[Canto 18]
1. At the departing of the Illustrious Protectors from Kapulungan there the Royal retinue, in a crowd, accompanied them. All over the breadth of the Royal highway, unmeasured, were crammed the carts with loads, blocking up the way. One man after the other, one follower after the other arrived with cars before and behind, setting aside the serving-men on foot, numerous, swarming, thronging, and the elephants and horses etcetera, in great variety.
2. Although numberless, yet the carts hadmeans to be counted, namely by their different marks. Naturally the tour of those (carts) went in groups; those drawings (on their sides) were not the same from one mandarin to another. The rakryan (Right Honourable) the honoured mandarin-principal, the grand-vizir of Majapahit, is the honoured mediator of the Royal Family. Even as many as four hundred were the carts; pupulutan (Urena lobata) now, this was their mark, in great numbers.
3. The honoured Illustrious Protector of Pajang, the great number of Her wagons alike had the mark of the handiwa (sugar-palm), glorious. Then, the Illustrious Protector of Lasem, crowded were Her wagons, with drawings: a white bull, splendid. The honoured Illustrious Protector of Daha had for marks: sadaks (betel leaves) with flowers; the carts were glittering with drawings of gold. The principal is the Illustrious Jiwana-monarch, with cars all alike having for mark: lobheng lewih figures, crowded.
4. Then the honoured Illustrious Tikta Wilwa (Majapahit) Prabhhu, His cars were numberless, their marks were wilwas (Aegle marmelos). Of gringsing, lobheng-lewih, laka, alike drawn in gold, were their kajangs (screens), with ornaments. All kinds of punggawas (superior serving-men) conveyed the binihajis (ladies of the zenana), and also the Mistress the Illustrious Sudewi. All the followers' wives, those cars were open, the vanguard of the whole group.
Placed in the rear was the wagon of the Illustrious prince, ornamented with gold and jewels, shining. Different was its aspect: with the body of a palanquin, entirely open, broad, radiant, its rays spreading. How great was the variety of the serving-men who accompanied him: of Janggala, Kadiri, Sedah, Panglarang, crowded, marching evenly, not to mention yet the Bhayangkaris (guardsmen), vested with authority, setting aside the retainers who had their places with the elephants and the horses.
6. Then, having arrived in Panjuran Mungkur he re the progress of the carts in the morning stopped. The route of the poet branched off. He called at Sawungan, paying a visit to relatives. vAt the declining of the sun he departed (again from that place), coinciding with the passing of the Illustrious Prince, en route. Following the road eastward, soon they arrived in Watu Kikèn, in Matanjung they stopped.
7. Lands, out of the way, Buddhistic, entered into the Presence at the side of the road, its trees were meagre. Respectively: of Galanggang, also those of Badung, not far away, and Barungbung, not stayed behind Er-Manik too. Possessed as dominions by Yanatraya is their legal relation; they remembered (the fact). The honoured dharmadhyaksha (bishop), soon regaled then with food and drink, was well pleased.
8. Finally having arrived at Kulur and Batang, through Gangan Asem now was the Prince's route. Chilly became the holy Sun, even at the stroke of seven he darkened, dimmed by a mist, spreading. A camp in the middle of the open field was moved into by the Illustrious Princes, provisionally. There arrived the tradespeople; at the conclusion of Their repast, dividing the places then were these common people.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
[Canto 18]1. di berangkat dari pelindung terkemuka dari Kapulungan ada Royal rombongan, dalam kerumunan, menemani mereka. Seluruh luasnya jalan Royal, terukur, berdesakan gerobak dengan beban, memblokir cara. Satu orang setelah yang lain, satu pengikut setelah yang lain tiba dengan mobil depan dan dari belakang, menyisihkan melayani-laki-laki berjalan kaki, banyak, berkerumun, thronging dan dan Gajah dan kuda sebagainya, dalam berbagai.2. meskipun terhitung, namun hadmeans gerobak harus diperhitungkan, yaitu oleh tanda mereka berbeda. Tentu tur tersebut (gerobak) masuk kelompok; gambar-gambar tersebut (di sisi mereka) itu tidak sama dari mandarin satu sama lain. Rakryan (Honourable kanan) dihormati mandarin-kepala sekolah, grand-vizir Majapahit adalah mediator dihormati keluarga kerajaan. Bahkan sebanyak empat ratus orang gerobak; pupulutan (Urena lobata) sekarang, ini adalah tanda, dalam jumlah besar.3. dihormati terkemuka pelindung Pajang, nya gerobak yang sama dalam jumlah besar mempunyai tanda handiwa (gula-palm), mulia. Kemudian, pelindung termasyhur di Lasem, yang ramai yang wagon nya, dengan gambar: seekor lembu jantan putih, indah. Pelindung terkemuka Daha dihormati memiliki tanda: sadaks (daun sirih) dengan bunga; gerobak yang berkilauan dengan gambar emas. Kepala sekolah adalah terkemuka Jiwana-raja, dengan mobil semua sama memiliki untuk mark: angka-angka lewih lobheng, ramai.4. kemudian dihormati terkemuka Tikta Wilwa (Majapahit) Prabhhu, mobilnya terhitung, tanda mereka wilwas (Maja marmelos). Gringsing, lobheng-lewih, laka, sama-sama tertarik emas, yang mereka kajangs (layar), dengan ornamen. Semua jenis punggawas (superior melayani-men) menyampaikan binihajis (wanita zenana), dan juga Nyonya Sudewi termasyhur. Semua pengikut istri, mobil-mobil yang terbuka, barisan depan seluruh kelompok.5. Ditempatkan di belakang adalah kereta Pangeran terkemuka, dihiasi dengan emas dan permata, yang bersinar. Berbeda adalah aspek: dengan tubuh palanquin, sepenuhnya terbuka, luas, bercahaya, menyebarkan sinar. Betapa besar adalah berbagai melayani-orang-orang yang menemaninya: Janggala, Kadiri, Sedah, Panglarang, ramai, berbaris secara merata, bukan untuk menyebutkan namun Bhayangkaris (Guard), diberikan dengan otoritas, menyisihkan pengikut yang memiliki tempat mereka dengan gajah dan kuda-kuda.6. kemudian, dia kembali kemajuan gerobak di pagi hari telah tiba di Panjuran Mungkur berhenti. Rute dari penyair bercabang. Dia menelepon at Sawungan, membayar kunjungan ke kerabat. PPN penurunan matahari iapun (sekali lagi dari tempat itu), bertepatan dengan berlalunya Pangeran terkemuka, perjalanan. Mengikuti jalan ke arah Timur, segera mereka tiba di Watu Kikèn, di Matanjung mereka berhenti.7. tanah, keluar dari jalan, Buddhistic, masuk ke hadirat di sisi jalan, pohon-pohon yang jauh. Masing-masing: dari Galanggang, juga Badung, tidak jauh, dan Barungbung, tidak tinggal di belakang Er-Manik terlalu. Dimiliki sebagai Dominion oleh Yanatraya adalah hubungan mereka hukum; mereka ingat (fakta). Dharmadhyaksha terhormat (Uskup), segera menghiburku kemudian dengan makanan dan minuman, adalah berkenan.8. akhirnya setelah tiba di Kulur dan Batang, melalui Gangan Asem sekarang adalah Pangeran rute. Chilly menjadi matahari Kudus, bahkan pada stroke tujuh ia gelap, redup oleh kabut, menyebarkan. Sebuah kamp di tengah Lapangan terbuka dipindahkan ke oleh raja terkemuka, untuk sementara. Tibalah pedagang; pada akhir jamuan mereka, pemisah tempat kemudian orang ini umum.
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