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Coiling Dragon Ring (part 1)Underne

Coiling Dragon Ring (part 1)

Underneath the setting sun, the rosy clouds seemed to cover half the sky, casting their red hue upon the entire world.

“Cleaning the ancestral hall is pretty easy.”

Departing the ancestral hall, Linley had to admit that he had over-prepared. He had slotted an hour for this job, but in just fifteen minutes, he was finished cleaning.

On the Yulan continent, each year was divided into twelve months, each month thirty days, each day twenty four hours, and each hour sixty minutes. Most noble families owned grandfather clocks, and were able to accurately tell time. Some extremely wealthy or extremely high-status individuals might even own meticulously calibrated wrist watches.

“The ancestral hall is cleaned every month. Frankly speaking, in just a month, the ancestral hall won’t get too dirty. All I have to do is just casually wipe it down. I have almost an hour before training starts. What should I do?” Bored, Linley looked around in all directions.

The ancient Baruch mansion had five thousand years of history.

The front courtyard was cleaned every day, but the rooms in the much-larger back courtyard, aside from the ancestral hall, were all covered in dust, and even the walls were cracked. Wild grasses and dark green lichen covered the floors and even ran up the walls.

“Heeeeey…” Seeing the decrepit architecture, Linley’s eyes slowly brightened. “Lots of places in the back courtyard haven’t been visited in over a century. I wonder if there’s any ancient, valuable items there?”

Upon coming to this realization, Linley’s heart began to pound.

“If I am able to find some valuable things and give them to father, no doubt he will be very happy.” Linley took a deep breath, then immediately entered a decrepit room next to the ancestral hall. Step by step, he walked carefully, wielding a sturdy wooden stick in his hands, which he used to strike down the cobwebs, allowing himself a more careful examination.

Immediately upon entering the room, a rotten scent wafted past Linley’s nose. Thick cobwebs could be seen in each corner, and spiders could even be seen clambering about.

Many spiderwebs were covering decorative curtains and furnishings. Upon closer examination, all of these curtains appeared very ancient. Unfortunately, the curtains were tattered beyond belief, just barely holding together in the semblance of a curtain.

“If these curtains weren’t ruined, no doubt they would be worth a lot of money.” Linley helplessly shook his head. He continued to inspect the room, using his stick to brush aside the layers of cobwebs as he carefully searched.

He searched the floor, the cabinets, and even to see if there were any secret passageways on the walls.

“According to the books I’ve read, it is quite common for walls to contain hidden levers or passages.” Linley carefully rapped the walls, listening to the sounds.

Linley very much enjoyed this feeling of searching for treasures in the ancient room. But he had forgotten something. If he could come up with this idea, wouldn’t his father, his grandfather, and the other elders of the Baruch clan also have thought of this?

These ancient rooms had long ago been scoured clean by the deceased elders of the Baruch clan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Coiling Dragon Ring (part 1)Underneath the setting sun, the rosy clouds seemed to cover half the sky, casting their red hue upon the entire world.“Cleaning the ancestral hall is pretty easy.”Departing the ancestral hall, Linley had to admit that he had over-prepared. He had slotted an hour for this job, but in just fifteen minutes, he was finished cleaning.On the Yulan continent, each year was divided into twelve months, each month thirty days, each day twenty four hours, and each hour sixty minutes. Most noble families owned grandfather clocks, and were able to accurately tell time. Some extremely wealthy or extremely high-status individuals might even own meticulously calibrated wrist watches.“The ancestral hall is cleaned every month. Frankly speaking, in just a month, the ancestral hall won’t get too dirty. All I have to do is just casually wipe it down. I have almost an hour before training starts. What should I do?” Bored, Linley looked around in all directions.The ancient Baruch mansion had five thousand years of history.The front courtyard was cleaned every day, but the rooms in the much-larger back courtyard, aside from the ancestral hall, were all covered in dust, and even the walls were cracked. Wild grasses and dark green lichen covered the floors and even ran up the walls.“Heeeeey…” Seeing the decrepit architecture, Linley’s eyes slowly brightened. “Lots of places in the back courtyard haven’t been visited in over a century. I wonder if there’s any ancient, valuable items there?”Upon coming to this realization, Linley’s heart began to pound.“If I am able to find some valuable things and give them to father, no doubt he will be very happy.” Linley took a deep breath, then immediately entered a decrepit room next to the ancestral hall. Step by step, he walked carefully, wielding a sturdy wooden stick in his hands, which he used to strike down the cobwebs, allowing himself a more careful examination.Immediately upon entering the room, a rotten scent wafted past Linley’s nose. Thick cobwebs could be seen in each corner, and spiders could even be seen clambering about.Many spiderwebs were covering decorative curtains and furnishings. Upon closer examination, all of these curtains appeared very ancient. Unfortunately, the curtains were tattered beyond belief, just barely holding together in the semblance of a curtain.“If these curtains weren’t ruined, no doubt they would be worth a lot of money.” Linley helplessly shook his head. He continued to inspect the room, using his stick to brush aside the layers of cobwebs as he carefully searched.He searched the floor, the cabinets, and even to see if there were any secret passageways on the walls.“According to the books I’ve read, it is quite common for walls to contain hidden levers or passages.” Linley carefully rapped the walls, listening to the sounds.Linley very much enjoyed this feeling of searching for treasures in the ancient room. But he had forgotten something. If he could come up with this idea, wouldn’t his father, his grandfather, and the other elders of the Baruch clan also have thought of this?
These ancient rooms had long ago been scoured clean by the deceased elders of the Baruch clan.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Melingkar Naga Cincin (bagian 1) Di bawah matahari terbenam, awan kemerahan tampak menutupi setengah langit, casting rona merah pada seluruh dunia. "Membersihkan ruang leluhur cukup mudah." Berangkat ruang leluhur, Linley harus mengakui bahwa ia telah over-disiapkan. Dia ditempatkan satu jam untuk pekerjaan ini, tapi hanya dalam lima belas menit, ia membersihkan selesai. Di benua Yulan, setiap tahun dibagi menjadi dua belas bulan, setiap bulan tiga puluh hari, setiap tanggal dua puluh empat jam, dan setiap jam enam puluh menit. Kebanyakan keluarga bangsawan yang dimiliki jam kakek, dan mampu secara akurat memberitahu waktu. Beberapa individu yang sangat kaya atau sangat tinggi status bahkan mungkin memiliki jam tangan cermat dikalibrasi. "Aula leluhur dibersihkan setiap bulan. Terus terang, hanya dalam sebulan, ruang leluhur akan tidak terlalu kotor. Yang harus saya lakukan adalah hanya santai menghapus itu. Aku hampir satu jam sebelum pelatihan dimulai. Apa yang harus saya lakukan? "Bosan, Linley melihat sekeliling segala arah. The mansion Baruch kuno memiliki lima ribu tahun sejarah. Halaman depan itu dibersihkan setiap hari, tetapi kamar di banyak-besar kembali halaman, selain dari ruang leluhur , semua tertutup debu, dan bahkan tembok yang retak. Rumput liar dan lumut hijau gelap menutupi lantai dan bahkan berlari dinding. "Heeeeey ..." Melihat arsitektur jompo, mata Linley perlahan cerah. "Banyak tempat di halaman belakang belum dikunjungi di lebih dari satu abad. Aku ingin tahu apakah ada kuno, barang-barang berharga di sana? " Setelah datang ke realisasi ini, hati Linley ini mulai berdebar. " Jika saya dapat menemukan beberapa hal yang berharga dan memberikannya kepada ayah, tidak diragukan lagi dia akan sangat senang. "Linley mengambil napas dalam-dalam, kemudian segera memasuki ruang jompo di sebelah ruang leluhur. Langkah demi langkah, ia berjalan dengan hati-hati, memegang tongkat kayu kokoh di tangannya, yang ia gunakan untuk menjatuhkan jaring laba-laba, yang memungkinkan dirinya pemeriksaan lebih berhati-hati. Segera setelah memasuki ruangan, aroma busuk tercium melewati hidung Linley ini. Jaring laba-laba yang tebal bisa dilihat di setiap sudut, dan laba-laba bahkan bisa dilihat memanjat sekitar. Banyak sarang laba-laba yang meliputi tirai dekoratif dan perabot. Setelah pemeriksaan lebih dekat, semua tirai ini tampil sangat kuno. Sayangnya, tirai yang compang-camping melampaui keyakinan, hanya nyaris tidak memegang bersama-sama dalam kemiripan tirai. "Jika tirai ini tidak hancur, tidak diragukan lagi mereka akan bernilai banyak uang." Linley tak berdaya menggeleng. Dia terus memeriksa ruangan, menggunakan tongkatnya untuk menyisihkan lapisan jaring laba-laba karena ia hati-hati mencari. Dia mencari lantai, lemari, dan bahkan untuk melihat apakah ada jalan rahasia di dinding. "Menurut buku yang saya sudah baca, sangat umum untuk dinding mengandung tuas atau bagian tersembunyi. "Linley hati-hati mengetuk dinding, mendengarkan suara. Linley sangat menikmati perasaan ini mencari harta di ruang kuno. Tapi dia lupa sesuatu. Jika ia bisa datang dengan ide ini, tidak akan ayahnya, kakeknya, dan tua-tua lain dari klan Baruch juga telah memikirkan hal ini? Ini kamar kuno telah lama telah menjelajahi bersih oleh tua almarhum dari klan Baruch.

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