Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Tergeletak di tempat tidur di perut saya, dengan satu tangan, mendorong di bawah bantal pipi saya berhenti pada dan lengan terlipat di sisi saya, saya perlahan-lahan datang terjaga merasakan sentuhan bulu-cahaya trailing atas pinggul dan ke bawah kurva di belakang saya.Saya bergeser gelisah, berkedip terbuka mataku, dan segera dibutakan oleh terang yang mengalir ke dalam kamar tidur. Mengerang, aku memejamkan mata dan mencoba meringkuk turun. Tulang saya tidak merasa seperti mereka telah melekat otot apapun dan entah bagaimana itu sebuah sensasi menyenangkan. Jadi adalah tanda-tanda tekanan tracing siaga desain atas kulit saya.Saya tidak pernah tidur di perut saya sebelumnya dan saya benar-benar bahkan tidak ingat jatuh tertidur. Saya menduga itu beberapa titik setelah Jax telah melengkung lengannya di sekitar saya dan saya telah mengambil napas berikutnya.Tubuh saya masih merasa bekerja di cara terbaik mungkin. Begitu banyak sehingga —Kemudian mataku muncul kembali terbuka.Yang kulihat setelah visi saya disesuaikan dengan cahaya Jax di pintu lemari, dan saya pikir dia adalah apa itu bertanggung jawab untuk apa yang merasa seperti angka delapan pipi kanan pantat saya kecuali beberapa artis acak telah naik ke tempat tidur dengan saya.Punggung saya adalah telanjang.Neraka, lembar dan meliputi tempat kusut di sekitar paha atas saya dan saya yakin bahwa Jax bisa melihat kekacauan kulit, sama seperti terakhir kali ketika ia telah membalik saya berkeliling dan membawaku dari belakang. Punggung saya tidak terlihat malam terakhir telah... agak apa-apa karena saya meragukan bahwa dia benar-benar membayar perhatian.Aku tegang dan membiarkan keluar napas goyah, bersiap-siap untuk roll darinya, yang akan memberikan dia eyeful dari payudara. Dan sementara aku tidak begitu percaya diri saya depan sebagai banyak karena saya kembali di sekelilingnya sekarang, aku yakin aku aneh baris dari lembar nya keriput tertanam dalam kulit saya, dan itu, di atas segalanya, tidak akan seksi. Seperti aku cukup yakin aku berada di bidang negatif seksi sekarang."Tidak."Aku menatap lemari, dianggap berpura-pura aku sedang tidur, dan kemudian menolak gagasan itu karena itu adalah bodoh, jadi aku pergi dengan bermain bodoh. "Tidak apa?"JAX di tangan lengkung atas pinggul telanjang. "Jangan bersembunyi. Saya tahu Anda sedang bersiap-siap untuk berpaling. Jangan."Mata saya jatuh menutup dan aku memaksakan diri untuk tinggal tetap. Setelah beberapa detik, ia kembali ke menelusuri wajah smiley di pantatku atau apa pun yang ia lakukan. Rasanya seperti matanya membosankan lubang ke dalam kulit memar dan kasar, seperti mengupas kembali lapisan dengan X-ray visi."Anda memiliki pantat manis."Eh."Maksudku, sungguh. Bokongmu adalah fucking manis, babe,"Dia melanjutkan, dan bulu mata saya mengangkat alis saya terjepit. "Anda adalah salah satu wanita-wanita yang hanya dilahirkan dengan nice ass. Tidak ada jumlah latihan dapat membuat keledai ini.""Itu benar," kataku setelah beberapa detik. "Saya pikir itu Big Mac dan taco yang dibuat bahwa keledai."JAX's tertawa mendalam ditarik pada sudut bibir saya dan merasa kakinya pindah saya, diikuti oleh nya panas dan keras panjang ditekan ke kata manis keledai. "Kemudian tidak pernah berhenti makan itu Big Mac dan taco."Immediately, I was wet. Totally. I don’t know if it was the feel of him so close to the softest part of me, or the fact he’d just told me to never stop eating Big Macs and tacos. Either way, I was ready.“I can do that,” I said, voice throaty. “Eating Big Macs and tacos.”He dropped a kiss on my shoulder as his knee pushed my thighs apart and his hand slid between his body and mine. “We should be getting up soon.”I might have grunted something to the negative.His chuckle danced over my shoulder. “It’s almost ten. I have no idea when your friends are coming over.”“We have time,” I told him when I had no idea if we did or not.Jax’s hand made it between my legs, and my hips jerked as his fingers brushed across the dampness. “Damn, honey, you’re fucking insatiable. I love it.”Oh, my heart did a little happy dance at the use of the word love even though it probably meant nothing.His hand disappeared and I expected him to roll off and grab a condom, but he didn’t move, and after a few seconds I started to feel those whorls again. Pushing myself up on my elbows, I looked over my shoulder at him.God, only he could look so freaking, ridiculously sexy after getting only a few hours of sleep, with his hair sticking up everywhere and a rough stubble across his jaw. For a moment, I got kind of lost staring at him and then I realized he was staring at my back. For real. Tension crept into my shoulders, and after what felt like a lifetime, his gaze found mine.And I said what I needed to say. “I don’t like this.”His expression tightened. “Why, baby?”I knew from the way he’d asked, the question was genuine, and for some reason, that created that damn ball in my throat. My arms slid out and I rested my cheek back on the pillow. “It’s ugly,” I whispered.Jax was quiet as he brushed a few strands of my hair back. “Do you know what I see when I see your back?”“That it kind of looks like the Appalachian Mountains on a map?” I joked, but it fell flat as an iron.“No, honey.” He took a deep breath. “I’m going to be honest, okay? I’m not going to sit here and tell you that what I see right now is easy to look at.”Oh God. My heart dropped and I thought I might hurl.“But it’s not the reasons you think,” he continued, and then I felt it, his hand over the worst part of my back, and my entire body seemed to have a reflexive curl, but I couldn’t go anywhere, because he was practically lying on me. “When I see your back, what I think about is the pain you had to have experienced. I don’t personally know what it feels like, but I had hot shrapnel rip through my skin, and I’m sure that wasn’t even a ball’s hair worth of what you felt. But when the bomb went off in the desert, I saw soldiers—my friends—catch on fire.”I squeezed my eyes shut, but his words sparked images I didn’t want to see but needed to.“And I know that there is no amount of pain meds that really dulls these kinds of burns and you lived through that. That’s what I think about when I see them. And I also think about how these fucking scars shaped your life. How they’ve beaten you down when you still are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen and these scars don’t even touch that. They aren’t anything compared to your smile or your pretty blue eyes or that sweet ass.”Oh my God.He wasn’t done. “You know what else I see? A physical reminder of how fucking strong you are, Calla, how fucking brave you are. That’s what I see when I look at your back. A map of how brave you are, your strength and your courage.”Oh my God.Tears pricked at my eyes. That ball of emotion was at my throat again, ready to pour forth and flood the earth.“And that shit isn’t ugly.” His voice dropped to a whisper.I twisted, pushing up on my elbows, and looked over my shoulder at him again. His face blurred. “Jax . . .”“That shit is beautiful in its own way, but still fucking beautiful.”Some of the tears spilled over, and I knew I was really going to start sobbing, because that was the most perfect thing I’d ever heard, and all I could say was a lame “Thank you.”One side of his lips kicked up.I wanted to say more and I was so going to cry more, and it was a good thing that his phone started ringing, because I was seconds away from telling him that I loved him and wanted to have his babies. Not have his babies right now, but later, and I figured that might’ve been too soon to say something like that, but oh God, I did love him.Jax ignored his phone as he rolled me onto my back. “I think you get it.” Leaning onto one arm pressed into the pillow, he brushed away the tears with his other hand. “Finally.”
A little kernel of “getting it” was there, and it was small and fragile, but it was there, pitted in my stomach like a little seed that just started to sprout. It needed love and care, but I was starting to get it.
He grinned and said, “Yeah.” Then he dipped his head, kissing my left cheek just as his phone started ringing again. He pulled back, shooting a glare in the direction of the nightstand.
“You should get that.” My voice was thick.
Jax really didn’t look like he wanted to, but with a curse, he shifted off me and snatched his phone. He answered the call with a “What?”
I’d just settled back against the pillow, about to replay his whole speech over again in a slightly obsessive way, when Jax suddenly sat up. “What?”
The tone of his voice caused a rush of unease, and I reacted to it. Sitting up, I grabbed the sheet and tugged it to my breasts.
“Yeah, I’m Jackson James. What’s going on?” There was a stretch of silence and then he was on his feet, and I was staring at his firm ass. He glanced over his shoulder at me, his jaw hard. “Yes. Thank you. Yep.”
“What’s going on?” I asked as soon as he lowered the phone.
Jax grabbed his jeans and briefs off the floor. “You got to get up and get dressed, honey.”
The tone of his voice brooked no room for argument and I knew something was up, and I did what I was told. I tossed the covers and stood. Jax already had his jeans on when he was suddenly in front of me.
The air left me when I saw the look in his eyes. Oh no. My heart kicked up. “It’s Mom, isn’t it? They’ve found her bo—”
“No, honey, it’s not your mom.” He cupped my cheeks, his eyes searching mine. “It’s Clyde. And it’s serious. He had a heart attack.”
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