With all respect to my teacher and all of my friends who join this les terjemahan - With all respect to my teacher and all of my friends who join this les Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

With all respect to my teacher and

With all respect to my teacher and all of my friends who join this lesson.
First of all, let us thank to Allah SWT which gave us blessing and healthy, so we can gather on this lesson. And the 2nd is to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW who guided us to the right way.
In this case, I would like to share about the factors we must attend to accept a job.
I think get a job is very difficult at the this time because the amount of unemployee and the work field is not proportional. In spite of this fact, we must keep trying until we get a job. Finally, I am lucky to have a chance to be an employee.
We must attend to several important things before accept the job offers. There are five main points we must attend. They are salary, educational background, job description, location and career level. Salary is not the most important thing in life but it must be placed into our priority. Because our necessity is need money and I don’t want to be a child who always depend on my parent, especially in the future. A salary must be matched with our job, our educational background and the location where we lived. To accept a job, we should fix the job offers with our educational background because it would be easier for us to do the job later, for example, as a agricultural graduation, so it will be suitable for me to apply a job which is related to agricultural field. Job description is also important to know what tasks we have to do and what it seems. I think if we know the job description, we won’t surprise in working and enjoy the job. Talking about location, I think location nearest the family would be better because gathering with family is a happiness and also we don’t need much money to spend living cost. The next point is career level. As a human being who never satisfy with we have got, so we always hope a better career. I expect to be a permanent employee and possible to get a higher position later.
Last but not least, I would like to tell you that we don’t ever give up if we fail to get a job and try more and more. The most important thing is pray and always hope God will bless us.
That’s all from me. We do hope that our information we have share would be very usefull to us all. thankyou for your attention. Wassalam…..
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
With all respect to my teacher and all of my friends who join this lesson.First of all, let us thank to Allah SWT which gave us blessing and healthy, so we can gather on this lesson. And the 2nd is to our greatest prophet, Muhammad SAW who guided us to the right way.In this case, I would like to share about the factors we must attend to accept a job.I think get a job is very difficult at the this time because the amount of unemployee and the work field is not proportional. In spite of this fact, we must keep trying until we get a job. Finally, I am lucky to have a chance to be an employee.We must attend to several important things before accept the job offers. There are five main points we must attend. They are salary, educational background, job description, location and career level. Salary is not the most important thing in life but it must be placed into our priority. Because our necessity is need money and I don’t want to be a child who always depend on my parent, especially in the future. A salary must be matched with our job, our educational background and the location where we lived. To accept a job, we should fix the job offers with our educational background because it would be easier for us to do the job later, for example, as a agricultural graduation, so it will be suitable for me to apply a job which is related to agricultural field. Job description is also important to know what tasks we have to do and what it seems. I think if we know the job description, we won’t surprise in working and enjoy the job. Talking about location, I think location nearest the family would be better because gathering with family is a happiness and also we don’t need much money to spend living cost. The next point is career level. As a human being who never satisfy with we have got, so we always hope a better career. I expect to be a permanent employee and possible to get a higher position later.Last but not least, I would like to tell you that we don’t ever give up if we fail to get a job and try more and more. The most important thing is pray and always hope God will bless us.That’s all from me. We do hope that our information we have share would be very usefull to us all. thankyou for your attention. Wassalam…..
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dengan segala hormat kepada guru saya dan semua teman-teman saya yang ikut pelajaran ini.
Pertama-tama, mari kita terima kepada Allah SWT yang memberi kami berkat dan sehat, sehingga kita dapat berkumpul pada pelajaran ini. Dan ke-2 adalah untuk nabi terbesar kita, Muhammad SAW yang menuntun kita ke jalan yang benar.
Dalam hal ini, saya ingin berbagi tentang faktor kita harus hadir untuk menerima pekerjaan.
Saya pikir mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sangat sulit di ini waktu karena jumlah unemployee dan bidang pekerjaan tidak proporsional. Terlepas dari fakta ini, kita harus terus berusaha sampai kita mendapatkan pekerjaan. Akhirnya, saya beruntung memiliki kesempatan untuk menjadi karyawan.
Kita harus menghadiri beberapa hal penting sebelum menerima tawaran pekerjaan. Ada lima poin utama yang kita harus hadir. Mereka gaji, latar belakang pendidikan, deskripsi pekerjaan, lokasi dan tingkat karir. Gaji bukanlah hal yang paling penting dalam hidup tetapi harus ditempatkan dalam prioritas kami. Karena kebutuhan kita butuh uang dan saya tidak ingin menjadi anak yang selalu bergantung pada orang tua saya, terutama di masa depan. Gaji harus disesuaikan dengan pekerjaan kita, latar belakang pendidikan dan lokasi di mana kita tinggal. Untuk menerima pekerjaan, kita harus memperbaiki pekerjaan menawarkan dengan latar belakang pendidikan kita karena akan lebih mudah bagi kita untuk melakukan pekerjaan kemudian, misalnya, sebagai kelulusan pertanian, sehingga akan cocok untuk saya untuk menerapkan pekerjaan yang terkait ke lapangan pertanian. Deskripsi pekerjaan juga penting untuk mengetahui apa tugas-tugas yang harus kita lakukan dan apa yang tampak. Saya pikir jika kita mengetahui deskripsi pekerjaan, kita tidak akan mengejutkan dalam bekerja dan menikmati pekerjaan. Berbicara tentang lokasi, saya pikir lokasi terdekat keluarga akan lebih baik karena berkumpul dengan keluarga adalah kebahagiaan dan juga kita tidak perlu banyak uang untuk dibelanjakan biaya hidup. Titik berikutnya adalah tingkat karir. Sebagai seorang manusia yang tidak pernah puas dengan yang kita punya, jadi kami selalu berharap karir yang lebih baik. Saya berharap untuk menjadi pegawai tetap dan mungkin untuk mendapatkan posisi yang lebih tinggi kemudian.
Last but not least, saya ingin memberitahu Anda bahwa kami tidak pernah menyerah jika kita gagal untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan mencoba lebih dan lebih. Hal yang paling penting adalah berdoa dan selalu berharap Tuhan akan memberkati kita.
Itu semua dari saya. Kami berharap bahwa informasi kami, kami memiliki pangsa akan sangat berguna bagi kita semua. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda. Wassalam ... ..
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