Reproductive Assessment of the GreatHornbill (Buceros bicornis) by Fec terjemahan - Reproductive Assessment of the GreatHornbill (Buceros bicornis) by Fec Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Reproductive Assessment of the Grea

Reproductive Assessment of the Great
Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) by Fecal
Hormone Analysis

The population of great hornbills (Buceros bicornis) in the United States is rapidly
aging, and captive breeding efforts have not met population managers’
expectations for a sustainable captive group. Little is known about the
reproductive physiology of these birds. This study reports the first data on the reproductive
endocrinology of the great hornbill. The hormone profiles of the only
pair of these birds that hatched a chick in the 1999–2000 breeding season are
compared to the profiles of six other pairs of hornbills, from different institutions
in the United States, that did not reproduce successfully that season. The study
investigates the estradiol, corticosterone, and testosterone profiles of these seven
pairs of birds, establishing a base of knowledge from which endocrine data may
be used to improve the success of captive breeding programs. The estradiol
profiles from this study indicate a difference in hormonal patterns between laying
and non-laying female great hornbills. Egg-laying females had significantly higher
estradiol concentrations during the breeding season than the non-laying females
(Po0.003). Testosterone concentrations of the males were not significantly
different between the mates of egg-laying and non-egg-laying females. The
corticosterone concentrations tended to be lower in the females that laid eggs vs.
the non-egg-laying group. The males of the egg-laying pairs showed a significantly
lower (Po0.036) corticosterone concentration than the non-egg-laying male
pairs. This, combined with the extremely low corticosterone levels (compared to
the other birds in the study) of the pair of hornbills that hatched a chick in the
1999–2000 breeding season, suggests that adrenal activity may play a role in the
reproductive failure of some captive great hornbills. Zoo Biol 22:135–145,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Reproductive Assessment of the GreatHornbill (Buceros bicornis) by FecalHormone AnalysisThe population of great hornbills (Buceros bicornis) in the United States is rapidlyaging, and captive breeding efforts have not met population managers’expectations for a sustainable captive group. Little is known about thereproductive physiology of these birds. This study reports the first data on the reproductiveendocrinology of the great hornbill. The hormone profiles of the onlypair of these birds that hatched a chick in the 1999–2000 breeding season arecompared to the profiles of six other pairs of hornbills, from different institutionsin the United States, that did not reproduce successfully that season. The studyinvestigates the estradiol, corticosterone, and testosterone profiles of these sevenpairs of birds, establishing a base of knowledge from which endocrine data maybe used to improve the success of captive breeding programs. The estradiolprofiles from this study indicate a difference in hormonal patterns between layingand non-laying female great hornbills. Egg-laying females had significantly higherestradiol concentrations during the breeding season than the non-laying females(Po0.003). Testosterone concentrations of the males were not significantlydifferent between the mates of egg-laying and non-egg-laying females. Thecorticosterone concentrations tended to be lower in the females that laid eggs vs.the non-egg-laying group. The males of the egg-laying pairs showed a significantly
lower (Po0.036) corticosterone concentration than the non-egg-laying male
pairs. This, combined with the extremely low corticosterone levels (compared to
the other birds in the study) of the pair of hornbills that hatched a chick in the
1999–2000 breeding season, suggests that adrenal activity may play a role in the
reproductive failure of some captive great hornbills. Zoo Biol 22:135–145,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penilaian reproduksi Besar
Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) oleh tinja
Analisis hormon Populasi burung enggang besar (Buceros bicornis) di Amerika Serikat dengan cepat menua, dan upaya penangkaran belum pernah bertemu manajer penduduk ' harapan untuk kelompok tawanan yang berkelanjutan. Sedikit yang diketahui tentang fisiologi reproduksi burung tersebut. Penelitian ini melaporkan data pertama pada reproduksi endokrinologi dari enggang besar. Profil hormon hanya sepasang burung ini yang menetas cewek di musim 1999-2000 peternakan yang dibandingkan dengan profil dari enam pasangan lainnya dari burung enggang, dari berbagai institusi di Amerika Serikat, yang tidak mereproduksi berhasil musim itu. Studi ini meneliti estradiol, kortikosteron, dan profil testosteron dari tujuh pasang burung, mendirikan basis pengetahuan dari data endokrin dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan program penangkaran. Estradiol profil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan dalam pola hormonal antara peletakan dan non-meletakkan burung enggang besar perempuan. Bertelur betina memiliki signifikan lebih tinggi konsentrasi estradiol selama musim kawin daripada betina non-bertelur (Po0.003). Konsentrasi testosteron laki-laki tidak signifikan berbeda antara pasangan dari bertelur dan non-bertelur betina. Para konsentrasi corticosterone cenderung lebih rendah dalam betina yang bertelur vs kelompok-non-bertelur. Para laki-laki dari pasangan bertelur menunjukkan secara signifikan lebih rendah (Po0.036) konsentrasi corticosterone daripada laki-non-bertelur pasangan. Ini, dikombinasikan dengan tingkat kortikosteron yang sangat rendah (dibandingkan dengan burung lain dalam penelitian ini) dari pasangan burung enggang yang menetas cewek di musim 1999-2000 peternakan, menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas adrenal mungkin memainkan peran dalam kegagalan reproduksi beberapa burung enggang besar tawanan. Zoo Biol 22: 135-145, 2003.

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