he relative importance of nature versus environment in determining the terjemahan - he relative importance of nature versus environment in determining the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

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he relative importance of nature versus environment in determining the level of extraversion is controversial and the focus of many studies. Twin studies have found a genetic component of 39% to 58%. In terms of the environmental component, the shared family environment appears to be far less important than individual environmental factors that are not shared between siblings.[19]

Eysenck proposed that extraversion was caused by variability in cortical arousal. He hypothesized that introverts are characterized by higher levels of activity than extraverts and so are chronically more cortically aroused than extraverts. The fact that extraverts require more external stimulation than introverts has been interpreted as evidence for this hypothesis. Other evidence of the "stimulation" hypothesis is that introverts salivate more than extraverts in response to a drop of lemon juice.

Extraversion has been linked to higher sensitivity of the mesolimbic dopamine system to potentially rewarding stimuli.[20] This in part explains the high levels of positive affect found in extraverts, since they will more intensely feel the excitement of a potential reward. One consequence of this is that extraverts can more easily learn the contingencies for positive reinforcement, since the reward itself is experienced as greater.

One study found that introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brain and the anterior or frontal thalamus, which are areas dealing with internal processing, such as planning and problem solving. Extraverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience.[21] This study and other research indicates that introversion-extraversion is related to individual differences in brain function. A study on regional brain volume found a positive correlation between introversion and grey matter volume in the right prefrontal cortex and right temporoparietal junction, as well as a positive correlation between introversion and total white matter volume.[22] Other studies have found correlations between greater volume in the left prefrontal cortex and extraversion. In general, the left prefrontal cortex is connected with the encoding of new episodic memories and "approach" related behavior, while the right prefrontal cortex is involved in the retrieval of episodic memories and behavioral inhibition/"withdrawal" related behavior.

Extraversion has also been linked to physiological factors such as respiration, through its association with surgency
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
he relative importance of nature versus environment in determining the level of extraversion is controversial and the focus of many studies. Twin studies have found a genetic component of 39% to 58%. In terms of the environmental component, the shared family environment appears to be far less important than individual environmental factors that are not shared between siblings.[19]Eysenck proposed that extraversion was caused by variability in cortical arousal. He hypothesized that introverts are characterized by higher levels of activity than extraverts and so are chronically more cortically aroused than extraverts. The fact that extraverts require more external stimulation than introverts has been interpreted as evidence for this hypothesis. Other evidence of the "stimulation" hypothesis is that introverts salivate more than extraverts in response to a drop of lemon juice.Extraversion has been linked to higher sensitivity of the mesolimbic dopamine system to potentially rewarding stimuli.[20] This in part explains the high levels of positive affect found in extraverts, since they will more intensely feel the excitement of a potential reward. One consequence of this is that extraverts can more easily learn the contingencies for positive reinforcement, since the reward itself is experienced as greater.One study found that introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brain and the anterior or frontal thalamus, which are areas dealing with internal processing, such as planning and problem solving. Extraverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience.[21] This study and other research indicates that introversion-extraversion is related to individual differences in brain function. A study on regional brain volume found a positive correlation between introversion and grey matter volume in the right prefrontal cortex and right temporoparietal junction, as well as a positive correlation between introversion and total white matter volume.[22] Other studies have found correlations between greater volume in the left prefrontal cortex and extraversion. In general, the left prefrontal cortex is connected with the encoding of new episodic memories and "approach" related behavior, while the right prefrontal cortex is involved in the retrieval of episodic memories and behavioral inhibition/"withdrawal" related behavior.Extraversion has also been linked to physiological factors such as respiration, through its association with surgency
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ia relatif pentingnya alam versus lingkungan dalam menentukan tingkat extraversion adalah kontroversial dan fokus dari banyak penelitian. Studi kembar telah menemukan komponen genetik 39% menjadi 58%. Dalam hal komponen lingkungan, lingkungan keluarga bersama tampaknya jauh lebih penting daripada faktor lingkungan individu yang tidak dibagi antara saudara kandung. [19] Eysenck mengusulkan bahwa extraversion disebabkan oleh variabilitas dalam gairah kortikal. Dia hipotesis bahwa introvert ditandai dengan tingkat aktivitas yang lebih tinggi daripada extraverts dan secara kronis lebih cortically terangsang daripada extraverts. Fakta bahwa extraverts memerlukan rangsangan eksternal lebih dari introvert telah ditafsirkan sebagai bukti untuk hipotesis ini. Bukti lain dari "rangsangan" hipotesis adalah bahwa introvert mengeluarkan air liur lebih dari extraverts dalam menanggapi penurunan jus lemon. Extraversion telah dikaitkan dengan sensitivitas yang lebih tinggi dari sistem dopamin mesolimbic rangsangan berpotensi menguntungkan. [20] Hal ini sebagian menjelaskan tinggi tingkat positif mempengaruhi ditemukan di extraverts, karena mereka akan lebih intens merasakan kegembiraan hadiah potensial. Salah satu konsekuensi dari ini adalah bahwa extraverts dapat lebih mudah mempelajari kontinjensi untuk penguatan positif, karena pahala itu sendiri dialami sebagai besar. Satu studi menemukan bahwa introvert memiliki aliran darah lebih banyak di lobus frontal otak mereka dan anterior atau thalamus frontal, yang adalah daerah yang berurusan dengan proses internal, seperti perencanaan dan pemecahan masalah. Extraverts memiliki aliran darah lebih banyak di cingulate gyrus anterior, lobus temporal, dan thalamus posterior, yang terlibat dalam pengalaman sensorik dan emosional. [21] Penelitian ini dan penelitian lainnya menunjukkan bahwa introversi-extraversion terkait dengan perbedaan individu dalam fungsi otak. Sebuah studi pada volume otak daerah menemukan korelasi positif antara introversi dan volume materi abu-abu di korteks prefrontal kanan dan temporoparietal kanan persimpangan, serta korelasi positif antara introversi dan total volume materi putih. [22] korelasi Penelitian lain telah menemukan antara yang lebih besar Volume di korteks prefrontal kiri dan extraversion. Secara umum, korteks prefrontal kiri terhubung dengan encoding kenangan episodik baru dan "pendekatan" perilaku terkait, sedangkan korteks prefrontal kanan terlibat dalam pengambilan kenangan episodik dan inhibisi perilaku / "penarikan" terkait perilaku. Extraversion juga telah terkait dengan faktor-faktor fisiologis seperti respirasi, melalui kerjasama dengan surgency

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