Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1396: butterfly dunia roh jahat! Selanjutnya adalah gunung yang kedua, di gunung ini kedua, cahaya Dao, dengan jatuh koordinasi kedua laut, disajikan kereta perang sangat, Medan perang ini sengit, di atas ray tak ada habisnya, mengirimkan padat udara dingin, seolah-olah bisa menembak melalui jiwa Paragon.Gunung ketiga, keempat gunung, Gunung kelima, keenam Gunung tiba-tiba, antara gunung dan laut ini, masing-masing memiliki latar belakang untuk meletus, beberapa dari laut, beberapa dari gunung, beberapa dari bintang-bintang.Dan keempat Gunung disajikan Sungai reinkarnasi mengesankan, menyapu pergi hari kesalahanMenyebarkan bahwa naik untuk memaksakan sopan santun, deru, pegunungan dan laut pesawat muncul, memungkinkan ras alien sepenuhnya dengan takjub, pegunungan sembilan, sembilan kura-kura hitam, semua berjalan keluar, memaksakan cara getar langit, di mata mengungkapkan maksud pembunuh intens, membuat langit berbintang gemetar.Juga pada saat ini, surga Selatan Planet di luar Gunung kesembilan, menyebarkan guruh."Ketiga link dalam rencana manusia lama, membuka, kupu-kupu di bawah langit Selatan Planet hadiah" item Shui Dongliu, kedua tangan melambaikan tangan, wajah ke atas ke whoosh.Bang, menggigil langit Selatan Planet, bintang ini segera runtuh, pada saat ini dalam guruh ini, gangguan menyeluruh, bang mengerikan, berpisah, berproliferasi ketika menuju seluruh, dapat melihat di Planet Selatan surga, di cahaya ini hitam saat 100.000, membawa deru, adalah membawa kejam, membawa mengaum haus darah, sampai habis.Was similar to turned on the shackles, released the world to be greatly ominous, these 100,000 light, were 100,000 forms, was 100,000 sorcerers, by once Paragon Immortal World catastrophe of Planet South Heaven suppression, was captured and cancelled the consciousness, lets prisoner of war who they turned into only understand to slaughterAt this moment, these 100,000 overhauls whoosh run out, gets angry, original this does not have the order, may under the mountain and sea will, be dispersed forcefully, kills to the alien race army, part, kills to the starry sky terminus, directly soars Immortal God Continent.Had not finished. Being split up Planet South Heaven, after these 100,000 sorcerers, in that piece jet black, suddenly. Presented a butterflyDeparted a butterfly, this butterfly starts not to be big, may suddenly, the crazy inflation, be getting bigger and bigger. To finally, comparable stars, but as if, this as before is not its limitThe instance that this butterfly presents, the alien race army thunders, eight source middle-aged men are unable to believe that the Dao Fang holding breath tone, opened the eye, the mind, if has Heavenly lightning to be billowing, but is really shocking. Then is Immortal God Continent, at this moment above all powerhouses, are seeing that butterfly instant, two eyes contraction„demon butterfly”„demon world butterfly”„In the past demon approached, once was extinguished a world butterfly, has not thought that unexpectedly had not died, but was suppressed, was cancelled the consciousness, became the thing of Immortal World”„Their they must take this world butterfly as the family, must run out of battlefield by it”„This is impossible. The world butterfly of demon, concerns enormously, altogether only then such several, even if were occupied by Immortal World. Also controls very much difficultly”„You carefully look, that is a [damn|dead] butterfly”The innumerable sounds spread immediately, at this moment, the plan of Shui Dongliu, could be guessed correctly, he must take this world butterfly as new Mountains and Seas Plane. Breaks in the channel, leaves the battlefieldIf his really success, then Mountains and Seas Plane, this war did not have the victory and defeat, he gives entire Mountains and Seas Plane, won the infinite time to develop once more, multiplies
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