English AffixesSuffixA. Choose the best answer!1. Which of the followi terjemahan - English AffixesSuffixA. Choose the best answer!1. Which of the followi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

English AffixesSuffixA. Choose the

English Affixes
A. Choose the best answer!
1. Which of the following words cannot use the suffix -ful?
a. color-
b. doubt-
c. hope-
d. joy-
e. value-

2. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ive?
a. conclus-
b. decis-
c. impress-
d. reduct-
e. reveal-

3. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ial?
a. commerc-
b. debat-
c. mart-
d. part-
e. spac-

4. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ure?
a. clos-
b. depart-
c. fiss-
d. lect-
e. polit-

5. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ion?
a. collect-
b. correct-
c. exhaust-
d. predict-
e. put-

6. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ance?
a. allow-
b. brief-
c. deliver-
d. repent-
e. vigil-

7. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ness?
a. cheerful-
b. dark-
c. gentle-
d. honest-
e. small-

8. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ward?
a. down-
b. for-
c. heaven-
d. home-
e. house-

9. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -less?
a. care-
b. fear-
c. grand-
d. power-
e. thought-
B. Fill in the blank with the right word.
1. To __________ a rather complex historical phenomenon, it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war. (simple)
2. The society may be __________ by such dealings, and experienced through them. (symbol)
3. Berkeley's ideas were __________ early. (formula)
4. We must remember that there may be important ways in which brains and existing __________ work on different principles. (compute)
5. There he delegated elementary instruction to an assistant, while he took advanced students. (assist)
6. Any technical term used here, whether from __________ or anthropology, is explained in the body of the text, and the index will enable the reader to refer back to these explanation. (Marx)
7. It seems plausible to suppose that unless a person enjoys __________ power in a society he does not possess legitimate political authority over that society. (effect)
8. It is remarkable that a cell as overtly dull and __________ as the fertilized egg can give rise to such varied and complex forms. (structure)
9. Clearly, the difference between reckless driving and __________ driving is one of degree. (care)
A. Drag and match the words in List A with their meanings in List B
List A
List B
Most; Very large
For; In favour of
In the middle of
Reverse; Opposite
One tenth
Cen, centi
With; together

B. Fill in the blank with the right word
1. Nevertheless, this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to __________ in the Middle Ages. (appear)
2. Eduardo Duhalde, Argentina's caretaker president, today said that he would __________ the peso as he prepared to unveil a high-risk plan to end the country's economic turmoil. (value)
3. In essence, the systems involve diffusing chemicals that __________ with one another. (act)
4. We need to examine, therefore, whether procedures known to influence associative strength in orthodox conditioning will also influence the acquisition of __________ during stimulus exposure. (attention)
5. So much detail is now accumulating on so wide a range of taxonomic groups that a __________ can be erected for virtually every one of them. (theory)
6. The audience at the Odeon theatre shouted down the play for its "__________", and conservative critics and the public found the dance-hall episode in particular to be repugnant in its poor taste. (realism)
7. As running or walking any distance becomes __________, it is avoided more and more. (comfortable
8. You will probably be less able to cope with the pressures of life; the ability to cope and be relaxed does not come easily to a body that indulges in too little physical activity and is __________. (healthy)
9. __________ resources that took aeons to constitute are squandered in an instant, according to the "laws" of supply and demand. (replaceable)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
English AffixesSuffixA. Choose the best answer!1. Which of the following words cannot use the suffix -ful?a. color-b. doubt-c. hope-d. joy-e. value-2. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ive?a. conclus-b. decis-c. impress-d. reduct-e. reveal-3. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ial?a. commerc-b. debat-c. mart-d. part-e. spac-4. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ure?a. clos-b. depart-c. fiss-d. lect-e. polit-5. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ion?a. collect-b. correct-c. exhaust-d. predict-e. put-6. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ance?a. allow-b. brief-c. deliver-d. repent-e. vigil-7. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ness?a. cheerful-b. dark-c. gentle-d. honest-e. small-8. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ward?a. down-b. for-c. heaven-d. home-e. house-9. Which of the following cannot use the suffix -less?a. care-b. fear-c. grand-d. power-e. thought-B. Fill in the blank with the right word.1. To __________ a rather complex historical phenomenon, it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war. (simple)2. The society may be __________ by such dealings, and experienced through them. (symbol)3. Berkeley's ideas were __________ early. (formula)4. We must remember that there may be important ways in which brains and existing __________ work on different principles. (compute)5. There he delegated elementary instruction to an assistant, while he took advanced students. (assist)6. Any technical term used here, whether from __________ or anthropology, is explained in the body of the text, and the index will enable the reader to refer back to these explanation. (Marx)7. It seems plausible to suppose that unless a person enjoys __________ power in a society he does not possess legitimate political authority over that society. (effect)8. It is remarkable that a cell as overtly dull and __________ as the fertilized egg can give rise to such varied and complex forms. (structure)9. Clearly, the difference between reckless driving and __________ driving is one of degree. (care)-------------------------------------------------PrefixA. Drag and match the words in List A with their meanings in List BList AList BPreThousandReThousanthMidAgainProMost; Very largeTriEnglishMaxiAgainstDisAroundKiloFor; In favour ofMilliIn the middle ofAngloReverse; OppositeAntiThreeCircumBeforeExOne tenthQuadAfterDesiSelfConFourBiHundredPostTwoCen, centiFormerAutoWith; togetherB. Fill in the blank with the right word1. Nevertheless, this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to __________ in the Middle Ages. (appear)2. Eduardo Duhalde, Argentina's caretaker president, today said that he would __________ the peso as he prepared to unveil a high-risk plan to end the country's economic turmoil. (value)3. In essence, the systems involve diffusing chemicals that __________ with one another. (act)4. We need to examine, therefore, whether procedures known to influence associative strength in orthodox conditioning will also influence the acquisition of __________ during stimulus exposure. (attention)5. So much detail is now accumulating on so wide a range of taxonomic groups that a __________ can be erected for virtually every one of them. (theory)6. The audience at the Odeon theatre shouted down the play for its "__________", and conservative critics and the public found the dance-hall episode in particular to be repugnant in its poor taste. (realism)7. As running or walking any distance becomes __________, it is avoided more and more. (comfortable8. You will probably be less able to cope with the pressures of life; the ability to cope and be relaxed does not come easily to a body that indulges in too little physical activity and is __________. (healthy)9. __________ resources that took aeons to constitute are squandered in an instant, according to the "laws" of supply and demand. (replaceable)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
English Afiks
A. Memilih jawaban terbaik!
1. Manakah dari kata-kata berikut tidak dapat menggunakan -ful akhiran?
A. warna-b.
c. hope-
d. joy-
e. nilai-2. Manakah dari berikut tidak dapat menggunakan akhiran ive? A. conclus- b. decis- c. impress- d. reduct- e. reveal- 3. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan akhiran -ial? A. commerc- b. debat- c. Mart- d. paruh e. spac- 4. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan -ure akhiran? A. clos- b. departemen c. fiss- d. lect- e. polit- 5. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan -ion akhiran? A. pemungutan b. correct- c. exhaust- d. prediktabilitas e. meletakkan-6. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan -ance akhiran? A. allow- b. brief- c. memberikan-d. repent- e. vigil- 7. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan -ness akhiran? A. cheerful- b. gelap c. gentle- d. jujur-e. kecil 8. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan -ward akhiran? A. down b. untuk- c. surga-d. rumah-e. rumah-9. Manakah dari berikut ini tidak dapat menggunakan -kurang akhiran? A. perawatan-b. fear- c. cucu d. daya-e. berpikir-B. Mengisi kosong dengan kata yang tepat. 1. Untuk __________ fenomena sejarah yang agak rumit, dapat dikatakan bahwa pembagian politik hadir antara Fianna Fail dan Fine Gael berasal posisi yang diambil oleh lawan dalam perang itu. (sederhana) 2. Masyarakat dapat __________ oleh transaksi tersebut, dan berpengalaman melalui mereka. (simbol) 3. Ide Berkeley yang __________ awal. (formula) 4. Kita harus ingat bahwa mungkin ada cara yang penting di mana otak dan kerja yang ada __________ pada prinsip-prinsip yang berbeda. (menghitung) 5. Di sana ia didelegasikan instruksi dasar untuk asisten, sementara ia mengambil mahasiswa tingkat lanjut. (membantu) 6. Setiap istilah teknis yang digunakan di sini, apakah dari __________ atau antropologi, dijelaskan dalam tubuh teks, dan indeks akan memungkinkan pembaca untuk merujuk kembali ke penjelasan ini. (Marx) 7. Tampaknya masuk akal untuk menganggap bahwa kecuali seseorang menikmati __________ kekuasaan dalam masyarakat ia tidak memiliki otoritas politik yang sah atas masyarakat itu. (efek) 8. Sungguh luar biasa bahwa sel sebagai terang-terangan kusam dan __________ sebagai telur yang telah dibuahi dapat menimbulkan beragam bentuk dan kompleks. (struktur) 9. Jelas, perbedaan antara mengemudi sembrono dan __________ mengemudi adalah salah satu derajat. (perawatan) ----------------------------------------------- - Awalan A. Drag dan cocok dengan kata-kata dalam Daftar A dengan maknanya di Daftar B Daftar A Daftar B Pra Ribu Re Thousanth Mid Lagi Pro Paling; Sangat besar Tri Inggris Maxi Terhadap Dis Sekitar Kilo Untuk; Dalam mendukung Milli di tengah Anglo sebaliknya; Berlawanan Anti Tiga Circum Sebelum Ex Sepersepuluh Quad Setelah Desi Diri Con Empat Bi Ratus Pos Dua Cen, centi Mantan Auto Dengan; bersama-sama B. Mengisi kosong dengan kata yang tepat 1. Namun demikian, kombinasi aneh ini memiliki hidup yang panjang dan ditakdirkan untuk __________ pada Abad Pertengahan. (muncul) 2. Eduardo Duhalde, presiden sementara Argentina, hari ini mengatakan bahwa ia akan __________ peso saat ia siap untuk mengungkap sebuah rencana berisiko tinggi untuk mengakhiri gejolak ekonomi negara. (nilai) 3. Pada dasarnya, sistem melibatkan menyebarkan bahan kimia yang __________ dengan satu sama lain. (tindakan) 4. Kita perlu memeriksa, oleh karena itu, apakah prosedur yang dikenal untuk mempengaruhi kekuatan asosiatif dalam pengkondisian ortodoks juga akan mempengaruhi perolehan __________ saat terpapar stimulus. (perhatian) 5. Begitu banyak detail sekarang berakumulasi di begitu luas berbagai kelompok taksonomi yang __________ dapat didirikan untuk hampir setiap satu dari mereka. (teori) 6. Para penonton di teater Odeon berteriak turun bermain untuk "__________", dan kritikus konservatif dan masyarakat menemukan episode tari-aula khususnya untuk menjadi menjijikkan dalam rasa miskin. (realisme) 7. Sebagai berjalan atau berjalan kaki apapun menjadi __________, itu dihindari lebih dan lebih. (nyaman 8. Anda mungkin akan kurang mampu mengatasi tekanan hidup;. kemampuan untuk mengatasi dan menjadi santai tidak datang dengan mudah ke tubuh yang memanjakan dalam aktivitas fisik terlalu sedikit dan __________ (sehat) 9. __________ sumber yang mengambil aeon untuk membentuk yang disia-siakan dalam sekejap, menurut "hukum" penawaran dan permintaan. (diganti)

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