Every­one takes three days of dry ra­tions, spins to go, by­passes the terjemahan - Every­one takes three days of dry ra­tions, spins to go, by­passes the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Every­one takes three days of dry r

Every­one takes three days of dry ra­tions, spins to go, by­passes the bro­ken blade edge canyon under my lead­er­ship, passed through the des­tiny bateau-bridge of mil­i­tary god river bank to ar­rive in the blood demon for­est, dis­tant can see the [Zhan Long] prac­tic­ing level player, even many peo­ple have rec­og­nized, grin­ning greet­ing: „guild­mas­ter, leads troops to go to war this is!?”
I 11 said with a smile: „Um, you re­fuel to prac­tice level to pick up the lit­tle girl!”
„That proper, prac­tices the level to, picked up the lit­tle girl, Bi oth­ers poor peo­ple were ugly, one meter 49”
I: „”
Soon , the ten thou­sand peo­ple of cav­alry reg­i­ments of palace guard passed through the sta­tion of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, some peo­ple had al­ready set up the check­point on the road, one group of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment long-bar­relled gun sol­diers walk to go for­ward, is the hun­dred hus­bands of head long is rais­ing the long-bar­relled gun, loudly shouted to clear the way: „The fu­ture, no­ti­fies the name!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool trail arms progress to go, said: „Palace guard com­mands, town south­ern gen­eral Li Xiao Yao to lead the palace guard sharp to carry out the task, but also asked the broth­ers reg­i­ment to allow to pass!”
„Palace guard?”
These hun­dred hus­band long cor­ners of the mouth one, sneers say­ing: „Yo, orig­i­nally in does not turn over to the war of sea to claim credit to the great palace guard, what's wrong, now has ex­tended the claw to the sta­tion of our leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment? Your palace guards may be re­ally good, under the main halls and two your high­ness do not pay at­ten­tion, but also wants to pass through from here? Sorry, de­tours to­ward right, goes to wilder­ness!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool was in a rage raises iron spear to come hardly: „Courts death, un­ex­pect­edly is so ex­tremely ar­ro­gant!”
I scold to say hur­riedly: „Han Yuan, do not im­pulse!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool is a brave gen­eral, the com­bat is brave, but the nat­ural dis­po­si­tion is also crude, no­body can block him be­sides me, my shouted at makes him re­strain the warhorse to stop was same place, Xiao Li could not bear ex­press ad­mi­ra­tion: „Han full beard is the non- brain care­less per­son, you also think com­mands the Sir that eas­ily un­ex­pect­edly trigged him!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool turns around, said: „My Han Yuanzhi ad­mires to com­mand one per­son”
Xiao Liti the long blade was walk­ing, said: „This holds flag Sir Wei, I am Yorozuo of palace guard am long, lean­ing gen­eral Xiao Li, but also asked you to stretch the rules, we were car­ry­ing out the emer­gency task, must pass through!”
Prop­erly speak­ing hun­dred hus­bands long no­ticed that Yorozuo long looked like the grand­son sees the grand­fa­ther to be com­mon, but this hun­dred hus­band long too D, the brow has raised: „Fa­ther does not let, again?”
Xiao Li is a dis­crete per­son, im­me­di­ately pro­gresses to over­run, raises the long blade: „The grand­fa­ther has chopped you!”
In this time, the crowd rear per­son of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment is pro­gress­ing to come sud­denly, is a player, on the shoul­der wears the sym­bol that Ying Tuan is con­trol­ling, is rais­ing a long-bar­relled gun, said loudly: „Xu Ou, can not be dis­solute, im­me­di­ately al­lows to pass to me!”
This hun­dred hus­bands who called Xu Ou long turned around, look at the human, a face was re­spect­ful: „Con­trols, here is the sta­tion of our leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, how can make the palace guard want to come to come to walk walks?”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Every­one takes three days of dry ra­tions, spins to go, by­passes the bro­ken blade edge canyon under my lead­er­ship, passed through the des­tiny bateau-bridge of mil­i­tary god river bank to ar­rive in the blood demon for­est, dis­tant can see the [Zhan Long] prac­tic­ing level player, even many peo­ple have rec­og­nized, grin­ning greet­ing: „guild­mas­ter, leads troops to go to war this is!?”I 11 said with a smile: „Um, you re­fuel to prac­tice level to pick up the lit­tle girl!”„That proper, prac­tices the level to, picked up the lit­tle girl, Bi oth­ers poor peo­ple were ugly, one meter 49”I: „”Soon , the ten thou­sand peo­ple of cav­alry reg­i­ments of palace guard passed through the sta­tion of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, some peo­ple had al­ready set up the check­point on the road, one group of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment long-bar­relled gun sol­diers walk to go for­ward, is the hun­dred hus­bands of head long is rais­ing the long-bar­relled gun, loudly shouted to clear the way: „The fu­ture, no­ti­fies the name!”The South Ko­rean deep pool trail arms progress to go, said: „Palace guard com­mands, town south­ern gen­eral Li Xiao Yao to lead the palace guard sharp to carry out the task, but also asked the broth­ers reg­i­ment to allow to pass!”„Palace guard?”These hun­dred hus­band long cor­ners of the mouth one, sneers say­ing: „Yo, orig­i­nally in does not turn over to the war of sea to claim credit to the great palace guard, what's wrong, now has ex­tended the claw to the sta­tion of our leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment? Your palace guards may be re­ally good, under the main halls and two your high­ness do not pay at­ten­tion, but also wants to pass through from here? Sorry, de­tours to­ward right, goes to wilder­ness!”The South Ko­rean deep pool was in a rage raises iron spear to come hardly: „Courts death, un­ex­pect­edly is so ex­tremely ar­ro­gant!”
I scold to say hur­riedly: „Han Yuan, do not im­pulse!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool is a brave gen­eral, the com­bat is brave, but the nat­ural dis­po­si­tion is also crude, no­body can block him be­sides me, my shouted at makes him re­strain the warhorse to stop was same place, Xiao Li could not bear ex­press ad­mi­ra­tion: „Han full beard is the non- brain care­less per­son, you also think com­mands the Sir that eas­ily un­ex­pect­edly trigged him!”
The South Ko­rean deep pool turns around, said: „My Han Yuanzhi ad­mires to com­mand one per­son”
Xiao Liti the long blade was walk­ing, said: „This holds flag Sir Wei, I am Yorozuo of palace guard am long, lean­ing gen­eral Xiao Li, but also asked you to stretch the rules, we were car­ry­ing out the emer­gency task, must pass through!”
Prop­erly speak­ing hun­dred hus­bands long no­ticed that Yorozuo long looked like the grand­son sees the grand­fa­ther to be com­mon, but this hun­dred hus­band long too D, the brow has raised: „Fa­ther does not let, again?”
Xiao Li is a dis­crete per­son, im­me­di­ately pro­gresses to over­run, raises the long blade: „The grand­fa­ther has chopped you!”
In this time, the crowd rear per­son of leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment is pro­gress­ing to come sud­denly, is a player, on the shoul­der wears the sym­bol that Ying Tuan is con­trol­ling, is rais­ing a long-bar­relled gun, said loudly: „Xu Ou, can not be dis­solute, im­me­di­ately al­lows to pass to me!”
This hun­dred hus­bands who called Xu Ou long turned around, look at the human, a face was re­spect­ful: „Con­trols, here is the sta­tion of our leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment, how can make the palace guard want to come to come to walk walks?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setiap orang membutuhkan waktu tiga hari dari jatah kering, berputar untuk pergi, bypasses rusak tepi pisau canyon di bawah kepemimpinan saya, melewati takdir bateau-jembatan bank dewa sungai militer untuk tiba di hutan setan darah, yang jauh bisa melihat [Zhan Panjang] berlatih pemain tingkat, bahkan banyak orang telah mengakui, menyeringai ucapan: "Guildmaster, mengarah pasukan untuk berperang ini !?"
aku 11 berkata sambil tersenyum: "! Um, Anda mengisi bahan bakar untuk berlatih tingkat untuk menjemput gadis kecil"
"Itu benar, berlatih tingkat untuk, mengangkat gadis kecil, Bi lain orang miskin jelek, satu meter 49"
I: ""
Segera, sepuluh ribu orang dari resimen kavaleri dari pengawal istana melewati stasiun legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen, beberapa orang sudah menyiapkan pos pemeriksaan di jalan, satu kelompok legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen tentara gun laras panjang berjalan untuk maju, adalah seratus suami dari kepala panjang adalah meningkatkan senjata laras panjang, keras berteriak untuk menghapus jalan: "! masa depan, memberitahukan nama"
The Korea Selatan dalam kolam trail lengan kemajuan untuk pergi, mengatakan: "perintah penjaga Istana, kota selatan umum Li Xiao Yao memimpin istana menjaga tajam untuk melaksanakan tugas, tetapi juga tanya saudara resimen untuk memungkinkan untuk lulus "!
" Palace guard? "
ini seratus suami sudut panjang dari mulut satu, menyeringai mengatakan:" Yo, awalnya di tidak menyerahkan kepada perang laut untuk mengklaim kredit kepada pengawal istana besar , apa yang salah, sekarang telah memperpanjang cakar ke stasiun legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen kami? Penjaga istana Anda mungkin benar-benar baik, di bawah ruang utama dan dua Mulia tidak memperhatikan, tetapi juga ingin melewati dari sini? ! Maaf, jalan memutar ke kanan, pergi ke padang gurun "
Kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan berada di mengamuk menimbulkan tombak besi untuk datang hampir:" Pengadilan kematian, tiba-tiba begitu sangat arogan "!
Saya memarahi mengatakan buru-buru:" Han Yuan, tidak impulse! "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan adalah umum berani, pertempuran yang berani, tapi disposisi alami juga mentah, tidak ada yang bisa menghalangi dia selain saya, berteriak saya di membuat dia menahan kuda perang untuk menghentikan adalah tempat yang sama, Xiao Li bisa tidak menanggung kekaguman mengungkapkan: "! Han jenggot penuh adalah otak orang non ceroboh, Anda juga berpikir perintah Sir yang mudah tiba-tiba dipicu dia"
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan berbalik, mengatakan: "saya Han Yuanzhi mengagumi untuk perintah satu orang"
xiao Liti pisau panjang sedang berjalan, mengatakan: "ini memegang bendera Sir Wei, saya Yorozuo istana penjaga am panjang, bersandar umum xiao Li, tetapi juga meminta Anda untuk meregangkan aturan, kami melaksanakan tugas darurat, harus lulus melalui "!
Benar berbicara ratus suami lama memperhatikan bahwa Yorozuo panjang tampak seperti cucu melihat kakek menjadi umum, tapi ratus suami selama ini terlalu D, alis telah mengangkat:"? Ayah tidak membiarkan, lagi "
Xiao Li adalah diskrit orang, segera berkembang menjadi dibanjiri, menimbulkan pisau panjang: "! kakek telah cincang Anda"
saat ini, orang-orang belakang legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen maju untuk datang tiba-tiba, adalah pemain, di bahu memakai simbol yang ying Tuan mengendalikan, adalah meningkatkan senapan laras panjang, berkata keras: "! Xu Ou, tidak bisa bermoral, segera memungkinkan untuk lulus dengan saya"
ini ratus suami yang disebut Xu Ou panjang berbalik, melihat manusia, suatu wajah hormat: "Kontrol, di sini adalah stasiun legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen kami, bagaimana bisa membuat pengawal istana ingin datang untuk datang untuk berjalan-jalan?"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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