1. Pension In many countries pension (or superannuation) plans are sta terjemahan - 1. Pension In many countries pension (or superannuation) plans are sta Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1. Pension In many countries pensio

1. Pension

In many countries pension (or superannuation) plans are stablished by employers to provide retirement benefirs for employees. Employers make payments to pension funds which hold assets, in trust, to fund payments when employees retire. The pension funds are legal entities, separate from the employers firm.

Pension plans may be contributory (both the employer and the employee contribute to the fund) or non-contributory (where only the employer makes contributions). For a defined benefit fund, the amounts to be paid to the employee are at least partially a function of the employee’s final or average sallary. In contrast, adefined contribution (or accumulated benefit) fund pays an amount that is a function of the contributions made to the fund.

Pension funds may be fully funded, partially funded or unfunded. Fully funded plans have sufficient cash or investments to meet the fund’s obligation to members. In contrast, unfunded plans do not have cash or investment to cover the potential payouts under the plans. To the extent that amounts held in trust and being paid into the pension fund are insufficient to meet obligations under the plan as they fall due the pension plan is underfunded.

Since pension funds are sparate legal entities, it might be presumed that unfunded commitments of the plans are not liabilities of an employer firm that pays into a fund. However, it can be argued that the firm has an equitable obligation to meet unfunded commitmrnts and, therefore, has a liability. In support of this argument, whittred, zimmer and taylor offer the example of afirm that lets its sponsored superannuation fund default and suffers loss of reputation in labour and other markets as a consequence, thereby incurring a sacrifice of economic benefits. Although some firms traditionally have not recognised unfunded commitments as liabilities, under the framework and IAS 37/AASB 137 it is difficult to argue that they are not liabilities.

Another issue relates to when to recognise liabilities for pension (superannuation) payouts. It is :

a. As the employee renders service? The notion is that the payout is a form of compensation earned by the employee as service are rendered. However, it is paid in the future, after retirement.

b. When the employee retires?

c. When the fund is required to make payments under the pension plan?

Pension plans can be regarded as promise by the entity to provide pensions to employee inreturn for past and current services. Pension benefits are a form of deferred compensation offered by the firm in exchange for services by employees who have chosen, either implicitly or explicitly, to accept lower current compensation in return for future pension payments. These pension benefits are earned by employees, and their cost accrues over the years the services are rendered. The critical past event is the rendering of services by employee and, therefore, an obligation arises for those pension benefits that have not yet been funded. Case study 8.2 considers issues relating to accounting for pensions (superannuation) in the united kingdom and australia by focusing on pension (superannuation) liabilities of a number of large listed companies.

2. Provisions and contingencies

Provisions and cintingencies occur where there is a blurring of the line between present and future obligation. IAS 37/AASB 137 provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assats acknowledges the overlap of definition in paragraph 12, when it state that all provisions are contingent because they are uncertain in timing or amount. Trying to distinguish between present , future and potential (or contingent) obligations is not as simple as it may appear. The distinction depends to a large degree on the nature of the ‘past event’

IAS 37/AASB 137 paragraph 10 defines a contingent liability as :

a. A possible obligation that arises from past event and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurance or non-occurance of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or

b. A present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because:

(i) It is not probable that an  outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be recuired to settle the obligation; or

(ii) The amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.

The IAS 37/AASB 137 paragraph 14 recognition criteria for provisions are consistent with the framework criteria for recognition of a liability. As such, liabilities and provisions are permitted to be recognised only when there is a present obligation, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation., and the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured. Contingent liabilities do not meet these criteria (just as contingent assets do not meet the criteria for recognition as assets). Hence, paragraph 27 of IAS 37/AASB137 state categorically that contingent liabilities are not to be recognise in the financial statements. IAS 37 is presently under review by the IASB as part of the liabilities project. One of the proposals is to eliminate the terms ‘provision’ and ‘contingent liability’ replacing them with ‘non-financial liability’. The proposals aim to extend and clarify the aplication of IAS 37; however, as is usual, the proposals have received mixed responses from stake holders.

The effect of IAS 37 is to limit the use of provisions. For example, a company may consider it prudent to create a provisioan for uninsured losses (i.e. the process of selfinsuring), however, a liability cannot be recognised under IAS 37 under the occurance of an event neccesitating the sacrifice of assets by the reporting entity. Another example relates to ‘provision for possible losses’ or a ‘provision for restructuring’ which may be created following poor performence. Since there is no existing obligation to an external party (i.e. a commitment to transfer resources from the entity to an external party which cannot be avoided) such a provision would not be permittedunder the framework or current standards.

Certainly, there are circumstances when the users of financial information want to know about potential losses or outgoings. IAS 37 (para. 86) states that in some circumstatces a note to the accounts is required because the knowledge of the liabilities is relevant to the users of the financial report in making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of scarce resources. That is, future settlement may be required, but the estimated probability test provides opportunities for firms to exclude liabilities from their financial statements. However, the liabilities should still be discloused when knowledge of them is likely to affect users decision making.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1. pension Di banyak negara, rencana pensiun (atau pensiun) stablished oleh majikan untuk memberikan benefirs pensiun untuk karyawan. Majikan membuat pembayaran kepada dana pensiun yang memegang aset, kepercayaan, untuk mendanai pembayaran saat pensiun karyawan. Dana pensiun merupakan badan hukum terpisah dari perusahaan pemberi kerja. Rencana pensiun mungkin penyumbang (kedua majikan dan karyawan berkontribusi untuk mendanai) atau dibiayai (di mana hanya majikan membuat kontribusi). Untuk dana didefinisikan manfaat, jumlah yang harus dibayar kepada karyawan yang setidaknya sebagian fungsi final karyawan atau rata-rata sallary. Kontras, adefined kontribusi (atau akumulasi manfaat) dana membayar jumlah yang merupakan fungsi dari kontribusi bagi dana. Dana pensiun mungkin sepenuhnya didanai, sebagian didanai atau didanai. Rencana sepenuhnya didanai memiliki cukup uang tunai atau investasi untuk memenuhi kewajiban dana untuk anggota. Sebaliknya, didanai rencana tidak memiliki uang tunai atau investasi untuk menutupi pembayaran potensial di bawah rencana. Bahwa jumlah diadakan di kepercayaan dan dibayar ke dalam dana pensiun tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kewajiban di bawah rencana ketika mereka jatuh tempo rencana pensiun adalah kekurangan dana. Karena dana pensiun merupakan badan hukum yang sparate, itu mungkin dianggap didanai komitmen rencana yang tidak kewajiban perusahaan majikan yang membayar ke dalam dana. Namun, dapat dikatakan bahwa perusahaan memiliki kewajiban adil untuk memenuhi commitmrnts didanai dan, karenanya, memiliki kewajiban. Untuk mendukung argumen ini, whittred, zimmer dan taylor menawarkan contoh afirm yang memungkinkan pengaturan dana superannuation disponsori dan menderita kehilangan reputasi dalam tenaga kerja dan pasar lain sebagai akibatnya, sehingga menimbulkan korban manfaat ekonomi. Meskipun beberapa perusahaan secara tradisional telah tidak diakui didanai komitmen sebagai kewajiban, di bawah kerangka dan IAS 37/AASB 137 sulit untuk berpendapat bahwa mereka tidak kewajiban. Masalah lainnya berkaitan Kapan harus mengakui kewajiban untuk pembayaran pensiun (pensiun). Itu adalah: a. seperti karyawan menjadikan Layanan? Gagasan adalah bahwa pembayaran bentuk kompensasi yang diterima oleh karyawan sebagai layanan yang diberikan. Namun, itu adalah membayar ke depan setelah pensiun. b. ketika karyawan pensiun? c. Kapan dana diperlukan untuk melakukan pembayaran di bawah rencana pensiun?Rencana pensiun dapat dianggap sebagai janji oleh entitas untuk memberikan tumpangan untuk karyawan inreturn untuk masa lalu dan saat ini layanan. Manfaat pensiun adalah bentuk kompensasi ditangguhkan yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan untuk layanan oleh karyawan yang telah dipilih, baik secara implisit ataupun eksplisit, untuk menerima kompensasi saat ini lebih rendah untuk pembayaran pensiun masa depan. Manfaat pensiun yang diterima oleh karyawan, dan biaya mereka timbul selama bertahun-tahun layanan yang diberikan. Kritis melewati acara adalah render Layanan oleh karyawan dan, oleh karena itu, kewajiban muncul untuk manfaat pensiun yang tidak lagi telah didanai. Studi kasus 8.2 mempertimbangkan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan akuntansi untuk pensiun (pensiun) di Inggris dan australia dengan berfokus pada kewajiban pensiun (pensiun) dari sejumlah besar perusahaan yang terdaftar. 2. ketentuan-ketentuan dan Kontinjensi Ketentuan dan cintingencies terjadi dimana ada mengaburkan garis antara sekarang dan masa depan kewajiban. IAS 37/AASB 137 ketentuan, kontingen kewajiban dan assats kontingen mengakui tumpang tindih definisi dalam ayat 12, ketika itu menyatakan bahwa semua ketentuan kontingen karena mereka tidak menentu dalam waktu atau jumlah. Mencoba untuk membedakan antara sekarang, masa depan dan potensi (atau kontingen) kewajiban ini tidak sesederhana mungkin muncul. Perbedaan tergantung besar pada sifat dari acara' masa lalu' IAS 37 AASB 137 ayat 10 mendefinisikan kontingen kewajiban sebagai:a. mungkin kewajiban yang timbul dari peristiwa masa lalu dan yang keberadaannya akan dikonfirmasi hanya oleh kejadian atau non-kejadian dari satu atau lebih peristiwa masa depan tidak pasti tidak seluruhnya dalam kontrol dari perusahaan tersebut; atau b. hadir kewajiban yang timbul dari peristiwa masa lalu tetapi tidak diakui karena: (i) hal ini tidak mungkin bahwa keluar sumber daya yang mewujudkan manfaat ekonomi akan recuired untuk menyelesaikan kewajiban; atau (ii) Jumlah kewajiban tidak dapat diukur dengan cukup keandalan. IAS 37/AASB 137 ayat 14 pengakuan kriteria untuk ketentuan konsisten dengan kerangka kriteria untuk pengakuan liabilitas. Dengan demikian, kewajiban dan ketentuan diperbolehkan diakui hanya ketika ada kewajiban yang hadir, kemungkinan bahwa keluar sumber daya yang mewujudkan manfaat ekonomi akan diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan kewajiban., dan jumlah kewajiban dapat diandalkan diukur. Kontingen kewajiban tidak memenuhi kriteria tersebut (sama seperti kontingen aset tidak memenuhi kriteria untuk pengakuan sebagai aset). Oleh karena itu, ayat 27 IAS 37/AASB137 kategoris menyatakan bahwa kontingen kewajiban yang tidak mengakui dalam laporan keuangan. IAS 37 saat ini sedang dikaji oleh IASB sebagai bagian dari proyek kewajiban. Salah satu proposal adalah untuk menghilangkan syarat 'Ketentuan' dan 'kewajiban kontingen' menggantinya dengan 'non-keuangan Perseroan'. Usulan bertujuan untuk memperluas dan memperjelas penerapan IAS 37; Namun, seperti biasa, proposal telah menerima tanggapan campuran dari pemegang saham. The effect of IAS 37 is to limit the use of provisions. For example, a company may consider it prudent to create a provisioan for uninsured losses (i.e. the process of selfinsuring), however, a liability cannot be recognised under IAS 37 under the occurance of an event neccesitating the sacrifice of assets by the reporting entity. Another example relates to ‘provision for possible losses’ or a ‘provision for restructuring’ which may be created following poor performence. Since there is no existing obligation to an external party (i.e. a commitment to transfer resources from the entity to an external party which cannot be avoided) such a provision would not be permittedunder the framework or current standards. Certainly, there are circumstances when the users of financial information want to know about potential losses or outgoings. IAS 37 (para. 86) states that in some circumstatces a note to the accounts is required because the knowledge of the liabilities is relevant to the users of the financial report in making and evaluating decisions about the allocation of scarce resources. That is, future settlement may be required, but the estimated probability test provides opportunities for firms to exclude liabilities from their financial statements. However, the liabilities should still be discloused when knowledge of them is likely to affect users decision making.
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