In another desperate move to boost a flagging economy, China devalued  terjemahan - In another desperate move to boost a flagging economy, China devalued  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In another desperate move to boost

In another desperate move to boost a flagging economy, China devalued its currency by 2 percent overnight. The Canadian dollar nose-dived on the news following what had been a week-long recovery. The US dollar strengthened as capital flowed into the safe haven of the greenback.

The surprise move sent shock waves through global markets, driving down stock and commodity prices and triggering fears of a currency war between China's Asian competitors. Fears of a prolonged decline in demand by the world's second largest economy caused oil and other commodity prices to slump, another blow to the Canadian dollar.

On the heels of recent data showing falling Chinese exports and a stalling manufacturing sector, the central bank cut interest rates and announced devaluation in the hope of making China's exports cheaper. Also fueling the move, China's index of producer prices declined 5.4 percent last month, the most since 2009. This is another in a series of aggressive efforts that have failed to kick start the economy, which has also been hit by turbulence in its stock market, says Sherry Cooper.

An additional motivation is Beijing's desire to join the Big Boys Club of global reserve currencies. China has been lobbying the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to include the yuan in its basket of reserve currencies known as Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which are used by the IMF to lend money to sovereign borrowers. The current members of the group of reserve currencies are the US dollar, yen, euro and British pound. China's move allows for more market-based determination of its currency, answering a criticism leveled by the IMF in denying SDR status. The Fund has said in recent months that the yuan exchange rate needs to be more flexible.

China's action puts further downward pressure on commodity markets, which have been hit hard by weakening global demand and excess supplies. Alberta's economy is already in recession, and this could exacerbate the situation. Newfoundland has also suffered a similar blow and Saskatchewan has been sideswiped in the process.

"While the rest of Canada is growing, the debate about the state of the overall economy continues to roil in the red-hot lead up to the October election. Clearly, Canada is a bystander in this global tsunami, suffering collateral damage beyond the control of Ottawa. Nevertheless, these developments cannot help but impact our economic and political outlook", notes Sherry Cooper
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In another desperate move to boost a flagging economy, China devalued its currency by 2 percent overnight. The Canadian dollar nose-dived on the news following what had been a week-long recovery. The US dollar strengthened as capital flowed into the safe haven of the greenback.The surprise move sent shock waves through global markets, driving down stock and commodity prices and triggering fears of a currency war between China's Asian competitors. Fears of a prolonged decline in demand by the world's second largest economy caused oil and other commodity prices to slump, another blow to the Canadian dollar.On the heels of recent data showing falling Chinese exports and a stalling manufacturing sector, the central bank cut interest rates and announced devaluation in the hope of making China's exports cheaper. Also fueling the move, China's index of producer prices declined 5.4 percent last month, the most since 2009. This is another in a series of aggressive efforts that have failed to kick start the economy, which has also been hit by turbulence in its stock market, says Sherry Cooper.An additional motivation is Beijing's desire to join the Big Boys Club of global reserve currencies. China has been lobbying the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to include the yuan in its basket of reserve currencies known as Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), which are used by the IMF to lend money to sovereign borrowers. The current members of the group of reserve currencies are the US dollar, yen, euro and British pound. China's move allows for more market-based determination of its currency, answering a criticism leveled by the IMF in denying SDR status. The Fund has said in recent months that the yuan exchange rate needs to be more flexible.China's action puts further downward pressure on commodity markets, which have been hit hard by weakening global demand and excess supplies. Alberta's economy is already in recession, and this could exacerbate the situation. Newfoundland has also suffered a similar blow and Saskatchewan has been sideswiped in the process."While the rest of Canada is growing, the debate about the state of the overall economy continues to roil in the red-hot lead up to the October election. Clearly, Canada is a bystander in this global tsunami, suffering collateral damage beyond the control of Ottawa. Nevertheless, these developments cannot help but impact our economic and political outlook", notes Sherry Cooper
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam langkah lain putus asa untuk meningkatkan ekonomi lesu, Cina mendevaluasi mata uangnya sebesar 2 persen semalam. Dolar Kanada hidung menyelam di berita berikut apa yang telah pemulihan selama seminggu. Dolar AS menguat sebagai modal mengalir ke tempat yang aman dari greenback. Kejutan bergerak mengirimkan gelombang kejutan melalui pasar global, mengendarai harga saham dan komoditas dan memicu kekhawatiran perang mata uang antara pesaing Asia China. Kekhawatiran penurunan berkepanjangan diminati oleh ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia yang disebabkan harga minyak dan komoditas lainnya merosot, pukulan lain terhadap dolar Kanada. Pada tumit data terbaru menunjukkan penurunan ekspor China dan sektor manufaktur mengulur-ulur, bank sentral bunga potong tarif dan mengumumkan devaluasi dengan harapan membuat ekspor China lebih murah. Juga memicu bergerak, indeks China harga produsen turun 5,4 persen bulan lalu, terbesar sejak 2009. Ini adalah satu lagi dalam serangkaian upaya agresif yang telah gagal untuk memulai kick ekonomi, yang juga telah terkena turbulensi di pasar sahamnya , kata Sherry Cooper. Sebuah motivasi tambahan adalah keinginan Beijing untuk bergabung dengan Big Boys Club mata uang cadangan global. Cina telah melobi Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) untuk menyertakan yuan dalam keranjang yang mata uang cadangan dikenal sebagai Special Drawing Rights (SDR), yang digunakan oleh IMF meminjamkan uang kepada peminjam yang berdaulat. Para anggota saat ini kelompok mata uang cadangan adalah dolar AS, yen, euro dan pound Inggris. Langkah China memungkinkan untuk penentuan berbasis pasar lebih dari mata uangnya, menjawab kritik dilontarkan oleh IMF di menyangkal statusnya SDR. Dana mengatakan dalam beberapa bulan terakhir bahwa nilai tukar yuan perlu lebih fleksibel. tindakan China menempatkan tekanan lebih lanjut pada pasar komoditas, yang telah terpukul keras oleh melemahnya permintaan global dan pasokan berlebih. Ekonomi Alberta sudah dalam resesi, dan ini bisa memperburuk situasi. Newfoundland juga mengalami pukulan yang sama dan Saskatchewan telah menabrak dalam proses. "Sementara sisa Kanada tumbuh, perdebatan tentang keadaan perekonomian secara keseluruhan terus mengacaukan dalam memimpin merah-panas hingga pemilihan Oktober. Jelas , Kanada adalah pengamat tsunami global, menderita kerusakan jaminan di luar kendali Ottawa. Namun demikian, perkembangan ini tidak bisa tidak berdampak prospek ekonomi dan politik kita ", mencatat Sherry Cooper

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