mother tongue. It is still hard for some students to understand English lesson. In language teaching learning process, especially in teaching learning process of the foreign language, the use of sketch is important. The students are more interested in learning process and it makes them concentrate in process. They also understand and retain the meaning of a word better when they have been shown or have touched some object associated. Sketch is one kind of learning aids that can help teacher avoids teaching learning boredom. By using sketch, they will not always explain the lesson continuously. In other hand, teacher must not only depend on learning aid which will they use in classroom.

B. Sketch
1. Definition of Sketch
The definition sketch according to some experts:
a. According to Murray and Peter (1988: 68)
Sketch is a rough draft of a composition or part of composition for the sake of personal satisfaction. There are some personality of artists that scale, comparison, composition, irradiation and so forth.
b. According Fowler (1966: 243)
Sketch is granted without preparation. A preliminary drawing or painting rugged, lightweight and sheer outline.
c. According to Ibrahim (1997: 434)
Sketch is a visual representation in two dimensions using points, lines, images, writings, or other visual symbols with a view to describe and summarize idea, data or events.
d. According to Sudjana (1991: 72)
Sketch is media that consists of symbols, dots and symbols as well as lines that connect one variable to another.
2. The Kinds of Sketch
Drawing sketch is any form with lines only briefly. The kinds of sketches according Murray and Peter (1988: 70), among others:
a. Image outlines are sketched lines that make a simple form with no details and did not finish.
b. A quick sketch is a sketch using only a few lines to present the image of a sketch that has been completed.
c. Study the image is sketch in the form of graffiti quickly and simply shows the lack of detail in global form.

3. Composition of Sketch
Composition means the composition of the art has meaning sets up the elements of art. By regulating the composition of the well, then it will manifest good sketches. Therefore, the composition plays an important role because the composition will be obtained harmonious shades. Some parts of the following composition.
a. Composition of the line
Composition of the line is a line that has a major role in forming the composition. Types of lines that can form composition: composition of straight lines; composition of curved lines.
b. The composition of colors
The arrangements colors on the fields. Harmonys will dependent fields set to be harmonious.
c. The composition of the field
Composition fields are lines that we arrange to form an array of fields. The composition areas that is set to be harmonious.
d. The composition of the form
The composition result shapes has some elements of the line. The harmony of the composition is determined by various factors form elements: symmetrical composition; asymmetrical composition; the central composition; diagonal composition.
e. The lighting effects
Dark light elements are complementary in composition of colors. Although the sketches tend to be grainy images that are not finished, but the scratches were produced often
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Menulis adalah salah satu kemampuan bahasa yang akan dipelajari oleh mahasiswa di SMP, SMA dan Universitas. Namun, belajar menulis dalam bahasa asing tidaklah mudah. Siswa akan menghadapi banyak masalah yang berhubungan dengan kosakata, dan tata bahasa atau struktur. Banyak pelajar bahasa Inggris memikirkan menulis sebagai fakta mengambil pensil dan membentuk huruf dengan mencetak atau menuliskannya di kursif mereka bisa berpikir tentang fakta menulis teks. Menulis sangat penting karena suara bagian dari budaya manusia, dan pidato. Karena itu dapat digunakan untuk menjaga pikiran, ide dan suara pidato. Seseorang dapat menghasilkan urutan suara pidato yang dihasilkan oleh pembicara asli.Harmer (2001:31) menyatakan bahwa "menulis adalah cara untuk menghasilkan bahasa dan Check ide, perasaan, dan pendapat". Menulis adalah sebuah proses bahwa apa yang kita tulis sering sangat efektif oleh kendala genre, daripada elemen-elemen ini memiliki untuk disajikan dalam kegiatan belajar.Menulis sebagai bentuk pemecahan masalah di mana penulis dihadapkan dengan dua tugas utama: ide-ide menghasilkan (); dan (b) menulis ide-ide ini ke dalam teks tertulis bahwa memenuhi kebutuhan pembaca dan efisien mengkomunikasikan pesan authors‟ (Hamp, Lyons, Heasley, 2006:11)Collin baru internasional bahasa Inggris (1988:1365) lain menulis sebagai: (1) kelompok simbolisme yang ditulis atau pasar permukaan sebagai sarana komunikasi; (2) tulisan tangan singkatan; (3) apa pun yang dinyatakan dalam Surat terutama sastra komposisi; (4) karya penulisFrom the theory above, it can be concluded the writing is a way to produce language that comes from our though. By using the writing we can share our idea, feeling or anything that exist in your mind. It is written on a paper or a computer screen. It is influenced both the personal attitudes and social experience. 2. The Natural of WritingWriting is a part of human communication in society, in order to make a good communication among other. One of Grabe and Kaplan’s functions of short of writing constitutes that learning of writing is more likely to succeed in conditional in which students find themselve want to communicate real massage to real audience. More likely for this reason, in education institution especially in ESL/EFL, students are taught to write to improve their language skill in the learning process. According Nurhawani;(2006), that writing is discovery process. It involves discovering ideas, discovering how to organize, and what is to put for the reader. It addition, White (1987:1) defines writing as a discovery procces, it involves discovering ideas, discovering how to organize them, and discovering what is that we want to put down to our reader. While, Tarigan (1983:23) states that writing is a language skill that is used to communicate idea indirectly; it’s a productive and exerting skill.Actually, writing is an activity of students where they can expand their thought, image, exploring the situation, get their own ability to share the information and interection with other people. When the students have a capability in coding to the events, their knowledge and imagination in form of text, it means that they are practicing a productive and an expressive skill.As Horrowitsing Grabe and Kaplan (1998:425) state the writing process, the writer activity discovers and constructed meaning, interpreting, and reinterpreting information for the reader.3. Students Writing AbilityAccording to Willis in Ela Martisa (2007:8) states that the students writing ability can be seen as an ability of student in order to produce word into paragraph. Basically, writing is an activity that could not be separated from the social lives because in order to build a smooth communication in societies live it’s not only thought speaking but also though kind of the text. As Mosery Tarigan (1982:27) says that writing is used to note, to record, to report and to influence in which that those purpose can only gained by the people who able to arrange their mind and express it well. A good writing is expected clearly understandable according Suharmanto in Darman Iskandar (2006:8) states characteristic of good writing as: (1) it must be significant; (2) it must be clear; (3) it must be defined and well organized; (4) it must be unity and logical thinking; (5) it must be coherence.In assessing the students writing ability, Jacob (1981:60) suggested that there two components to evaluate on students’ writing ability: context of writing and organizing of writing. The description of each component is show as follow:a. Context of WritingContext of writing refer to the student ability which cover knowledge, substance, thought development of thesis and relevant to assigned topic. Knowledge able means the students writing shoulds involves the understanding of the subject, using fact or other pertinent information, using recognition, of seveal expect of the subject and show the interrelationship those aspect. Substance means that students writing should discuss several main point, sufficient detail, and applies original to illustrate define, camera or contras factual information supporting the thesis. Through improving of the thesis means that the students writing should expand enough to convey a sense a complete use a specific method of improving such as comparison/contras. Illustration definition, example, description, fact or personal experience and awarensess of differents point of views. Relevan to assigned topic means that the students writing should states all information clearly patient to the topic and extraneous material.b. Organization of WritingOrganisasi di tulisan, merujuk pada kemampuan siswa dalam organisasi ide-ide mereka yang mencakup fasih ekspresi, ide-ide jelas menyatakan dukungan baik mengatur Logis sequencing dan cohensive. Kelancaran ekspresi berarti bahwa komposisi siswa harus membangun ide satu sama lain, menggunakan pengantar dan menyimpulkan ayat, unsur-unsur transisi efektivitas penggunaan, kata, frase atau kalimat yang link dan bergerak ide-ide baik di dalam dan di antara ayat dan ide-ide mengembangkan subjek memadai. Ide-ide jelas Serikat/dukungan berarti bahwa siswa menulis harus menyatakan dengan jelas, mengendalikan ide atau fokus utama dari kertas dan topik kalimat setiap ayat dukungan, membatasi dan langsung tesis. Sukulen berarti bahwa siswa menulis harus tanggal semua ide-ide yang diarahkan ringkas untuk fokus utama dari kertas. Terorganisasi dengan baik berarti bahwa siswa harus menunjukkan hubungan keseluruhan ide dengan dalam dan di antara ayat jelas di awal, tengah, dan di ujung kertas.Berdasarkan kenyataan di atas bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah tidak bahasa ibu kita. Hal ini masih sulit untuk beberapa siswa untuk memahami pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dalam bahasa yang belajar proses, terutama dalam mengajar pembelajaran bahasa asing, mengajar penggunaan sketsa penting. Siswa lebih tertarik dalam proses pembelajaran dan itu membuat mereka berkonsentrasi dalam proses. Mereka juga memahami dan mempertahankan arti kata yang lebih baik ketika mereka telah ditunjukkan atau telah menyentuh beberapa objek yang terkait. Sketsa adalah salah satu jenis alat bantu yang dapat membantu guru belajar menghindari kebosanan belajar mengajar. Dengan menggunakan sketsa, mereka tidak akan selalu menjelaskan pelajaran terus-menerus. Di sisi lain, guru harus tidak hanya bergantung pada bantuan belajar yang yang akan mereka gunakan di kelas. B. sketsa1. definisi sketsaSketsa definisi menurut para ahli:a. sesuai Murray dan Peter (1988:68)Sketsa adalah konsep kasar komposisi atau bagian dari komposisi demi kepuasan pribadi. Ada beberapa kepribadian seniman yang skala, perbandingan, komposisi, iradiasi dan sebagainya.b. menurut Fowler (1966:243)Sketsa diberikan tanpa persiapan. Awal gambar atau lukisan garis kasar, ringan dan tipis.c. Menurut Ibrahim (1997:434) Sketsa adalah representasi visual dalam dua dimensi, menggunakan titik, garis, Gambar, tulisan, atau simbol-simbol visual lainnya dengan pandangan untuk menggambarkan dan merangkum ide, data atau peristiwa.d. menurut Sudjana (1991:72) Sketsa adalah media yang terdiri dari simbol-simbol, titik dan simbol serta garis yang menghubungkan satu variabel lain.2. jenis sketsa Menggambar sketsa adalah bentuk dengan garis-garis hanya sebentar. Jenis-jenis sketsa menurut Murray dan Peter (1988:70), antara lain:a. gambar garis yang membuat sketsa garis yang membuat bentuk sederhana dengan tidak ada rincian dan tidak selesai.b. sketsa cepat adalah sketsa menggunakan hanya beberapa baris untuk menampilkan gambar sketsa yang telah selesai.c. penyelidikan gambar sketsa dalam bentuk grafiti cepat dan hanya menunjukkan kurangnya detail dalam bentuk global.3. komposisi sketsaKomposisi berarti komposisi seni memiliki makna set up unsur-unsur seni. Dengan mengatur komposisi sumur, maka itu akan terwujud sketsa baik. Oleh karena itu, komposisi memainkan peran penting karena komposisi akan diperoleh warna-warna yang harmonis. Beberapa bagian dari susunan sebagai berikut.a. komposisi barisKomposisi dari garis adalah garis yang memiliki peran utama dalam membentuk komposisi. Jenis garis yang dapat membentuk komposisi: komposisi garis-garis lurus; Komposisi garis lengkung.b. komposisi warnaPengaturan warna pada bidang. Harmonys akan tergantung bidang diatur menjadi harmonis.c. komposisi bidangKomposisi bidang adalah baris yang kita susun untuk membentuk sebuah array dari ladang. Daerah komposisi yang diatur menjadi harmonis.d. The composition of the formThe composition result shapes has some elements of the line. The harmony of the composition is determined by various factors form elements: symmetrical composition; asymmetrical composition; the central composition; diagonal composition.e. The lighting effectsDark light elements are complementary in composition of colors. Although the sketches tend to be grainy images that are not finished, but the scratches were produced often
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