Urban society in indonesiaDensity and changing employment requirements terjemahan - Urban society in indonesiaDensity and changing employment requirements Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Urban society in indonesiaDensity a

Urban society in indonesia

Density and changing employment requirements. By the time the dutch established a municipal government (gemeente) in 1906, giving the weternized city and the european in it special and sparate legal status, kampung residen viewed that community with suspicion and growing hostility. Popular memory, indeed, refers to the nearby gedangan revolt of 1904, in which this gruntled villagers from a sugar growing growing area declare a holy war on an european, as the specific event that brought about the founding of the gemeente, which was a tool, it was said, to sparate and protect european from the native population.
Surabayan sensitivities did not mislead them, for the first decades of the twentieth century saw kampung Inhabitants separated legally ever further from the municipal government the exercised increasing control over the city. Yet at the same time, kampung folk were more and more subjected to intrusion from municipal police, medical workers, inspectors and taxes of many kinds. Put somewhat differently, surabaya's indigeneous residents were increasingly subjected to the forces of a western colonial order, but were also increasingly prevented from dealing with these forces on anything like equal terms. The gemeente become known in popular piece of world play as gue minta, literally "the cave that begs" but more nearly "the bottomless pit".

In the extremely rapid physical growth of the period, kampung areas were severelly pressured by dwinlding lands and growing population, and they began to suffer economically as a result. Iron rings of western housing and business establishment grew up arround many long established kampung, hemming them in and encroaching on their lands. In most areas, fruit trees and small gardens dissapread, and both private property improvements and community projects become difficult to finance. Virtually everywhere the arek suroboyo blame the municipal government for their woes. Many kampung gained special reputations for their hostility to police and other city officials, whom residents believed were europans or eurasians though they were in fact usually javanese.

In the early 1920 the general discontent of kampung dwellers began to be felt outside kampung boundaries and in the europan city. Perhaps because the place of employment, rather than the walled and artificially isolated indonesian neighborhood.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Urban society in indonesiaDensity and changing employment requirements. By the time the dutch established a municipal government (gemeente) in 1906, giving the weternized city and the european in it special and sparate legal status, kampung residen viewed that community with suspicion and growing hostility. Popular memory, indeed, refers to the nearby gedangan revolt of 1904, in which this gruntled villagers from a sugar growing growing area declare a holy war on an european, as the specific event that brought about the founding of the gemeente, which was a tool, it was said, to sparate and protect european from the native population.Surabayan sensitivities did not mislead them, for the first decades of the twentieth century saw kampung Inhabitants separated legally ever further from the municipal government the exercised increasing control over the city. Yet at the same time, kampung folk were more and more subjected to intrusion from municipal police, medical workers, inspectors and taxes of many kinds. Put somewhat differently, surabaya's indigeneous residents were increasingly subjected to the forces of a western colonial order, but were also increasingly prevented from dealing with these forces on anything like equal terms. The gemeente become known in popular piece of world play as gue minta, literally "the cave that begs" but more nearly "the bottomless pit". In the extremely rapid physical growth of the period, kampung areas were severelly pressured by dwinlding lands and growing population, and they began to suffer economically as a result. Iron rings of western housing and business establishment grew up arround many long established kampung, hemming them in and encroaching on their lands. In most areas, fruit trees and small gardens dissapread, and both private property improvements and community projects become difficult to finance. Virtually everywhere the arek suroboyo blame the municipal government for their woes. Many kampung gained special reputations for their hostility to police and other city officials, whom residents believed were europans or eurasians though they were in fact usually javanese.In the early 1920 the general discontent of kampung dwellers began to be felt outside kampung boundaries and in the europan city. Perhaps because the place of employment, rather than the walled and artificially isolated indonesian neighborhood.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Masyarakat urban di Indonesia Density dan mengubah persyaratan kerja. Pada saat Belanda mendirikan pemerintah kota (gemeente) pada tahun 1906, memberikan kota weternized dan Eropa di dalamnya status hukum khusus dan sparate, kampung residen melihat bahwa masyarakat dengan kecurigaan dan berkembang permusuhan. Memori populer, memang, mengacu pada pemberontakan terdekat Gedangan 1904, di mana ini desa gruntled dari gula tumbuh tumbuh daerah mendeklarasikan perang suci pada Eropa, sebagai acara khusus yang membawa tentang pendirian gemeente, yang adalah alat , dikatakan, untuk sparate dan melindungi Eropa dari penduduk asli. kepekaan Surabaya ini tidak menyesatkan mereka, untuk dekade pertama abad kedua puluh melihat kampung penduduk dipisahkan secara hukum pernah jauh dari Pemkot kontrol meningkatkan dilakukan atas kota. Namun pada saat yang sama, kampung rakyat lebih dan lebih mengalami gangguan dari polisi kota, tenaga medis, inspektur dan pajak dari berbagai jenis. Masukan agak berbeda, warga indigeneous surabaya yang semakin tunduk pada kekuatan dari tatanan kolonial Barat, tetapi juga semakin dicegah dari berurusan dengan kekuatan-kekuatan ini pada apa pun seperti istilah yang sama. Gemeente yang menjadi dikenal di sepotong populer bermain dunia sebagai gue Minta, secara harfiah "gua yang memohon" tetapi lebih hampir "jurang maut". Dalam pertumbuhan fisik yang sangat cepat dari periode, daerah kampung yang severelly ditekan oleh dwinlding tanah dan tumbuh populasi, dan mereka mulai menderita secara ekonomi sebagai hasilnya. Iron cincin perumahan barat dan pendirian usaha tumbuh diseluruh banyak lama didirikan kampung, hemming mereka dan melanggar batas tanah mereka. Di sebagian besar wilayah, pohon buah-buahan dan kebun kecil dissapread, dan kedua perbaikan milik pribadi dan proyek-proyek komunitas menjadi sulit untuk membiayai. Hampir di mana-mana arek Suroboyo yang menyalahkan pemerintah kota untuk kesengsaraan mereka. Banyak kampung memperoleh reputasi khusus untuk permusuhan mereka kepada polisi dan pejabat kota lainnya, yang warga percaya yang europans atau Indo meskipun mereka sebenarnya biasanya Jawa. Pada awal 1920 ketidakpuasan umum penghuni kampung mulai terasa luar batas kampung dan di kota europan. Mungkin karena tempat kerja, daripada lingkungan indonesia berdinding dan artifisial terisolasi.

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