„The strength of Paragon, participates in this war again, then true bo terjemahan - „The strength of Paragon, participates in this war again, then true bo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„The strength of Paragon, participa

„The strength of Paragon, participates in this war again, then true body, will use third day not at any cost, fourth day, and even fifth sixth day the mainland, the bang enters Mountains and Seas Plane.”
His sound spreads, when reverberation all directions, Paragon puppet footsteps, Hai Meng also item, immediately gains ground, Meng Hao here realizes at this moment somewhat fuzzily, the meaning in within the body death filled the air, soon could not suppress, clenches teeth to insist, looked to the starry sky that Paragon of sixth day.
„Paragon, true body does not hit by the mainland!” That alien race Paragon, decidedly to open mouth.
Almost in instance that his words spread, the Hai Meng Paragon facial color change, resembled to hesitate was very long, seemed not very willingly, the big sleeve flung, signaled with the eyes toward Meng Hao, Meng Hao Divine Sense moved, the Paragon puppet returned.
Alien race Paragon of sixth day, heart also relaxed, he also by no means really wants third day and even sixth day ruins, for him, the war, he does not excel, he needs to do, is the protracted time, waits for seventh day arrival.
He does not know, if Xuan Fang not by seal, at this moment surely to the choice of this Paragon, angry, because of this moment best means that does not care about the life and death, shells by the mainland, does not give the possibility that Meng Hao slightly therapy, does not give the Mountains and Seas Plane least bit the respite, while winning pursuit.
Enters by five days of mainland bang, can Mountains and Seas Plane several mountain and sea, totally destroy surely, compels all strengths of Mountains and Seas Plane hideaway, in this case, even if cannot delay seventh day arrival, may actually directly the victory, a war set!
Since some decision, should not be scruple, otherwise, the morale of alien race in this, was suppressed again surely.
Moreover is most important ... Has given time of Mountains and Seas Plane preparation, beforehand second day mainland, unexpected, but such a dragging, Mountains and Seas Plane surely starts to prepare the method now, then , the hits of this various day of mainland, conceivable, is the effect reduces surely greatly, even no longer becomes the threat!
After this is also why Hai Meng Paragon hears the opposite party words, must ship out the appearance, gives the Meng Hao color reason to be in secret, this to Mountains and Seas Plane, is the genuine good deed!
War, but also is continuing, the first marine life and death is sad and shrill, but Paragon no longer act, Meng Hao here again is unable to insist that a blood spouts, whole person stupor.
Falls from the midair directly, was supported by Hai Meng Paragon, but Meng Hao at this moment, his death air/Qi, complete eruption, body corruption rapidly, five main internal organs (entrails), bone, naked eye obvious ... Is changing to the flying ash.
The Hai Meng look is sad, fully will treat and cure, at this time, the sound that made her body tremble, in the reverberation of all her around ancient.
„I, come.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„The strength of Paragon, participates in this war again, then true body, will use third day not at any cost, fourth day, and even fifth sixth day the mainland, the bang enters Mountains and Seas Plane.”His sound spreads, when reverberation all directions, Paragon puppet footsteps, Hai Meng also item, immediately gains ground, Meng Hao here realizes at this moment somewhat fuzzily, the meaning in within the body death filled the air, soon could not suppress, clenches teeth to insist, looked to the starry sky that Paragon of sixth day.„Paragon, true body does not hit by the mainland!” That alien race Paragon, decidedly to open mouth.Almost in instance that his words spread, the Hai Meng Paragon facial color change, resembled to hesitate was very long, seemed not very willingly, the big sleeve flung, signaled with the eyes toward Meng Hao, Meng Hao Divine Sense moved, the Paragon puppet returned.Alien race Paragon of sixth day, heart also relaxed, he also by no means really wants third day and even sixth day ruins, for him, the war, he does not excel, he needs to do, is the protracted time, waits for seventh day arrival.He does not know, if Xuan Fang not by seal, at this moment surely to the choice of this Paragon, angry, because of this moment best means that does not care about the life and death, shells by the mainland, does not give the possibility that Meng Hao slightly therapy, does not give the Mountains and Seas Plane least bit the respite, while winning pursuit.Enters by five days of mainland bang, can Mountains and Seas Plane several mountain and sea, totally destroy surely, compels all strengths of Mountains and Seas Plane hideaway, in this case, even if cannot delay seventh day arrival, may actually directly the victory, a war set!Since some decision, should not be scruple, otherwise, the morale of alien race in this, was suppressed again surely.Moreover is most important ... Has given time of Mountains and Seas Plane preparation, beforehand second day mainland, unexpected, but such a dragging, Mountains and Seas Plane surely starts to prepare the method now, then , the hits of this various day of mainland, conceivable, is the effect reduces surely greatly, even no longer becomes the threat!After this is also why Hai Meng Paragon hears the opposite party words, must ship out the appearance, gives the Meng Hao color reason to be in secret, this to Mountains and Seas Plane, is the genuine good deed!War, but also is continuing, the first marine life and death is sad and shrill, but Paragon no longer act, Meng Hao here again is unable to insist that a blood spouts, whole person stupor.Falls from the midair directly, was supported by Hai Meng Paragon, but Meng Hao at this moment, his death air/Qi, complete eruption, body corruption rapidly, five main internal organs (entrails), bone, naked eye obvious ... Is changing to the flying ash.The Hai Meng look is sad, fully will treat and cure, at this time, the sound that made her body tremble, in the reverberation of all her around ancient.„I, come.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Kekuatan Paragon, berpartisipasi dalam perang ini lagi, maka tubuh benar, akan menggunakan hari ketiga tidak pada biaya apapun, hari keempat, dan hari keenam bahkan kelima daratan, bang memasuki Gunung dan Laut Plane."
Suara spread-Nya, ketika dengung semua arah, Paragon boneka jejak, Hai Meng juga item, segera keuntungan tanah, Meng Hao sini menyadari saat ini agak fuzzily, artinya di dalam kematian tubuh memenuhi udara, segera tidak bisa menekan, mengepalkan gigi bersikeras, tampak langit berbintang yang Paragon dari hari keenam.
"Paragon, tubuh sejati tidak terkena daratan!" itu ras alien Paragon, jelas membuka mulut.
Hampir dalam hal bahwa kata-katanya menyebar, Hai Meng Paragon perubahan warna wajah, mirip dengan ragu sangat panjang, tampak tidak sangat rela, lengan besar terlempar, isyarat dengan mata ke arah Meng Hao, Meng Hao Ilahi Rasa pindah, boneka Paragon kembali.
Alien ras Paragon dari hari keenam, jantung juga santai, ia juga tidak berarti benar-benar ingin hari ketiga dan bahkan hari keenam reruntuhan, baginya, perang, dia tidak unggul, dia perlu lakukan, adalah waktu yang berlarut-larut, menunggu tujuh hari kedatangan.
dia tidak tahu, jika Xuan Fang tidak dengan segel, di saat ini juga untuk pilihan Paragon ini, marah, karena saat ini cara terbaik yang tidak peduli tentang kehidupan dan kematian, kerang dengan daratan, tidak memberikan kemungkinan bahwa Meng Hao sedikit terapi, tidak memberikan Pegunungan dan Seas Pesawat sedikit pun tangguh, sementara pemenang mengejar.
Memasuki lima hari dari daratan Bang, dapat gunung dan laut Pesawat beberapa gunung dan laut, benar-benar menghancurkan pasti, memaksa semua kekuatan dari gunung dan laut Pesawat persembunyian, dalam hal ini, bahkan jika tidak bisa menunda ketujuh kedatangan hari, mungkin benar-benar langsung kemenangan, satu set perang!
Sejak beberapa keputusan, tidak harus keberatan, jika tidak, moral ras alien di ini, ditekan lagi pasti.
Apalagi yang paling penting ... telah diberikan waktu Gunung dan Laut Pesawat persiapan, terlebih dahulu kedua hari daratan, tak terduga, tapi menyeret seperti, Gunung dan Laut Pesawat pasti mulai mempersiapkan metode sekarang, maka, hits dari berbagai hari ini daratan, dibayangkan, adalah efeknya mengurangi pasti sangat, bahkan tidak lagi menjadi ancaman!
Setelah ini juga mengapa Hai Meng Paragon mendengar kata-kata pihak lawan, harus kapal keluar penampilan, memberikan warna alasan Meng Hao menjadi rahasia, ini untuk Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, adalah perbuatan baik yang asli !
Perang, tetapi juga terus, kehidupan laut pertama dan kematian adalah sedih dan melengking, tapi Paragon tindakan tidak lagi, Meng Hao sini lagi tidak dapat bersikeras bahwa spouts darah, seluruh orang pingsan.
Terjun dari udara langsung, didukung oleh Hai Meng Paragon, tapi Meng Hao saat ini, kematiannya udara / Qi, letusan lengkap, korupsi tubuh dengan cepat, lima organ internal utama (isi perut), tulang, mata telanjang jelas ... Apakah mengubah abu terbang.
The Hai meng tampilan sedih, sepenuhnya akan merawat dan menyembuhkan, saat ini, suara yang membuat gemetar tubuhnya, dalam gema dari semua sekeliling kuno.
"saya, datang."
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