Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Ingin pikiran ini datang kepadanya, terlalu aneh, bahkan sebelum maka dia dengan dunia kuno beralih jiwa lampu tidak terkait.Karena berpikir kepadanya bahwa ini tampaknya tidak mungkin masalah.Tapi ini berkedip, Meng Hao tidak tahan, ingin mencoba, ketika matanya ray kilauan, tepukan tas memegang, segera dalam tasnya memegang, sudah mati... Lampu perunggu!Lampu ini perunggu, ia pada Planet Selatan surga, Kuil upacara abadi kuno Dao reruntuhan kuil kuno, yang mengambil, adalah membantu dia mendapatkan abadi Meridian harta nasib baik, di atas memiliki api, itu api dari asal-usul ilahi.Mengambil lampu perunggu, Meng Hao bernapas dalam-dalam, berjalan ke arah kabut perlahan-lahan, Fang Daohong dan Fang Linhe melihat lampu perunggu di tangan Meng Hao, telah gawked, jika tidak grasps kehidupan di tangan Meng Hao, mereka akan tertawa meskipun berusaha untuk tidak pasti, berpikir bahwa Meng Hao gila.Tapi ekspresi mereka, flicker bawah, segera Bengong, tubuh gemetar tidak terkendali.Sebagai Meng Hao pendekatan kabut, kabut ini guruh tiba-tiba, perubahan warna dunia, getar hari untuk bergerak, bumi gemetar, kabut runtuh, seluruh langit berkabut, di Ghost ini, jatuh belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, di ini jatuh, kabut di seluruh tanah leluhur, Umum gila, dari proliferasi semua sekitar delapan sisi luas cakupan, Tumbang tanpa henti, seluruh leluhur tanah, seolah-olah menjadi berkabut langit!These mist, seem are shivering, is awing!As if the bronze lamp in Meng Hao hand, lets this entire Ancestral Land, is awing, lets this all fog, is worshipping on bended knees!But in the Meng Hao front, mist bang, by nearness of this bronze lamp, such as was ripped open forcefully, overbearing, no matter here once were anyone, whose habitat no matter here is, in this moment, must in front of this bronze lamp, surrender completely!Thunders, the mist such as was torn, toward two sides ... Rumbling dispersing!Has revealed one ... Straight Great Dao!!In that Great Dao terminus, presented one impressively ... Jet black main hall!!This, lets Fang Daohong and Fang Linhe, the mind thunders, mind direct dreadful with amazement, the body shivers, is unable to describe this to their shock, even if knows to defend Dao Protector to be controlled by Meng Hao likely, is well below the present, earth-shaking in their mind!„Is impossible!!” The seventh ancestor who must depart, the whole body shivers, the mind buzz the cry, almost falls from the space, Cultivation in within the body is not steady, loses one's voice to open mouth.Meng Hao his father, the Fang Xiufeng character picture did, „root of the ear” „the root of the ear official” can see.I was also today just attained, after looking, thought that this was the military might is uncommon, an aggression, his behind was Planet South Heaven, but thought ... The expression was somewhat solemn ~~How as to increase my public prestige to watch the character picture, you understood that are not many duplicates.( To be continued ...)
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