Tiffany smiled and was about to walk into her room when Juhyun spoke a terjemahan - Tiffany smiled and was about to walk into her room when Juhyun spoke a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Tiffany smiled and was about to wal

Tiffany smiled and was about to walk into her room when Juhyun spoke again. “Unnie! The two of you look good together!” She watched with wide eyes as the girl giggled and stepped inside the elevator.

Her face heated up and the first thing she did was to look around the office to check if anyone heard what Juhyun said. Fortunately, her employees seem preoccupied with work to notice anything about their surrounding. She sighed in relief and quickly opened her door and dashed inside after closing it.

Once inside, she walked to her desk and placed the documents she was holding on it before turning to the couch where she left Taeyeon.

A smile grazed her lips when she saw Taeyeon leaning back on the sofa with her head tilted to the side. An uncomfortable position, Tiffany was sure. The girl was emitting soft snores every now and then, much to Tiffany’s amusement.

She walked towards the couch and moved Taeyeon so the girl was lying on her back. She then carefully lifted the girl’s head and sat on the now empty part of the couch and slowly placed the girl’s head on her lap.

She smiled as she stroked the girl’s arm before grabbing a magazine and started reading through it.


Tiffany opened her eyes and lazily stared at the clock on the wall.

Aish! I fell asleep? No wonder.

She looked down and was surprised to see that Taeyeon wasn’t there.

Where did that gi-

“Oh, you’re awake!” Taeyeon walked into the room carrying two paper bags. Tiffany looked closer and saw the logo of a familiar restaurant nearby.

“Here, I bought food. You must be hungry. Sorry I fell asleep.” She watched as Taeyeon brought out a number of plastic containers from the paper bags and placed them neatly on the coffee table in front of her. “Eat up,” Taeyeon beamed.

She waited for the girl to sit beside her before she opened one of the containers and inhaled the mouthwatering aroma of the dish. She smiled and grabbed a pair of chopsticks before picking out a piece of meat and placing it in front of Taeyeon’s mouth.

Taeyeon, who was opening the rest of the containers, halted her actions and looked at the meat in front of her. She then shifted her gaze to Tiffany who was smiling at her.

“Um...” Tiffany cleared her throat, “let me feed you?” She felt her cheeks heat up, “Um... since... you fed me before... let me feed you this time?” She tried to find an excuse for this act of intimacy but obviously failed.

Taeyeon only blinked several time, her own cheeks blushing.

“I-I mean... it’s okay if you don’t want to...” Tiffany began to move her hand away slowly, “I just thought I’d repay you since I thought it was sweet of you to that when we-...” her ramble was cut short when Taeyeon suddenly leaned forward and ate the meat.

Such a simple act, yet it caused both of their cheeks to burst with a shade of crimson.

Taeyeon shrugged it off and grabbed her own pair of chopsticks before picking some food and feeding Tiffany.

They continued feeding each other until every container was empty. After eating, Taeyeon cleaned up the mess while Tiffany leaned back on the sofa. There was still a little time left before her lunch break ends and she wanted to take a nap. It seemed ridiculous since she just woke up before eating, but she has never felt so full in all of her years working. It caused her to instantly feel sleepy.

After cleaning, Taeyeon sat beside Tiffany again with the latter slowly drifting off to sleep. Taeyeon chuckled and placed Tiffany’s head on her shoulder before grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers.

She turned her head and kissed the crown of Tiffany’s head. She kept her lips there as she breathed in the smell of the girl’s hair. She smiled and kissed her again.

“OH. MY. GOD.”

Taeyeon’s head snapped to the side and her eyes widened when she saw two shocked faces peeking in from the crack of the door.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tiffany smiled and was about to walk into her room when Juhyun spoke again. “Unnie! The two of you look good together!” She watched with wide eyes as the girl giggled and stepped inside the elevator. Her face heated up and the first thing she did was to look around the office to check if anyone heard what Juhyun said. Fortunately, her employees seem preoccupied with work to notice anything about their surrounding. She sighed in relief and quickly opened her door and dashed inside after closing it. Once inside, she walked to her desk and placed the documents she was holding on it before turning to the couch where she left Taeyeon. A smile grazed her lips when she saw Taeyeon leaning back on the sofa with her head tilted to the side. An uncomfortable position, Tiffany was sure. The girl was emitting soft snores every now and then, much to Tiffany’s amusement. She walked towards the couch and moved Taeyeon so the girl was lying on her back. She then carefully lifted the girl’s head and sat on the now empty part of the couch and slowly placed the girl’s head on her lap. She smiled as she stroked the girl’s arm before grabbing a magazine and started reading through it. --- Tiffany opened her eyes and lazily stared at the clock on the wall. Aish! I fell asleep? No wonder. She looked down and was surprised to see that Taeyeon wasn’t there. Where did that gi- “Oh, you’re awake!” Taeyeon walked into the room carrying two paper bags. Tiffany looked closer and saw the logo of a familiar restaurant nearby. “Here, I bought food. You must be hungry. Sorry I fell asleep.” She watched as Taeyeon brought out a number of plastic containers from the paper bags and placed them neatly on the coffee table in front of her. “Eat up,” Taeyeon beamed. She waited for the girl to sit beside her before she opened one of the containers and inhaled the mouthwatering aroma of the dish. She smiled and grabbed a pair of chopsticks before picking out a piece of meat and placing it in front of Taeyeon’s mouth. Taeyeon, who was opening the rest of the containers, halted her actions and looked at the meat in front of her. She then shifted her gaze to Tiffany who was smiling at her. “Um...” Tiffany cleared her throat, “let me feed you?” She felt her cheeks heat up, “Um... since... you fed me before... let me feed you this time?” She tried to find an excuse for this act of intimacy but obviously failed. Taeyeon only blinked several time, her own cheeks blushing. “I-I mean... it’s okay if you don’t want to...” Tiffany began to move her hand away slowly, “I just thought I’d repay you since I thought it was sweet of you to that when we-...” her ramble was cut short when Taeyeon suddenly leaned forward and ate the meat. Such a simple act, yet it caused both of their cheeks to burst with a shade of crimson. Taeyeon shrugged it off and grabbed her own pair of chopsticks before picking some food and feeding Tiffany. They continued feeding each other until every container was empty. After eating, Taeyeon cleaned up the mess while Tiffany leaned back on the sofa. There was still a little time left before her lunch break ends and she wanted to take a nap. It seemed ridiculous since she just woke up before eating, but she has never felt so full in all of her years working. It caused her to instantly feel sleepy. After cleaning, Taeyeon sat beside Tiffany again with the latter slowly drifting off to sleep. Taeyeon chuckled and placed Tiffany’s head on her shoulder before grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. She turned her head and kissed the crown of Tiffany’s head. She kept her lips there as she breathed in the smell of the girl’s hair. She smiled and kissed her again. “OH. MY. GOD.” Taeyeon’s head snapped to the side and her eyes widened when she saw two shocked faces peeking in from the crack of the door.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tiffany tersenyum dan hendak berjalan ke kamarnya ketika Juhyun berbicara lagi. "Unnie! Anda berdua terlihat baik bersama-sama! "Dia menyaksikan dengan mata selebar gadis itu tertawa dan melangkah masuk lift. Wajahnya memanas dan hal pertama yang dia lakukan adalah untuk melihat-lihat kantor untuk memeriksa apakah ada yang mendengar apa yang dikatakan Juhyun. Untungnya, karyawan nya tampak sibuk dengan pekerjaan untuk melihat apa-apa tentang sekitar mereka. Dia menghela napas lega dan cepat membuka pintu dan berlari dalam setelah menutup. Setelah masuk, dia berjalan ke mejanya dan ditempatkan dokumen yang dipegangnya di atasnya sebelum beralih ke sofa di mana dia meninggalkan Taeyeon. Senyum menyerempet bibirnya ketika dia melihat Taeyeon bersandar di sofa dengan kepala miring ke samping. Posisi yang tidak nyaman, Tiffany yakin. Gadis itu memancarkan dengkuran lembut setiap sekarang dan kemudian, banyak hiburan Tiffany. Dia berjalan menuju sofa dan pindah Taeyeon sehingga gadis itu berbaring telentang. Dia kemudian dengan hati-hati mengangkat kepala gadis itu dan duduk di bagian sekarang kosong sofa dan perlahan ditempatkan kepala gadis itu di pangkuannya. Dia tersenyum sambil mengelus lengan gadis itu sebelum meraih majalah dan mulai membaca melalui itu. --- Tiffany dibuka matanya dan malas menatap jam di dinding. Aish! Aku ketiduran? Tidak heran. Dia menunduk dan terkejut melihat bahwa Taeyeon tidak ada. Dimana melakukan itu gi- "Oh, kau terjaga!" Taeyeon berjalan ke ruang membawa dua kantong kertas. Tiffany tampak lebih dekat dan melihat logo restoran yang akrab di dekatnya. "Di sini, saya membeli makanan. Anda harus lapar. Maaf aku tertidur. "Ia melihat Taeyeon mengeluarkan sejumlah wadah plastik dari kantong kertas dan menempatkan mereka rapi di meja kopi di depannya. "Makanlah," Taeyeon berseri-seri. Dia menunggu gadis itu untuk duduk di sampingnya sebelum ia membuka salah satu wadah dan menghirup aroma lezat hidangan. Dia tersenyum dan meraih sepasang sumpit sebelum memilih keluar sepotong daging dan menempatkannya di depan Taeyeon mulut. Taeyeon, yang sedang membuka sisa kontainer, menghentikan tindakannya dan melihat daging di depannya. Dia kemudian mengalihkan pandangannya ke Tiffany yang sedang tersenyum padanya. "Um ..." Tiffany berdeham, "biarkan aku makan Anda?" Dia merasa pipinya memanas, "Um ... karena ... Anda makan saya sebelum ... biarkan aku makan Anda saat ini? "Dia mencoba untuk menemukan alasan untuk tindakan ini keintiman tapi jelas gagal. Taeyeon hanya berkedip beberapa kali, pipinya memerah sendiri." II berarti ... tidak apa-apa jika Anda don ' t ingin ... "Tiffany mulai bergerak tangannya perlahan," Saya hanya berpikir saya akan membayar Anda karena saya pikir itu manis Anda untuk bahwa ketika kita -... "mengoceh nya dipotong pendek ketika Taeyeon tiba-tiba membungkuk ke depan dan makan daging. Seperti tindakan sederhana, namun disebabkan kedua pipi mereka meledak dengan warna merah. Taeyeon menyepelekannya dan meraih sendiri sepasang sumpit sebelum memilih beberapa makanan dan makan Tiffany. Mereka terus makan setiap lain sampai setiap kontainer kosong. Setelah makan, Taeyeon membersihkan kekacauan sementara Tiffany bersandar di sofa. Masih ada sedikit waktu tersisa sebelum makan siangnya istirahat berakhir dan dia ingin tidur siang. Tampaknya konyol karena dia baru saja bangun sebelum makan, tapi dia tidak pernah merasa begitu penuh dalam semua tahun-tahun bekerja. Ini menyebabkan dia langsung merasa mengantuk. Setelah dibersihkan, Taeyeon duduk di samping Tiffany lagi dengan yang terakhir perlahan tertidur. Taeyeon tertawa kecil dan ditempatkan kepala Tiffany pada bahunya sebelum meraih tangannya dan terjalinnya jari-jari mereka. Dia menoleh dan mencium puncak kepala Tiffany. Dia terus bibirnya ada saat ia menghirup bau rambut gadis itu. Dia tersenyum dan menciumnya lagi. "OH. MY. ALLAH. "Kepala Taeyeon tersentak ke samping dan matanya melebar saat melihat dua wajah kaget mengintip di dari celah pintu.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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