1. Business and Management -Form 5: 1.2 Types of Organizations Lesson  terjemahan - 1. Business and Management -Form 5: 1.2 Types of Organizations Lesson  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1. Business and Management -Form 5:

1. Business and Management -Form 5: 1.2 Types of Organizations
Lesson 1 : Private & Public Sector
Lesson 2 : Starting a Business
Lesson 3 : Reasons for Starting a Business
2. 1. Focus Question
What are the differences between the private and public sectors?
What are some business objectives?
4. 2a. Where do businesses operate?
Business Activity :
Primary Sector –
extraction of raw materials from the earth – mining, quarrying, fishing, agriculture, forestry
Secondary Sector –
Processing of raw materials into finished or semi-finished products – manufacturing
Tertiary Sector –
Service industries – leisure, transport, finance, distribution, retailing, wholesaling, communications

5. 2b. Where do businesses operate?
Multiple Business Activity
e.g. British Petroleum involved in:
Oil exploration and drilling ( Primary )
Refining oil – production of gas, petroleum, bitumen, lubricants, etc. ( Manufacturing )
Distribution of petrol from refineries to petrol stations and sales of petrol to consumer ( Tertiary )
Research and Development ( Tertiary )

6. 3a. Private Sector
Business activity owned, financed, and controlled by private individuals; not owned by the government.
Main goal of most private sector businesses is to make a profit.
Sole Traders
Private Limited Companies
Public Limited Companies (PLCs)
… Homework…look these terms up 
7. 3b. Objectives of Private Sector Business Objectives Profit Survival Share Price Market Power Sales and Sales Revenue Efficiency Quality and Innovation Image and Reputation Environment Satisfying Social Issues
8. 4a. Public Sector
Business Activity owned, financed and controlled by the state through government or local authorities.
These are run to provide essential goods and services.
In most cases, their aim is not making a profit.
Government – key departments set policy and monitor implementation
Local Authorities – County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils
Health Trusts
Public Corporations – BBC

9. 4b. Public Sector
So…why do some organizations belong to the public sector?
Access –
Basic services are available to all regardless of location or income.
Education, health care, public parks, etc.
Quality –
To avoid waste: high quality services that do not cut corners.
Postal services, national defence, etc.
Affordability –
services offered at prices that are cheaper than private sector or free at the point of use.
Equity –
available to anyone whatever their background, status, income, class, race, religion, etc.
To protect citizens and businesses using the police, courts and etc.
To reduce unemployment, governments are a large employer of teachers, doctors, and nurses.

10. 4c. Range of Business Offered by the Public Sector Roads Allotments Paths and Parks Schools Street Lighting Waste Disposal Trading Standards Cemeteries Environmental Health Museums and Arts Economic Development and Tourism Planning Licensing Care of the Elderly Social Services
11. 5a. Privatization
Today, many public sector companies have been privatized.
Which means, sold off to the private sector.
Box 1.2a in your text lists some benefits.
Now…who keeps these companies in check?
How do we know if they are conducting and performing in a proper manner?
Regulatory bodies have been set up by the government to monitor the conduct and performance of privatized companies.
They safe guard the interest of the general public.
So…are privatized companies a good thing?
12. 5b. Business Objectives: Public and Private Sector Aims - Activity
What are the main objectives of those who provide business activities in the public sector?
What are the main objectives of business activity in the private sector?
Could the links between private and public sector business activity lead to conflict in terms of meeting objectives?
How might the business activity you investigate be financed?
13. 5b. Business Objectives: Public and Private Sector Aims - Activity
Image: Hospitals and schools are good examples of public sector organizations.
But what business services does each provide, and
What are the objectives of these?
Copyright: Zarko Kecman and Carlos Gustavo Curado
14. 5c. Business Objectives: Public and Private Sector Aims - Activity
Lets look at some mission statements / objective of some private and public sector businesses.
See websites.
1. http://www.starbucks.com.au/en-AU/_About%2BStarbucks/Mission%2BStatement.htm
2. http://www.canadapost.ca/AboutUs/Corporate/VisionValues.aspx
3. http:// www.edu.gov.on.ca /eng/about/
15. 2. Starting a business
16. Thomas Edison defined genius as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, he could have been talking about… starting a business .
17. 1. Focus Question
Why is starting a business such a risky project?
Describe your ideal businesses.
List the things you think starting a business requires.
18. 2a. Starting a Business
People need capital (money) to start a business.
Starting a business requires research on a variety of issues, including:
How much it will cost to start the business,
Where to locate the business, and
The cost of advertising in newspapers, magazines, etc.
Businesses need publicity materials, such as banners to introduce the business to the community; signs; and business cards.
Most businesses in America are small businesses.
Many small businesses fail but the ones that succeed do so because their owners take the time to carefully plan the business.
19. 2b. Starting a Business
So it is a risky project because investors and owners are venturing into the unknown.
Underestimation of the challenges
High start up costs
See pg 21, Box 1.2b
So why do people do it?
The key incentive for taking any risk.
20. 2c. Starting a Business
So…who takes the risk in setting up a business?
The entrepreneur.
They manage, plan, and organize the other three factors of production to provide goods and services.
What are the other three factors of production?
Land, Labour, and Capital.
They will also go through a decision-making process (discusses later) to decide:
Where the firm wants to be.
How it is going to get there.
How success will be monitored.
Factors to consider when setting up a business :
21. Legal Issues Laws such as Patents, etc. Marketing Convince lenders And buyers of the product Customers Need for market research Suppliers Provider of Raw materials Fixed Assets Capital equipment Enterprise Industrial and Personal skills
Hiring and
Funds for production
and marketing.
Finding a niche
Business Start-up
22. 3. Reasons for Starting a Business
23. 1. Focus Question
What are some reasons for setting up a business?

2. How do you identify market opportunities?

24. 2a. Reasons for Starting a Business
There are many reasons why people start a business.
Do you know why?
That’s RIGHT!
What does G.E.T C.A.S.H. stand for?

25. 2b. Reasons for Starting a Business
G rowth :
Some assets will grow or increase ( appreciate ) in value over time. Such as…?
Land, property.
This is called Capital Growth .
It is possible that the capital growth is worth more than the owners salary.
E arnings :
“You can never get rich earning money from working for someone else.” –Chinese saying.
Setting up a business may outweigh the costs, even though the risks are high.
26. 2c. Reasons for Starting a Business
T ransference / Inheritance :
In many cultures it is normal to pass on assets.
Many self-employed people view their business as something they can pass on to their children.
C hallenge :
Some see setting up and running a business as challenging.
27. 2d. Reasons for Starting a Business
A utonomy:
Do you like working for someone else?
Do you like following someone else’s rules and regulations?
OR…Do you like freedom? Independence? Flexibility?
Would you like to be your own boss?
28. 2e. Reasons for Starting a Business
S ecurity:
More job security if you are your own boss?
Who is going to fire you?
Being self employed makes it potentially easier to accumulate perso
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1. Business and Management -Form 5: 1.2 Types of Organizations Lesson 1 : Private & Public Sector Organizations Lesson 2 : Starting a Business Lesson 3 : Reasons for Starting a Business 2. 1. Focus Question What are the differences between the private and public sectors? What are some business objectives? 3. 4. 2a. Where do businesses operate? Business Activity : Primary Sector – extraction of raw materials from the earth – mining, quarrying, fishing, agriculture, forestry Secondary Sector – Processing of raw materials into finished or semi-finished products – manufacturing Tertiary Sector – Service industries – leisure, transport, finance, distribution, retailing, wholesaling, communications … 5. 2b. Where do businesses operate? Multiple Business Activity e.g. British Petroleum involved in: Oil exploration and drilling ( Primary ) Refining oil – production of gas, petroleum, bitumen, lubricants, etc. ( Manufacturing ) Distribution of petrol from refineries to petrol stations and sales of petrol to consumer ( Tertiary ) Research and Development ( Tertiary ) … 6. 3a. Private Sector Business activity owned, financed, and controlled by private individuals; not owned by the government. Main goal of most private sector businesses is to make a profit. Sole Traders Partnerships Private Limited Companies Public Limited Companies (PLCs) Co-operatives Franchises Charities … Homework…look these terms up  7. 3b. Objectives of Private Sector Business Objectives Profit Survival Share Price Market Power Sales and Sales Revenue Efficiency Quality and Innovation Image and Reputation Environment Satisfying Social Issues 8. 4a. Public Sector Business Activity owned, financed and controlled by the state through government or local authorities. These are run to provide essential goods and services. In most cases, their aim is not making a profit. Government – key departments set policy and monitor implementation Local Authorities – County Councils, District Councils, Parish Councils Health Trusts Public Corporations – BBC … 9. 4b. Public Sector So…why do some organizations belong to the public sector? Access – Basic services are available to all regardless of location or income. Education, health care, public parks, etc. Quality – To avoid waste: high quality services that do not cut corners. Postal services, national defence, etc. Affordability – services offered at prices that are cheaper than private sector or free at the point of use. Equity – available to anyone whatever their background, status, income, class, race, religion, etc. To protect citizens and businesses using the police, courts and etc. To reduce unemployment, governments are a large employer of teachers, doctors, and nurses. … 10. 4c. Range of Business Offered by the Public Sector Roads Allotments Paths and Parks Schools Street Lighting Waste Disposal Trading Standards Cemeteries Environmental Health Museums and Arts Economic Development and Tourism Planning Licensing Care of the Elderly Social Services 11. 5a. Privatization Today, many public sector companies have been privatized. Which means, sold off to the private sector. Box 1.2a in your text lists some benefits. Now…who keeps these companies in check? How do we know if they are conducting and performing in a proper manner? Regulatory bodies have been set up by the government to monitor the conduct and performance of privatized companies. They safe guard the interest of the general public. So…are privatized companies a good thing? 12. 5b. Business Objectives: Public and Private Sector Aims - Activity What are the main objectives of those who provide business activities in the public sector? What are the main objectives of business activity in the private sector? Could the links between private and public sector business activity lead to conflict in terms of meeting objectives? How might the business activity you investigate be financed? 13. 5b. Business Objectives: Public and Private Sector Aims - Activity Image: Hospitals and schools are good examples of public sector organizations. But what business services does each provide, and What are the objectives of these? Copyright: Zarko Kecman and Carlos Gustavo Curado 14. 5c. Business Objectives: Public and Private Sector Aims - Activity Lets look at some mission statements / objective of some private and public sector businesses. See websites. 1. http://www.starbucks.com.au/en-AU/_About%2BStarbucks/Mission%2BStatement.htm 2. http://www.canadapost.ca/AboutUs/Corporate/VisionValues.aspx 3. http:// www.edu.gov.on.ca /eng/about/ 15. 2. Starting a business 16. Thomas Edison defined genius as 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, he could have been talking about… starting a business . 17. 1. Focus Question Why is starting a business such a risky project? Describe your ideal businesses. List the things you think starting a business requires. 18. 2a. Starting a Business People need capital (money) to start a business. Starting a business requires research on a variety of issues, including: How much it will cost to start the business, Where to locate the business, and The cost of advertising in newspapers, magazines, etc. Businesses need publicity materials, such as banners to introduce the business to the community; signs; and business cards. Most businesses in America are small businesses. Many small businesses fail but the ones that succeed do so because their owners take the time to carefully plan the business. 19. 2b. Starting a Business So it is a risky project because investors and owners are venturing into the unknown. Underestimation of the challenges High start up costs See pg 21, Box 1.2b So why do people do it? $$$$$-profit-$$$$$ The key incentive for taking any risk. 20. 2c. Starting a Business So…who takes the risk in setting up a business? The entrepreneur. They manage, plan, and organize the other three factors of production to provide goods and services. What are the other three factors of production? Land, Labour, and Capital. They will also go through a decision-making process (discusses later) to decide: Where the firm wants to be. How it is going to get there. How success will be monitored. Factors to consider when setting up a business : 21. Legal Issues Laws such as Patents, etc. Marketing Convince lenders And buyers of the product Customers Need for market research Suppliers Provider of Raw materials Fixed Assets Capital equipment Enterprise Industrial and Personal skills Human Resources Hiring and training Finance Funds for production and marketing. Business Idea Finding a niche Business Start-up 22. 3. Reasons for Starting a Business 23. 1. Focus Question What are some reasons for setting up a business? … 2. How do you identify market opportunities? … 24. 2a. Reasons for Starting a Business There are many reasons why people start a business. Do you know why? That’s RIGHT! GET CASH!!! What does G.E.T C.A.S.H. stand for? … 25. 2b. Reasons for Starting a Business G rowth : Some assets will grow or increase ( appreciate ) in value over time. Such as…? Land, property. This is called Capital Growth . It is possible that the capital growth is worth more than the owners salary. E arnings : “You can never get rich earning money from working for someone else.” –Chinese saying. Setting up a business may outweigh the costs, even though the risks are high. 26. 2c. Reasons for Starting a Business T ransference / Inheritance : In many cultures it is normal to pass on assets. Many self-employed people view their business as something they can pass on to their children. C hallenge : Some see setting up and running a business as challenging. 27. 2d. Reasons for Starting a Business A utonomy: Do you like working for someone else? Do you like following someone else’s rules and regulations? OR…Do you like freedom? Independence? Flexibility? Would you like to be your own boss? 28. 2e. Reasons for Starting a Business S ecurity: More job security if you are your own boss? Who is going to fire you? Being self employed makes it potentially easier to accumulate perso
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

1. Bisnis dan Manajemen -Form 5: 1,2 Jenis Organisasi
Pelajaran 1: Private & Public Sector
Pelajaran 2: Memulai Bisnis
Pelajaran 3: Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis
2. 1. Fokus Pertanyaan
Apa perbedaan antara sektor swasta dan publik?
Apa sajakah tujuan bisnis?
4. 2a. Di mana bisnis beroperasi?
Kegiatan Usaha:
Sektor Primer -
ekstraksi bahan baku dari bumi - pertambangan, penggalian, perikanan, pertanian, kehutanan
Sektor Sekunder -
Pengolahan bahan baku menjadi selesai atau setengah jadi produk - manufaktur
Tersier Sektor -
Industri jasa - rekreasi, transportasi, keuangan, distribusi, ritel, grosir, komunikasi
5. 2b. Di mana bisnis beroperasi?
Beberapa Kegiatan Usaha
misalnya British Petroleum terlibat dalam:
eksplorasi minyak dan pengeboran (Primer)
minyak Refining - produksi gas, minyak bumi, aspal, pelumas, dll (Manufacturing)
Distribusi bensin dari kilang ke pompa bensin dan penjualan bensin ke konsumen (Tertiary)
Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Tertiary)
6. 3a. Sektor Swasta
kegiatan usaha yang dimiliki, dibiayai, dan dikendalikan oleh individu swasta; tidak dimiliki oleh pemerintah.
Tujuan utama dari sebagian besar bisnis sektor swasta adalah untuk membuat keuntungan.
Sole Pedagang
Private Limited perusahaan
Perseroan Terbatas Umum (PLC)
... Pekerjaan ... melihat hal ini sampai 
7. 3b. Tujuan Tujuan Sektor Swasta Bisnis Laba Bertahan Harga Saham Pasar Penjualan Power dan Penjualan Pendapatan Efisiensi Kualitas dan Inovasi Gambar dan Lingkungan Reputasi Memuaskan Masalah Sosial
8. 4a. Sektor Publik
. Kegiatan Usaha yang dimiliki, dibiayai dan dikendalikan oleh negara melalui otoritas pemerintah atau daerah
ini dijalankan untuk menyediakan barang dan jasa yang penting.
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, tujuan mereka tidak menghasilkan keuntungan.
Pemerintah - departemen kunci menetapkan kebijakan dan memantau pelaksanaan
Lokal Pihak berwenang - Ulasan County Dewan, Kecamatan Dewan, Parish Dewan
Perwalian Kesehatan
Masyarakat Korporasi - BBC
9. 4b. Sektor Publik
Jadi ... mengapa beberapa organisasi milik sektor publik?
Akses -
layanan dasar yang tersedia untuk semua terlepas dari lokasi atau pendapatan.
Pendidikan, kesehatan, taman umum, dll
Kualitas -
Untuk menghindari pemborosan: layanan berkualitas tinggi yang tidak berhemat.
Layanan pos, pertahanan nasional, dll
Keterjangkauan -
layanan yang ditawarkan dengan harga yang lebih murah daripada sektor swasta atau bebas pada titik penggunaan.
Ekuitas -
tersedia untuk siapa pun mereka latar belakang, status, pendapatan, kelas, ras, agama, dll
Untuk melindungi warga negara dan bisnis yang menggunakan polisi, pengadilan dan lain-lain
Untuk mengurangi pengangguran, pemerintah adalah majikan besar guru, dokter, dan perawat.
10. 4c. Rentang Bisnis Ditawarkan oleh Public Jalan Sektor Penjatahan Jalur dan Sekolah Taman Penerangan Jalan Pembuangan Limbah Standar Perdagangan Pemakaman Lingkungan Museum Kesehatan dan Seni Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Pariwisata Perencanaan Perizinan Perawatan Lansia Pelayanan Sosial
11. 5a. Privatisasi
Saat ini, banyak perusahaan sektor publik telah diprivatisasi.
Yang berarti, dijual kepada sektor swasta.
Box 1.2a dalam teks Anda daftar beberapa manfaat.
Sekarang ... yang terus-perusahaan ini di cek?
Bagaimana kita tahu jika mereka melakukan dan melakukan dengan cara yang tepat?
tubuh Regulatory telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah untuk memantau perilaku dan kinerja perusahaan diprivatisasi.
Mereka aman penjaga kepentingan masyarakat umum.
Jadi ... yang perusahaan diprivatisasi hal yang baik?
12. 5b. Tujuan bisnis: Publik dan Sektor Swasta Tujuan - Kegiatan
Apa tujuan utama mereka yang memberikan kegiatan usaha di sektor publik?
Apa tujuan utama kegiatan usaha di sektor swasta?
Bisa hubungan antara sektor swasta dan publik memimpin kegiatan usaha konflik dalam hal tujuan pertemuan?
Bagaimana mungkin aktivitas bisnis Anda menyelidiki dibiayai?
13. 5b. Tujuan bisnis: Publik dan Sektor Swasta Tujuan - Kegiatan
Gambar:. Rumah sakit dan sekolah adalah contoh yang baik dari organisasi sektor publik
Tapi apa layanan bisnis tidak masing-masing memberikan, dan
? Apa tujuan dari ini
Copyright: Zarko Kecman dan Carlos Gustavo Curado
14. 5c. Tujuan bisnis: Publik dan Sektor Swasta Tujuan - Kegiatan
Mari kita melihat beberapa pernyataan misi / tujuan beberapa bisnis swasta dan sektor publik.
Lihat http: // www.edu.gov.on.ca / eng / tentang / 15. 2. Memulai bisnis 16. Thomas Edison didefinisikan jenius 1% inspirasi dan 99% keringat, dia bisa saja berbicara tentang ... memulai bisnis. 17. 1. Fokus Pertanyaan Mengapa memulai bisnis seperti proyek berisiko? Jelaskan bisnis ideal Anda. Buatlah daftar hal-hal yang Anda berpikir memulai bisnis membutuhkan. 18. 2a. Memulai Bisnis Orang membutuhkan modal (uang) untuk memulai bisnis. Memulai bisnis membutuhkan penelitian tentang berbagai masalah, termasuk: Berapa banyak biaya untuk memulai bisnis, Dimana untuk menemukan bisnis, dan biaya iklan di surat kabar , majalah, dll Bisnis perlu bahan publikasi, seperti spanduk untuk memperkenalkan bisnis kepada masyarakat; tanda-tanda; dan kartu nama. Kebanyakan bisnis di Amerika adalah usaha kecil. Banyak usaha kecil gagal tapi orang-orang yang berhasil melakukannya karena pemiliknya meluangkan waktu untuk hati-hati merencanakan bisnis. 19. 2b. Memulai Bisnis Jadi itu adalah proyek berisiko karena investor dan pemilik bertualang ke yang tidak diketahui. Underestimasi tantangan Tinggi start up biaya Lihat pg 21, Box 1.2b Jadi, mengapa orang melakukannya? $$$$$ - profit $ $$$$ Insentif utama untuk mengambil risiko. 20. 2c. Memulai Bisnis Jadi ... yang mengambil risiko dalam mendirikan bisnis? Pengusaha. Mereka mengelola, merencanakan, dan mengatur tiga faktor produksi lainnya untuk menyediakan barang dan jasa. Apakah tiga faktor produksi lainnya? Land, Labour, . dan Modal Mereka juga akan melalui proses pengambilan keputusan (membahas nanti) untuk memutuskan: . Dimana perusahaan ingin menjadi . Bagaimana itu akan sampai ke sana . Bagaimana sukses akan dimonitor Faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika menyiapkan sebuah bisnis: 21. Masalah Hukum Hukum seperti Paten, dll Pemasaran Yakinkan lender Dan pembeli produk Pelanggan Perlu untuk pasar Pemasok penelitian Penyedia bahan baku Aktiva Tetap peralatan Modal Usaha Industri dan keterampilan Pribadi Manusia Sumber Daya Mempekerjakan dan pelatihan Keuangan Dana untuk produksi dan pemasaran. Bisnis Ide menemukan ceruk Business Start-up 22. 3. Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis 23. 1. Fokus Pertanyaan Apa adalah beberapa alasan untuk mendirikan sebuah bisnis? ... 2. Bagaimana Anda mengidentifikasi peluang pasar? ... 24. 2a. Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis Ada banyak alasan mengapa orang memulai bisnis. Apakah Anda tahu mengapa? Itu benar! GET CASH !!! Apa GET berdiri KAS untuk? ... 25. 2b. Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis ertumbuhan G: Beberapa aset akan tumbuh atau meningkat (menghargai) nilai dari waktu ke waktu. ? Seperti ... . Tanah, properti ini disebut Growth Capital. Ada kemungkinan bahwa pertumbuhan modal senilai lebih dari pemilik gaji. E arnings: "Anda tidak pernah bisa menjadi kaya mendapatkan uang dari bekerja untuk orang lain."-cina mengatakan . Menyiapkan bisnis dapat lebih besar dari biaya, meskipun risiko tinggi. 26. 2c. Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis T ransference / Warisan: Dalam banyak budaya itu adalah normal untuk menyampaikan aset. Banyak orang wiraswasta melihat bisnis mereka sebagai sesuatu yang mereka dapat menyampaikan kepada anak-anak mereka. C hallenge: Beberapa melihat mendirikan dan menjalankan bisnis sebagai tantangan. 27. 2d. Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis A utonomy: Apakah Anda suka bekerja untuk orang lain? Apakah Anda suka mengikuti aturan dan peraturan orang lain? OR ... Apakah Anda menyukai kebebasan? Kemerdekaan? Fleksibilitas? Apakah Anda ingin menjadi bos sendiri? 28. 2e. Alasan untuk Memulai Bisnis ecurity S: Lebih keamanan pekerjaan jika Anda adalah bos Anda sendiri? Siapa yang akan memecat Anda? Menjadi bekerja sendiri membuatnya berpotensi lebih mudah untuk mengumpulkan perso

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