Evelyn pushed aside her worksheet when customers began loading groceri terjemahan - Evelyn pushed aside her worksheet when customers began loading groceri Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Evelyn pushed aside her worksheet w

Evelyn pushed aside her worksheet when customers began loading groceries on her belt. “Hi, how are you today?”
The older woman strategically grouped her refrigerated items and boxed non-perishables and mumbled some form of reply. The rhythmic beep, beep, beep of the scanner filled the silence as items tallied on her register. She efficiently bagged the objects and when the order was complete, Evelyn instructed the woman to slide her card. Not everyone was having a bright and cheery day here at Clemons Market.
The next few customers were a little more pleasant. In between orders, Evelyn returned to her studies. Today she was working on combination vowels like in the words boat, coat, and oat. It wasn’t rocket science, but she was immensely proud of herself.
Jason was a patient teacher. Being the only qualified instructor she ever sat down with, she noticed an impressive difference in how her mind was beginning to process the squiggly lines, putting sounds to letters, and grouping sounds to form words. He encouraged her when quitting was tempting and he never let her get overly frustrated.
Much of the process of learning to read was frustrating. Directions were difficult. Luckily, Nick knew her secret and he was always a register away if she had any questions.
Mr. Gearhart had been MIA for the last few days. That made sneaking in her studies between customers a bit easier. Anyone who saw what she was working on would clearly know she wasn’t as educated as she should be. She’d gotten in the habit of putting her dictionary over the juvenile illustrations of tugboats, puppies, and sand pails. By next week she’d be on the second grade workbook and she hoped the pictures would be a bit less infantile. Getting rid of the baby format was just another motivator in her long journey.
A young woman stepped into her aisle and began unloading items. Evelyn pushed her paper aside and scanned the tub of coffee. “Hi, how are you today?”
The girl had auburn hair and an easy smile. She looked about twenty-five. “I’m good. How are you?”
“Good, thanks. Do you have any coupons?”
Evelyn continued to scan and bag the order while the woman waited. The customer glanced at the register area as she played with her cell phone. “Do you have a child?” she asked, motioning to the phonics sheet.
Heat tickled the back of Evelyn’s neck. Hiding her discomfort, she turned and bagged three boxes of cereal. “Um . . .” Should she lie? It was only a customer. “Yes.”
“How old?”
How old was a first grader? “Six.”
“Boy or girl?”
What was this woman writing a book? “Girl.”
“That’s nice. What’s her name?”
Sometimes Evelyn preferred the grumpy, quiet customers. “Pearl,” she said the first name that popped in her head.
The girl’s manicured brow rose as if Pearl was an inappropriate name for a little girl. Evelyn lifted the filled bags onto the metal apron of the checkout. The girl pushed her cart forward and loaded the sacks of food. She returned to the card device and continued to play on her phone as she processed the rest of the order.
There was a quiet snick and crunch sound that caught Evelyn’s attention. She didn’t recognize the sound. When she heard it again she turned and blinked at the tiny white flash of light. Snick-crunch, snick-crunch, snick-crunch.
The girl appeared to be dialing something, maybe playing a game or texting—Evelyn stilled. “Are you taking my picture?” Indignation tightened her brow.
The customer had the good grace to blush and lower her phone. She quickly slid her card. “It says wait for the cashier.”
Evelyn’s jaw dropped as she stared at the girl and her phone. She repeated herself, “Did you take my picture?”
The customer’s mouth opened to form a reply, but said nothing. Her lips curved in something of a satisfied smile and she suddenly said, “You know, I don’t need any of this stuff after all.”
Dodging the cart full of groceries she tucked her phone away and turned to flee the store. What the hell?
“Hey!” Evelyn called. She abandoned her register and caught up to the girl at the automatic doors just before the chain of shopping carts. Her fingers curled around the girl’s sleeve. “Why did you take my picture? What about your groceries?”
She smirked and Evelyn’s blood ran cold. “Thanks for the interview.” She tugged away and bolted into the parking lot.
Fucking paparazzi!
Evelyn’s knees tightened as she thought to chase after her.
“Evelyn.” She stilled at the sharp tone in Mr. Gerhard’s voice. Gritting her teeth, she turned to her waxy-faced boss. “What’s going on?” he asked.
Speechless, she fumbled for an explanation. That woman had stolen pictures of her and—oh God, what had she told her?
“My office. Now.” Her manager turned and stalked to the back of the store.
Anger boiled up inside her chest. She marched back to her register and flicked off her light.
“What the hell was that?” Nick asked as he sent a customer on their way.
Hands trembling with outrage, she snapped, “That woman took pictures of me and left all her crap here!”
“Pictures? For what?”
She grabbed the stack of tabloids she’d collected over the week. Inky words mocked her and surrounded pictures of Lucian and his limo. Slamming them on the belt of Nick’s register, she gritted her teeth. “She was a reporter.”
He glanced down at the newspapers and cursed.
“Evelyn, please come to the back.” The intercom interrupted the cheery music filling the store and her stomach seemed to bottom out. Now she needed to deal with this.
She pressed the Process button on her register. The woman had slid a card, and Evelyn wanted a name. Steering the cart out of the way, she trudged back to Mr. Gerhard’s office like she was visiting the gallows.
Her heart clattered in her chest as her knuckles grazed the door.
“Come in.”
Her steps grew heavy as she pressed into the office. The floor, where she forced her gaze, was dusty. A crumpled receipt sat in the shadows beneath his wooden desk. She waited for him to speak. The words you’re fired, rang like a taunt in her head.
“Mind telling me what just happened?”
She shrugged.
“First I see you leave your register. Then I see you accost a customer. This is unacceptable.” When she said nothing, he said, “Shut the door and have a seat.”
Keeping her breathing steady, she pressed the door the remainder of the way closed and slowly paced to the chair across from his desk. Dropping into the seat, she kept her gaze down.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Evelyn menyingkirkan worksheet nya ketika pelanggan mulai loading belanjaan pada ikat pinggang. "Hai, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?"Wanita tua strategis dikelompokkan item didinginkan dan kotak bebas-perishables dan menggumamkan beberapa bentuk Balasan. Bip berirama, bip, bip scanner penuh keheningan sebagai item dihitung register nya. Dia secara efisien dikantongi objek dan ketika perintah itu selesai, Evelyn memerintahkan wanita untuk geser kartu nya. Tidak semua orang sedang mengalami hari yang cerah dan ceria di sini di pasar Clemons.Beberapa pelanggan berikutnya yang sedikit lebih menyenangkan. Di antara perintah, Evelyn kembali ke studinya. Hari ini dia bekerja pada kombinasi vokal seperti dalam kata-kata perahu, mantel, dan oat. Itu tidak roket sains, tapi dia sangat bangga dengan dirinya.Jason adalah seorang guru pasien. Menjadi instruktur berkualitas hanya dia pernah duduk bersama, dia melihat perbedaan yang mengesankan dalam bagaimana pikirannya mulai memproses garis berlekuk-lekuk, menempatkan suara ke huruf, dan pengelompokan suara untuk membentuk kata. Dia mendorongnya ketika berhenti menggoda dan ia tidak pernah membiarkan dia terlalu frustrasi.Banyak dari proses belajar membaca adalah frustrasi. Arah yang sulit. Untungnya, Nick tahu rahasianya dan ia selalu daftar pergi kalau dia punya pertanyaan.Tn. Gearhart telah MIA selama beberapa hari terakhir. Yang membuat menyelinap dalam studinya antara pelanggan sedikit lebih mudah. Siapa saja yang melihat apa yang dia sedang mengerjakan akan jelas tahu dia tidak berpendidikan karena dia harus. Dia mendapatkan dalam kebiasaan meletakkan Kamus Nya atas ilustrasi remaja kapal tunda, anak anjing dan ember pasir. Minggu depan, dia akan pada buku kerja kelas kedua dan dia berharap gambar akan menjadi sedikit kurang kekanak-kanakan. Menyingkirkan format bayi adalah hanya salah satu motivator perjalanan panjang.Seorang wanita muda melangkah ke lorong nya dan mulai bongkar muat barang. Evelyn menyingkirkan paper-nya dan scan bak kopi. "Hai, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?"Gadis mempunyai rambut pirang dan murah senyum. Dia tampak sekitar dua puluh lima. "Aku baik. Bagaimana kabarmu?""Baik, terima kasih. Apakah Anda memiliki kupon setiap?""Tidak."Evelyn terus memindai dan tas urutan sementara perempuan menunggu. Pelanggan akan melirik daerah mendaftar sebagai dia bermain dengan ponselnya. "Apakah Anda memiliki seorang anak?" Dia bertanya, menunjuk ke lembar phonics.Panas menggelitik belakang dariimam di leher. Menyembunyikan ketidaknyamanan nya, dia berbalik dan dikantongi tiga kotak sereal. “Um . . .” Dia harus berbohong? Itu hanya pelanggan. "Ya.""Berapa lama?"Berapa lama apakah seorang siswa kelas? "Enam.""Boy atau girl?"Apa wanita ini menulis buku? "Girl.""Itu bagus. Apakah namanya?"Kadang-kadang Evelyn disukai para pelanggan yang pemarah, tenang. "Pearl," katanya nama pertama yang muncul di kepalanya.Alis terawat gadis itu naik seolah-olah Pearl adalah nama yang kurang tepat untuk seorang gadis kecil. Evelyn mengangkat kantong diisi ke celemek logam checkout. Gadis keranjang nya mendorong maju dan dimuat karung makanan. Dia kembali ke perangkat kartu dan terus bermain di telepon ketika ia diproses sisa urutan.Ada tenang snick dan suara krisis yang menarik perhatian darirony. Dia tidak mengenali suara. Ketika dia mendengarnya lagi dia berbalik dan berkedip di flash putih kecil cahaya. Snick-krisis, krisis snick, snick-krisis.Gadis tampaknya menjadi panggilan sesuatu, mungkin bermain permainan atau SMS — Evelyn batu. "Apakah Anda mengambil gambar saya?" Kemarahan diperketat alis nya.Pelanggan memiliki kebaikan untuk memerah dan menurunkan teleponnya. Dia cepat meluncur dirinya kartu. "Dikatakan menunggu kasir."Evelyn di rahang menjatuhkan saat ia menatap gadis dan telepon. Ia mengulangi dirinya sendiri, "Apakah Anda mengambil gambar saya?"Nasabah mulut dibuka untuk membentuk Balasan, tetapi mengatakan apa-apa. Bibirnya melengkung di sesuatu yang tersenyum puas dan tiba-tiba dia berkata, "Kau tahu, aku tidak membutuhkan hal ini setelah semua."Menghindari gerobak penuh belanjaan dia terselip teleponnya dan berpaling untuk lari toko. Apa ini?"Hey!" Evelyn disebut. Dia meninggalkan Dia mendaftar dan terjebak kepada gadis di pintu otomatis sebelum rantai shopping cart. Jari-jarinya meringkuk di lengan gadis itu. "Mengapa Apakah Anda mengambil gambar saya? Apa tentang bahan makanan Anda?"She smirked and Evelyn’s blood ran cold. “Thanks for the interview.” She tugged away and bolted into the parking lot.Fucking paparazzi!Evelyn’s knees tightened as she thought to chase after her.“Evelyn.” She stilled at the sharp tone in Mr. Gerhard’s voice. Gritting her teeth, she turned to her waxy-faced boss. “What’s going on?” he asked.Speechless, she fumbled for an explanation. That woman had stolen pictures of her and—oh God, what had she told her?“My office. Now.” Her manager turned and stalked to the back of the store.Anger boiled up inside her chest. She marched back to her register and flicked off her light.“What the hell was that?” Nick asked as he sent a customer on their way.Hands trembling with outrage, she snapped, “That woman took pictures of me and left all her crap here!”“Pictures? For what?”She grabbed the stack of tabloids she’d collected over the week. Inky words mocked her and surrounded pictures of Lucian and his limo. Slamming them on the belt of Nick’s register, she gritted her teeth. “She was a reporter.”He glanced down at the newspapers and cursed.“Evelyn, please come to the back.” The intercom interrupted the cheery music filling the store and her stomach seemed to bottom out. Now she needed to deal with this.She pressed the Process button on her register. The woman had slid a card, and Evelyn wanted a name. Steering the cart out of the way, she trudged back to Mr. Gerhard’s office like she was visiting the gallows.Her heart clattered in her chest as her knuckles grazed the door.“Come in.”Her steps grew heavy as she pressed into the office. The floor, where she forced her gaze, was dusty. A crumpled receipt sat in the shadows beneath his wooden desk. She waited for him to speak. The words you’re fired, rang like a taunt in her head.“Mind telling me what just happened?”She shrugged.“First I see you leave your register. Then I see you accost a customer. This is unacceptable.” When she said nothing, he said, “Shut the door and have a seat.”Keeping her breathing steady, she pressed the door the remainder of the way closed and slowly paced to the chair across from his desk. Dropping into the seat, she kept her gaze down.
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